981 resultados para Axiomatic formal system


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The purpose of this doctoral thesis is to widen and develop our theoretical frameworks for discussion and analyses of feedback practices in management accounting, particularly shedding light on its formal and informal aspects. The concept of feedback in management accounting has conventionally been analyzed within cybernetic control theory, in which feedback flows as a diagnostic or comparative loop between measurable outputs and pre-set goals (see e.g. Flamholtz et al. 1985; Flamholtz 1996, 1983), i.e. as a formal feedback loop. However, the everyday feedback practices in organizations are combinations of formal and informal elements. In addition to technique-driven feedback approaches (like budgets, measurement, and reward systems) we could also categorize social feedback practices that managers see relevant and effective in the pursuit of organizational control. While cybernetics or control theories successfully capture rational and measured aspects of organizational performance and offer a broad organizational context for the analysis, many individual and informal aspects remain vague and isolated. In order to discuss and make sense of the heterogeneous field of interpretations of formal and informal feedback, both in theory and practice, dichotomous approaches seem to be insufficient. Therefore, I suggest an analytical framework of formal and informal feedback with three dimensions (3D’s): source, time, and rule. Based on an abductive analysis of the theoretical and empirical findings from an interpretive case study around a business unit called Division Steelco, the 3Dframework and formal and informal feedback practices are further elaborated vis-á-vis the four thematic layers in the organizational control model by Flamholtz et al. (1985; Flamholtz 1996, 1983): core control system, organizational structure, organizational culture, and external environment. Various personal and cultural meanings given to the formal and informal feedback practices (“feedback as something”) create multidimensional interpretative contexts. Multidimensional frameworks aim to capture and better understand both the variety of interpretations and their implications to the functionality of feedback practices, important in interpretive research.


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Today's networked systems are becoming increasingly complex and diverse. The current simulation and runtime verification techniques do not provide support for developing such systems efficiently; moreover, the reliability of the simulated/verified systems is not thoroughly ensured. To address these challenges, the use of formal techniques to reason about network system development is growing, while at the same time, the mathematical background necessary for using formal techniques is a barrier for network designers to efficiently employ them. Thus, these techniques are not vastly used for developing networked systems. The objective of this thesis is to propose formal approaches for the development of reliable networked systems, by taking efficiency into account. With respect to reliability, we propose the architectural development of correct-by-construction networked system models. With respect to efficiency, we propose reusable network architectures as well as network development. At the core of our development methodology, we employ the abstraction and refinement techniques for the development and analysis of networked systems. We evaluate our proposal by employing the proposed architectures to a pervasive class of dynamic networks, i.e., wireless sensor network architectures as well as to a pervasive class of static networks, i.e., network-on-chip architectures. The ultimate goal of our research is to put forward the idea of building libraries of pre-proved rules for the efficient modelling, development, and analysis of networked systems. We take into account both qualitative and quantitative analysis of networks via varied formal tool support, using a theorem prover the Rodin platform and a statistical model checker the SMC-Uppaal.


