995 resultados para Aumento do rebordo alveolar


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Background A reliable standardized diagnosis of pneumonia in children has long been difficult to achieve. Clinical and radiological criteria have been developed by the World Health Organization (WHO), however, their generalizability to different populations is uncertain. We evaluated WHO defined chest radiograph (CXRs) confirmed alveolar pneumonia in the clinical context in Central Australian Aboriginal children, a high risk population, hospitalized with acute lower respiratory illness (ALRI). Methods CXRs in children (aged 1-60 months) hospitalized and treated with intravenous antibiotics for ALRI and enrolled in a randomized controlled trial (RCT) of Vitamin A/Zinc supplementation were matched with data collected during a population-based study of WHO-defined primary endpoint pneumonia (WHO-EPC). These CXRs were reread by a pediatric pulmonologist (PP) and classified as pneumonia-PP when alveolar changes were present. Sensitivities, specificities, positive and negative predictive values (PPV, NPV) for clinical presentations were compared between WHO-EPC and pneumonia-PP. Results Of the 147 episodes of hospitalized ALRI, WHO-EPC was significantly less commonly diagnosed in 40 (27.2%) compared to pneumonia-PP (difference 20.4%, 95% CI 9.6-31.2, P < 0.001). Clinical signs on admission were poor predictors for both pneumonia-PP and WHO-EPC; the sensitivities of clinical signs ranged from a high of 45% for tachypnea to 5% for fever + tachypnea + chest-indrawing. The PPV range was 40-20%, respectively. Higher PPVs were observed against the pediatric pulmonologist's diagnosis compared to WHO-EPC. Conclusions WHO-EPC underestimates alveolar consolidation in a clinical context. Its use in clinical practice or in research designed to inform clinical management in this population should be avoided. Pediatr Pulmonol. 2012; 47:386-392. (C) 2011 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.


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The effects of estrogen deficiency on bone characteristics are site-dependent, with the most commonly studied sites being appendicular long bones (proximal femur and tibia) and axial bones (vertebra). The effect on the maxillary and mandibular bones is still inconsistent and requires further investigation. This study was designed to evaluate bone quality in the posterior maxilla of ovariectomized rats in order to validate this site as an appropriate model to study the effect of osteoporotic changes. Methods: Forty-eight 3-month-old female Sprague-Dawley rats were randomly divided into two groups: an ovariectomized group (OVX, n=24) and Sham-operated group (SHAM, n=24). Six rats were randomly sacrificed from both groups at time points 8, 12, 16 and 20 weeks. The samples from tibia and maxilla were collected for Micro CT and histological analysis. For the maxilla, the volume of interest (VOI) area focused on the furcation areas of the first and second molar. Trabecular bone volume fraction (BV/TV, %), trabecular thickness (Tb.Th.), trabecular number (Tb.N.), trabecular separation (Tb.Sp.), and connectivity density (Conn.Dens) were analysed after Micro CT scanning. Results: At 8 weeks the indices BV/TV, Tb.Sp, Tb.N and Conn.Dens showed significant differences (P<0.05) between the OVX and SHAM groups in the tibia. Compared with the tibia, the maxilla developed osteoporosis at a later stage, with significant changes in maxillary bone density only occurring after 12 weeks. Compared with the SHAM group, both the first and second molars of the OVX group showed significantly decreased BV/TV values from 12 weeks, and these changes were sustained through 16 and 20 weeks. For Tb.Sp, there were significant increases in bone values for the OVX group compared with the SHAM group at 12, 16 and 20 weeks. Histological changes were highly consistent with Micro CT results. Conclusion: This study established a method to quantify the changes of intra-radicular alveolar bone in the posterior maxilla in an accepted rat osteoporosis model. The degree of the osteoporotic changes to trabecular bone architecture is site-dependent and at least 3 months are required for the osteoporotic effects to be apparent in the posterior maxilla following rat OVX.


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Measurement of alveolar carbon monoxide (CO) presents a facile technique to estimate the lifespan, L, of red blood cells (RBCs) in vivo. Several recent studies employ this technique and calculate L (in days) using the expression, L = 13.8 (Hb)/P-CO(end), where (Hb) is the concentration (in g/dL) of hemoglobin in blood, and P-CO(end) is the endogenous production of CO (in ppm). Implicit in this calculation is the assumption that the fraction, f, of endogenous CO production due to RBC turnover is a constant equal to 0.7, which yields the expected RBC lifespan, L approximate to 120 days, in normal controls. In anemic patients, however, enhanced RBC turnover may increase f substantially above 0.7. The above expression then overestimates L. Here, we deriv an alternative tive expression, L = 3390[Hb]/322P(CO (end)-110, that accounts explicitly for the dependence of f on the rate of RBC turnover and thereby provides more accurate estimates of L without requiring additional measurements. Using the latter expression, we recalculate L from recent measurements on hepatitis C virus infected patients undergoing treatment with ribavirin. We find that our estimates of L in these patients (39 +/- 13 days) are significantly lower than current estimates (46 +/- 14 days), indicating that ribavirin affects RBC survival more severely than expected from current studies. Our expression for L is simple to employ in a clinical setting and would render the broadly applicable technique of alveolar CO measurement for the estimation of RBC lifespan more accurate.


