914 resultados para BLAST Hits


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Akute Leukämien treten in allen Altersstufen auf. Akute lymphatische Leukämie (ALL) ist die häufigste Leukämie bei Kindern, während akute myeloischen Leukämien (AML) mit verschiedenen Untergruppen etwa 80% aller akuten Leukämien bei Erwachsenen ausmachen. Die Translokation t(8;21) resultiert in der Entstehung des Fusionsgens AML1-ETO und zählt zu den häufigen Translokationen bei der AML. Dabei fusioniert die DNA-bindende Domäne des AML1 mit dem fast kompletten ETO-Protein. AML1-ETO wirkt als dominanter Repressor der AML1-vermittelten transkriptionellen Regula-tion wichtiger hämatopoetischer Zielgene. Klinische Daten legen nahe, dass trotz der klarer Assoziation zwischen AML und der t(8;21) Translokation bei AML Patienten zusätzliche genetische Veränderungen – so genannte ‚second hits‘ – notwendig sind, um eine Leukämie effizient zu induzieren. Klinisch relevanten Komplimentationsonkogene sind unter anderen die aktivierte Rezeptortyrosinkinase FLT3, JAK2, NRAS, KRAS, c- KIT.rnZiel der vorliegenden Arbeit war es, ein Mausmodell zu etablieren, welches humane akute myeloische Leukämie rekapituliert und bei dem die Expression der entsprechen-den Onkogene reguliert werden kann. Als erstes wurde untersucht, ob eine gemeinsame Expression von AML1-ETO mit kRASG12D zur Induktion von Leukämie führen kann. Hierfür wurden Tiere generiert die gemeinsam AML1-ETO und kRASG12D unter der regulatorischen Sequenz des Tetrazyklin-Operators exprimierten. Der große Vorteil dieser Technologie ist die regulierbare Reversibilität der Genexpression. Um die Ex-pression der Zielgene auf blutbildende Zellen zu beschränken, wurden Knochenmark-chimären hergestellt. Im Beobachtungszeitraum von 12 Monaten führte die Expression von AML1-ETO und AML1-ETO/kRASG12D nicht zur Induktion einer akuten Leukä-mie. Die normale hämatopoetische Entwicklung war jedoch in diesen Tieren gestört. Der beobachtete Phänotyp entsprach einem myelodysplastischen Syndrome (MDS).rnIm zweiten Ansatz, wurden Tiere generiert die gemeinsam AML1-ETO und FLT3-ITD exprimierten. Hierfür wurden hämatopoetische Stammzellen aus ROSA26-iM2/tetO-AML1-ETO isoliert und mit Hilfe des retroviralen Vektors mit FLT3-ITD transduziert. In diesem Modell war es möglich, in kurzer Zeit eine akute Leukämie mit zu induzieren. Einige wenige Tiere hatten zum Zeitpunkt des Todes Anzeichen einer biphänotypischen Leukämie mit lymphatischen und myeloischen Blastenpopulationen. In drei Tieren in-duzierte die alleinige Expression von FLT3-ITD eine Leukämie. Alle Leukämien wurden durch FACS, Zytologie und Histopathologie bestätigt. Knochenmark- bzw. Milzzellen aus den erkrankten Tieren waren in der Lage nach Transfer in sekundäre Rezipienten eine Leukämie auszulösen. Somit besaßen sie ein uneingeschränktes Selbsterneue-rungspotential.rnEin erster Versuch, in dem AML1-ETO Expression in leukämischen Zellen abgeschaltet und FLT3-ITD mit Tyrosinkinase-Inhibitor inhibiert wurde, zeigte keine wesentliche Veränderung in der Leukämieprogression.rnDieses Leukämiemodell erlaubt die Rolle der beteiligten Onkogene während verschie-dener Stadien der Leukämie zu erforschen und damit möglicherweise neue Ansätze für Therapiestrategien zu entwickeln.


