A cadeia de carne bovina no Brasil ocupa posição de destaque no contexto da economia rural brasileira, ocupando vasta área do território nacional e respondendo pela geração de emprego e renda de milhões de brasileiros. Mas com o crescimento desta atividade veio acompanhado de possíveis impactos ambientais negativos que contrapõe o equilíbrio dinâmico da sustentabilidade. Desta forma se fez necessário caracterizar esses impactos ambientais negativos relacionados aos recursos hídricos nas fases da cadeia produtiva da carne bovina: Bovinocultura e nos matadouros/frigoríficos. Na pesquisa foram enfatizados o consumo de água e a geração de rejeitos de origem bovina que causa potencial poluição dos recursos hídricos delimitado nas mesorregiões do estado do Pará. Como metodologia utilizou-se de pesquisa qualitativa e quantitativa de dados bibliográficos e estatísticos, tendo como colaboradores instituições federais e estaduais e a análise dos dados foi apresentada através de gráficos e tabelas e da estimativa de alguns indicadores de poluição. Como resultados confirma-se a grande poluição gerada aos recursos hídricos receptores de rejeitos bovinos com grande aumento da DBO (Demanda Bioquímica de Oxigênio) tanto na atividade da Bovinocultura como em matadouros/Frigoríficos, onde é gerada uma grande quantidade de matéria orgânica. Concluiu-se a grande importância do uso de medidas de produção sustentáveis como o reaproveitamento de subprodutos bovinos de matadouro e o uso de estratégias de Produção + Limpa.
O objetivo desta pesquisa foi desenvolver um diagnóstico da qualidade da água do rio Parauapebas (Estado do Pará, Brasil), com base no monitoramento realizado nos períodos de baixa precipitação dos anos 2004, 2007 e 2009. Em 20 locais de amostragem ao longo do rio no entorno da cidade de Parauapebas, foram avaliados na água parâmetros físicos (transparência, temperatura da água e resíduo total), químicos (oxigênio dissolvido, pH, turbidez, alcalinidade, dureza, acidez, cloreto, DBO, DQO e fósforo, ferro e nitrogênio totais) e biológicos (coliformes termotolerantes). A partir dos resultados foi desenvolvido o Índice de Qualidade de Água - IQA para o trecho monitorado. Para interpretação dos dados realizou-se estudos complementares de análise de componentes principais, regressão múltipla e regressão linear, além de levantamentos de informações a respeito dos meios físicos, bióticos e sócio-econômicos da região. O IQA determinado para o rio Parauapebas foi de 40,01 o que o enquadra na categoria "Regular". Com as análises de componentes principais e de regressão múltipla identificaram-se quatro variáveis que influenciaram significativamente na variação do índice: oxigênio dissolvido, demanda bioquímica do oxigênio, fósforo total e coliformes termotolerantes, que explicaram 75% da variação dos resultados. A expansão urbana, especialmente nas direções N-NO e S-SO, atingiu as áreas próximas às reservas de mata ciliar, comprometendo, em parte, a qualidade das águas superficiais do rio Parauapebas.
Pós-graduação em Engenharia Civil - FEIS
Pós-graduação em Química - IQ
A large proportion of fresh water is greatly impaired due to increasing pollution; this could be minimized through the expansion of investment in sanitation programs. But the major problem faced by third world countries and developing ones in this respect, is the high cost of projects and their implementation. In an attempt to find a simple technology, efficient and inexpensive, this study aimed to verify the effectiveness of using constructed wetland systems (CWS) for removal of bacteria and nutrients from sanitary sewer effluent from the STS Piracicamirim - Piracicaba - SP. The installation of prototypes was followed, and testing prior to regularize the flow held, but due to malfunction of these and outages of the STS activity can not evaluate the effectiveness of both as to the parameters proposed: temperature, pH, dissolved oxygen, conductivity, total dissolved solids (TDS), nitrite, nitrate, ammonia, total nitrogen, total phosphorus, chemical oxygen demand (COD), sulfide, sulfate, biochemical oxygen demand (BOD), total coliform and Escherichia coli. To establish results about the effectiveness of these types if the system were conducted literature reviews of papers published with the same theme. Analysis of these results showed fairly good efficiencies in wastewater treatment, especially for nutrients and coliforms
