980 resultados para Autologous Dendritic Cells
Studies on purified blood dendritic cells (DCs) are hampered by poor viability in tissue culture. We, therefore, attempted to study some of the interactions/relationships between DCs and other blood cells by culturing unseparated peripheral blood mononuclear cell (PBMC) preparations in vitro. Flow cytometric techniques were used to undertake a phenotypic and functional analysis of DCs within the cultured PBMC population. We discovered that both the CD11c(+) and CD11c(-) CD123(hi) DC subsets maintained their viability throughout the 3-day culture period, without the addition of exogenous cytokines. This viability was accompanied by progressive up-regulation of the surface costimulatory (CD40, CD80, CD86) and activation (CMRF-44, CMRF-56, CD83) molecules. The survival and apparent production of DCs in PBMC culture (without exogenous cytokines) and that of sorted DCs (with cytokines) were evaluated and compared by using TruCOUNT analysis. Absolute DC counts increased (for CD123hi and CD11c+ subsets) after overnight culture of PBMCs. Single-cell lineage depletion experiments demonstrated the rapid and spontaneous emergence of new in vitro generated DCs from CD14(+)/CD16(+) PBMC radioresistant precursors, additional to the preexisting ex vivo DC population. Unlike monocyte-derived DCs, blood DCs increased dextran uptake with culture and activation. Finally, DCs obtained after culture of PBMCs for 3 days were as effective as freshly isolated DCs in stimulating an allogeneic mixed leukocyte reaction. (C) 2002 by The American Society of Hematology.
Background and Objectives We have undertaken the first clinical trial involving the administration of alpha-GalactosylCeramine (alpha-GalCer)-pulsed dendritic cells (DCs) to human subjects, to determine safety, optimal dose, optimal administration route and immunological effects. Materials and Methods Subjects (n = 4) with metastatic malignancy received two infusions of alpha-GalCer-pulsed DCs intravenously, and two infusions intradermally. The percentages of Valpha24 Vbeta11 NKT cells in peripheral blood (PB) were determined by three-colour flow cytometry and the PB NKT cell numbers were calculated using the total number of PB lymphocytes/ml determined by automated full-blood counts. Results No serious treatment related adverse events were observed during the study period. Administration of alpha-GalCer-pulsed DCs in vivo can significantly (P < 0.03) increase PB Valpha24(+) Vbeta11(+) NKT cell numbers above pretreatment baseline levels after the transient fall in the NKT numbers within 48 h. Conclusions Administration of alpha-GalCer-pulsed DCs is well tolerated, modulates PB Valpha24(+) Vbeta11(+) NKT cells and may have a role in the therapy of malignancies sensitive to activities of Valpha24(+) Vbeta11(+) NKT cells, or for autoimmune diseases.
The MUC1 mucin (CD227) is a cell surface mucin originally thought to be restricted to epithelial tissues. We report that CD227 is expressed on human blood dendritic cells (DC) and monocyte-derived DC following in vitro activation. Freshly isolated murine splenic DC had very low levels of CD227; however, all DC expressed CD227 following in vitro culture. In the mouse spleen, CD227 was seen on clusters within the red pulp and surrounding the marginal zone in the white pulp. Additionally, we confirm CD227 expression by activated human T cells and show for the first time that the CD227 cytoplasmic domain is tyrosine-phosphorylated in activated T cells and DC and is associated with other phosphoproteins, indicating a role in signaling. The function of CD227 on DC and T cells requires further elucidation.
Up-regulation of receptor-ligand pairs during interaction of an MHC-presented epitope on dendritic cells (DCs) with cognate TCR may amplify, sustain, and drive diversity in the ensuing T cell immune response. Members of the TNF ligand superfamily and the TNFR superfamily contribute to this costimulatory molecule signaling. In this study, we used replication deficient adenoviruses to introduce a model tumor-associated Ag (the E7 oncoprotein of human papillomavirus 16) and the T cell costimulatory molecule 4-IBBL into murine DCs, and monitored the ability of these recombinant DO to elicit E7-directed T cell responses following immunization. Splenocytes from mice immunized with DCs expressing E7 alone elicited E7-directed effector and memory CTL responses. Coexpression of 4-1BBL in these E7-expressing DO increased effector and memory CTL responses when they were used for immunization. 4-1BBL expression up-regulated CD80 and CD86 second signaling molecules in DO. We also report an additive effect of 4-IBBL and receptor activator of NF-kappaB/receptor activator of NF-kappaB ligand coexpression in E7-transduced DC inummogens on E7-directed effector and memory CTL responses and on MHC class II and CD80/86 expression in DCs. Additionally, expression of 4-1BBL in E7-transduced DCs reduced nonspecific T cell activation characteristic of adenovirus vector-associated immunization. The results have generic implications for improved or tumor Ag-expressing DC vaccines by incorporation of exogenous 4-1BBL. There are also specific implications for an improved DC-based vaccine for human papillomavirus 16-associated cervical carcinoma.
