988 resultados para Automated Test


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BACKGROUND Multiple breath washout (MBW) derived Scond is an established index of ventilation inhomogeneity. Time-consuming post hoc calculations of the expirogram's slope of alveolar phase III (SIII) and the lack of available software hampered widespread application of Scond. METHODS Seventy-two school-aged children (45 with cystic fibrosis; CF) performed 3 nitrogen MBW. We tested a new automated algorithm for Scond analysis (Scondauto ) which comprised breath selection for SIII detection, calculation and reporting of test quality. We compared Scondauto to (i) standard Scond analysis (Scondmanual ) with manual breath selection and to (ii) pragmatic Scond analysis including all breaths (Scondall ). Primary outcomes were success rate and agreement between different Scond protocols, and Scond fitting quality (linear regression R(2) ). RESULTS Average Scondauto (0.06 for CF and 0.01 for controls) was not different from Scondmanual (0.06 for CF and 0.01 for controls) and showed comparable fitting quality (R(2) 0.53 for CF and 0.13 for controls vs. R(2) 0.54 for CF and 0.13 for controls). Scondall was similar in CF and controls but with inferior fitting quality compared to Scondauto and Scondmanual . CONCLUSIONS Automated Scond calculation is feasible and produces robust results comparable to the standard manual way of Scond calculation. This algorithm provides a valid, fast and objective tool for regular use, even in children. Pediatr Pulmonol. © 2014 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.


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INTRODUCTION Native-MR angiography (N-MRA) is considered an imaging alternative to contrast enhanced MR angiography (CE-MRA) for patients with renal insufficiency. Lower intraluminal contrast in N-MRA often leads to failure of the segmentation process in commercial algorithms. This study introduces an in-house 3D model-based segmentation approach used to compare both sequences by automatic 3D lumen segmentation, allowing for evaluation of differences of aortic lumen diameters as well as differences in length comparing both acquisition techniques at every possible location. METHODS AND MATERIALS Sixteen healthy volunteers underwent 1.5-T-MR Angiography (MRA). For each volunteer, two different MR sequences were performed, CE-MRA: gradient echo Turbo FLASH sequence and N-MRA: respiratory-and-cardiac-gated, T2-weighted 3D SSFP. Datasets were segmented using a 3D model-based ellipse-fitting approach with a single seed point placed manually above the celiac trunk. The segmented volumes were manually cropped from left subclavian artery to celiac trunk to avoid error due to side branches. Diameters, volumes and centerline length were computed for intraindividual comparison. For statistical analysis the Wilcoxon-Signed-Ranked-Test was used. RESULTS Average centerline length obtained based on N-MRA was 239.0±23.4 mm compared to 238.6±23.5 mm for CE-MRA without significant difference (P=0.877). Average maximum diameter obtained based on N-MRA was 25.7±3.3 mm compared to 24.1±3.2 mm for CE-MRA (P<0.001). In agreement with the difference in diameters, volumes obtained based on N-MRA (100.1±35.4 cm(3)) were consistently and significantly larger compared to CE-MRA (89.2±30.0 cm(3)) (P<0.001). CONCLUSIONS 3D morphometry shows highly similar centerline lengths for N-MRA and CE-MRA, but systematically higher diameters and volumes for N-MRA.


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AMS-14C applications often require the analysis of small samples. Such is the case of atmospheric aerosols where frequently only a small amount of sample is available. The ion beam physics group at the ETH, Zurich, has designed an Automated Graphitization Equipment (AGE III) for routine graphite production for AMS analysis from organic samples of approximately 1 mg. In this study, we explore the potential use of the AGE III for graphitization of particulate carbon collected in quartz filters. In order to test the methodology, samples of reference materials and blanks with different sizes were prepared in the AGE III and the graphite was analyzed in a MICADAS AMS (ETH) system. The graphite samples prepared in the AGE III showed recovery yields higher than 80% and reproducible 14C values for masses ranging from 50 to 300 lg. Also, reproducible radiocarbon values were obtained for aerosol filters of small sizes that had been graphitized in the AGE III. As a study case, the tested methodology was applied to PM10 samples collected in two urban cities in Mexico in order to compare the source apportionment of biomass and fossil fuel combustion. The obtained 14C data showed that carbonaceous aerosols from Mexico City have much lower biogenic signature than the smaller city of Cuernavaca.