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Kinetic investigations in pediatric acute lymphoblastic leukemia (ALL) are based on all blast cells and, therefore, reflect the proliferative characteristics of the predominant immunophenotype of leukemic cells. Nothing is known about proliferation of immunologically defined rare subpopulations of leukemic cells. In this study, mononuclear cells from the bone marrow of 15 children with untreated CD19 B-cell precursor ALL were examined for proliferative features according to the immunophenotype. After exclusion of highly proliferating residual normal hematopoietic cells, ∼ 3% of blast cells were CD19 and showed a low percentage of cells in S-phase assessed by the bromodeoxyuridine labeling index (BrdU-LI): median BrdU-LI, 0.19% [interquartile range (IQR), 0.15-0.40%]. In contrast, a median BrdU-LI of 7.2% (IQR, 5.7-8.8%) was found for the major CD19 blast cell compartment. Staining smears of sorted CD19 cells for CD10 or CD34 revealed a small fraction of CD19CD10 or CD19CD34 blast cells. These cells were almost nonproliferating with a median BrdU-LI of <0.1% (IQR, 0-0.2%). This proliferative behavior is suggestive of a stem/progenitor cell function and, in addition, the low proliferative activity might render them more resistant to an antiproliferation-based chemotherapy. However, xenotransplantation experiments will be necessary to demonstrate a possible stem cell function.


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The transcription factor CEBPA is crucial for normal myeloid differentiation. CEBPA gene mutations have been reported in patients with acute myeloid leukaemia. The inevitable evolution of chronic myeloid leukaemia (CML) in chronic phase (CP) to a fatal blast crisis (BC) is assumed to result from the acquisition of additional genetic changes in the leukaemic clone. Gain of CEBPA mutations might represent a key event causing the differentiation block observed in myeloid CML-BC, but not in CML-CP. Here, no CEBPA mutation in 95 CML-BC patients was found, suggesting a limited role, if any, of CEBPA mutations in this disorder.


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Unbalanced (major route) additional cytogenetic aberrations (ACA) at diagnosis of chronic myeloid leukemia (CML) indicate an increased risk of progression and shorter survival. Moreover, newly arising ACA under imatinib treatment and clonal evolution are considered features of acceleration and define failure of therapy according to the European LeukemiaNet (ELN) recommendations. On the basis of 1151 Philadelphia chromosome positive chronic phase patients of the randomized CML-study IV, we examined the incidence of newly arising ACA under imatinib treatment with regard to the p210BCR-ABL breakpoint variants b2a2 and b3a2. We found a preferential acquisition of unbalanced ACA in patients with b3a2 vs. b2a2 fusion type (ratio: 6.3 vs. 1.6, p = 0.0246) concurring with a faster progress to blast crisis for b3a2 patients (p = 0.0124). ESPL1/Separase, a cysteine endopeptidase, is a key player in chromosomal segregation during mitosis. Separase overexpression and/or hyperactivity has been reported from a wide range of cancers and cause defective mitotic spindles, chromosome missegregation and aneuploidy. We investigated the influence of p210BCR-ABL breakpoint variants and imatinib treatment on expression and proteolytic activity of Separase as measured with a specific fluorogenic assay on CML cell lines (b2a2: KCL-22, BV-173; b3a2: K562, LAMA-84). Despite a drop in Separase protein levels an up to 5.4-fold increase of Separase activity under imatinib treatment was observed exclusively in b3a2 but not in b2a2 cell lines. Mimicking the influence of imatinib on BV-173 and LAMA-84 cells by ESPL1 silencing stimulated Separase proteolytic activity in both b3a2 and b2a2 cell lines. Our data suggest the existence of a fusion type-related feedback mechanism that posttranslationally stimulates Separase proteolytic activity after therapy-induced decreases in Separase protein levels. This could render b3a2 CML cells more prone to aneuploidy and clonal evolution than b2a2 progenitors and may therefore explain the cytogenetic results of CML patients.


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Radiative shock waves play a pivotal role in the transport energy into the stellar medium. This fact has led to many efforts to scale the astrophysical phenomena to accessible laboratory conditions and their study has been highlighted as an area requiring further experimental investigations. Low density material with high atomic mass is suitable to achieve radiative regime, and, therefore, low density xenon gas is commonly used for the medium in which the radiative shock propagates. In this work the averageionization and the thermodynamicregimes of xenonplasmas are determined as functions of the matter density and temperature in a wide range of plasma conditions. The results obtained will be applied to characterize blastwaveslaunched in xenonclusters