Antigen-specific suppression of a previously primed immune response is a major challenge for immunotherapy of autoimmune disease. ReIB activation is required for myeloid DC differentiation. Here, we show that antigen-exposed DCs in which ReIB function is inhibited lack cell surface CD40, prevent priming of immunity, and suppress previously primed immune responses. DCs generated from CD40-deficient mice similarly confer suppression. Regulatory CD4(+) T cells induced by the DCs transfer antigen-specific Infectious tolerance to primed recipients in an interleukin10-dependent fashion. Thus CD40, regulated by ReIB activity, determines the consequences of antigen presentation by myeloid DCs. These observations have significance for autoimmune immunotherapy and suggest a mechanism by which peripheral tolerance might be constitutively maintained by RelB(-) CD40(-) DCs.
CD40 is a key signaling pathway for the function of B cells, monocytes, and dendritic cells in the immune system, and plays an important role in inflammatory pathways of nonhemopoietic cells. The NFkappaB family of transcription factors is a critical mediator in inflammation. NFkappaB is involved both in the regulation of CD40 expression and in cell signaling after CD40 ligation. This positive feedback loop linking NFkappaB and CD40 plays an important role in the control of the adaptive immune response, with fundamental implications for immunity and tolerance in vivo.
IntroductionPurpureocillium lilacinum is emerging as a causal agent of hyalohyphomycosis that is refractory to antifungal drugs; however, the pathogenic mechanisms underlying P. lilacinum infection are not understood. In this study, we investigated the interaction of P. lilacinum conidia with human macrophages and dendritic cells in vitro.MethodsSpores of a P. lilacinum clinical isolate were obtained by chill-heat shock. Mononuclear cells were isolated from eight healthy individuals. Monocytes were separated by cold aggregation and differentiated into macrophages by incubation for 7 to 10 days at 37°C or into dendritic cells by the addition of the cytokines human granulocyte-macrophage colony stimulating factor and interleukin-4. Conidial suspension was added to the human cells at 1:1, 2:1, and 5:1 (conidia:cells) ratios for 1h, 6h, and 24h, and the infection was evaluated by Giemsa staining and light microscopy.ResultsAfter 1h interaction, P. lilacinum conidia were internalized by human cells and after 6h contact, some conidia became inflated. After 24h interaction, the conidia produced germ tubes and hyphae, leading to the disruption of macrophage and dendritic cell membranes. The infection rate analyzed after 6h incubation of P. lilacinumconidia with cells at 2:1 and 1:1 ratios was 76.5% and 25.5%, respectively, for macrophages and 54.3% and 19.5%, respectively, for cultured dendritic cells.ConclusionsP. lilacinum conidia are capable of infecting and destroying both macrophages and dendritic cells, clearly demonstrating the ability of this pathogenic fungus to invade human phagocytic cells.
Cancer remains as one of the top killing diseases in first world countries. It’s not a single, but a set of various diseases for which different treatment approaches have been taken over the years. Cancer immunotherapy comes as a “new” breath on cancer treatment, taking use of the patients’ immune system to induce anti-cancer responses. Dendritic Cell (DC) vaccines use the extraordinary capacity of DCs’ antigen presentation so that specific T cell responses may be generated against cancer. In this work, we report the ex vivo generation of DCs from precursors isolated from clinical-grade cryopreserved umbilical cord blood (UCB) samples. After the thawing protocol for cryopreserved samples was optimized, the generation of DCs from CD14+ monocytes, i.e., moDCs, or CD34+ hematopoietic stem cells (HSCs), i.e, CD34-derived DCs, was followed and their phenotype and function evaluated. Functional testing included the ability to respond to maturation stimuli (including enzymatic removal of surface sialic acids), Ovalbumin-FITC endocytic capacity, cytokine secretion and T cell priming ability. In order to evaluate the feasibility of using DCs derived from UCB precursors to induce immune responses, they were compared to peripheral blood (PB) moDCs. We observed an increased endocytosis capacity after moDCs were differentiated from monocyte precursors, but almost 10-fold lower than that of PB moDCs. Maturation markers were absent, low levels of inflammatory cytokines were seen and T cell stimulatory capacity was reduced. Sialidase enzymatic treatment was able to mature these cells, diminishing endocytosis and promoting higher T cell stimulation. CD34-derived DCs showed higher capacity for both maturation and endocytic capacity than moDCs. Although much more information was acquired from moDCs than from CD34-derived DCs, we conclude the last as probably the best suited for generating an immune response against cancer, but of course much more research has to be performed.
