993 resultados para Automobiles--Seat belts--Juvenile literature


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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Pós-graduação em Letras - FCLAS


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Pós-graduação em Letras - FCLAS


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No presente estudo, focalizamos as narrativas Fazendo Ana Paz (1991) e Retratos de Carolina (2002) de Lygia Bojunga, verificando os modos como a autora incorpora a materialização da autoria implícita, ou seja, a projeção da categoria autoral no universo diegético, instaurando, assim, um jogo mimético entre realidade e ficção.


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INTRODUCTION: The children's schools are expanded spaces of education and care for infants. The educator's role as mediator in learning is crucial to child development, and the use of children's books can act as an important methodological and pedagogical resource in this process. METHODS: This paper describes a psychoeducational intervention performed with the educators of a public pre-school with the following objectives: (a) register the collection of children's books of the school, (b) investigate the acquisition and use of children's books by the teachers and (c) offer an intervention to teachers regarding the educational use of children's books. The participants were seven educators who worked with children from 2 to 6 years old. RESULTS: The results indicate that among the 315 books in the school, the majority was about animal stories (75 books), fantasy and mystery (38), fairy tales and fables (34), formal learning (33), learning rules (33) and about nature and environment (22). The educators reported that the choice of books was made mainly considering the age group to which the books were directed, and also from the themes found in texts and/ or illustrations. Although the teachers believe that the books can encourage reading among children, they don't describe their use in planned activities and they report lack of knowledge about their use. CONCLUSION: The proposed intervention to the teachers allowed them to rethink the use of books in pre-school, instructing them to the utilization of the books aiming to stimulate the imagination and creativity, improving the critical and reflexive capability of the children.


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In the area of humanities, especially in Literature, can cause estrangement that perform research related to the creation of the database. It can imagine at first that tries to bring complex concepts such as "literature", "reading" and "literacy" to quantifications. However, it should be noted that the formation of these banks can contribute to the consolidation of research networks, with consequent exchange of information and references, including researchers from different and distant regions of country. Precisely because of this diverse spatiality, providing that the Federation units realize their research capacities and performance in certain areas brings significant elements for the advancement of scientific and cultural. In the case of this research aimed to briefly describe some clues about memories of reading teachers in the Literature, the region known as Norte Pioneiro, of Paraná State and the neighboring region with that, demarcated by the counties between Assis and Ourinhos from São Paulo State, enrolled in a specialized course, to contemplate works of juvenile literature.


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Literature has always had a tense relationship with school. On the one hand, its educational function which is a feature of its own has motivated its insertion into curricula; on the other hand, its pedagogical use seems to defile its esthetical value. Such a paradox may be clearly observed in juvenile literature whose specificity has not always been acknowledged. To discuss the alleged specificity of that literary subgenre and its use in school, this essay compares the books A órbita dos caracóis (2003), by Reinaldo Moraes, and Se eu fechar os olhos agora (2009), by Edney Silverstre, which have in common their possible destination to the juvenile public, even though neither of them has been conceived of with that purpose in mind.


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Objetiva-se apresentar uma possibilidade de leitura da obra juvenil Pedro Pedra, de Gustavo Bernardo, na qual se considera o papel do leitor e do narrador. Para a consecução desse objetivo, pretende-se refletir, a partir das contribuições da estética da recepção, acerca do que propicia o prazer na leitura e quais elementos determinam o papel do leitor implícito e as disposições do narrador. Constrói-se, neste texto, a hipótese de que a estratégia do escritor de apresentar sua narrativa sob a forma de um romance de formação permite ao jovem leitor, também em fase de definição de sua personalidade, identificação com a temática.


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Introduction: Longitudinal barriers, such as guardrails, are designed to prevent a vehicle that leaves the roadway from impacting a more dangerous object while minimizing the risk of injury to the vehicle occupants. Current full-scale test procedures for these devices do not consider the effect of occupant restraints such as seatbelts and airbags. The purpose of this study was to determine the extent to which restraints are used or deployed in longitudinal barrier collisions and their subsequent effect on occupant injury. Methods: Binary logistic regression models were generated to predict occupant injury risk using data from the National Automotive Sampling System / Crashworthiness Data System from 1997 through 2007. Results: In tow-away longitudinal barrier crashes, airbag deployment rates were 70% for airbag-equipped vehicles. Compared with unbelted occupants without an airbag available, seat belt restrained occupants with an airbag available had a dramatically decreased risk of receiving a serious (MAIS 3+) injury (odds-ratio (OR)=0.03; 95% CI: 0.004- 0.24). A similar decrease was observed among those restrained by seat belts, but without an airbag available (OR=0.03; 95% CI: 0.001- 0.79). No significant differences in risk of serious injuries were observed between unbelted occupants with an airbag available compared with unbelted occupants without an airbag available (OR=0.53; 95% CI=0.10-2.68). Impact on Industry: This study refutes the perception in the roadside safety community that airbags rarely deploy in frontal barrier crashes, and suggests that current longitudinal barrier occupant risk criteria may over-estimate injury potential for restrained occupants involved in a longitudinal barrier crash.