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El hormigón es uno de los materiales de construcción más empleados en la actualidad debido a sus buenas prestaciones mecánicas, moldeabilidad y economía de obtención, entre otras ventajas. Es bien sabido que tiene una buena resistencia a compresión y una baja resistencia a tracción, por lo que se arma con barras de acero para formar el hormigón armado, material que se ha convertido por méritos propios en la solución constructiva más importante de nuestra época. A pesar de ser un material profusamente utilizado, hay aspectos del comportamiento del hormigón que todavía no son completamente conocidos, como es el caso de su respuesta ante los efectos de una explosión. Este es un campo de especial relevancia, debido a que los eventos, tanto intencionados como accidentales, en los que una estructura se ve sometida a una explosión son, por desgracia, relativamente frecuentes. La solicitación de una estructura ante una explosión se produce por el impacto sobre la misma de la onda de presión generada en la detonación. La aplicación de esta carga sobre la estructura es muy rápida y de muy corta duración. Este tipo de acciones se denominan cargas impulsivas, y pueden ser hasta cuatro órdenes de magnitud más rápidas que las cargas dinámicas impuestas por un terremoto. En consecuencia, no es de extrañar que sus efectos sobre las estructuras y sus materiales sean muy distintos que las que producen las cargas habitualmente consideradas en ingeniería. En la presente tesis doctoral se profundiza en el conocimiento del comportamiento material del hormigón sometido a explosiones. Para ello, es crucial contar con resultados experimentales de estructuras de hormigón sometidas a explosiones. Este tipo de resultados es difícil de encontrar en la literatura científica, ya que estos ensayos han sido tradicionalmente llevados a cabo en el ámbito militar y los resultados obtenidos no son de dominio público. Por otra parte, en las campañas experimentales con explosiones llevadas a cabo por instituciones civiles el elevado coste de acceso a explosivos y a campos de prueba adecuados no permite la realización de ensayos con un elevado número de muestras. Por este motivo, la dispersión experimental no es habitualmente controlada. Sin embargo, en elementos de hormigón armado sometidos a explosiones, la dispersión experimental es muy acusada, en primer lugar, por la propia heterogeneidad del hormigón, y en segundo, por la dificultad inherente a la realización de ensayos con explosiones, por motivos tales como dificultades en las condiciones de contorno, variabilidad del explosivo, o incluso cambios en las condiciones atmosféricas. Para paliar estos inconvenientes, en esta tesis doctoral se ha diseñado un novedoso dispositivo que permite ensayar hasta cuatro losas de hormigón bajo la misma detonación, lo que además de proporcionar un número de muestras estadísticamente representativo, supone un importante ahorro de costes. Con este dispositivo se han ensayado 28 losas de hormigón, tanto armadas como en masa, de dos dosificaciones distintas. Pero además de contar con datos experimentales, también es importante disponer de herramientas de cálculo para el análisis y diseño de estructuras sometidas a explosiones. Aunque existen diversos métodos analíticos, hoy por hoy las técnicas de simulación numérica suponen la alternativa más avanzada y versátil para el cálculo de elementos estructurales sometidos a cargas impulsivas. Sin embargo, para obtener resultados fiables es crucial contar con modelos constitutivos de material que tengan en cuenta los parámetros que gobiernan el comportamiento para el caso de carga en estudio. En este sentido, cabe destacar que la mayoría de los modelos constitutivos desarrollados para el hormigón a altas velocidades de deformación proceden del ámbito balístico, donde dominan las grandes tensiones de compresión en el entorno local de la zona afectada por el impacto. En el caso de los elementos de hormigón sometidos a explosiones, las tensiones de compresión son mucho más moderadas, siendo las tensiones de tracción generalmente las causantes de la rotura del material. En esta tesis doctoral se analiza la validez de algunos de los modelos disponibles, confirmando que los parámetros que gobiernan el fallo de las losas de hormigón armado ante explosiones son la resistencia a tracción y su ablandamiento tras rotura. En base a los resultados anteriores se ha desarrollado un modelo constitutivo para el hormigón ante altas velocidades de deformación, que sólo tiene en cuenta la rotura por tracción. Este modelo parte del de fisura cohesiva embebida con discontinuidad fuerte, desarrollado por Planas y Sancho, que ha demostrado su capacidad en la predicción de la rotura a tracción de elementos de hormigón en masa. El modelo ha sido modificado para su implementación en el programa comercial de integración explícita LS-DYNA, utilizando elementos finitos hexaédricos e incorporando la dependencia de la velocidad de deformación para permitir su utilización en el ámbito dinámico. El modelo es estrictamente local y no requiere de remallado ni conocer previamente la trayectoria de la fisura. Este