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Several lake ice phenology studies from satellite data have been undertaken. However, the availability of long-term lake freeze-thaw-cycles, required to understand this proxy for climate variability and change, is scarce for European lakes. Long time series from space observations are limited to few satellite sensors. Data of the Advanced Very High Resolution Radiometer (AVHRR) are used in account of their unique potential as they offer each day global coverage from the early 1980s expectedly until 2022. An automatic two-step extraction was developed, which makes use of near-infrared reflectance values and thermal infrared derived lake surface water temperatures to extract lake ice phenology dates. In contrast to other studies utilizing thermal infrared, the thresholds are derived from the data itself, making it unnecessary to define arbitrary or lake specific thresholds. Two lakes in the Baltic region and a steppe lake on the Austrian–Hungarian border were selected. The later one was used to test the applicability of the approach to another climatic region for the time period 1990 to 2012. A comparison of the extracted event dates with in situ data provided good agreements of about 10 d mean absolute error. The two-step extraction was found to be applicable for European lakes in different climate regions and could fill existing data gaps in future applications. The extension of the time series to the full AVHRR record length (early 1980 until today) with adequate length for trend estimations would be of interest to assess climate variability and change. Furthermore, the two-step extraction itself is not sensor-specific and could be applied to other sensors with equivalent near- and thermal infrared spectral bands.


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The study aim was to determine whether using automated side loader (ASL) trucks in higher proportions compared to other types of trucks for residential waste collection results in lower injury rates (from all causes). The primary hypothesis was that the risk of injury to workers was lower for those who work with ASL trucks than for workers who work with other types of trucks used in residential waste collection. To test this hypothesis, data were collected from one of the nation’s largest companies in the solid waste management industry. Different local operating units (i.e. facilities) in the company used different types of trucks to varying degrees, which created a special opportunity to examine refuse collection injuries and illnesses and the risk reduction potential of ASL trucks.^ The study design was ecological and analyzed end-of-year data provided by the company for calendar year 2007. During 2007, there were a total of 345 facilities which provided residential services. Each facility represented one observation.^ The dependent variable – injury and illness rate, was defined as a facility’s total case incidence rate (TCIR) recorded in accordance with federal OSHA requirements for the year 2007. The TCIR is the rate of total recordable injury and illness cases per 100 full-time workers. The independent variable, percent of ASL trucks, was calculated by dividing the number of ASL trucks by the total number of residential trucks at each facility.^ Multiple linear regression models were estimated for the impact of the percent of ASL trucks on TCIR per facility. Adjusted analyses included three covariates: median number of hours worked per week for residential workers; median number of months of work experience for residential workers; and median age of residential workers. All analyses were performed with the statistical software, Stata IC (version 11.0).^ The analyses included three approaches to classifying exposure, percent of ASL trucks. The first approach included two levels of exposure: (1) 0% and (2) >0 - <100%. The second approach included three levels of exposure: (1) 0%, (2) ≥ 1 - < 100%, and (3) 100%. The third approach included six levels of exposure to improve detection of a dose-response relationship: (1) 0%, (2) 1 to <25%, (3) 25 to <50%, (4) 50 to <75%, (5) 75 to <100%, and (6) 100%. None of the relationships between injury and illness rate and percent ASL trucks exposure levels was statistically significant (i.e., p<0.05), even after adjustment for all three covariates.^ In summary, the present study shows that there is some risk reduction impact of ASL trucks but not statistically significant. The covariates demonstrated a varied yet more modest impact on the injury and illness rate but again, none of the relationships between injury and illness rate and the covariates were statistically significant (i.e., p<0.05). However, as an ecological study, the present study also has the limitations inherent in such designs and warrants replication in an individual level cohort design. Any stronger conclusions are not suggested.^


