765 resultados para Autopoiesis of leisure
Appropriate measures of physical activity are essential for determining the population prevalence of physical activity, for tracking trends over time, and for guiding intervention efforts. Physical activity measurement is characterised by the synthesis of information on the type, frequency, intensity, and duration of activity over a specified period. To date, emphasis in physical activity assessment has been on the measurement of leisure time physical activities. However, some domestic and transport related activities entail energy expenditures equivalent to moderate intensity of 3.0–6.0 METS1 considered to be of sufficient intensity to achieve a health benefit are yet to be included in routine population level physical activity surveillance. This leads to population estimates based only on measures of leisure time physical activities.
Background: Developing the knowledge base on the impact of aphasia on people's social lives has become increasingly important in recent times to further our understanding of the broad consequences of communication disability and thus provide appropriate services. Past research clearly indicates that relationships and social activities with family members and others undergo change with the onset of aphasia in an individual, however more evidence of a quantitative nature would be beneficial. Aims: The current research furthers our knowledge by quantifying chronically aphasic older people's regular social contacts and social activities, and places them in context by comparing them with healthy older people of similar age and education. Methods & Procedures: A total of 30 aphasic participants aged 57 to 88 years, and 71 non-aphasic controls aged 62 to 98 years were interviewed by a speech and language therapist using self-report measures of Social Network Analysis (Antonucci & Akiyama, 1987) and Social Activities Checklist (Cruice, 2001, in Worrall & Hickson, 2003). Demographic information was also collected. Descriptive statistics are presented and independent samples t tests were used to examine differences between the groups. Outcomes & Results: Participants with primarily mild to moderate aphasic impairment reported a considerable range of social contacts (5-51) and social activities (8-18). Many significant differences were evident between the two groups' social contacts and activities. On average, aphasic participants had nine fewer social contacts (mainly friend'' relationships) and three fewer social activities (mainly leisure'' activities) than their non-aphasic peers. The majority of controls were satisfied with their social activities, whereas the majority of aphasic participants were not and wanted to be doing more. There were some general similarities between the groups, in terms of range of social contacts, overall pattern of social relationships, and core social activities. Conclusions: Older people with chronic aphasia had significantly fewer social contacts and social activities than their peers. People with aphasia expressed a desire to increase the social activity of their lives. Given the importance of leisure activity and relationships with friends as well as family for positive well-being, speech and language therapists may direct their rehabilitation efforts towards two areas: (1) conversational partner programmes training friends to maintain these relationships; and (2) encouraging and supporting aphasic clients in leisure activities of their choice.
The aim of this thesis was to investigate the impact of changing values and attitudes toward work and the workplace in Britain, West Germany, France and Japan. A cross-national approach was adopted in order to gain a better understanding of differences and similarities in behaviour and to identify aspects specific to each society. Although the relationship between work and leisure has been thoroughly examined and there is a growing body of literature on changes in the values associated with these two phenomena, little research has been carried out into leisure at work. Studies of work time have tended to consider it as a homogeneous block, whereas recent research suggests that more attention should be devoted to unravelling the multiple uses of time at the workplace. The present study sought to review and analyse this new approach to the study of work time, and special attention is devoted to an examination of definitions of leisure, recreation, free time and work within the context of the workplace. The cross-cultural comparative approach gave rise to several problems due to the number of countries involved and the unusual combination of factors being investigated. The main difficulties were differences in the amount and quality of literature available, the non-comparability of existing data, definitions of concepts and socio-linguistic terms, and problems over access to organizations for fieldwork. Much of the literature generalizes about patterns of behaviour and few authors isolate factors specific to particular societies. In this thesis new empirical work is therefore used to ascertain the extent to which generalizations can be made from the literature and characteristics peculiar to each of the four countries identified. White-collar employees in large, broadly comparable companies were studied using identical questionnaires in the appropriate language. Respondents selected were men and women, aged between 20-65 years and either managers or non-managers. Patterns of leisure at work were found to be broadly similar in the national contexts, but with the Japanese and the West Germans experiencing the least leisure at work, and the British and the French perceiving the most. The general trend seems to be toward convergence of attitudes regarding leisure at work in the four countries. Explanations for variations in practice were sought within the wider societal contexts of each country.