modelo constitutivo ha sido utilizado para simular dos campañas experimentales, probando la hipótesis de que el fallo de elementos de hormigón ante explosiones está gobernado por el comportamiento a tracción, siendo de especial relevancia el ablandamiento del hormigón. Concrete is nowadays one of the most widely used building materials because of its good mechanical properties, moldability and production economy, among other advantages. As it is known, it has high compressive and low tensile strengths and for this reason it is reinforced with steel bars to form reinforced concrete, a material that has become the most important constructive solution of our time. Despite being such a widely used material, there are some aspects of concrete performance that are not yet fully understood, as it is the case of its response to the effects of an explosion. This is a topic of particular relevance because the events, both intentional and accidental, in which a structure is subjected to an explosion are, unfortunately, relatively common. The loading of a structure due to an explosive event occurs due to the impact of the pressure shock wave generated in the detonation. The application of this load on the structure is very fast and of very short duration. Such actions are called impulsive loads, and can be up to four orders of magnitude faster than the dynamic loads imposed by an earthquake. Consequently, it is not surprising that their effects on structures and materials are very different than those that cause the loads usually considered in engineering. This thesis broadens the knowledge about the material behavior of concrete subjected to explosions. To that end, it is crucial to have experimental results of concrete structures subjected to explosions. These types of results are difficult to find in the scientific literature, as these tests have traditionally been carried out by armies of different countries and the results obtained are classified. Moreover, in experimental campaigns with explosives conducted by civil institutions the high cost of accessing explosives and the lack of proper test fields does not allow for the testing of a large number of samples. For this reason, the experimental scatter is usually not controlled. However, in reinforced concrete elements subjected to explosions the experimental dispersion is very pronounced. First, due to the heterogeneity of concrete, and secondly, because of the difficulty inherent to testing with explosions, for reasons such as difficulties in the boundary conditions, variability of the explosive, or even atmospheric changes. To overcome these drawbacks, in this thesis we have designed a novel device that allows for testing up to four concrete slabs under the same detonation, which apart from providing a statistically representative number of samples, represents a significant saving in costs. A number of 28 slabs were tested using this device. The slabs were both reinforced and plain concrete, and two different concrete mixes were used. Besides having experimental data, it is also important to have computational tools for the analysis and design of structures subjected to explosions. Despite the existence of several analytical methods, numerical simulation techniques nowadays represent the most advanced and versatile alternative for the assessment of structural elements subjected to impulsive loading. However, to obtain reliable results it is crucial to have material constitutive models that take into account the parameters that govern the behavior for the load case under study. In this regard it is noteworthy that most of the developed constitutive models for concrete at high strain rates arise from the ballistic field, dominated by large compressive stresses in the local environment of the area affected by the impact. In the case of concrete elements subjected to an explosion, the compressive stresses are much more moderate, while tensile stresses usually cause material failure. This thesis discusses the validity of some of the available models, confirming that the parameters governing the failure of reinforced concrete slabs subjected to blast are the tensile strength and softening behaviour after failure. Based on these results we have developed a constitutive model for concrete at high strain rates, which only takes into account the ultimate tensile strength. This model is based on the embedded Cohesive Crack Model with Strong Discontinuity Approach developed by Planas and Sancho, which has proved its ability in predicting the tensile fracture of plain concrete elements. The model has been modified for its implementation in the commercial explicit integration program LS-DYNA, using hexahedral finite elements and incorporating the dependence of the strain rate, to allow for its use in dynamic domain. The model is strictly local and does not require remeshing nor prior knowledge of the crack path. This constitutive model has been used to simulate two experimental campaigns, confirming the hypothesis that the failure of concrete elements subjected to explosions is governed by their tensile response, being of particular relevance the softening behavior of concrete.


