994 resultados para B2 RECEPTORS


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Opioids are important endogenous ligands that exist in both invertebrates and vertebrates and signal by activation of opioid receptors to produce analgesia and reward or pleasure. The μ-opioid receptor is the best known of the opioid receptors and mediates the acute analgesic effects of opiates, while the δ-opioid receptor (DOR) has been less well studied and has been linked to effects that follow from chronic use of opiates such as stress, inflammation and anxiety. Recently, DORs have been shown to play an essential role in emotions and increasing evidence points to a role in learning actions and outcomes. The process of learning and memory in addiction has been proposed to involve strengthening of specific brain circuits when a drug is paired with a context or environment. The DOR is highly expressed in the hippocampus, amygdala, striatum and other basal ganglia structures known to participate in learning and memory. In this review, we will focus on the role of the DOR and its potential role in learning and memory underlying the development of addiction.


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Computer graphic analyses on a broad spectrum of adenosine receptor ligands has shown that both the A1 and A2 adenosine receptors have three binding sites. The spatial relationship of these three binding sites has been defined. Adenosine orientation at A1 and A2 is different.


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In classical fear conditioning a neutral conditioned stimulus (CS), is paired with an aversive unconditioned stimulus (US). The CS thereby acquires the capacity to elicit a fear response. This type of associative learning is thought to require co-activation of principal neurons in the lateral nucleus of the amygdala (LA) by two sets of synaptic inputs...


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In classical fear conditioning a neutral conditioned stimulus (CS) such as a tone, is paired with an aversive unconditioned stimulus (US) such as a shock. The CS thereby acquires the capacity to elicit a fear response. This type of associative learning is thought to require co-activation of principle neurons in the lateral nucleus of the amygdala (LA) by two sets of synaptic inputs, a weak CS and a strong US...


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Background Ephrin-B2 is the sole physiologically-relevant ligand of the receptor tyrosine kinase EphB4, which is over-expressed in many epithelial cancers, including 66% of prostate cancers, and contributes to cancer cell survival, invasion and migration. Crucially, however, the cancer-promoting EphB4 signalling pathways are independent of interaction with its ligand ephrin-B2, as activation of ligand-dependent signalling causes tumour suppression. Ephrin-B2, however, is often found on the surface of endothelial cells of the tumour vasculature, where it can regulate angiogenesis to support tumour growth. Proteolytic cleavage of endothelial cell ephrin-B2 has previously been suggested as one mechanism whereby the interaction between tumour cell-expressed EphB4 and endothelial cell ephrin-B2 is regulated to support both cancer promotion and angiogenesis. Methods An in silico approach was used to search accessible surfaces of 3D protein models for cleavage sites for the key prostate cancer serine protease, KLK4, and this identified murine ephrin-B2 as a potential KLK4 substrate. Mouse ephrin-B2 was then confirmed as a KLK4 substrate by in vitro incubation of recombinant mouse ephrin-B2 with active recombinant human KLK4. Cleavage products were visualised by SDS-PAGE, silver staining and Western blot and confirmed by N-terminal sequencing. Results At low molar ratios, KLK4 cleaved murine ephrin-B2 but other prostate-specific KLK family members (KLK2 and KLK3/PSA) were less efficient, suggesting cleavage was KLK4-selective. The primary KLK4 cleavage site in murine ephrin-B2 was verified and shown to correspond to one of the in silico predicted sites between extracellular domain residues arginine 178 and asparagine 179. Surprisingly, the highly homologous human ephrin-B2 was poorly cleaved by KLK4 at these low molar ratios, likely due to the 3 amino acid differences at this primary cleavage site. Conclusion These data suggest that in in vivo mouse xenograft models, endogenous mouse ephrin-B2, but not human tumour ephrin-B2, may be a downstream target of cancer cell secreted human KLK4. This is a critical consideration when interpreting data from murine explants of human EphB4+/KLK4+ cancer cells, such as prostate cancer cells, where differential effects may be seen in mouse models as opposed to human clinical situations.