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Resilience is the property of a system to remain trustworthy despite changes. Changes of a different nature, whether due to failures of system components or varying operational conditions, significantly increase the complexity of system development. Therefore, advanced development technologies are required to build robust and flexible system architectures capable of adapting to such changes. Moreover, powerful quantitative techniques are needed to assess the impact of these changes on various system characteristics. Architectural flexibility is achieved by embedding into the system design the mechanisms for identifying changes and reacting on them. Hence a resilient system should have both advanced monitoring and error detection capabilities to recognise changes as well as sophisticated reconfiguration mechanisms to adapt to them. The aim of such reconfiguration is to ensure that the system stays operational, i.e., remains capable of achieving its goals. Design, verification and assessment of the system reconfiguration mechanisms is a challenging and error prone engineering task. In this thesis, we propose and validate a formal framework for development and assessment of resilient systems. Such a framework provides us with the means to specify and verify complex component interactions, model their cooperative behaviour in achieving system goals, and analyse the chosen reconfiguration strategies. Due to the variety of properties to be analysed, such a framework should have an integrated nature. To ensure the system functional correctness, it should rely on formal modelling and verification, while, to assess the impact of changes on such properties as performance and reliability, it should be combined with quantitative analysis. To ensure scalability of the proposed framework, we choose Event-B as the basis for reasoning about functional correctness. Event-B is a statebased formal approach that promotes the correct-by-construction development paradigm and formal verification by theorem proving. Event-B has a mature industrial-strength tool support { the Rodin platform. Proof-based verification as well as the reliance on abstraction and decomposition adopted in Event-B provides the designers with a powerful support for the development of complex systems. Moreover, the top-down system development by refinement allows the developers to explicitly express and verify critical system-level properties. Besides ensuring functional correctness, to achieve resilience we also need to analyse a number of non-functional characteristics, such as reliability and performance. Therefore, in this thesis we also demonstrate how formal development in Event-B can be combined with quantitative analysis. Namely, we experiment with integration of such techniques as probabilistic model checking in PRISM and discrete-event simulation in SimPy with formal development in Event-B. Such an integration allows us to assess how changes and di erent recon guration strategies a ect the overall system resilience. The approach proposed in this thesis is validated by a number of case studies from such areas as robotics, space, healthcare and cloud domain.


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Human beings have always strived to preserve their memories and spread their ideas. In the beginning this was always done through human interpretations, such as telling stories and creating sculptures. Later, technological progress made it possible to create a recording of a phenomenon; first as an analogue recording onto a physical object, and later digitally, as a sequence of bits to be interpreted by a computer. By the end of the 20th century technological advances had made it feasible to distribute media content over a computer network instead of on physical objects, thus enabling the concept of digital media distribution. Many digital media distribution systems already exist, and their continued, and in many cases increasing, usage is an indicator for the high interest in their future enhancements and enriching. By looking at these digital media distribution systems, we have identified three main areas of possible improvement: network structure and coordination, transport of content over the network, and the encoding used for the content. In this thesis, our aim is to show that improvements in performance, efficiency and availability can be done in conjunction with improvements in software quality and reliability through the use of formal methods: mathematical approaches to reasoning about software so that we can prove its correctness, together with the desirable properties. We envision a complete media distribution system based on a distributed architecture, such as peer-to-peer networking, in which different parts of the system have been formally modelled and verified. Starting with the network itself, we show how it can be formally constructed and modularised in the Event-B formalism, such that we can separate the modelling of one node from the modelling of the network itself. We also show how the piece selection algorithm in the BitTorrent peer-to-peer transfer protocol can be adapted for on-demand media streaming, and how this can be modelled in Event-B. Furthermore, we show how modelling one peer in Event-B can give results similar to simulating an entire network of peers. Going further, we introduce a formal specification language for content transfer algorithms, and show that having such a language can make these algorithms easier to understand. We also show how generating Event-B code from this language can result in less complexity compared to creating the models from written specifications. We also consider the decoding part of a media distribution system by showing how video decoding can be done in parallel. This is based on formally defined dependencies between frames and blocks in a video sequence; we have shown that also this step can be performed in a way that is mathematically proven correct. Our modelling and proving in this thesis is, in its majority, tool-based. This provides a demonstration of the advance of formal methods as well as their increased reliability, and thus, advocates for their more wide-spread usage in the future.