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Radiative shock waves play a pivotal role in the transport energy into the stellar medium. This fact has led to many efforts to scale the astrophysical phenomena to accessible laboratory conditions and their study has been highlighted as an area requiring further experimental investigations. Low density material with high atomic mass is suitable to achieve radiative regime, and, therefore, low density xenon gas is commonly used for the medium in which the radiative shocks such as radiative blast waves propagate. In this work, by means of collisional-radiative steady-state calculations, a characterization and an analysis of microscopic magnitudes of laboratory blast waves launched in xenon clusters are made. Thus, for example, the average ionization, the charge state distribution, the cooling time or photon mean free paths are studied. Furthermore, for a particular experiment, the effects of the self-absorption and self-emission in the specific intensity emitted by the shock front and that is going through the radiative precursor are investigated. Finally, for that experiment, since the electron temperature is not measured experimentally, an estimation of this magnitude is made both for the shock shell and the radiative precursor.


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Radiative shock waves play a pivotal role in the transport energy into the stellar medium. This fact has led to many efforts to scale the astrophysical phenomena to accessible laboratory conditions and their study has been highlighted as an area requiring further experimental investigations. Low density material with high atomic mass is suitable to achieve radiative regime, and, therefore, low density xenon plasmas are commonly used for the medium in which the radiative shocks propagate. The knowledge of the plasma radiative properties is crucial for the correct understanding and for the hydrodynamic simulations of radiative shocks. In this work, we perform an analysis of the radiative properties of xenon plasmas in a range of matter densities and electron temperatures typically found in laboratory experiments of radiative shocks launched in xenon plasmas. Furthermore, for a particular experiment, our analysis is applied to make a diagnostics of the electron temperatures of the radiative shocks since they could not be experimentally measured


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If reinforced concrete structures are to be safe under extreme impulsive loadings such as explosions, a broad understanding of the fracture mechanics of concrete under such events is needed. Most buildings and infrastructures which are likely to be subjected to terrorist attacks are borne by a reinforced concrete (RC) structure. Up to some years ago, the traditional method used to study the ability of RC structures to withstand explosions consisted on a choice between handmade calculations, affordable but inaccurate and unreliable, and full scale experimental tests involving explosions, expensive and not available for many civil institutions. In this context, during the last years numerical simulations have arisen as the most effective method to analyze structures under such events. However, for accurate numerical simulations, reliable constitutive models are needed. Assuming that failure of concrete elements subjected to blast is primarily governed by the tensile behavior, a constitutive model has been built that accounts only for failure under tension while it behaves as elastic without failure under compression. Failure under tension is based on the Cohesive Crack Model. Moreover, the constitutive model has been used to simulate the experimental structural response of reinforced concrete slabs subjected to blast. The results of the numerical simulations with the aforementioned constitutive model show its ability of representing accurately the structural response of the RC elements under study. The simplicity of the model, which does not account for failure under compression, as already mentioned, confirms that the ability of reinforced concrete structures to withstand blast loads is primarily governed by tensile strength.


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This paper summarizes the research activities focused on the behaviour of concrete and concrete structures subjected to blast loading carried out by the Department of Materials Science of the Technical University of Madrid (PUM). These activities comprise the design and construction of a test bench that allows for testing up to four planar concrete specimens with one single explosion, the study of the performance of different protection concepts for concrete structures and, finally, the development of a numerical model for the simulation of concrete structural elements subjected to blast. Up to date 6 different types of concrete have been studied, from plain normal strength concrete, to high strength concrete, including also fibre reinforced concretes with different types of fibres. The numerical model is based on the Cohesive Crack Model approach, and has been developed for the LSDYNA finite element code through a user programmed subroutine. Despite its simplicity, the model is able to predict the failure patterns of the concrete slabs tested with a high level of accuracy


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Numerical analysis is a suitable tool in the design of complex reinforced concrete structures under extreme impulsive loadings such as impacts or explosions at close range. Such events may be the result of terrorist attacks. Reinforced concrete is commonly used for buildings and infrastructures. For this reason, the ability to accurately run numerical simulations of concrete elements subjected to blast loading is needed. In this context, reliable constitutive models for concrete are of capital importance. In this research numerical simulations using two different constitutive models for concrete (Continuous Surface Cap Model and Brittle Damage Model) have been carried out using LS-DYNA. Two experimental benchmark tests have been taken as reference. The results of the numerical simulations with the aforementioned constitutive models show different abilities to accurately represent the structural response of the reinforced concrete elements studied.


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Este Trabajo de Fin de Grado (TFG) consiste en el diseño y el desarrollo de una base de datos para almacenar datos de secuenciación genética. Además, también será necesario poder utilizar la herramienta BLAST, que está formada por un conjunto de programas para buscar por similitud y alinear secuencias, con los datos que se encuentran almacenados en dicha base de datos.---ABSTRACT---The aim of this Bachelor’s Thesis is to design and develop a database to store data of genetic sequences. Furthermore, it will be necessary to use BLAST, which is a suite of programs to search and match similarities sequences into a database.