The State of São Paulo is responsible for the largest sugar cane production in Brazil, as well as the largest production of ethanol made of this raw material – which is widely used as fuel for automobiles. This utilization began in the 1970’s, with the institution by the Brazilian government of the National Alcohol Program (PRO-ÁLCOOL), as a consequence of the petroleum crisis, rising again five years ago, with the development of flex fuel cars. The obtaining process of ethanol originates residues; amongst them, vinasse is the one that’s generated in the largest amount (an average of 10 to 13 litres/litre of ethanol produced). The disposal of this residue in waters was only forbidden in 1978, but before that, researchers had already been investigating its utilization as raw material. This paper had the objective of accompany the biodegradation of vinasse by evaluating the oxygen comsumption during it until the ultimate Biochemical Oxygen Demand (uBOD), performed in twenty days; another objective was to analyse the biomass production of Saccharomyces cerevisae in this residue. Physical and chemical analyses of the residue were also performed, as well as acute toxicity essays using Daphnia similis and Dugesia tigrina, before and after its biodegradation. The physical and chemical analyses pointed elevated acidness (pH = 3,98), conductivity (8,30 mS/cm) and COD (25.693,43 mg O2/L) and mean quantity of suspended solids (5.246 mg/L). The toxicity essays indicated absence of toxic potential in vinasse after biodegradation for both species. The uBOD degradated until 88,22% of the COD, demonstrating the possibility of biodegradation of most of the residue’s organic load in a relatively short period of time. S. cerevisae caused a 37,03% COD diminution in vinasse, diminished its conductivity and promoted a slight elevation of the pH; it obtained low biomass...(Complete abstract click electronic access below)
Diante do fato da existência de inúmeros diásporos preservados em exsicatas nos herbários e da necessidade de se desenvolverem novas práticas conservacionistas esta pesquisa buscou avaliar a capacidade de um herbário de atuar como banco de germoplasma complemetar através da propagação de espécies vegetais pela germinação sementes retiradas de exsicatas. O estudo teve como foco espécies típicas do cerrado lato sensu, pois estas tiveram uma trajetória evolutiva com pressões de queimadas naturais, o que provavelmente proporciona às sementes destas espécies maior resistência à dessecassão provocada pelo processo de herborização. Foram utilizados apenas propágulos que apresentavam maturação completa no momento de coleta. Estes provieram de duplicatas do herbário ESA (sediado na ESALQ - USP – Piracicaba). Os testes de germinação foram realizados em substrato de vermiculita fina peneirada, previamente esterelizada, e conduzidos em câmaras de germinação tipo B.O.D. (Biochemical Oxygen Demand) sob fotoperíodo por 24 horas e temperatura constante de 25°C. Estes foram mantido e avaliados 3 vezes por semana durante 60 dias. A pesquisa abrangeu 80 espécies, 25 famílias e um total de 1346 sementes. O N amostral de cada espécie variou de 1 a 30, dependendo da disponibilidade do material. Não foram realizados métodos de quebra de dormência, mas mesmo assim praticamente todas as sementes apresentaram embebissão, com excessão de 8 sementes de Stryphnodendron adstringens. Sementes de cinco espécies germinaram, o que representa que representam 6,25% (N=80) do total de espécies. Elas petencem à duas famílias: Cochlospermum regium e Cochlospermum vitifolium da família Bixaceae e Bowdichia virgiloides, Hymenaea stigonocarpa e Stryphnodendron adstringens da família Fabaceae. A germinação ocorreu entre 10 e 30 dias após a montagem dos testes... (Resumo completo, clicar acesso eletrônico abaixo)
This study aimed to develop, implement and evaluate the performance of a new type of bioreactor for anaerobic treatment of wastewater using different filling materials like trickling filters post-reactor. This bioreactor has mixed characteristics of the UASB reactors and horizontal flow from the point of view of removal of BOD (Biochemical Oxygen Demand) ssed (settled solids), TS (Total Solids), SS (Suspended Solid), SD (Dissolved Solids) and turbidity. The experimental model consists of a bioreactor with a volume of 12 m³, 2/3 filled by fluidized bed and 1/3 for fixed. The fluidized bed is made of polystyrene plates used as a system percolation and compartmentalized trickling filters, where each compartment was filled with a support medium with different characteristics (gravel number 4, plastic rings of polystyrene, PET and HDPE) . In addition, the output of a filter system was installed three entries filled with activated carbon. The bioreactor was installed in private residence in the city of Igarapava-SP (20° 02'40.18"S and 47° 45'01.36" W). The system was highly efficient as the removal of organic contaminant load 92% on average reducing the BOD, a significant result when compared to other anaerobic systems. For the other parameters, the mean reduction was 96% for turbidity, 99% ssed, 67.5% ST, 57% SD and 88% of SS. As for its operation the system was capable of operating in continuous flow without the need for maintenance during the entire period of evaluation and without energy, as it operates taking advantage of the natural slope of the terrain where it is installed. The environmental impacts were minimized due to the preservation of local vegetation allowing the ecosystem to remain unchanged beyond the prototype was completely sealed preventing exhalation of odors and therefore not causing inconvenience to neighboring populations. Given these facts it was concluded that the prototype is shown to be highly feasible deployed as a new alternative for treatment of sewage in rural and urban settings (individual homes, condos, farms, ranches, etc.) Due to ease of design and operability, and sustainability at all stages of execution.
Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)
Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)
Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)
Pós-graduação em Ciência dos Materiais - FEIS
This study used a multi-analytical approach based on traditional microbiological methods for cultivation and isolation of heterotrophic bacteria in the laboratory associated with the molecular identification of the isolates and physicochemical analysis of environmental samples. The model chosen for data integration was supported by knowledge from computational neuroscience, and composed by three modules: (i) microbiological parameters, contemplating taxonomic data obtained from the partial sequencing of the 16S rRNA gene from 80 colonies of heterotrophic bacteria isolated by plating method in PCA media. For bacterial colonies isolation were used water samples from Atibaia and Jaguarí rivers collected at the site of water captation for use in effluent treatment, upstream from the entrance of treated effluent from the Paulínia refinery (REPLAN/Petrobras) located in the Paulínia-SP municipality, from the output of the biological treatment plant with stabilization pond and from the raw refinery wastewater; (ii) chemical parameters, ending measures of dissolved oxygen (DO), chemical oxygen demand (COD), biochemical oxygen demand (BOD), chloride, acidity CaCO3, alkalinity, ammonia, nitrite, nitrate, dissolved ions, sulfides, oils and greases; and (iii) physical parameters, comprising the pH determination, conductivity, temperature, transparency, settleable solids, suspended and soluble solids, volatile material, remaining fixing material (RFM), apparent color and turbidity. The results revealed interesting theoretical relationships involving two families of bacteria (Carnobacteriaceae and Aeromonadaceae). Carnobacteriaceae revealed positive theoretical relationships with COD, BOD, nitrate, chloride, temperature, conductivity and apparent color and negative theoretical relationships with the OD. Positive theoretical relationships were shown between Aeromonadaceae and OD and nitrate, while this bacterial family showed negative theoretical...
This study used a multi-analytical approach based on traditional microbiological methods for cultivation and isolation of heterotrophic bacteria in the laboratory associated with the molecular identification of the isolates and physicochemical analysis of environmental samples. The model chosen for data integration was supported by knowledge from computational neuroscience, and composed by three modules: (i) microbiological parameters, contemplating taxonomic data obtained from the partial sequencing of the 16S rRNA gene from 80 colonies of heterotrophic bacteria isolated by plating method in PCA media. For bacterial colonies isolation were used water samples from Atibaia and Jaguarí rivers collected at the site of water captation for use in effluent treatment, upstream from the entrance of treated effluent from the Paulínia refinery (REPLAN/Petrobras) located in the Paulínia-SP municipality, from the output of the biological treatment plant with stabilization pond and from the raw refinery wastewater; (ii) chemical parameters, ending measures of dissolved oxygen (DO), chemical oxygen demand (COD), biochemical oxygen demand (BOD), chloride, acidity CaCO3, alkalinity, ammonia, nitrite, nitrate, dissolved ions, sulfides, oils and greases; and (iii) physical parameters, comprising the pH determination, conductivity, temperature, transparency, settleable solids, suspended and soluble solids, volatile material, remaining fixing material (RFM), apparent color and turbidity. The results revealed interesting theoretical relationships involving two families of bacteria (Carnobacteriaceae and Aeromonadaceae). Carnobacteriaceae revealed positive theoretical relationships with COD, BOD, nitrate, chloride, temperature, conductivity and apparent color and negative theoretical relationships with the OD. Positive theoretical relationships were shown between Aeromonadaceae and OD and nitrate, while this bacterial family showed negative theoretical...
The contribution of wastewater from a tannery industry to the pollution of a stream was investigated. The main parameters studied were biochemical oxygen demand, chemical oxygen demand, chromium, dissolved oxygen, fecal and total conforms, nitrogen, oils and greases, pH, phosphorous, sulfides, suspended solids, turbidity, and volatile solids. Three sampling points were located: (I) at the discharge point of tannery wastewater, (2) 50 m upstream, and (3) 80 m downstream of discharge point. Also was investigated the pollution at the stream source.