258 resultados para Augite
Primary magmatic phases (spinel, olivine, plagioclase, clinopyroxene, amphibole, and biotite) and secondary phyllosilicates (smectite, chlorite-smectite, and celadonite) were analyzed by electron microprobe in alkalic and tholeiitic dolerites and basalts from Ocean Drilling Program Sites 800, 801, and 802. Aphyric alkalic dolerite sills (Hole 800A) and basalt flows (Holes 801B and 801C) share common mineralogical features: matrix feldspars are strongly zoned from labradorite cores to discrete sodic rims of alkali feldspar with a high Or component, which overlaps that of quench microlites in glassy mesostasis; little fractionated clinopyroxenes are Ti-rich diopsides and augites (with marked aegirine-augite rims at Site 801); rare, brown, Fe**3+-rich amphibole is winchite; and late biotites exhibit variable Ti contents. Alkalic rims to feldspars probably developed at the same time as quenched mesostasis feldspars and late-stage magmatic biotite, and represent the buildup of K-rich hydrous fluids during crystallization. Phenocryst phases in primitive mid-ocean ridge tholeiites from Hole 801C (Mg numbers about 70) have extreme compositions with chrome spinel (Cr/Cr + Al ratios about 0.2-0.4), Ni-rich olivine (Fo90), and highly calcic plagioclase (An90). Later glomerophyric clumps of plagioclase (An75-80) and clinopyroxene (diopside-augite) are strongly zoned and probably reflect rapidly changing melt conditions during upward transport, prior to seafloor quenching. In contrast, phenocryst phases (olivine, plagioclase, and clinopyroxene) in the Hole 802A tholeiites show limited variation and do not have such primitive compositions, reflecting the uniform and different chemical composition of all the bulk rocks. Replacive phyllosilicates in both alkalic and tholeiitic basalts include various colored smectites (Fe-, Mg-, and Al-saponites), chlorite-smectite and celadonite. Smectite compositions typically reflect the replaced host composition; glass is replaced by brown Fe-saponites (variable Fe/Mg ratios) and olivine by greenish Mg-saponites (or Al-rich chlorite-smectite).
Seismic velocities in rocks are influenced by the properties of the solid, the pore fluid, and the pore space. Cracks dramatically affect seismic velocities in rocks; their influence on the effective elastic moduli of rocks depends on their shape and concentration. Thin cracks (or fractures) substantially lower the moduli of a rock relative to the effect of spherical voids (or vesicles), and lower moduli are reflected by lower P- and S-wave velocities. The objective of this research is to determine the types and concentrations of cracks and their influence on the seismic properties of subaerially erupted basalts drilled from Hole 990A on the Southeast Greenland margin during Ocean Drilling Program Leg 163. Ellipsoidal cracks are used to model the voids in the rocks. The elastic moduli of the solid (grains) are also free parameters in the inverse modeling procedure. The apparent grain moduli reflect a weighted average of the moduli of the constituent minerals (e.g., plagioclase, augite, and clay minerals). The results indicate that (1) there is a strong relationship between P-wave velocity and porosity, suggesting a similarity of pore shape distributions, (2) the distribution of crack types within the massive, central region of aa flows from Hole 990A is independent of total porosity, (3) thin cracks are the first to be effectively sealed by alteration products, and (4) grain densities (an alteration index) and apparent grain moduli of the basalt samples are directly related.
Geochemical investigations were carried out on 19 discrete ash layers and on 42 dispersed ash accumulations in Oligocene to Pleistocene sediments from Sites 736, 737, 745, and 746 of ODP Leg 119 (Kerguelen Plateau in the southern Indian Ocean). The chemical data obtained from more than 500 single-grain glass analyses allow the characterization of two dominant petrographic rock series. The first consists of transitional- to alkali-basalts, the second mainly of trachytes with subordinated alkali-rhyolites and rhyolites. Chemical correlation with possible source areas indicates that the tephra layers from the northern Kerguelen Plateau Sites 736 and 737 were probably erupted from the nearby Kerguelen Islands. The investigated ash layers clearly reflect the Oligocene to recent changes in the composition of the volcanic material recorded from the Kerguelen Islands. The dispersed ashes from Sites 745 and 746 in the Australian-Antarctic Basin display almost the same range in chemical compositions as those from the north. Heard Island and other sources may have contributed to their formation, in addition to the Kerguelen Islands. Dispersed ash of calc-alkaline composition is most probably derived from the South Sandwich island arc, indicating sea-ice rafting as an important mechanism of transport.