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L'utilisation des méthodes formelles est de plus en plus courante dans le développement logiciel, et les systèmes de types sont la méthode formelle qui a le plus de succès. L'avancement des méthodes formelles présente de nouveaux défis, ainsi que de nouvelles opportunités. L'un des défis est d'assurer qu'un compilateur préserve la sémantique des programmes, de sorte que les propriétés que l'on garantit à propos de son code source s'appliquent également au code exécutable. Cette thèse présente un compilateur qui traduit un langage fonctionnel d'ordre supérieur avec polymorphisme vers un langage assembleur typé, dont la propriété principale est que la préservation des types est vérifiée de manière automatisée, à l'aide d'annotations de types sur le code du compilateur. Notre compilateur implante les transformations de code essentielles pour un langage fonctionnel d'ordre supérieur, nommément une conversion CPS, une conversion des fermetures et une génération de code. Nous présentons les détails des représentation fortement typées des langages intermédiaires, et les contraintes qu'elles imposent sur l'implantation des transformations de code. Notre objectif est de garantir la préservation des types avec un minimum d'annotations, et sans compromettre les qualités générales de modularité et de lisibilité du code du compilateur. Cet objectif est atteint en grande partie dans le traitement des fonctionnalités de base du langage (les «types simples»), contrairement au traitement du polymorphisme qui demande encore un travail substantiel pour satisfaire la vérification de type.


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L’introduction aux concepts unificateurs dans l’enseignement des mathématiques privilégie typiquement l’approche axiomatique. Il n’est pas surprenant de constater qu’une telle approche tend à une algorithmisation des tâches pour augmenter l’efficacité de leur résolution et favoriser la transparence du nouveau concept enseigné (Chevallard, 1991). Cette réponse classique fait néanmoins oublier le rôle unificateur du concept et n’encourage pas à l’utilisation de sa puissance. Afin d’améliorer l’apprentissage d’un concept unificateur, ce travail de thèse étudie la pertinence d’une séquence didactique dans la formation d’ingénieurs centrée sur un concept unificateur de l’algèbre linéaire: la transformation linéaire (TL). La notion d’unification et la question du sens de la linéarité sont abordées à travers l’acquisition de compétences en résolution de problèmes. La séquence des problèmes à résoudre a pour objet le processus de construction d’un concept abstrait (la TL) sur un domaine déjà mathématisé, avec l’intention de dégager l’aspect unificateur de la notion formelle (Astolfi y Drouin, 1992). À partir de résultats de travaux en didactique des sciences et des mathématiques (Dupin 1995; Sfard 1991), nous élaborons des situations didactiques sur la base d’éléments de modélisation, en cherchant à articuler deux façons de concevoir l’objet (« procédurale » et « structurale ») de façon à trouver une stratégie de résolution plus sûre, plus économique et réutilisable. En particulier, nous avons cherché à situer la notion dans différents domaines mathématiques où elle est applicable : arithmétique, géométrique, algébrique et analytique. La séquence vise à développer des liens entre différents cadres mathématiques, et entre différentes représentations de la TL dans les différents registres mathématiques, en s’inspirant notamment dans cette démarche du développement historique de la notion. De plus, la séquence didactique vise à maintenir un équilibre entre le côté applicable des tâches à la pratique professionnelle visée, et le côté théorique propice à la structuration des concepts. L’étude a été conduite avec des étudiants chiliens en formation au génie, dans le premier cours d’algèbre linéaire. Nous avons mené une analyse a priori détaillée afin de renforcer la robustesse de la séquence et de préparer à l’analyse des données. Par l’analyse des réponses au questionnaire d’entrée, des productions des équipes et des commentaires reçus en entrevus, nous avons pu identifier les compétences mathématiques et les niveaux d’explicitation (Caron, 2004) mis à contribution dans l’utilisation de la TL. Les résultats obtenus montrent l’émergence du rôle unificateur de la TL, même chez ceux dont les habitudes en résolution de problèmes mathématiques sont marquées par une orientation procédurale, tant dans l’apprentissage que dans l’enseignement. La séquence didactique a montré son efficacité pour la construction progressive chez les étudiants de la notion de transformation linéaire (TL), avec le sens et les propriétés qui lui sont propres : la TL apparaît ainsi comme un moyen économique de résoudre des problèmes extérieurs à l’algèbre linéaire, ce qui permet aux étudiants d’en abstraire les propriétés sous-jacentes. Par ailleurs, nous avons pu observer que certains concepts enseignés auparavant peuvent agir comme obstacles à l’unification visée. Cela peut ramener les étudiants à leur point de départ, et le rôle de la TL se résume dans ces conditions à révéler des connaissances partielles, plutôt qu’à guider la résolution.