The immune system comprises of different cell types whose role is to protect us against pathogens. This thesis investigates a very important mechanism for our organism protection in a specific disorder: cross-presentation in Wiskott-Aldrich Syndrome (WAS). WAS is caused by loss-of-function mutations in the cytoskeletal regulator WASp and WAS patients suffer from eczema, thrombocytopenia, and immunodeficiency. X-linked neutropenia (XLN) is caused by gain-of-function mutations in WASp and XLN patients suffer from severe congenital neutropenia and immunodeficiency. This thesis was focused on the role of B and T lymphocytes and dendritic cells (DCs). This work will be divided into two main topics: 1) In the first part I studied the capacity of B cells to take up, degrade and present antigen. Moreover I studied the capacity of B cells to induce T cell proliferation. 2) In the second part, I studied T cell proliferation induced by dendritic cells. To increase our understanding about this mechanism, additional experiments were performed, including acidification capacity of CD8+ and CD8- DCs, reactive oxygen species (ROS) production since it is directly connected to acidification. These assays were measured by flow cytometry. Localization of Rac1 and Rac2 GTPases was assessed by confocal microscopy. Proliferation, acidification and ROS production assays were performed also with cells from X-linked neutropenia (XLN) mice. From this study we concluded that B cells cannot induce CD8+ T cell proliferation however they take up and present antigen. Moreover I have shown that increased cross-presentation by WASp KO DCs with ovalbumin is associated with decreased capacity to acidify endosomal compartment; and WASp KO CD8- DCs have increased Rac2 localization to the phagosome. XLN dendritic cells have similar acidification and ROS production capacity than wildtype cells. In conclusion, our data suggests that WASp regulates antigen processing and presentation in DCs.
La inmunosenescencia es definida como el estado de desregulación de la función inmune, que contribuye a la morbilidad y mortalidad debida a una mayor incidencia o reactivación de enfermedades infecciosas y de fenómenos autoinmunes y cáncer. Durante el envejecimiento hay un decaimiento de la función del sistema inmune. Aunque está bien documentada la declinación de la función de las células T en individuos envejecidos, es escasa la información disponible acerca de cómo el envejecimiento afecta a las células dendríticas (DCs) y en particular a su rol en la activación de linfocitos T CD4+ y CD8+. Nuestra hipótesis es que las células dendríticas juegan un rol importante en la desregulación de la función inmune observada durante el envejecimiento. Por ello, el Objetivo General de este proyecto es caracterizar el estado funcional de las células dendriticas en ratones envejecidos y su contribución a las alteraciones del sistema inmune durante el envejecimiento. Para ello, estudiaremos la composición y estado de activación de las DCs de los órganos linfáticos y tejidos periféricos de ratones envejecidos, y su capacidad para ser activadas in vitro e in vivo por diferentes ligandos de los receptores tipo Toll (TLR). Además, estudiaremos la capacidad in vitro, ex vivo e in vivo de las DCs de ratones envejecidas para capturar, procesar y presentar antígenos a linfocitos T CD4+ y CD8+ y finalmente la capacidad de las DCs de ratones envejecidos para montar una respuesta mediada por linfocitos T CD4+ y CD8+. Para ello, luego de transferir DCs de ratones envejecidos cargadas con antígeno a animales jóvenes vírgenes, evaluaremos la respuesta T CD4 y CD8 en los animales receptores frente a dicho antígeno. Basado en nuestra trayectoria en la inmunogerontología experimental, creemos que con este proyecto podremos obtener información que permitirá abordar el estudio del efecto del envejecimiento sobre el sistema inmune desde una nueva perspectiva, para en un futuro poder extender el mismo estudio en seres humanos y así desarrollar modelos más eficientes de inmunoterapia en individuos envejecidos.
