853 resultados para Avaliação técnico-econômica


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Due to the high value of the bill that the Brazilian has been paying, one of the most expensive in the world, is becoming increasingly attractive the option for renewable energy in form of distributed micro and minigeneration. In other words, the renewable energy sources are becoming attractive not only because of environmental concerns, but also due to economic issues. This has become even more relevant and concrete after approval of rules by National Agency of Electric Energy (ANEEL) on 4/17/2012 (Normative Resolution n ° 482/2012 of 04/17/2012) aimed at reducing barriers to installation of small distributed generation, including microgeneration, with up to 100 kW of power, and minigeneration, 100 kW to 1 MW. The Normative Resolution n ° 482/2012 creates the Energy Clearing System, which allows consumers to install small generators in its consumer unit and exchange energy with the local distributor. The rule applies to generators that use renewable sources of energy (hydro, solar, biomass, wind and cogeneration qualified). In this context, this paper presents a technical and economic analysis of installing a residential microgenerating plant composed of photovoltaic cells, solar panels and small wind turbines


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The use of refrigeration and air conditioning systems is of fundamental importance when it comes to air-conditioning of environments. Also important is the use of electricity for equipments’ operation related to these systems. Due to high cost of charging for this type of energy, factors economy and efficiency occupy key roles among design parameters of a system. One of the ways to get this economy is the use of a technique called thermal storage, or cold storage, which intends to move the required loads during peak time and also their equalizing, so that the energy is transferred from the peak time to non-peak time, thereby reducing the cost of energy consumed. Cold can be stored in the form of ice or ice water. This work aims to perform a technical-economic analysis of a mall located in Vale do Paraíba checking the feasibility of deploying a thermal storage system to achieve an economy in the cost of the energy used by the establishment. Through the parameters measured by the concessionaire of energy we can get the values of energy demand and power consumed, which will serve as basis for calculation for the study. The results obtained allow the development of two alternative proposals to the current configuration, one chosen by the criteria and results presented by technical-economic and energy analysis


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Steel industry is a sector heavily dependent on energy, both electrical and thermal. Since the receipt of raw materials to the shipment of finished products to customers, through mergers, casting, rolling, heat treatment, inspection, among others, high amounts of energy are demanded, generating very significant costs to the productive chain in its entirety . Therefore, any alternative that favors the reduction in energy consumption or barateie the cost of this is very welcome. Within this context, this paper aims to make a technical and economic analysis of installing a cogeneration plant in the field rolling in a non-integrated steel mill. Two configurations are proposed plants, with one being the use of heat from waste gases from furnaces existing in the area mentioned and another with the use of heat from waste gases from an internal combustion engine. Both proposals are evaluated technically and later is done the economic analysis, calculating the financial return (pay back) in relation to the investment required, operation and maintenance of the plant


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This paper shows a technical-economic analysis of the substitution of raw material machined metal parts for a forged preform. At the end, it shows that the economic gain by the machining process substitution for a forged preform is significant for the samples analysed


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This paper shows a technical-economic analysis of the substitution of raw material machined metal parts for a forged preform. At the end, it shows that the economic gain by the machining process substitution for a forged preform is significant for the samples analysed


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Objective To analyze the possible association between dental caries, fluorosis and the need for treatment in 12 year-old schoolchildren and the socioeconomic conditions of parents/guardians in the city of Franca, in the state of São Paulo. Methods A random sample of schoolchildren aged 12 was obtained from the school records in Franca, using a systematic random technique. The epidemiological survey was carried out by a single calibrated examiner, on 258 public and private schoolchildren in order to obtain the prevalence of dental caries, the need for treatment and the severity of dental fluorosis. Parents/guardians were also interviewed to assess their socioeconomic conditions (education and per capita income). We used multiple correlation analysis to investigate associations between category variables. Results It was possible to identify two distinct groups, with associations between the variables: the first group, represented by schoolchildren with average prevalence of caries, need for treatment, low level of parental education and income; and a second group represented by schoolchildren with low prevalence of caries, no need for treatment, high parental education and income. The two dimensions explained approximately 35% of total inertia. The factors within each group are related. Conclusion High income and parental education are associated with the low prevalence of dental caries but there is no association with dental fluorosis.


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El presente trabajo contiene el análisis y la evaluación técnico económica de la fabricación de barniz a nivel industrial. El estudio realizado alcanza el nivel de prefactibilidad. El producto barniz es de tipo bien intermedio, utilizado en un importante número de aplicaciones, mayormente para los recubrimientos en la industria automotriz y de la construcción. El tamaño propuesto para la planta fue determinado a partir del análisis y consideración de las siguientes variables: tecnologías aplicables, disponibilidad de insumos, mercado potencial a sustituir, tasa de descuento de referencia y requerimientos de gestión


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Todos los procesos industriales actualmente tienen como objetivo la eficiencia en el uso de los recursos, principalmente la energía y el agua, así como el tratamiento y la eliminación de los residuos, para que puedan almacenarse de forma segura. Este proyecto surge de la necesidad de una gestión alternativa de residuos y está aplicado a los de una fundición de sulfuros polimetálicos de la faja pirítica española, dada reactivación de la minería de la zona. Se estudia la viabilidad técnico-económica de distintas alternativas de tratamiento y se justifica una de las soluciones más adecuadas.