This survey collected information on aspects of health amongst an employed population, employees in 14 different organisations in the West Midlands Regional Health Authority; and was a stratified sample of senior managers, middle managers and operatives. Nine hundred and sixty questionnaires were distributed asking for both quantitative and qualitative information on 58 questions covering health, work, family, leisure activities and life-style. A response rate of 48% (459 returned questionnaires) came from 290 men (63%), 165 women (36%) and four people (1%) who did not answer the gender question. The initial findings from this study are unique in that there has not been a specific review of the health of people at work. In answer to the main research questions, 92% felt they were healthy. Compared to others of a similar age, 34% felt their health was `above average', 58% `average', and 7&37 `below average'. Thirty two percent of respondents had visited their GP in the past 1-2 months; the highest reason given was disorders of the respiratory system, 20%. People's perceptions on the effects of work on their health were: good effect, 13% fair effect, 20% no effect, 27% poor effect, 27% and bad effect, 7%. The effects of leisure activities on health were thought to be more positive: good effect, 46% fair effect, 20% no effect, 21% poor effect, 3% and bad effect, 2%. The perceptions of effects of life-style on health were considered to be: good effect, 32% fair effect, 32% no effect, 20% poor effect, 9% and bad effect, 1%. In this survey, leisure and life-style were seen by employees to have more beneficial effects on health than work. Future implications include a review of occupational health as a major policy development area within primary care. There is a need to influence the education and training of health care practitioners in order to affect their ability to practise effectively in this new and challenging area of work.
A sport egyre fontosabb tényezővé válik a társadalomban, és gazdasági súlya is egyre szignifikánsabban jelentkezik. A sportgazdaságtani írások nagy része azonban a hivatásos sporttal foglalkozik, a szabadidősport nem kap elég súlyt. Downward és szerzőtársai még 2009-ben is az elméleti és gyakorlati munkák hiányára hívták fel a figyelmet. Jelen cikk a szabadidősporttal kíván foglalkozni, és célja, hogy bemutassa, milyen értéket teremt a szabadidősport az egyén, a vállalatok, a társadalom és a gazdaság számára, valamint azt, hogy az egyes szereplők a szabadidősport által milyen módon lehetnek versenyképesebbek. A szabadidősport és a versenyképesség rövid fogalmi definiálása után a szerző bemutatja az irodalom-feldolgozás és a 31 kvalitatív mélyinterjú kapcsolódó eredményeit. ___________________ Sport has always been an important part of society but it is now becoming an increasingly important part of the economy. The sport management literature mostly deals with competitive sport, leisure sport has a week position. Downward et al.have written about the lack of theoretical and empirical works in the area of leisure sport. This article deals with leisure sport, the aim of the author’s work is: to present the value creation of leisure sport for individuals, companies, for society and economy, and to examine how they could be more competitive through leisure sport. After presenting short definitions of leisure sport and competitiveness, the author does literature review and presents the most important thoughts of the articles and the results of my 31 qualitative in-depth interviews.