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Current trends in the European Higher Education Area (EHEA) are moving towards the continuous evaluation of the students in substitution of the traditional evaluation based on a single test or exam. This fact and the increase in the number of students during last years in Engineering Schools, requires to modify evaluation procedures making them compatible with the educational and research activities. This work presents a methodology for the automatic generation of questions. These questions can be used as self assessment questions by the student and/or as queries by the teacher. The proposed approach is based on the utilization of parametric questions, formulated as multiple choice questions and generated and supported by the utilization of common programs of data sheets and word processors. Through this approach, every teacher can apply the proposed methodology without the use of programs or tools different from those normally used in his/her daily activity


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El daño cerebral adquirido (DCA) es un problema social y sanitario grave, de magnitud creciente y de una gran complejidad diagnóstica y terapéutica. Su elevada incidencia, junto con el aumento de la supervivencia de los pacientes, una vez superada la fase aguda, lo convierten también en un problema de alta prevalencia. En concreto, según la Organización Mundial de la Salud (OMS) el DCA estará entre las 10 causas más comunes de discapacidad en el año 2020. La neurorrehabilitación permite mejorar el déficit tanto cognitivo como funcional y aumentar la autonomía de las personas con DCA. Con la incorporación de nuevas soluciones tecnológicas al proceso de neurorrehabilitación se pretende alcanzar un nuevo paradigma donde se puedan diseñar tratamientos que sean intensivos, personalizados, monitorizados y basados en la evidencia. Ya que son estas cuatro características las que aseguran que los tratamientos son eficaces. A diferencia de la mayor parte de las disciplinas médicas, no existen asociaciones de síntomas y signos de la alteración cognitiva que faciliten la orientación terapéutica. Actualmente, los tratamientos de neurorrehabilitación se diseñan en base a los resultados obtenidos en una batería de evaluación neuropsicológica que evalúa el nivel de afectación de cada una de las funciones cognitivas (memoria, atención, funciones ejecutivas, etc.). La línea de investigación en la que se enmarca este trabajo de investigación pretende diseñar y desarrollar un perfil cognitivo basado no sólo en el resultado obtenido en esa batería de test, sino también en información teórica que engloba tanto estructuras anatómicas como relaciones funcionales e información anatómica obtenida de los estudios de imagen. De esta forma, el perfil cognitivo utilizado para diseñar los tratamientos integra información personalizada y basada en la evidencia. Las técnicas de neuroimagen representan una herramienta fundamental en la identificación de lesiones para la generación de estos perfiles cognitivos. La aproximación clásica utilizada en la identificación de lesiones consiste en delinear manualmente regiones anatómicas cerebrales. Esta aproximación presenta diversos problemas relacionados con inconsistencias de criterio entre distintos clínicos, reproducibilidad y tiempo. Por tanto, la automatización de este procedimiento es fundamental para asegurar una extracción objetiva de información. La delineación automática de regiones anatómicas se realiza mediante el registro tanto contra atlas como contra otros estudios de imagen de distintos sujetos. Sin embargo, los cambios patológicos asociados al DCA están siempre asociados a anormalidades de intensidad y/o cambios en la localización de las estructuras. Este hecho provoca que los algoritmos de registro tradicionales basados en intensidad no funcionen correctamente y requieran la intervención del clínico para seleccionar ciertos puntos (que en esta tesis hemos denominado puntos singulares). Además estos algoritmos tampoco permiten que se produzcan deformaciones grandes deslocalizadas. Hecho que también puede ocurrir ante la presencia de lesiones provocadas por un accidente cerebrovascular (ACV) o un traumatismo craneoencefálico (TCE). Esta tesis se centra en el diseño, desarrollo e implementación de una metodología para la detección automática de estructuras