998 resultados para B-spline


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This article presents a mathematical method for producing hard-chine ship hulls based on a set of numerical parameters that are directly related to the geometric features of the hull and uniquely define a hull form for this type of ship. The term planing hull is used generically to describe the majority of hard-chine boats being built today. This article is focused on unstepped, single-chine hulls. B-spline curves and surfaces were combined with constraints on the significant ship curves to produce the final hull design. The hard-chine hull geometry was modeled by decomposing the surface geometry into boundary curves, which were defined by design constraints or parameters. In planing hull design, these control curves are the center, chine, and sheer lines as well as their geometric features including position, slope, and, in the case of the chine, enclosed area and centroid. These geometric parameters have physical, hydrodynamic, and stability implications from the design point of view. The proposed method uses two-dimensional orthogonal projections of the control curves and then produces three-dimensional (3-D) definitions using B-spline fitting of the 3-D data points. The fitting considers maximum deviation from the curve to the data points and is based on an original selection of the parameterization. A net of B-spline curves (stations) is then created to match the previously defined 3-D boundaries. A final set of lofting surfaces of the previous B-spline curves produces the hull surface.


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We present a model of Bayesian network for continuous variables, where densities and conditional densities are estimated with B-spline MoPs. We use a novel approach to directly obtain conditional densities estimation using B-spline properties. In particular we implement naive Bayes and wrapper variables selection. Finally we apply our techniques to the problem of predicting neurons morphological variables from electrophysiological ones.


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The aim of this work is to develop an automated tool for the optimization of turbomachinery blades founded on an evolutionary strategy. This optimization scheme will serve to deal with supersonic blades cascades for application to Organic Rankine Cycle (ORC) turbines. The blade geometry is defined using parameterization techniques based on B-Splines curves, that allow to have a local control of the shape. The location in space of the control points of the B-Spline curve define the design variables of the optimization problem. In the present work, the performance of the blade shape is assessed by means of fully-turbulent flow simulations performed with a CFD package, in which a look-up table method is applied to ensure an accurate thermodynamic treatment. The solver is set along with the optimization tool to determine the optimal shape of the blade. As only blade-to-blade effects are of interest in this study, quasi-3D calculations are performed, and a single-objective evolutionary strategy is applied to the optimization. As a result, a non-intrusive tool, with no need for gradients definition, is developed. The computational cost is reduced by the use of surrogate models. A Gaussian interpolation scheme (Kriging model) is applied for the estimated n-dimensional function, and a surrogate-based local optimization strategy is proved to yield an accurate way for optimization. In particular, the present optimization scheme has been applied to the re-design of a supersonic stator cascade of an axial-flow turbine. In this design exercise very strong shock waves are generated in the rear blade suction side and shock-boundary layer interaction mechanisms occur. A significant efficiency improvement as a consequence of a more uniform flow at the blade outlet section of the stator is achieved. This is also expected to provide beneficial effects on the design of a subsequent downstream rotor. The method provides an improvement to gradient-based methods and an optimized blade geometry is easily achieved using the genetic algorithm.


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The determination of the local Lagrangian evolution of the flow topology in wall-bounded turbulence, and of the Lagrangian evolution associated with entrainment across the turbulent / non-turbulent interface into a turbulent boundary layer, require accurate tracking of a fluid particle and its local velocity gradients. This paper addresses the implementation of fluid-particle tracking in both a turbulent boundary layer direct numerical simulation and in a fully developed channel flow simulation. Determination of the sub-grid particle velocity is performed using both cubic B-spline, four-point Hermite spline and higher-order Hermite spline interpolation. Both wall-bounded flows show similar oscillations in the Lagrangian tracers of both velocity and velocity gradients, corresponding to the movement of particles across the boundaries of computational cells. While these oscillation in the particle velocity are relatively small and have negligible effect on the particle trajectories for time-steps of the order of CFL = 0.1, they appear to be the cause of significant oscillations in the evolution of the invariants of the velocity gradient tensor.