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There is strong evidence to suggest that the combination of alcohol and chronic repetitive stress leads to long-lasting effects on brain function, specifically areas associated with stress, motivation and decision-making such as the amygdala, nucleus accumbens and prefrontal cortex. Alcohol and stress together facilitate the imprinting of long-lasting memories. The molecular mechanisms and circuits involved are being studied but are not fully understood. Current evidence suggests that corticosterone (animals) or cortisol (humans), in addition to direct transcriptional effects on the genome, can directly regulate pre- and postsynaptic synaptic transmission through membrane bound glucocorticoid receptors (GR). Indeed, corticosterone-sensitive synaptic receptors may be critical sites for stress regulation of synaptic responses. Direct modulation of synaptic transmission by corticosterone may contribute to the regulation of synaptic plasticity and memory during stress (Johnson et al., 2005; Prager et al., 2010). Specifically, previous data has shown that long term alcohol (1) increases the expression of NR2Bcontaining NMDA receptors at glutamate synapses, (2) changes receptor density, and (3) changes morphology of dendritic spines (Prendergast and Mulholland; 2012). During alcohol withdrawal these changes are associated with increased glucocorticoid signalling and increased neuronal excitability. It has therefore been proposed that these synapse changes lead to the anxiety and alcohol craving associated with withdrawal (Prendergast and Mulholland; 2012). My lab is targeting this receptor system and the amygdala in order to understand the effect of combining alcohol and stress on these pathways. Lastly, we are testing GR specific compounds as potential new medications to promote the development of resilience to developing addiction.


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Background and Aims: The objective of the study was to compare data obtained from the Cosmed K4 b2 and the Deltatrac II™ metabolic cart for the purpose of determining the validity of the Cosmed K4 b2 in measuring resting energy expenditure. Methods: Nine adult subjects (four male, five female) were measured. Resting energy expenditure was measured in consecutive sessions using the Cosmed K4 b2, the Deltatrac II™ metabolic cart separately and the Cosmed K4 b2 and Deltatrac II™ metabolic cart simultaneously, performed in random order. Resting energy expenditure (REE) data from both devices were then compared with values obtained from predictive equations. Results: Bland and Altman analysis revealed a mean bias for the four variables, REE, respiratory quotient (RQ), VCO2, VO2 between data obtained from Cosmed K4 b2 and Deltatrac II™ metabolic cart of 268 ± 702 kcal/day, -0.0±0.2, 26.4±118.2 and 51.6±126.5 ml/min, respectively. Corresponding limits of agreement for the same four variables were all large. Also, Bland and Altman analysis revealed a larger mean bias between predicted REE and measured REE using Cosmed K4 b2 data (-194±603 kcal/day) than using Deltatrac™ metabolic cart data (73±197 kcal/day). Conclusions: Variability between the two devices was very high and a degree of measurement error was detected. Data from the Cosmed K4 b2 provided variable results on comparison with predicted values, thus, would seem an invalid device for measuring adults. © 2002 Elsevier Science Ltd. All rights reserved.


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Stress is a major driving force in alcohol use disorders (AUDs). It influences how much one consumes, craving intensity and whether an abstinent individual will return to harmful alcohol consumption. We are most vulnerable to the effects of stress during early development, and exposure to multiple traumatic early life events dramatically increases the risk for AUDs. However, not everyone exposed to early life stress will develop an AUD. The mechanisms determining whether an individual’s brain adapts and becomes resilient to the effects of stress or succumbs and is unable to cope with stress remain elusive. Emerging evidence suggests that neuroplastic changes in the nucleus accumbens (NAc) following early life stress underlie the development of AUDs. This review discusses the impact of early life stress on NAc structure and function, how these changes affect cholinergic signaling within the mesolimbic reward pathway and the role nicotinic acetylcholine receptors (nAChRs) play in this process. Understanding the neural pathways and mechanism determining stress resilience or susceptibility will improve our ability to identify individuals susceptible to developing AUDs, formulate cognitive interventions to prevent AUDs in susceptible individuals and to elucidate and enhance potential therapeutic targets, such as the nAChRs, for those struggling to overcome an AUD.