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In recent decades, the collective leadership of the Solidary Economical Enterprises (ESS) that are active in providing collection and recycling services, has been presented as a proposal for the organization of urban space with the creation of new enterprises and solidarity production chains. Are activities that have gained a new stimulus to the creation of the National Secretariat of Solidarity Economy and the National Policy on Solid Waste that assigned a leading role in these social actors. These experiences contribute to building a participatory development path, resembling with the pluralistic perspective of development of the Indian economist Amartya Sen, that goes beyond the simplistic design of the increased income, focusing on the process of expanding freedoms that people enjoy. The aim of this work is to situate the perspective of endogenous development with the Collection Services segment and Material Recycling in the field of Solidarity Economy, through the analysis of the experience of the Cooperative of Selective Collection and Recycling Friends of the planet, located in the municipality of Lauro to Freitas - BA, from 2004 to 2013. for this the following procedures were adopted: analysis of the main contributions of the international literature on the phenomenon of pluriactivity; review of national literature that analyzes the emergence and evolution of the projects of solidarity economy in Brazil; bibliographical and documentary research; and socio-economic evaluation of the EES. The guiding problem of this work, understandably, is: what is the meaning of endogenous perspective with the Materials Collection and Recycling Services segment in the field of Solidarity Economy? It starts with the hypothesis that the development of these practices requires an environment that removes the main sources of deprivation involving the conditions of existence of these enterprises. The results show that not enough development to be built with the participation of social actors, but there are minimally necessary conditions for such experiences can take hold in order to achieve their goals. Thus, not only is it a strictly economic issue, but requires political actions for a process of social transformation.


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In the last 16 years emerged in Brazil a segment of independent producers with focus on onshore basins and shallow waters. Among the challenges of these companies is the development of fields with projects with a low net present value (NPV). The objective of this work was to study the technical-economical best option to develop an oil field in the Brazilian Northeast using reservoir simulation. Real geology, reservoir and production data was used to build the geological and simulation model. Due to not having PVT analysis, distillation method test data known as the true boiling points (TBP) were used to create a fluids model generating the PVT data. After execution of the history match, four development scenarios were simulated: the extrapolation of production without new investments, the conversion of a producing well for immiscible gas injection, the drilling of a vertical well and the drilling of a horizontal well. As a result, from the financial point of view, the gas injection is the alternative with lower added value, but it may be viable if there are environmental or regulatory restrictions to flaring or venting the produced gas into the atmosphere from this field or neighboring accumulations. The recovery factor achieved with the drilling of vertical and horizontal wells is similar, but the horizontal well is a project of production acceleration; therefore, the present incremental cumulative production with a minimum rate of company's attractiveness is higher. Depending on the crude oil Brent price and the drilling cost, this option can be technically and financially viable.


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PEDRO, Edilson da Silva; SALLES-FILHO, Sergio; MENDES, Paule Jeane. Inovações Institucionais na Pesquisa Agrícola na América Latina e no Caribe. In: SIMPOSIO DE GESTAO DA INOVAÇAO TECNOLOGICA, 24., 2006, Gramado. Anais...Gramado: ANPAD, 2006.


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PEDRO, Edilson da Silva; SALLES-FILHO, Sergio; MENDES, Paule Jeane. Inovações Institucionais na Pesquisa Agrícola na América Latina e no Caribe. In: SIMPOSIO DE GESTAO DA INOVAÇAO TECNOLOGICA, 24., 2006, Gramado. Anais...Gramado: ANPAD, 2006.


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O Comité Técnico CEN/TC 350 “Sustainability of construction works” elaborou um conjunto de normas que propõem um sistema de avaliação do contributo da construção para o desenvolvimento sustentável, nomeadamente através da avaliação dos seus desempenhos ambiental, social e económico, baseado numa abordagem de ciclo de vida. Os sistemas de avaliação da sustentabilidade de edifícios têm um papel importante em todas as fases do ciclo de vida (anterior à utilização, utilização e fim de vida) de um edifício que se pretenda sustentável, pois agilizam a integração entre os aspetos ambientais, sociais e económicos com outros critérios de decisão. Esta dissertação tem como objetivo apresentar uma metodologia inovadora de avaliação sistemática do desempenho económico de edifícios dentro do conceito sustentabilidade, com base na análise do ciclo de vida, conforme estabelecido na EN 16627:2015, que descreve o processo de tomada de decisão e documentação da avaliação do desempenho económico de edifícios dentro do conceito da avaliação da sustentabilidade, com base na análise de ciclo de vida (ACV). A metodologia, intitulada “Methodology of Assessment of Economic Performance - Residential Buildings – MAEP-RB”, permite a avaliação do desempenho e da sustentabilidade económica de edifícios na fase anterior à utilização do ciclo de vida. A metodologia segue o princípio de modularidade, onde os aspetos e impactes que influenciam o desempenho económico do edifício durante as fases do seu ciclo de vida, são atribuídos aos indicadores de cada módulo do ciclo de vida em que eles ocorrem dentro da respectiva etapa. Faz parte integrante desta metodologia uma base de dados contendo um modelo de custos na construção baseado na subdivisão do edifício em sistemas, subsistemas, elementos, componentes e subcomponentes, em que este último se encontra ao nível dos recursos. Os resultados da avaliação do desempenho económico e da sustentabilidade económica são desagregados em vários níveis, ou seja, ao nível da fase anterior à utilização do ciclo de vida do edifício, de cada etapa, de cada módulo e de cada indicador económico. A MAEP-RB avalia simultaneamente o desempenho económico e a sustentabilidade económica de edifícios sendo o resultado do desempenho económico expresso em unidade monetária e o da sustentabilidade comunicado por um Índice de Sustentabilidade Económica (A+, A, B, C, D, E).