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El período de la Historia comprendido entre 1570 y 1620 nos ha dejado un importante conjunto de documentos relacionados con la construcción naval en la Península Ibérica. En una época convulsa en la que los reinos de España y Portugal se aglutinaron bajo una misma Corona, surgen una serie de manuscritos, libros y leyes que reflejan la creciente preocupación de la sociedad por el tema naval. Entre sus páginas encontramos las descripciones del proceso constructivo de los buques que sus autores consideraban más significativos para las demandas que se planteaban en ese momento. Este proceso que combinaba generación de formas y construcción del buque provenía de una secular tradición nacida en el Mediterráneo. Mediante reglas geométricas sencillas, el constructor naval trazaba las secciones centrales y el perfil de la nao, quedando los extremos de la misma (hasta más de la mitad de la eslora) a su buen hacer y experiencia. Las herramientas informáticas de generación de superficies mediante NURBs (Non- Uniform Rational B-spline) permiten reconstruir las formas de los navíos reproduciendo con fiabilidad las carenas de los mismos a partir de los documentos de la época. Mediante un estudio detallado de interpretación de los textos y transcribiendo los procesos, llegamos a obtener con un buen grado de precisión las carenas de los buques descritos en sus páginas. A partir de ahí y mediante el análisis cualitativo y cuantitativo de los parámetros obtenidos es posible valorar si las soluciones representadas por los barcos respondían a las preguntas planteadas por sus autores , la influencia de factores externos a la construcción naval tales como las regulaciones del Estado o identificar su relación con el germen y la expansión de la teoría que ha determinado los efectos de la Ciencia en la Arquitectura Naval. Comenzando por la nao veneciana de 1550, heredera de la secular tradición constructiva mediterránea, hasta llegar a las Reales Ordenanzas promulgadas en 1618, se reproducen hasta nueve carenas a partir de otros tantos documentos, se dibujan sus planos de formas y se exportan para su análisis hidrostático. El trabajo requiere la realización de otros estudios en paralelo necesarios para entender aquellos factores que formaron parte del desarrollo tecnológico naval como son, las unidades de medida en uso en los astilleros, los distintos sistemas de arqueo impuestos por la Corona y la representación de los diferentes instrumentos geométricos de modificación de los parámetros de diseño. A lo largo del trabajo se dan respuesta a interrogantes planteados por la arqueología en relación con el desarrollo de la arquitectura naval poniendo en evidencia que durante este período quedaron establecidos los fundamentos teórico-prácticos de lo que más adelante se convirtió en la ciencia de la ingeniería naval y se plantean nuevos retos para aquellos que deseen continuar la apasionante tarea de la investigación científica de nuestra historia. ABSTRACT The period of the History comprised between 1570 and 1620 has left an important set of shipbuilding documents in the Iberian Peninsula. In a turbulent time in which the kingdoms of Spain and Portugal were ruled under the same Crown, manuscripts, books and laws that reflect the growing concern of society for the naval theme arose. We found among their pages shipbuilding process descriptions of the more relevant vessels that responded to claims that arose at that time. This process brought together hull generation and shipbuilding and came from a secular tradition born in the Mediterranean. By means of simple geometric rules, the shipbuilder traced the central sections and profile of the ship, leaving the ends thereof (almost half of the length) to its good performance and experience. 3D computer modelling software by NURBs (Non-Uniform Rational B-spline) surfaces helps to reconstruct ships hulls from contemporary documents. Through a detailed texts interpretation and transcription processes, we manage to reach with a good degree of accuracy the ship hulls described in its pages. From there and through qualitative and quantitative analysis of the parameters obtained we can assess whether the solutions represented by ships gave response to the questions raised by the authors, the influence of external factors such as shipbuilding state regulations or identify their relationship to the origin and expansion of the theory that has determined the effects of Science in Naval Architecture. From the 1550 Venetian nao, inheritor of the secular Mediterranean building tradition, to the Royal Ordinances enacted in 1618, as nine hulls are reproduced, their line drawings are traced and exported for analysis hydrostatic. Further studies are needed to understand the factors that were part of shipbuilding technology development as the units of measure in use in shipyards, the different official regulations for calculating ship tonnage and the different geometric instruments to amend the design parameters. The work gives response to questions raised by archaeology in relation to the development of naval architecture highlighting that during this period were established the theoretical and practical foundations of what later became the science of naval engineering and raising new challenges for those wishing to continue the exciting task of scientific research of our History.


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Thesis (Master's)--University of Washington, 2016-06


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Advances in both computer technology and the necessary mathematical models capable of capturing the geometry of arbitarily shaped objects has led to the development in this thesis of a surface generation package called 'IBSCURF' aimed at providing a more economically viable solution to free-form surface manufacture. A suit of computer programs written in FORTRAN 77 has been developed to provide computer aids for every aspect of work in designing and machining free-form surfaces. A vector-valued parametric method was used for shape description and a lofting technique employed for the construction of the surface. The development of the package 'IBSCURF' consists of two phases. The first deals with CAD. The design process commences in defining the cross-sections which are represented by uniform B-spline curves as approximations to give polygons. The order of the curve and the position and number of the polygon vertices can be used as parameters for the modification to achieve the required curves. When the definitions of the sectional curves is complete, the surface is interpolated over them by cubic cardinal splines. To use the CAD function of the package to design a mould for a plastic handle, a mathematical model was developed. To facilitate the integration of design and machining using the mathematical representation of the surface, the second phase of the package is concerned with CAM which enables the generation of tool offset positions for ball-nosed cutters and a general post-processor has been developed which automatically generates NC tape programs for any CNC milling machine. The two phases of these programs have been successfully implemented, as a CAD/CAM package for free-form surfaces on the VAX 11/750 super-minicomputer with graphics facilities for displaying drawings interactively on the terminal screen. The development of this package has been beneficial in all aspects of design and machining of free form surfaces.