lesionadas que integra algoritmos cuyo objetivo principal es generar resultados que puedan ser reproducibles y objetivos. Esta metodología se divide en cuatro etapas: pre-procesado, identificación de puntos singulares, registro y detección de lesiones. Los trabajos y resultados alcanzados en esta tesis son los siguientes: Pre-procesado. En esta primera etapa el objetivo es homogeneizar todos los datos de entrada con el objetivo de poder extraer conclusiones válidas de los resultados obtenidos. Esta etapa, por tanto, tiene un gran impacto en los resultados finales. Se compone de tres operaciones: eliminación del cráneo, normalización en intensidad y normalización espacial. Identificación de puntos singulares. El objetivo de esta etapa es automatizar la identificación de puntos anatómicos (puntos singulares). Esta etapa equivale a la identificación manual de puntos anatómicos por parte del clínico, permitiendo: identificar un mayor número de puntos lo que se traduce en mayor información; eliminar el factor asociado a la variabilidad inter-sujeto, por tanto, los resultados son reproducibles y objetivos; y elimina el tiempo invertido en el marcado manual de puntos. Este trabajo de investigación propone un algoritmo de identificación de puntos singulares (descriptor) basado en una solución multi-detector y que contiene información multi-paramétrica: espacial y asociada a la intensidad. Este algoritmo ha sido contrastado con otros algoritmos similares encontrados en el estado del arte. Registro. En esta etapa se pretenden poner en concordancia espacial dos estudios de imagen de sujetos/pacientes distintos. El algoritmo propuesto en este trabajo de investigación está basado en descriptores y su principal objetivo es el cálculo de un campo vectorial que permita introducir deformaciones deslocalizadas en la imagen (en distintas regiones de la imagen) y tan grandes como indique el vector de deformación asociado. El algoritmo propuesto ha sido comparado con otros algoritmos de registro utilizados en aplicaciones de neuroimagen que se utilizan con estudios de sujetos control. Los resultados obtenidos son prometedores y representan un nuevo contexto para la identificación automática de estructuras. Identificación de lesiones. En esta última etapa se identifican aquellas estructuras cuyas características asociadas a la localización espacial y al área o volumen han sido modificadas con respecto a una situación de normalidad. Para ello se realiza un estudio estadístico del atlas que se vaya a utilizar y se establecen los parámetros estadísticos de normalidad asociados a la localización y al área. En función de las estructuras delineadas en el atlas, se podrán identificar más o menos estructuras anatómicas, siendo nuestra metodología independiente del atlas seleccionado. En general, esta tesis doctoral corrobora las hipótesis de investigación postuladas relativas a la identificación automática de lesiones utilizando estudios de imagen médica estructural, concretamente estudios de resonancia magnética. Basándose en estos cimientos, se han abrir nuevos campos de investigación que contribuyan a la mejora en la detección de lesiones. ABSTRACT Brain injury constitutes a serious social and health problem of increasing magnitude and of great diagnostic and therapeutic complexity. Its high incidence and survival rate, after the initial critical phases, makes it a prevalent problem that needs to be addressed. In particular, according to the World Health Organization (WHO), brain injury will be among the 10 most common causes of disability by 2020. Neurorehabilitation improves both cognitive and functional deficits and increases the autonomy of brain injury patients. The incorporation of new technologies to the neurorehabilitation tries to reach a new paradigm focused on designing intensive, personalized, monitored and evidence-based treatments. Since these four characteristics ensure the effectivity of treatments. Contrary to most medical disciplines, it is not possible to link symptoms and cognitive disorder syndromes, to assist the therapist. Currently, neurorehabilitation treatments are planned considering the results obtained from a neuropsychological assessment battery, which evaluates the functional impairment of each cognitive function (memory, attention, executive functions, etc.). The research line, on which this PhD falls under, aims to design and develop a cognitive