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This paper deals with the pulsatile blood flow in the lung alveolar sheets by idealizing each of them as a channel covered by porous media. As the blood flow in the lung is of low Reynolds number, a creeping flow is assumed in the channel. The analytical and numerical results for the velocity and pressure distribution in the porous medium are presented. The effect of an imposed slip condition is also studied. Comparisons with the corresponding results for the steady-state case are made at the end.


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T cell-mediated cytotoxicity against Mycobacterium tuberculosis (MTB)-infected macrophages may be a major mechanism of specific host defense, but little is known about such activities in the lung. Thus, the capacity of alveolar lymphocyte MTB-specific cell lines (AL) and alveolar macrophages (AM) from tuberculin skin test-positive healthy subjects to serve as CTL and target cells, respectively, in response to MTB (H37Ra) or purified protein derivative (PPD) was investigated. Mycobacterial Ag-pulsed AM were targets of blood CTL activity at E:T ratios of > or = 30:1 (51Cr release assay), but were significantly more resistant to cytotoxicity than autologous blood monocytes. PPD- plus IL-2-expanded AL and blood lymphocytes were cytotoxic for autologous mycobacterium-stimulated monocytes at E:T ratios of > or = 10:1. The CTL activity of lymphocytes expanded with PPD was predominantly class II MHC restricted, whereas the CTL activity of lymphocytes expanded with PPD plus IL-2 was both class I and class II MHC restricted. Both CD4+ and CD8+ T cells were enriched in BL and AL expanded with PPD and IL-2, and both subsets had mycobacterium-specific CTL activity. Such novel cytotoxic responses by CD4+ and CD8+ T cells may be a major mechanism of defense against MTB at the site of disease activity.


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Alveolar macrophages form the first line of defense against inhaled droplets containing Mycobacterium tuberculosis by controlling mycobacterial growth and regulating T cell responses. CD4+ and gamma delta T cells, two major T cell subsets activated by M. tuberculosis, require accessory cells for activation. However, the ability of alveolar macrophages to function as accessory cells for T cell activation remains controversial. We sought to determine the ability of alveolar macrophages to serve as accessory cells for resting (HLA-DR-, IL-2R-) and activated (HLA-DR+, IL-2R+) gamma delta T cells in response to M. tuberculosis and its Ag, and to compare accessory cell function for gamma delta T cells of alveolar macrophages and blood monocytes obtained from the same donor. Alveolar macrophages were found to serve as accessory cells for both resting and activated gamma delta T cells in response to M. tuberculosis Ag. At high alveolar macrophage to T cell ratios (> 3:1), however, expansion of resting gamma delta T cells was inhibited by alveolar macrophages. The inhibition of resting gamma delta T cells by alveolar macrophages was dose-dependent, required their presence during the first 24 h, and was partially overcome by IL-2. Alveolar macrophages did not inhibit activated gamma delta T cells even at high accessory cell to T cell ratios, and alveolar macrophages functioned as well as monocytes as accessory cells. Monocytes were not inhibitory for either resting or activated gamma delta T cells. These findings support the following model. In the normal alveolus the alveolar macrophage to T cell ratio is > or = 9:1, and therefore the threshold for resting gamma delta T cell activation is likely to be high. Once a nonspecific inflammatory response occurs, such as after invasion by M. tuberculosis, this ratio is altered, favoring gamma delta T cell activation by alveolar macrophages.