Tanulmányunk a gazdasági versenyképességgel, kiemelten annak nemzetgazdasági szintű vetületével és a sport esetében történő értelmezésével foglakozik. A gazdasági versenyképesség esetén kiemelten kezeljük az IMD és a WEF versenyképességi rangsorait, a sport esetén pedig szétválasztjuk a hivatásos és a szabadidősportot. A hivatásos sport esetén bemutatjuk a sportszakmai versenyképességet indikáló és a sportszakmai versenyképességre hatással lévő gazdasági és társadalmi mutatókat egyaránt. Összehasonlítási csoportot képeztünk, amelyben Magyarország és a környező országok szerepelnek és a komparatív elemzés kiterjed a gazdasági és a sportszakmai versenyképességre, valamint a sportszakmai versenyképességre ható gazdasági és társadalmi tényezőkre egyaránt. A sportszakmai versenyképességet az olimpiai érmek számával és azok pontértékével mérjük, amit az olimpiák teljes történelmére és az elmúlt 20 év különböző szakaszaira egyaránt vizsgálunk, míg a gazdasági és társadalmi tényezőket csak a mondanivalónk szempontjából legrelevánsabb évekre, az új évezredre vizsgálunk. A hivatásos sporttal kapcsolatos versenyképességi kérdésekből azt a következtetést vontuk le, hogy Magyarország történelmi sportszakmai eredményességének fenntartását a jelen gazdasági és társadalmi tényezők nem igazolják, sőt az elmúlt időszak visszaesését támasztják alá és a Londoni olimpián való szereplésünkkel kapcsolatban inkább az összehasonlítási csoporton belüli további visszacsúszást, mintsem az eredmény javulását támogatják. A tanulmányban azt állítjuk, hogy egyéni, vállalati és makrogazdasági versenyképességet is javíthat a szabadidősport. Mikro szinten, majd makrogazdasági szinten elemeztük a szabadidősport hatásait, valamint próbáltunk választ keresni arra a kérdésre, hogy hogyan válhat az egyén, a vállalat és végső célként a gazdaság versenyképesebbé a fizikai aktivitás által. A kevesebb betegség és egészségügyi kiadás, vagy éppen a kedvezőbb várható élettartami mutatók mellett termelékenység-növekedés, a versenyképességi rangsorokban pedig előkelőbb helyezések érhetők el. ______ Our paper tackles the concept of competitiveness in the national level and interprets it also in the field of sport as well. In the economics field we focus on the competitiveness rankings of IMD and WEF and in the sport field we differentiate between professional and leisure sport. In the case of professional sport we introduce the measures of sport competitiveness and its influencing economic and social factors as well. We have made a peer group which contains Hungary and its neighboring countries and the comparative study tackles the sport competitiveness and the influencing economic and social factors as well. We measure sport competitiveness with the Olympic medal count and the medals point value, which is counted in the whole Olympic history, and different phases of the last 20 years. The economic and social factors are compared only in the new millennia as this is the most relevant time frame of this study. From the competitiveness analysis of professional sport we concluded that the maintenance of Hungary’s historical sport successes is not proved by nowadays economic and social factors, however they support the past years decline. These factors also indicate that in London (2012)we would rather slip one more position back in the peer group, than rise again from our ashes. In our opinion leisure sport could enhance the competitiveness of individuals, companies, and economy also. We analysed the effects of leisure sport on the microeconomic and macroeconomic level, and tried to find answer to that question how could be individuals, companies, and economy more competitive through leisure sport. Besides less illness and health care expenditures, longer life expectancy, productivity growth, countries could be well placed in competitiveness’ rankings.
Napjainkra a sport, a valamikori egyértelműen civil tevékenység összetett, folyamatosan változó és jelentős üzleti lehetőségeket rejtő iparággá fejlődött. Ebben az iparágban a hivatásos sport esetében öt piac működik: a fogyasztói piac, a játékos piac, a szponzori piac, a közvetítési jogok piaca és a merchandising piac. A szabadidősport esetében is azonosíthatók piacok. A szerző célja e piacok magyarországi működésének bemutatása, amit 31 kvalitatív mélyinterjúhoz kapcsolódó eredményei segítségével tesz meg _____ Sport, which was the activity of the civil sphere, has become a complex, continuously changing industry with significant business opportunities. In the case of professional sports there are five markets: consumer, player, sponsor, media (broadcasting) and merchandising markets. In the case of leisure sports the author can also identify different markets. The aim of this paper is to present these markets in Hungary with the help of the results of the author’s 31 qualitative in-depth interviews.