Antecedentes: En nuestro laboratorio hemos demostrado que antígenos (Ags) de Fasciola hepatica inducen en células dendríticas murinas (CD), diferentes propiedades tolerogénicas como la incapacidad por si mismos de inducir la maduración de las células, la resistencia a la maduración por ligandos de TLR, el incremento en la producción de IDO y también la capacidad de esta estas células de dirigir la respuesta inmune hacia un perfil Th2 y T reg. Por otra parte ha sido bien documentado que CD con características tolerogénicas, ya sea inmaduras o semimaduras, son útiles para reducir respuestas inflamatorias excesivas tales como las que ocurren en enfermedades autoinmunes. Además hemos demostrado que CD tratadas con Ags del parásito en conjunto con un ligando Toll (CpG-ODN) producen altos niveles de citoquinas anti-inflamatorias (IL-10 y TGF-) bajos de citoquinas proinflamatorias (TNF, IL-6, IL-12). Hipótesis: El fenotipo semimaduro alcanzado en las CDpodría ser utilizado para reducir la inflamación en un modelo de enfermedad autoinmune en donde existe una exacerbada respuesta Th1 y Th17, ya que la producción elevada de IL-10 y TGF- podría inhibir o controlar estas respuestas de manera directa o a través de la inducción de células T regulatorias. Objetivos: En este proyecto nosotros proponemos la inmunización de animales susceptibles (ratones DBA1/j), al desarrollo de artritis inducida por colágeno (AIC) con CD tratadas con Ags de F. hepatica en conjunto con CpG-ODN para reducir los síntomas clínicos de la enfermedad. Materiales a utilizar: En nuestro laboratorio hemos desarrollado un modelo de artritis inducida por colágeno (AIC) mediante dos inmunizaciones de ratones DBA1/j con colágeno tipo II bovino y adyuvante de Freund. El modelo permitió establecer un índice clínico mediante la hinchazón en las patas de los animales. Doce días posteriores a la primera inmunización los animales serán inyectados con CD tratadas con: 1. PBS, 2.Extracto total de F.hepatica (TE) + CII, 3. CpG + CII, 4. TE+CpG+CII Se realizará la observación macroscópica diaria, a partir de los 7 días de la 2a inmunización Luego del sacrificio las articulaciones de las patas se prepararán para realizar un análisis histológico. Se detectará en suero los niveles de anticuerpos IgG1 (perfil Th2) y de IgG2a (perfil Th1) mediante la técnica de ELISA. Se detectará también el perfil de citoquinas en los nódulos drenantes por la técnica de ELISA y adicionalmente la poblaciónes celulares de células T regulatorias (Treg) CD4+CD25+Foxp3 o células Tr1. Resultados esperados: Pensamos que el tratamiento de los animales que desarrollan AIC con CD semimaduras (por el tratamiento con TE y CpG), serán capaces de migrar a los órganos linfaticos y secretar TGF-be(inductora de células T reg), IL-10 (inductoras de células Tr1), IDO inhibitoria de la respuesta de Li T y promotor de células T reg, también podría generarse una respuesta Th2 (por la presencia de antígenos del parásito), y estas respuestas aisladas o en forma sinérgica podrían inhibir las respuestas de tipo Th17 y Th1 asociadas a la patología en esta enfermedad. Importancia del proyecto: En el desarrollo de la artritis existe un aumento de la inmunidad mediada por células, asi como de la respuesta inmune humoral hacia componentes de la matriz del cartílago. El tratamiento convencional de la artritis recae en general en el uso de inmunosupresores no-específicos, los cuales poseen una variedad de efectos adversos y la inhibición de la respuesta inflamatoria no es específica. En este proyecto proponemos el uso de CD tratadas con antígenos del helminto F. hepatica y CpG ligando Tol que capacita a estas células para generar una respuesta adaptativa de tipo regulatoria, útil en la inhibición de las respuestas inflamatorias como la que ocurre durante la progresión de artritis reumatoidea en un modelo experimental en ratones. We have shown that F. hepatica Ags-treated dendritic cells (DC) together with a TLRl ligand (CpG-ODN) produce high levels of anti-inflammatory cytokines (IL-10 and TGF-Beta) and low of proinflammatory cytokines (TNF, IL-6, IL -12). Hypothesis: The semimature phenotype achieved by DC, could be used to reduce inflammation in a model of autoimmune disease. The high production of IL-10 and TGF-Beta by these cells could directly or through the induction of T reg cells inhibit the inflammatory response. Objective: In this project we propose the immunization of DBA1 / j mice, susceptible to the development of collagen-induced arthritis (CIA) with F. hepatica-treated DC in conjunction with CpG-ODN to reduce clinical signs of disease. Materials: In our laboratory, we developed the CIA model by two immunizations of DBA1 / j mice with bovine type II collagen and Freund's adjuvant. The model allowed to stablish a clinical index by swelling in the legs of animals. Twelve days after the first immunization the animals are injected with DC treated with: 1. PBS 2. F.hepatica Extract (TE) + CII, 3. CpG + CII, 4. TE + CpG + CII Macroscopic observation will take place daily from 7 days of the 2nd immunization. After sacrifice the joints of the legs will be prepared for histological analysis. Serum levels of IgG1 antibodies (Th2 profile) and IgG2a (Th1 profile) will be detected by ELISA. It will also detected the cytokine profile in draining lymph nodes by ELISA and additionally the cell populations of regulatory T cells (Treg) CD4 + CD25 + Foxp3 or Tr1 cells. Expected results: We believe that the treatment of animals that had developed CIA with DC will be able to migrate to lymphatic organs and secrete TGF-B (T reg cell-inducing), IL-10 (inducing Tr1 cells), IDO (inhibitory of T cells and inducing of T reg cells) could alone or in synergy inhibit Th17-type responses and Th1 associated with the pathology in this disease.