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Direct-drive linear reciprocating compressors offer numerous advantages over conventional counterparts which are usually driven by a rotary induction motor via a crank shaft. However, to ensure efficient and reliable operation under all conditions, it is essential that motor current of a linear compressor follows a sinusoidal current command with a frequency which matches the system resonant frequency. The design of a high-performance current controller for linear compressor drive presents a challenge since the system is highly nonlinear, and an effective solution must be low cost. In this paper, a learning feed-forward current controller for the linear compressors is proposed. It comprises a conventional feedback proportional-integral controller and a feed-forward B-spline neural network (BSNN). The feed-forward BSNN is trained online and in real time in order to minimize the current tracking error. Extensive simulation and experiment results with a prototype linear compressor show that the proposed current controller exhibits high steady state and transient performance. © 2009 IEEE.


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Direct-drive linear reciprocating compressors offer numerous advantages over conventional counterparts which are usually driven by a rotary induction motor via crank shaft However, to ensure efficient and reliable operation under all conditions, it is essential that the motor current of the linear compressor follows a sinusoidal command profile with a frequency which matches the system resonant frequency. This paper describes a hybrid current controller for the linear compressors. It comprises a conventional proportional-integral (PI) controller, and a B-spline neural network compensator which is trained on-line and in real-time in order to minimize the current tracking error under all conditions with uncertain disturbances. It has been shown that the hybrid current controller has a superior steady-state and transient performance over the conventional carrier based PI controller. The performance of the proposed hybrid controller has been demonstrated by extensive simulations and experiments. It has also been shown that the linear compressor operates stably under the current feedback control and the piston stroke can be adjusted by varying the amplitude of the current command. © 2007 IEEE.


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AMS Subj. Classification: 65D07, 65D30.


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The random-phase approximation with exchange (RPAE) is used with a B-spline basis to compute dynamic dipole polarizabilities of noble-gas atoms and several other closed-shell atoms (Be, Mg, Ca, Zn, Sr, Cd, and Ba). From these, values of the van der Waals C6 constants for positronium interactions with these atoms are determined and compared with existing data. After correcting the RPAE polarizabilities to fit the most accurate static polarizability data, our best predictions of C6 for Ps–noble-gas pairs are expected to be accurate to within 1%, and to within a few percent for the alkaline-earth metals. We also used accurate dynamic dipole polarizabilities from the literature to compute the C6 coefficients for the alkali-metal atoms. Implications of increased C6 values for Ps scattering from more polarizable atoms are discussed.


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La caratterizzazione del parenchima polmonare è un aspetto cruciale per l’identificazione dell’enfisema e dell’air trapping in pazienti affetti da broncopneumopatia cronica ostruttiva (BPCO). L’innovazione presente in questo lavoro di tesi è quella di utilizzare a questo scopo l’analisi tessiturale mediante il metodo delle matrici di co-occorrenza su immagini di tomografia computerizzata (TC) acquisite in inspirio ed espirio co-registrate. La co-registrazione che ha portato le immagini acquisite in espirio sullo stesso sistema di riferimento di quelle acquisite in inspirio è avvenuta utilizzando la trasformazione diffeomorfa B-Spline SyN, implementata nel software ANTs, ed è stata applicata sia alle immagini TC che alle features estratte da esse. Dalle matrici di co-occorrenza è stata calcolata la feature Energia, che misura l’uniformità dei livelli di grigio contenuti nell’immagine, e quindi la sua omogeneità. Partendo dal fatto che le aree parenchimali affette da enfisema e air trapping hanno alti livelli di omogeneità dovuti alla presenza dell’aria intrappolata al loro interno, l’idea alla base di questo lavoro è stata quella di identificare queste aree attraverso gli alti valori che l’Energia assume in loro corrispondenza. Sono state quindi stabilite sperimentalmente alcune soglie basate sui valori assunti dall’Energia in inspirio e in espirio. Sulla base di queste il parenchima polmonare è stato clusterizzato in diverse aree identificanti i tessuti sani, quelli affetti da enfisema e quelli affetti dall’air trapping. La clusterizzazione ottenuta è risultata coerente con la reale distribuzione dell’enfisema e dell’air trapping nei pazienti analizzati, dimostrando la validità della tecnica utilizzata e aprendo nuovi scenari futuri alla caratterizzazione del parenchima polmonare in questa patologia.