This paper aims to categorize Brazilian Internet users according to the diversity of their online activities and to assess the propensity of these Internet users´ groups to use electronic government (e-gov) services. The Amartya Sen’s Capability Approach was adopted as the theoretical framework for its consideration of people’s freedom to decide on their use of available resources and their competencies for these decisions, leading to the use of e-gov services. Multivariate statistical techniques were used to perform data analysis from the 2007, 2009 and 2011 editions of ICT Household Survey. The results showed that Internet users belonging to the advanced and intermediate use groups were more likely to use e-gov services than those who belong to the sporadic use group. Moreover, the results also demonstrated that the Internet user group of intermediate use presented a higher tendency to use e-gov services than the Internet user group of advanced use. This tendency is possibly related to the extensive use of interactive and collaborative activities of leisure and entertainment performed by this type of user. The findings of this research may be useful in guiding public policies for the dissemination and provision of electronic government services in Brazil.
CIEO-Research Centre for Spatial and Organizational Dynamics, University of Algarve
Expanded individual availability and flexibility is necessary in order to progress in a management career to senior level. If managers owe all their time to the organisation and their work as managers they are left with no time to invest in the management of their private lives. Therefore, it remains unspoken in their management work how they are able to create time and space to enjoy free time during their non-working hours. Managers female partners prepare all the domestic work in the private sphere in order for the manager to enjoy their free time in any leisure activity. The empirical evidence for this argument derives from 64 in-depth interviews with male managers from three European countries (Germany, Portugal, the United Kingdom) working for one large multinational company. These interviews cover the views of a variety of male managers with an age range between 30 and 65 years and, thus, different management positions and life stages. This article explores three different layers of time in male managers work careers: non-working time, free-time and leisure time. It includes the concept of leisure work which enables managers to devote themselves absolutely to whatever they want to do in their non-working time. Therefore combining a professional career and family life for male managers is only a question of balancing their work as male managers and leisure time and not an issue of tension between employment and domestic obligations.
We investigated the effect of different exercise modalities on high sensitivity-C reactive protein (hs-CRP) and other inflammatory markers in patients with type 2 diabetes and the metabolic syndrome. Eighty-two patients were randomized into 4 groups: sedentary control (A); receiving counseling to perform low-intensity physical activity (B); performing prescribed and supervised high-intensity aerobic (C) or aerobic + resistance (D) exercise (with the same caloric expenditure) for 12 months. Evaluation of leisure-time physical activity and assessment of physical fitness, cardiovascular risk factors and inflammatory biomarkers was performed at baseline and every 3 months. Volume of physical activity increased and HbA1c decreased in Groups B–D. VO2max, HOMA-IR index, HDL-cholesterol, waist circumference and albuminuria improved in Groups C and D, whereas strength and flexibility improved only in Group D. Levels of hs-CRP decreased in all three exercising groups, but the reduction was significant only in Groups C and D, and particularly in Group D. Changes in VO2max and the exercise modalities were strong predictors of hs-CRP reduction, independent of body weight. Leptin, resistin and interleukin-6 decreased, whereas adiponectin increased in Groups C and D. Interleukin-1β, tumor necrosis factor-α and interferon-γ decreased, whereas anti-inflammatory interleukin-4 and 10 increased only in Group D. In conclusion, physical exercise in type 2 diabetic patients with the metabolic syndrome is associated with a significant reduction of hs-CRP and other inflammatory and insulin resistance biomarkers, independent of weight loss. Long-term high-intensity (preferably mixed) training, in addition to daytime physical activity, is required to obtain a significant anti-inflammatory effect.
Universidade Estadual de Campinas . Faculdade de Educação Física
Universidade Estadual de Campinas . Faculdade de Educação Física
Universidade Estadual de Campinas. Faculdade de Educação Física
Universidade Estadual de Campinas . Faculdade de Educação Física