profile based not only on the results obtained in the assessment battery, but also on theoretical information that includes both anatomical structures and functional relationships and anatomical information obtained from medical imaging studies, such as magnetic resonance. Therefore, the cognitive profile used to design these treatments integrates information personalized and evidence-based. Neuroimaging techniques represent an essential tool to identify lesions and generate this type of cognitive dysfunctional profiles. Manual delineation of brain anatomical regions is the classical approach to identify brain anatomical regions. Manual approaches present several problems related to inconsistencies across different clinicians, time and repeatability. Automated delineation is done by registering brains to one another or to a template. However, when imaging studies contain lesions, there are several intensity abnormalities and location alterations that reduce the performance of most of the registration algorithms based on intensity parameters. Thus, specialists may have to manually interact with imaging studies to select landmarks (called singular points in this PhD) or identify regions of interest. These two solutions have the same inconvenient than manual approaches, mentioned before. Moreover, these registration algorithms do not allow large and distributed deformations. This type of deformations may also appear when a stroke or a traumatic brain injury (TBI) occur. This PhD is focused on the design, development and implementation of a new methodology to automatically identify lesions in anatomical structures. This methodology integrates algorithms whose main objective is to generate objective and reproducible results. It is divided into four stages: pre-processing, singular points identification, registration and lesion detection. Pre-processing stage. In this first stage, the aim is to standardize all input data in order to be able to draw valid conclusions from the results. Therefore, this stage has a direct impact on the final results. It consists of three steps: skull-stripping, spatial and intensity normalization. Singular points identification. This stage aims to automatize the identification of anatomical points (singular points). It involves the manual identification of anatomical points by the clinician. This automatic identification allows to identify a greater number of points which results in more information; to remove the factor associated to inter-subject variability and thus, the results are reproducible and objective; and to eliminate the time spent on manual marking. This PhD proposed an algorithm to automatically identify singular points (descriptor) based on a multi-detector approach. This algorithm contains multi-parametric (spatial and intensity) information. This algorithm has been compared with other similar algorithms found on the state of the art. Registration. The goal of this stage is to put in spatial correspondence two imaging studies of different subjects/patients. The algorithm proposed in this PhD is based on descriptors. Its main objective is to compute a vector field to introduce distributed deformations (changes in different imaging regions), as large as the deformation vector indicates. The proposed algorithm has been compared with other registration algorithms used on different neuroimaging applications which are used with control subjects. The obtained results are promising and they represent a new context for the automatic identification of anatomical structures. Lesion identification. This final stage aims to identify those anatomical structures whose characteristics associated to spatial location and area or volume has been modified with respect to a normal state. A statistical study of the atlas to be used is performed to establish which are the statistical parameters associated to the normal state. The anatomical structures that may be identified depend on the selected anatomical structures identified on the atlas. The proposed methodology is independent from the selected atlas. Overall, this PhD corroborates the investigated research hypotheses regarding the automatic identification of lesions based on structural medical imaging studies (resonance magnetic studies). Based on these foundations, new research fields to improve the automatic identification of lesions in brain injury can be proposed.