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Social bookmark tools are rapidly emerging on the Web. In such systems users are setting up lightweight conceptual structures called folksonomies. The reason for their immediate success is the fact that no specific skills are needed for participating. In this paper we specify a formal model for folksonomies and briefly describe our own system BibSonomy, which allows for sharing both bookmarks and publication references in a kind of personal library.


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I have designed and implemented a system for the multilevel verification of synchronous MOS VLSI circuits. The system, called Silica Pithecus, accepts the schematic of an MOS circuit and a specification of the circuit's intended digital behavior. Silica Pithecus determines if the circuit meets its specification. If the circuit fails to meet its specification Silica Pithecus returns to the designer the reason for the failure. Unlike earlier verifiers which modelled primitives (e.g., transistors) as unidirectional digital devices, Silica Pithecus models primitives more realistically. Transistors are modelled as bidirectional devices of varying resistances, and nodes are modelled as capacitors. Silica Pithecus operates hierarchically, interactively, and incrementally. Major contributions of this research include a formal understanding of the relationship between different behavioral descriptions (e.g., signal, boolean, and arithmetic descriptions) of the same device, and a formalization of the relationship between the structure, behavior, and context of device. Given these formal structures my methods find sufficient conditions on the inputs of circuits which guarantee the correct operation of the circuit in the desired descriptive domain. These methods are algorithmic and complete. They also handle complex phenomena such as races and charge sharing. Informal notions such as races and hazards are shown to be derivable from the correctness conditions used by my methods.


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Formalizing algorithm derivations is a necessary prerequisite for developing automated algorithm design systems. This report describes a derivation of an algorithm for incrementally matching conjunctive patterns against a growing database. This algorithm, which is modeled on the Rete matcher used in the OPS5 production system, forms a basis for efficiently implementing a rule system. The highlights of this derivation are: (1) a formal specification for the rule system matching problem, (2) derivation of an algorithm for this task using a lattice-theoretic model of conjunctive and disjunctive variable substitutions, and (3) optimization of this algorithm, using finite differencing, for incrementally processing new data.


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This paper argues that the Japanese business system cannot be adequately understood without extending the focus of analysis beyond the individual firm to the vertical keiretsu, or business group. The vertical group or keiretsu structure was first identified and studied in the auto and electronics industries, where it is most strongly marked, but it characterizes virtually all sectors, service industries as well as manufacturing. Large industrial vertical keiretsu are composed of subsidiaries engaged in three distinct types of activities (manufacturing, marketing, and quasirelated business). The coordination and control systems are built on the flows of products, financial resources, information and technology, and people across formal company boundaries, with the parent firm controlling the key flows. The paper examines the prevailing explanations first for the emergence and then for the persistence of the vertical group structure, and looks at the current pressures for change and adaptation in the system.


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A review article of the The New England Journal of Medicine refers that almost a century ago, Abraham Flexner, a research scholar at the Carnegie Foundation for the Advancement of Teaching, undertook an assessment of medical education in 155 medical schools in operation in the United States and Canada. Flexner’s report emphasized the nonscientific approach of American medical schools to preparation for the profession, which contrasted with the university-based system of medical education in Germany. At the core of Flexner’s view was the notion that formal analytic reasoning, the kind of thinking integral to the natural sciences, should hold pride of place in the intellectual training of physicians. This idea was pioneered at Harvard University, the University of Michigan, and the University of Pennsylvania in the 1880s, but was most fully expressed in the educational program at Johns Hopkins University, which Flexner regarded as the ideal for medical education. (...)