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Con el agotamiento de la licuación de salarios se desaceleró la generación de empleo en Argentina, un fenómeno que -aunque coincidente- ha sido independiente de la crisis económica mundial. Las perspectivas del mercado laboral para 2009 exhiben una clara tendencia al deterioro en la calidad de los empleos, por lo que el empleo informal podría llegar al 40% a fin de año. En este contexto, aumenta la pertinencia de propuestas para mejorar el ambiente de negocios, incentivar el registro de las pequeñas empresas y fortalecer los programas sociales para eliminar la pobreza


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Introducción: En nuestro mundo contemporáneo es común mencionar a las Organizaciones Internacionales (OIs) o bien –sin entrar en confusión– a las Organizaciones No Gubernamentales, más conocidas como las ONGs. Ejemplo de las primeras son las Naciones Unidas, la Organización de Estados Americanos, la Unión Europea o la Organización del Atlántico Norte –OTAN-NATO–; de las segundas, Amnistía Internacional –Amnesty International–1, Médicos Sin Fronteras –Médecins Sans Frontières–2, Rotary Internacional3 o Greenpeace4. Las Organizaciones Internacionales de nuestro interés son las Intergubernamentales, es decir, todas aquellas Organizaciones creadas por los Estados, los cuales adquieren la calidad de Estados Miembro. Las Organizaciones No Gubernamentales, como su nombre ya lo indica, pertenecen a la órbita de los particulares, pudiendo agrupar personas y/o entidades nacionales o internacionales. Las OIs han ido teniendo un espectacular desarrollo producido durante la segunda parte del siglo XX, aunque sus inicios son decimonónicos.


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Consultoria de Orçamento e Fiscalização Financeira.


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Mostra a toxicidade e os riscos de doenças que podem ser provocadas por solventes como benzeno, tolueno e xileno.


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Consultoria Legislativa - Área III - Tributação, Direito Tributário.


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O presente estudo foi motivado pelas Solicitações de Trabalho nos 285/12 e 328/12, por meio das quais a deputada Janete Rocha Pietá propõe, respectivamente, a alteração do número de emendas individuais ao projeto de lei orçamentária anual e a inclusão da bancada feminina como legítima autora de emendas à referida proposição


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O óxido nítrico (NO) constitui um dos mais importantes mediadores intra e extracelulares e tem sido descrita sua participação tanto em processos biológicos como patológicos. Nosso objetivo foi verificar se o aumento ou a diminuição do óxido nítrico apresenta um efeito benéfico na proteção do tecido pulmonar no enfisema pulmonar induzido por fumaça de cigarro em camundongos. Para tanto, utilizamos o L-NAME (inibidor do NO), a L-arginina (substrato para a formação do NO) e os comparamos com a N-acetilcisteína (utilizada no tratamento da DPOC). Foram utilizados 65 camundongos C57BL/6 machos. Cinquenta animais foram divididos em grupos controle, fumaça de cigarro (FC), fumaça de cigarro + L-NAME (FC+LN), fumaça de cigarro + L-arginina (FC+LA), fumaça de cigarro + N-acetilcisteína (FC+NAC) (n=10, por grupo). Durante sessenta dias 40 animais foram expostos a 12 cigarros comerciais por dia, 3 vezes ao dia. Os grupos controle e FC foram submetidos à gavagens orogástricas com o veículo. Os grupos FC+LN, FC+LA, FC+NAC receberam gavagens diárias de L-NAME (60 mg/kg), L-arginina (120 mg/kg) ou NAC (200 mg/kg) respectivamente. Quinze animais (n = 5, por grupo) foram expostos ao ar ambiente e tratados apenas com L-NAME, L-arginina e NAC. Realizamos a análise do perfil das células do lavado broncoalveolar após o sacrifício. O pulmão direito foi removido para as análises histológicas do alargamento dos espaços aéreos determinado pela medida do diâmetro alveolar médio (Lm) e da densidade de superfície (Sv) dos septos alveolares. Os pulmões esquerdos foram removidos e homogeneizados para a as análises da atividade enzimática (SOD, CAT e MPO) e do sistema glutationa (GSH/GSSG), para a análise dos valores de nitrito e da expressão de 4-HNE, MMP-12, NE, TIMP-1, TIMP-2. Nossos resultados apontam que o L-NAME tem uma ação voltada para a matriz extracelular (via protease-antiprotease), enquanto que a L-arginina possui uma ação voltada para os oxidantes, assim como a NAC. Porém a NAC atua aumentando os níveis de glutationa, o que interfere diretamente nos oxidantes (via oxidante-antioxidante), enquanto a L-arginina interfere aumentando o burden oxidativo concomitante a um aumento da velocidade de ação dos oxidantes o que aumenta as células inflamatórias, mas diminui seu tempo de ação permitindo uma maior proteção. Concluímos que tanto o favorecimento para a produção e liberação do NOatravés da administração da L-arginina quanto a inibição do NOpela utilização do L-NAME foi eficiente na proteção do pulmão, apesar de não terem alcançado um resultado tão bom quanto a NAC.