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Detection of loss of heterozygosity (LOH) by comparison of normal and tumor genotypes using PCR-based microsatellite loci provides considerable advantages over traditional Southern blotting-based approaches. However, current methodologies are limited by several factors, including the numbers of loci that can be evaluated for LOH in a single experiment, the discrimination of true alleles versus "stutter bands," and the use of radionucleotides in detecting PCR products. Here we describe methods for high throughput simultaneous assessment of LOH at multiple loci in human tumors; these methods rely on the detection of amplified microsatellite loci by fluorescence-based DNA sequencing technology. Data generated by this approach are processed by several computer software programs that enable the automated linear quantitation and calculation of allelic ratios, allowing rapid ascertainment of LOH. As a test of this approach, genotypes at a series of loci on chromosome 4 were determined for 58 carcinomas of the uterine cervix. The results underscore the efficacy, sensitivity, and remarkable reproducibility of this approach to LOH detection and provide subchromosomal localization of two regions of chromosome 4 commonly altered in cervical tumors.


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ight standard inbred mouse strains were evaluated for ethanol effects on a refined battery of behavioral tests in a study that was originally designed to assess the influence of rat odors in the colony on mouse behaviors. As part of the design of the study, two experimenters conducted the tests, and the study was carefully balanced so that equal numbers of mice in all groups and times of day were tested by each experimenter. A defect in airflow in the facility compromised the odor manipulation, and in fact the different odor exposure groups did not differ in their behaviors. The two experimenters, however, obtained markedly different results for three of the tests. Certain of the experimenter effects arose from the way they judged behaviors that were not automated and had to be rated by the experimenter, such as slips on the balance beam. Others were not evident prior to ethanol injection but had a major influence after the injection. For several measures, the experimenter effects were notably different for different inbred strains. Methods to evaluate and reduce the impact of experimenter effects in future research are discussed.


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This study was carried out to detect differences in locomotion and feeding behavior in lame (group L; n = 41; gait score ≥ 2.5) and non-lame (group C; n = 12; gait score ≤ 2) multiparous Holstein cows in a cross-sectional study design. A model for automatic lameness detection was created, using data from accelerometers attached to the hind limbs and noseband sensors attached to the head. Each cow's gait was videotaped and scored on a 5-point scale before and after a period of 3 consecutive days of behavioral data recording. The mean value of 3 independent experienced observers was taken as a definite gait score and considered to be the gold standard. For statistical analysis, data from the noseband sensor and one of two accelerometers per cow (randomly selected) of 2 out of 3 randomly selected days was used. For comparison between group L and group C, the T-test, the Aspin-Welch Test and the Wilcoxon Test were used. The sensitivity and specificity for lameness detection was determined with logistic regression and ROC-analysis. Group L compared to group C had significantly lower eating and ruminating time, fewer eating chews, ruminating chews and ruminating boluses, longer lying time and lying bout duration, lower standing time, fewer standing and walking bouts, fewer, slower and shorter strides and a lower walking speed. The model considering the number of standing bouts and walking speed was the best predictor of cows being lame with a sensitivity of 90.2% and specificity of 91.7%. Sensitivity and specificity of the lameness detection model were considered to be very high, even without the use of halter data. It was concluded that under the conditions of the study farm, accelerometer data were suitable for accurately distinguishing between lame and non-lame dairy cows, even in cases of slight lameness with a gait score of 2.5.


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National Highway Traffic Safety Administration, Office of Driver and Pedestrian Programs, Washington, D.C.


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In designing new product the ability to retrieve drawings of existing components is important if costs are to be controlled by preventing unnecessary duplication if parts. Component coding and classification systems have been used successfully for these purposes but suffer from high operational costs and poor usability arising directly from the manual nature of the coding process itself. A new version of an existing coding system (CAMAC) has been developed to reduce costs by automatically coding engineering drawings. Usability is improved be supporting searches based on a drawing or sketch of the desired component. Test results from a database of several thousand drawings are presented.


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The 5-HT7 receptor is linked with various CNS disorders. Using an automated solution phase synthesis a combinatorial library of 384 N-substituted N-[1-methyl-3-(4-methylpiperidin-1-yl)propyl]-arylsulfonamides was prepared with 24 chemically diverse amines 1-24 and 16 sulfonyl chlorides A-P. The chemical library of alkylated sulfonamides was evaluated in a receptor binding assay with [3]H-5-CT as ligand. The key synthetic step was the alkylation of a sulfonamide with iodide E, which was prepared from butanediol in 4 synthetic steps. The target compounds 1A, 1B .....24A ... 24P were purified by solvent extraction on a Teacan liquid handling system. Sulfonamide J20, B23, D23, G23, G23, J23 , I24 and O24 displayed a binding affinity IC50 between 100 nM and 10 nM. The crystalline J20 (IC50=39 nM) and O24 (IC50=83 nM) were evaluated further in the despair swimming test and the tail suspension assay. A significant antidepressant activity was found in mice of a greater magnitude than imipramine and fluoxetine at low doses. © 2006 Bentham Science Publishers Ltd.


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The author analyzes some peculiarities of information perception and the problems of tests evaluation. A fuzzy model of tests evaluation as means of increasing the effectiveness of knowledge control is suggested.


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Report published in the Proceedings of the National Conference on "Education in the Information Society", Plovdiv, May, 2013