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Introduction: Comprehensive undergraduate education in clinical sciences is grounded on activities developed during clerkships. To implement the credits system we must know how these experiences take place. Objectives: to describe how students spend time in clerkships, how they assess the educative value of activities and the enjoyment it provides. Method: We distributed a form to a random clustered sample of a 100 students coursing clinical sciences, designed to record the time spent, and to assess the educative value and the grade of enjoyment of the activities in clerkship during a week. Data were registered and analyzed on Excel® 98 and SPSS. Results: mean time spent by students in clerkship activities on a day were 10.8 hours. Of those, 7.3 hours (69%) were spent in formal education activities. Patient care activities with teachers occupied the major proportion of time (15.4%). Of the teaching and learning activities in a week, 28 hours (56%) were spent in patient care activities and 22.4 hours (44.5%) were used in independent academic work. The time spent in teaching and learning activities correspond to 19 credits of a semester of 18 weeks. The activities assessed as having the major educational value were homework activities (4.6) and formal education activities (4.5). The graded as most enjoyable were extracurricular activities, formal educational activities and independent academic work. Conclusion: our students spend more time in activities with patients than the reported in literature. The attending workload of our students is greater than the one reported in similar studies.


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Esta investigación pretende alcanzar dos objetivos. Cubrir el vacío existente en los estudios de las funciones comunicativas del habla de profesores, en este caso de inglés como Lengua Extranjera (ILE) destinado a nivel preescolar, y configurar una interfaz discurso-gramática de las funciones reguladoras del lenguaje.. En primer lugar, para lograr un análisis discursivo-semántico, en este trabajo se diseña la Red Sistémica de Funciones Reguladoras, RSFR, una herramienta que resume las diferentes opciones discursivo-semánticas de los contextos de las funciones reguladoras. A continuación, se analizan los datos en el estrato léxico-gramatical para facilitar conclusiones sobre la relación función-realización formal. Por último se exponen las similitudes y diferencias en la producción lingüística de las funciones reguladoras entre profesores nativos y no nativos.. Las aportaciones más destacadas de esta investigación son cuatro: hacer posible un estudio sistemático del significado mediante el diseño de una herramienta; la propuesta de una taxonomía de funciones reguladoras; el análisis de la dependencia entre las funciones reguladoras, y sus realizaciones lingüísticas; y las diferencias encontradas en la comparación del discurso del profesor nativo y no-nativo..


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The presented work focuses on the theoretical and practical aspects concerning the design and development of a formal method to build a mission control system for autonomous underwater vehicles bringing systematic design principles for the formal description of missions using Petri nets. The proposed methodology compounds Petri net building blocks within it to de_ne a mission plan for which it is proved that formal properties, such as reachability and reusability, hold as long as these same properties are also guaranteed by each Petri net building block. To simplify the de_nition of these Petri net blocks as well as their composition, a high level language called Mission Control Language has been developed. Moreover, a methodology to ensure coordination constraints for teams of multiple robots as well as the de_nition of an interface between the proposed system and an on-board planner able to plan/replan sequences of prede_ned mission plans is included as well. Results of experiments with several real underwater vehicles and simulations involving an autonomous surface craft and an autonomous underwater vehicles are presented to show the system's capabilities.


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The ultimate criterion of success for interactive expert systems is that they will be used, and used to effect, by individuals other than the system developers. A key ingredient of success in most systems is involving users in the specification and development of systems as they are being built. However, until recently, system designers have paid little attention to ascertaining user needs and to developing systems with corresponding functionality and appropriate interfaces to match those requirements. Although the situation is beginning to change, many developers do not know how to go about involving users, or else tackle the problem in an inadequate way. This paper discusses the need for user involvement and considers why many developers are still not involving users in an optimal way. It looks at the different ways in which users can be involved in the development process and describes how to select appropriate techniques and methods for studying users. Finally, it discusses some of the problems inherent in involving users in expert system development, and recommends an approach which incorporates both ethnographic analysis and formal user testing.