Airway epithelial cells were shown to drive the differentiation of monocytes into dendritic cells (DCs) with a suppressive phenotype. In this study, we investigated the impact of virus-induced inflammatory mediator production on the development of DCs. Monocyte differentiation into functional DCs, as reflected by the expression of CD11c, CD123, BDCA-4, and DC-SIGN and the capacity to activate T cells, was similar for respiratory syncytial virus (RSV)-infected and mock-infected BEAS-2B and A549 cells. RSV-conditioned culture media resulted in a partially mature DC phenotype, but failed to up-regulate CD80, CD83, CD86, and CCR7, and failed to release proinflammatory mediators upon Toll-like receptor (TLR) triggering. Nevertheless, these DCs were able to maintain an antiviral response by the release of Type I IFN. Collectively, these data indicate that the airway epithelium maintains an important suppressive DC phenotype under the inflammatory conditions induced by infection with RSV.
The mechanisms regulating systemic and mucosal IgA responses in the respiratory tract are incompletely understood. Using virus-like particles loaded with single-stranded RNA as a ligand for TLR7, we found that systemic vs mucosal IgA responses in mice were differently regulated. Systemic IgA responses following s.c. immunization were T cell independent and did not require TACI or TGFbeta, whereas mucosal IgA production was dependent on Th cells, TACI, and TGFbeta. Strikingly, both responses required TLR7 signaling, but systemic IgA depended upon TLR7 signaling directly to B cells whereas mucosal IgA required TLR7 signaling to lung dendritic cells and alveolar macrophages. Our data show that IgA switching is controlled differently according to the cell type receiving TLR signals. This knowledge should facilitate the development of IgA-inducing vaccines.
Plasmacytoid dendritic cells (pDCs) were first described as interferon-producing cells and, for many years, their overlapping characteristics with both lymphocytes and classical dendritic cells (cDCs) created confusion over their exact ontogeny. In this Viewpoint article, Nature Reviews Immunology asks five leaders in the field to discuss their thoughts on the development and functions of pDCs--do these cells serve mainly as a major source of type I interferons or do they also make other important contributions to immune responses?
Dendritic cells (DCs) are professional APCs that have a role in the initiation of adaptive immune responses and tolerance. Among the tolerogenic mechanisms, the expression of the enzyme IDO1 represents an effective tool to generate T regulatory cells. In humans, different DC subsets express IDO1, but less is known about the IDO1-related enzyme IDO2. In this study, we found a different pattern of expression and regulation between IDO1 and IDO2 in human circulating DCs. At the protein level, IDO1 is expressed only in circulating myeloid DCs (mDCs) and is modulated by PGE2, whereas IDO2 is expressed in both mDCs and plasmacytoid DCs and is not modulated by PGE2. In healthy subjects, IDO1 expression requires the presence of PGE2 and needs continuous transcription and translation, whereas IDO2 expression is constitutive, independent from suppressor of cytokine signaling 3 activity. Conversely, in patients suffering from inflammatory arthritis, circulating DCs express both IDO1 and IDO2. At the functional level, both mDCs and plasmacytoid DCs generate T regulatory cells through an IDO1/IDO2-dependent mechanism. We conclude that, in humans, whereas IDO1 provides an additional mechanism of tolerance induced by proinflammatory mediators, IDO2 is stably expressed in steady-state conditions and may contribute to the homeostatic tolerogenic capacity of DCs.