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The ontogeny of muscarinic receptors was studied in human fetal striatum, brainstem, and cerebellum to investigate general principles of synaptogenesis as well as the physiological balance between various chemical synapses during development in a given region of the brain. [3H]Quinuclidinyl benzilate ([-'H]QNB) binding was assayed in total particulate fraction (TPF) from various parts of brain. In the corpus striatum, QNB binding sites are present at 16 weeks of gestation (average concentration 180 fmol/mg protein of TPF), slowly increase up to 24 weeks (average concentration 217 fmol/mg protein), and rapidly increase during the third trimester to 480 fmol/mg protein of TPF. In contrast, dopaminergic receptors exist as two subpopulations. one with low affinity and the other with high affinity up to the 24th week of gestation; all of them acquire the highaffinity characteristic during the third trimester. In brainstem, the muscarinic receptors show maximum concentration by 16 weeks of age (360 fmolimg protein of TPF). Subsequently the muscarinic receptor concentration shows a gradual decline in the brainstem. In cerebellum, except for a slight increase at 24 weeks (average concentration 90 fmol/mg protein of TPF), the receptor concentration remained nearly constant at about 60-70 fmolimg protein of TPF throughout fetal life. This study demonstrates that the ontogeny of muscarinic receptors varies among the different regions, and the patterns observed suggest that receptor formation occurs principally in the third trimester. Also noteworthy is the finding that the QNB binding sites decreased in all regions of the human brain during adult life. Key Words: Cholinergic muscarinic receptors-Quinuclidinyl benzilate-Corpus striaturn-Brainstem-Cerebellum. Ravikumar B. V. and Sastry P. S. Cholinergic muscarinic receptors in human fetal brain: Ontogeny of [3H]quinuclidinyl benzilate binding sites in corpus striatum, brainstem, and cerebellum. J. Neurochem. 45, 1948- 1950 (1985).


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Induction of follicle stimulating hormone receptor in the granulosa cells of intact immature rat ovary by diethylstilbesterol, an estrogen, has been studied. A single injection of 4 mg of diethylstilbesterol produced 72 h later a 3-fold increase in follicle stimulating hormone receptor concentration as monitored by [125I]-oFSH binding to isolated cells. The newly induced receptors were kinetically indistinguishable from the preexisting ones, as determined by Lineweaver-Burk plot of the binding data. The induced receptors were functional as evidenced by increased ability of the granulosa cells to incorporate [3H]-leucine into cellular proteins. Neutralization of endogenous follicle stimulating hormone and luteinizing hormone by administering specific antisera had no effect on the ability of diethylstilbesterol to induce follicle stimulating hormone receptors, whereas blockade of endogenous prolactin secretion by ergobromocryptin administration significantly inhibited (∼ 30 %) the response to diethylstilbesterol; this inhibition could be completely relieved by ovine prolactin treatment. However, ovine prolactin at the dose tried did not by itself enhance follicle stimulating hormone receptor level. Administration of ergobromocryptin to adult cycling rats at noon of proestrus brought about as measured on diestrusII, (a) a reduction of both follicle stimulating hormone (∼ 30 %) and luteinizing hormone (∼ 45 %) receptor concentration in granulosa cells, (b) a drastic reduction in the ovarian tissue estradiol with no change in tissue progesterone and (c) reduction in the ability of isolated granulosa cells to convert testosterone to estradiol in response to follicle stimulating hormone. Ergobromocryptin treatment affected only prolactin and not follicle stimulating hormone or luteinizing hormone surges on the proestrus evening. Treatment of rats with ergobromocryptin at proestrus noon followed by an injection of ovine prolactin (1 mg) at 1700 h of the same day completely reversed the ergobromocryptin induced reduction in ovarian tissue estradiol as well as the aromatase activity of the granulosa cells on diestrus II, thus suggesting a role for proestrus prolactin surge in the follicular maturation process.