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The present document deals with the optimization of shape of aerodynamic profiles -- The objective is to reduce the drag coefficient on a given profile without penalising the lift coefficient -- A set of control points defining the geometry are passed and parameterized as a B-Spline curve -- These points are modified automatically by means of CFD analysis -- A given shape is defined by an user and a valid volumetric CFD domain is constructed from this planar data and a set of user-defined parameters -- The construction process involves the usage of 2D and 3D meshing algorithms that were coupled into own- code -- The volume of air surrounding the airfoil and mesh quality are also parametrically defined -- Some standard NACA profiles were used by obtaining first its control points in order to test the algorithm -- Navier-Stokes equations were solved for turbulent, steady-state ow of compressible uids using the k-epsilon model and SIMPLE algorithm -- In order to obtain data for the optimization process an utility to extract drag and lift data from the CFD simulation was added -- After a simulation is run drag and lift data are passed to the optimization process -- A gradient-based method using the steepest descent was implemented in order to define the magnitude and direction of the displacement of each control point -- The control points and other parameters defined as the design variables are iteratively modified in order to achieve an optimum -- Preliminary results on conceptual examples show a decrease in drag and a change in geometry that obeys to aerodynamic behavior principles


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This thesis proposes a generic visual perception architecture for robotic clothes perception and manipulation. This proposed architecture is fully integrated with a stereo vision system and a dual-arm robot and is able to perform a number of autonomous laundering tasks. Clothes perception and manipulation is a novel research topic in robotics and has experienced rapid development in recent years. Compared to the task of perceiving and manipulating rigid objects, clothes perception and manipulation poses a greater challenge. This can be attributed to two reasons: firstly, deformable clothing requires precise (high-acuity) visual perception and dexterous manipulation; secondly, as clothing approximates a non-rigid 2-manifold in 3-space, that can adopt a quasi-infinite configuration space, the potential variability in the appearance of clothing items makes them difficult to understand, identify uniquely, and interact with by machine. From an applications perspective, and as part of EU CloPeMa project, the integrated visual perception architecture refines a pre-existing clothing manipulation pipeline by completing pre-wash clothes (category) sorting (using single-shot or interactive perception for garment categorisation and manipulation) and post-wash dual-arm flattening. To the best of the author’s knowledge, as investigated in this thesis, the autonomous clothing perception and manipulation solutions presented here were first proposed and reported by the author. All of the reported robot demonstrations in this work follow a perception-manipulation method- ology where visual and tactile feedback (in the form of surface wrinkledness captured by the high accuracy depth sensor i.e. CloPeMa stereo head or the predictive confidence modelled by Gaussian Processing) serve as the halting criteria in the flattening and sorting tasks, respectively. From scientific perspective, the proposed visual perception architecture addresses the above challenges by parsing and grouping 3D clothing configurations hierarchically from low-level curvatures, through mid-level surface shape representations (providing topological descriptions and 3D texture representations), to high-level semantic structures and statistical descriptions. A range of visual features such as Shape Index, Surface Topologies Analysis and Local Binary Patterns have been adapted within this work to parse clothing surfaces and textures and several novel features have been devised, including B-Spline Patches with Locality-Constrained Linear coding, and Topology Spatial Distance to describe and quantify generic landmarks (wrinkles and folds). The essence of this proposed architecture comprises 3D generic surface parsing and interpretation, which is critical to underpinning a number of laundering tasks and has the potential to be extended to other rigid and non-rigid object perception and manipulation tasks. The experimental results presented in this thesis demonstrate that: firstly, the proposed grasp- ing approach achieves on-average 84.7% accuracy; secondly, the proposed flattening approach is able to flatten towels, t-shirts and pants (shorts) within 9 iterations on-average; thirdly, the proposed clothes recognition pipeline can recognise clothes categories from highly wrinkled configurations and advances the state-of-the-art by 36% in terms of classification accuracy, achieving an 83.2% true-positive classification rate when discriminating between five categories of clothes; finally the Gaussian Process based interactive perception approach exhibits a substantial improvement over single-shot perception. Accordingly, this thesis has advanced the state-of-the-art of robot clothes perception and manipulation.


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Dissertação de dout. em Electrónica e Computação, Faculdade de Ciências e Tecnologia, Univ. do Algarve, 2004