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The dissertation titled "Driver Safety in Far-side and Far-oblique Crashes" presents a novel approach to assessing vehicle cockpit safety by integrating Human Factors and Applied Mechanics. The methodology of this approach is aimed at improving safety in compact mobile workspaces such as patrol vehicle cockpits. A statistical analysis performed using Michigan state's traffic crash data to assess various contributing factors that affect the risk of severe driver injuries showed that the risk was greater for unrestrained drivers (OR=3.38, p<0.0001) and for incidents involving front and far-side crashes without seatbelts (OR=8.0 and 23.0 respectively, p<0.005). Statistics also showed that near-side and far-side crashes pose similar threat to driver injury severity. A Human Factor survey was conducted to assess various Human-Machine/Human-Computer Interaction aspects in patrol vehicle cockpits. Results showed that tasks requiring manual operation, especially the usage of laptop, would require more attention and potentially cause more distraction. A vehicle survey conducted to evaluate ergonomics-related issues revealed that some of the equipment was in airbag deployment zones. In addition, experiments were conducted to assess the effects on driver distraction caused by changing the position of in-car accessories. A driving simulator study was conducted to mimic HMI/HCI in a patrol vehicle cockpit (20 subjects, average driving experience = 5.35 years, s.d. = 1.8). It was found that the mounting locations of manual tasks did not result in a significant change in response times. Visual displays resulted in response times less than 1.5sec. It can also be concluded that the manual task was equally distracting regardless of mounting positions (average response time was 15 secs). Average speeds and lane deviations did not show any significant results. Data from 13 full-scale sled tests conducted to simulate far-side impacts at 70 PDOF and 40 PDOF was used to analyze head injuries and HIC/AIS values. It was found that accelerations generated by the vehicle deceleration alone were high enough to cause AIS 3 - AIS 6 injuries. Pretensioners could mitigated injuries only in 40 PDOF (oblique) impacts but are useless in 70 PDOF impacts. Seat belts were ineffective in protecting the driver's head from injuries. Head would come in contact with the laptop during a far-oblique (40 PDOF) crash and far-side door for an angle-type crash (70 PDOF). Finite Element analysis head-laptop impact interaction showed that the contact velocity was the most crucial factor in causing a severe (and potentially fatal) head injury. Results indicate that no equipment may be mounted in driver trajectory envelopes. A very narrow band of space is left in patrol vehicles for installation of manual-task equipment to be both safe and ergonomic. In case of a contact, the material stiffness and damping properties play a very significant role in determining the injury outcome. Future work may be done on improving the interiors' material properties to better absorb and dissipate kinetic energy of the head. The design of seat belts and pretensioners may also be seen as an essential aspect to be further improved.


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In this issue...Mines Baseball, seat belts, Anaconda, student luncheon, Memorial Day, Silver Bow Ballroom, Hennessy Department Store, President Kennedy


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Page 2 The Vice Provost for University Libraries reflects on Google’s recent experience in China. • A new digital collection of 19th-century Spanish women’s magazines is now available to researchers. Page 3 Collector Gary Wait donates a treasure trove of juvenile literature from the 19th century to the Northeast Children’s Literature Collection at the Thomas J. Dodd Research Center. Page 4 The Map and Geographic Information Center offers a new internship program, where students earn three academic credits and work eight hours a week while developing advanced Geographic Information Systems (GIS) and digitization skills. Page 5 Associate Professor of Anthropology Kevin McBride describes his work in having an important site in the Pequot War declared an historic battlefield. Page 6 Staff members celebrate anniversaries of library service. Page 7 The Libraries’ art exhibits program is celebrated in photos.


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Alessandro Baricco is an Italian author, pianist, journalist and music critic, among a wide range of many other talents. His novels have won great critical acclaim in Italy and France and are popular around the world. While generally considered among the postmodern writers, some critics have accused him of being a forerunner in a 1990s movement dubbed letteratura giovanile, that is juvenile literature that is simplistic, targets a young audience and is created for the sole purpose of making money. This criticism is unwarranted. Baricco is a multitalented author who pays strict attention to the quality of his work and weaves plotlines replete with a diverse set of genres, literary devices and symbolism, often inspired by other great writers and thinkers. However, literary critics have yet to acknowledge one of Baricco's strongest and most important influences: Homer, the ancient Greek bard and author of the epic poems, the Iliad and the Odyssey. Taking Baricco's work in a Homeric context can aid in viewing it as valid and important work, worthy of scholarly discussion and interpretation, rather than, as some critics accuse, a one-dimensional story meant only for children. This paper will argue that Baricco's work is Homeric and, in fact, Baricco's implementation of many of Homer's devices, such as his understanding of his audience and use rhythmic language and stereotyped story patterns, has aided Baricco's great success and popularity.


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Iniciado el siglo XXI, la denominación Literatura Juvenil y el campo epistemológico específico y de investigación que abarca, no han sido todavía suficientemente definidos. Con este estudio se pretende aproximar algunas de las características más notorias de esta área de la Literatura, que tiene como principales destinatarios los lectores adolescentes. Sin duda, fue Paul Hazard, con Los libros, los niños y los hombres (trad. 1950) quien se atrevió a defender la enseñanza a través de libros recreativos y de imaginación para la infancia, desplazando así el centro de lo didáctico moralizante al ámbito abierto y rico del sentimiento y de la fantasía. Ocho años más tarde, Enzo Petrini, con su Estudio crítico de la Literatura Juvenil (1958), asentó las primeras bases de diferenciación de literatura para niños y literatura para jóvenes estudian-do los orígenes y evolución de la Literatura Juvenil y destacando la contribución de la pedagogía y de la crítica.