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Cigarette smoking is, in developed countries, the leading cause of premature death. In tobacco smoke, the main addictive compound is nicotine, which in the brain binds to neuronal nicotinic acetylcholine receptors (neuronal nAChRs). These have been implicated in addiction, but also in several neurological disorders including Alzheimer's and Parkinson's diseases, Tourette's syndrome, attention-deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD), schizophrenia, pain, depression, and autosomal-dominant noctural frontal lobe epilepsy; all of which makes nAChRs an intriguing target of study. Chronic treatment with nicotine leads to an increase in the number of nAChRs (upregulation) in the brain and changes their functionality. Changes in the properties of nAChRs are likely to occur in smokers as well, since they are exposed to nicotine for long periods of time. Several nAChR subtypes likely play a role in the formation of nicotine addiction by participating in the release of dopamine in the striatum. The aim of this study was to clarify at cellular level the changes in nAChR characteristics resulting from chronic nicotine treatment. SH-SY5Y cells, endogenously several nAChR-expressing, and SH-EP1-h-alfa7 cells, transfected with the alfa 7 nAChR subunit gene were treated chronically with nicotine. The localisation of alfa 7 and beta2 subunits was studied with confocal and electron microscopy. Functionality of nAChRs was studied with calcium fluorometry. Effects of long-term treatment with opioid compounds on nAChRs were studied by means of ligand binding. Confocal microscopy showed that in SH-SY5Y cells, alfa7 and beta2 subunits formed clusters, unlike the case in SH-EP1-h alfa7 cells, where alfa7 nAChRs were distributed more diffusely. The majority of nAChR subunits localised on endoplasmic reticulum (ER). The isomers of methadone acted as agonists at alfa7 nAChRs. Acute morphine challenge also stimulated nAChRs. Chronic treatment with methadone or morphine led to an increased number of nAChRs. In animal studies, mice received nicotine for 7 weeks. Electron microscopical analysis of the localisation of nAChRs showed in the striatum that alfa7 and beta2 nAChR subunits localised synaptically, extrasynaptically, and intracellularly, with the majority localising extrasynaptically. Chronic nicotine treatment caused an increase in the number of nAChR subunits at all studied locations. These results suggest that the alfa7 nAChR and beta2 subunit-containing nAChRs respond to chronic nicotine treatment differently. This may indicate that the functional balance of various nAChR subtypes in control of the release of dopamine is altered as a result of chronic nicotine treatment. Compounds binding both to opioid and nACh receptors may be of clinical importance.


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Nicotine, the addictive compound of tobacco products, exerts its effects in the brain by binding to neuronal acetylcholine nicotinic receptors (nAChRs). The aim of the present study was to increase the knowledge of nicotine s complex effects, the focus being on homomeric alpha7-nAChRs that are widely expressed in the brain. Nicotinic regulation of differential signalling molecules including transcriptional regulators was also studied. We found that the number of alpha7-nAChRs is increased in specific brain regions in mice, in a time-dependent manner after chronic oral nicotine administration. Our results suggest that in addition to alpha4beta2-nAChRs, the other major nAChR subtype expressed in the brain, the number of alpha7-nAChRs is affected by chronic presence of nicotine. We suggest that when studying the long-term effects of nicotine, the duration on administration is of great importance. Next, we observed that nicotine exposure induces accumulation of cAMP in cell cultures expressing nAChRs. Furthermore, nicotine-induced alpha7-nAChR upregulation was potentiated by treatments enhancing cAMP-signalling, suggesting a role for cAMP in the upregulation process. Protein kinase C (PKC) was found essential for the basal regulation of alpha7-nAChR number. The nicotine-evoked alpha7-nAChR upregulation could be further increased by PKC overexpression. Thirdly, the effects of nicotine on dopamine and cAMP regulated phosphoprotein (DARPP-32) were characterised in rat brain. The results show that DARPP-32 is regulated by both acute and long-term nicotine treatment in the striatal subdivisions. The effect of acute nicotine is dose-dependent and the three striatal regions display differential sensitivities to nicotine. Chronic nicotine is also able to regulate DARPP-32 signalling with prominent effect seen in the nucleus accumbens (NAc), suggesting a role for DARPP-32 in the mediation of long-term effects of nicotine. Finally, the regulation of transcription factors Elk-1 and FosB/deltaFosB by nicotine was investigated. We found that Elk-1 is activated by acute nicotine selectively in the NAc core and hippocampal area CA1, whereas acute nicotine does not affect FosB/deltaFosB. Long-term intermittent or continuous nicotine increases the level of total Elk-1 in the same brain regions as acute nicotine. FosB/deltaFosB is also affected by chronic nicotine. Thus, similarly to other drugs of abuse, nicotine regulates transcriptional regulators Elk-1 and FosB/deltaFosB. These results bring further support for a common mechanism underlying the development of addiction. Nicotine s positive effects on learning and memory might involve the transcription factor Elk-1 based on the changes seen in the hippocampus, the key area in cognitive functions.