984 resultados para BP192.4 .K5 1900
Textos, folletos : bibliografía sobre textos, material educativo en Vizcaya en el período 1900-1936.
Investigar sobre la Educación en el País Vasco, Historia de la Educación-recopilación bibliográfica. Historia de la Educación. Investigación bibliográfica acerca de un período histórico de la educación en Vizcaya. Recogida de información a través de todo tipo de documentos de archivos y bibliotecas. Análisis histórico descriptivo del material hallado. Búsqueda de datos en Euskera. Conocimiento de nuevas inquietudes y metodologías en el período educativo estudiado y contraste con el presente. Todo ello sistematizado en fichas apropiadas. Libros, textos, libros de textos, y folletos que se han encontrado en las bibliotecas del País Vasco que versan sobre Educación, aunque la impresión no se efectuase en el País Vasco. Investigación bibliométrica. Elaboración de fichas: autor, título, lugar de impresión, año, páginas, fondo donde se encuentra. La Biblioteca de la Diputación de Vizcaya es donde mayor número de documentos de esta fecha han sido encontrados. En el resto de las bibliotecas no hay mucho material, aunque el trabajo bibliográfico ha sido importante. Destaca en estas fechas (1900-1936) el gran número de libros existentes de distintas corrientes europeas (método Montessorri, Decroly, Pestalozzi, etc.) todos ellos hallados en la biblioteca de la Sociedad Bilbaína.. En el campo educativo de dicha época parece cobrar cierta importancia el aspecto político de la misma y ciertas inquietudes de la escuela nueva y aspectos de nuevas metodologías. Con el material bibliográfico, y como en el País Vasco hemos investigado muy poco en materia educativa, se abre una prospectiva esperanzadora si seguimos en esta línea de investigación. Hay que constatar que lo escrito en Euskera ha sido escaso.
Se creó por Real Decreto el 18/04/1900 el Ministerio de Instrucción Pública y Bellas Artes. Se le encomiendan las cuestiones relativas a la enseñanza pública y privada en todos sus grados, el fomento de las ciencias, artes y letras, los archivos, museos y bibliotecas y el Instituto Geográfico y Estadístico. Nace así, un departamento ministerial específicamente dedicado al sector educativo y cultural, que ya se mantendrá hasta nuestros días (salvedad breve paréntesis de 1923-1925). En este tiempo, setenta y cinco años, han sucedido profundos cambios en la sociedad en la educación e incluso en el concepto mismo de la propia administración. En este sentido pueden señalarse cuatro etapas que presentan grandes diferencias importantes para una necesaria y adecuada comprensión de la evolución de la administración educativa. Son: 1. Etapa de consolidación de la autonomía administrativa (1900-1936); 2. Etapa de transición desde fines de la Guerra Civil hasta la promulgación de la Ley en 1955 de Reforma Orgánica del Ministerio; 3. Etapa de fortalecimiento y progresivo deterioro desde 1955-1968; 4. Años transcurridos desde la aprobación de la Ley General de Educación, con los intentos de poner en marcha una nueva administración que responda a las exigencias del nuevos sistema educativo.
We present argon predissociation vibrational spectra of the OH-.H2O and Cl-.H2O complexes in the 1000-1900 cm(-1) energy range, far below the OH stretching region reported in previous studies. This extension allows us to explore the fundamental transitions of the intramolecular bending vibrations associated with the water molecule, as well as that of the shared proton inferred from previous assignments of overtones in the higher energy region. Although the water bending fundamental in the Cl-.H2O spectrum is in very good agreement with expectations, the OH-.H2O spectrum is quite different than anticipated, being dominated by a strong feature at 1090 cm(-1). New full-diniensionality calculations of the OH-.H2O vibrational level structure using diffusion Monte Carlo and the VSCF/CI methods indicate this band arises from excitation of the shared proton.
Sea-level rise is an important aspect of climate change because of its impact on society and ecosystems. Here we present an intercomparison of results from ten coupled atmosphere-ocean general circulation models (AOGCMs) for sea-level changes simulated for the twentieth century and projected to occur during the twenty first century in experiments following scenario IS92a for greenhouse gases and sulphate aerosols. The model results suggest that the rate of sea-level rise due to thermal expansion of sea water has increased during the twentieth century, but the small set of tide gauges with long records might not be adequate to detect this acceleration. The rate of sea-level rise due to thermal expansion continues to increase throughout the twenty first century, and the projected total is consequently larger than in the twentieth century; for 1990-2090 it amounts to 0.20-0.37 in. This wide range results from systematic uncertainty in modelling of climate change and of heat uptake by the ocean. The AOGCMs agree that sea-level rise is expected to be geographically non-uniform, with some regions experiencing as much as twice the global average, and others practically zero, but they do not agree about the geographical pattern. The lack of agreement indicates that we cannot currently have confidence in projections of local sea- level changes, and reveals a need for detailed analysis and intercomparison in order to understand and reduce the disagreements.
Nicholas Alexander's (2011. British overseas retailing, 1900–60: International firm characteristics, market selections and entry modes. Business History, 53, 530–556) survey of British overseas retailers from 1900 to 1960 provides pathbreaking new evidence of international retailing activity during the first globalisation boom. The article surveys this and other recent evidence, and confirms that international retailing was far more significant up to 1929 than previously thought. This activity was overwhelmingly undertaken by non-retailers, however, and hence by multinationals whose advantages in retailing were fundamentally unsustainable over the long run. Even the department store format, the principal retail innovation of the period, was not internationalised primarily by multinationals. Rather it was diffused via indigenous entrepreneurs, driven by a rapidly growing global demand for western style fashion and dress.
Nicholas Alexander's (2011. British overseas retailing, 1900–60: International firm characteristics, market selections and entry modes. Business History, 53, 530–556) survey of British overseas retailers from 1900 to 1960 provides pathbreaking new evidence of international retailing activity during the first globalisation boom. The article surveys this and other recent evidence, and confirms that international retailing was far more significant up to 1929 than previously thought. This activity was overwhelmingly undertaken by non-retailers, however, and hence by multinationals whose advantages in retailing were fundamentally unsustainable over the long run. Even the department store format, the principal retail innovation of the period, was not internationalised primarily by multinationals. Rather it was diffused via indigenous entrepreneurs, driven by a rapidly growing global demand for western style fashion and dress.
The Winthrop yearbook was published from 1898 to 2002. It has been known as the Tatler since its inception except for 1904 (Lang Syne) and 1918 (Tatler a la Guerre). No yearbook was published in 1900, 1902, 1903, 1905,1906.
The population biology of Uca thayeri was studied in a subtropical mangrove in Ubatuba, State of São Paulo, Brazil. Two sampling techniques were used: transect sampling and catch-per-unit-effort. Size frequency distribution, sex-ratio, and reproductive period were analysed. For juvenile crabs (CW < 4.6 mm), the transect procedure was most efficient, while ovigerous females were most collected during the capture effort. Males were most numerous in the transect technique, while in the catch-per-unit-effort there was no difference between sexes. The species showed a different size frequency distribution for each sampling procedure. The reproduction of U. thayeri is seasonal, being more pronounced in the warmer months of the year. However, juveniles occurred all over the year, although more numerous in the colder months. The success of the species in reproductive activity and the constant colonization of the area can be attributed to the availability of food resources and differential occupation of the habitat by ovigerous females.
Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)
A criação de abelhas sem ferrão é antiga nas Américas. No entanto, a atividade ainda esta subdesenvolvida, necessitando de melhorias nas técnicas de manejo. Este estudo avaliou alternativas nutricionais para a abelha amazônica Melipona flavolineata, visando substituição da alimentação com mel e pólen fermentado. As seguintes alternativas nutricionais foram comparadas com o mel (T1): xarope de açúcar invertido com minerais (T2) e este xarope acrescido de solução de aminoácidos e vitaminas nas seguintes concentrações: 0,5% (T3), 1,0% (T4) e 10% (T5). Ao pólen fermentado (T1) foram comparados alimentos fermentados com inóculo de pólen fermentado de M. flavolineata, constituídos de: pólen apícola (T2); levedo (T3); e extrato de soja, em duas diferentes concentrações de proteínas (T4, 12% e T5, 18%). O valor nutricional das dietas foi baseado no consumo diário, no peso das operárias, no tamanho dos acinos das glândulas hipofaringeas e no tamanho dos oócitos. Avaliaram-se, tambem, os custos dos ingredientes das dietas. Os resultados obtidos indicaram que dentre as alternativas para o mel, não houve diferenças estatísticas entre o controle e todos os tratamentos. Foram encontradas diferenças apenas entre os tamanhos dos acinos das operárias alimentadas com os tratamentos 2 e 4, sendo o tratamento 4 superior. Os custos dos ingredientes indicaram o tratamento 2 como sendo mais barato que os demais. Dentre as alternativas para o sabura foram encontradas maiores diferenças. O consumo do tratamento 4 foi significativamente superior ao do T3, indicando maior aceitação do extrato de soja em relação ao levedo. Em relação aos demais parâmetros avaliados, o tratamento 5 foi superior a todos os demais e seu custo foi muito inferior ao do T2 e semelhante ao dos T3 e T4. Concluiu-se que as melhores alternativas para a nutrição de M. flavolineata sao o xarope de acucar invertido com minerais, e o pólen fermentado semi-artificial à base de extrato de soja. Colônias recém-formadas, com 500-600 abelhas, devem receber 10 a 20 ml de xarope e 25 g de pólen fermentado semi-artificial semanalmente.
Firn and polar ice cores offer the only direct palaeoatmospheric archive. Analyses of past greenhouse gas concentrations and their isotopic compositions in air bubbles in the ice can help to constrain changes in global biogeochemical cycles in the past. For the analysis of the hydrogen isotopic composition of methane (δD(CH4) or δ2H(CH4)) 0.5 to 1.5 kg of ice was hitherto used. Here we present a method to improve precision and reduce the sample amount for δD(CH4) measurements in (ice core) air. Pre-concentrated methane is focused in front of a high temperature oven (pre-pyrolysis trapping), and molecular hydrogen formed by pyrolysis is trapped afterwards (post-pyrolysis trapping), both on a carbon-PLOT capillary at −196 °C. Argon, oxygen, nitrogen, carbon monoxide, unpyrolysed methane and krypton are trapped together with H2 and must be separated using a second short, cooled chromatographic column to ensure accurate results. Pre- and post-pyrolysis trapping largely removes the isotopic fractionation induced during chromatographic separation and results in a narrow peak in the mass spectrometer. Air standards can be measured with a precision better than 1‰. For polar ice samples from glacial periods, we estimate a precision of 2.3‰ for 350 g of ice (or roughly 30 mL – at standard temperature and pressure (STP) – of air) with 350 ppb of methane. This corresponds to recent tropospheric air samples (about 1900 ppb CH4) of about 6 mL (STP) or about 500 pmol of pure CH4.