Epiclastic volcanogenic rocks recovered from the Kerguelen Plateau during Ocean Drilling Program Legs 119 and 120 comprise (pre-)Cenomanian(?) claystones (52 m thick, Site 750); a Turonian(?) basaltic pebble conglomerate (1.2 m thick, Site 748; Danian mass flows (45 m thick, Site 747); and volcanogenic debris flows of Quaternary age at Site 736 (clastic apron of Kerguelen Island). Pyroclastic rocks comprise numerous Oligocene to Quaternary marine ash layers. The epiclastic sediments with transitional mid-ocean-ridge basalt (T-MORB) origin indicate weathering (Site 750) and erosion (Site 747) of Early Cretaceous T-MORB from a then-emergent Kerguelen Plateau, connected to Late Cretaceous tectonic events. The basal pebble conglomerate of Site 748 has an oceanic-island basalt (OIB) composition and denotes erosion and reworking of seamount to oceanic-island-type volcanic sources. The vitric- to crystal-rich marine ash layers are a few centimeters thick, have rather uniform grain sizes around 60 ± 40 µm, and are a result of Plinian eruptions. Crystal-poor silicic vitric ashes may also represent co-ignimbrite ashes. The ash layers have bimodal, basaltic, and silicic compositions with a few intermediate shards. The basaltic ashes are evolved high-titanium T-MORB; a few grains in a silicic pumice lapilli layer have a low-titanium basaltic composition. The silicic ashes comprise trachytic and rhyolitic glass shards belonging to a high-K series, except for a few low-K glasses admixed to a basaltic ash layer. Feldspar and clinopyroxene compositions fit the glass chemistry: high-Ti tholeiite-basaltic glasses have Plagioclase of An40-80 and pigeonite to augite clinopyroxene compositions. Silicic ashes have K-rich anorthoclase and minor Plagioclase around An20 and ferriaugitic to hedenbergitic clinopyroxene compositions. The line of magmatic evolution for the glass shards is not compatible with simple two-end member (high-Ti T-MORB and high-K rhyolite) mixing, but favors successive Ca-Mg-Fe pyroxene, Ti magnetite, and apatite fractionation, and K-rich alkali feldspar fractionation in trachytic magmas to yield rhyolitic compositions. Plagioclase fractionation occurs throughout. This qualitative model is in basic accordance with the observed mineral assemblage. However, as the time span for explosive volcanism spans >30 m.y., this basic model cannot comply with fractional crystallization in a single magma reservoir. The ash layers resulted from highly explosive eruptions on Kerguelen and, with less probability, Heard islands since the Oligocene. The explosive history starts with widespread Oligocene basaltic ash layers that indicate sea-level or subaerial volcanism on the Northern Kerguelen Plateau. After a hiatus of 24 m.y.(?), explosive magmatic activity was vigorously renewed in the late Miocene with more silicic eruptions. A peak in explosive activity is inferred for the Pliocene-Pleistocene. The composition and evolution of Kerguelen Plateau ash layers resemble those from other hotspot-induced, oceanic-island realms such as Iceland and Jan Mayen in the North Atlantic, and the Canary Islands archipelago in the Central Atlantic.
Thirteen sediment samples, including calcareous ooze, sandy clay, volcanic sand, gravel, and volcanic breccia, from Ocean Drilling Program (ODP) Sites 732B, 734B, 734G and Conrad Cruise 27-9, Station 17, were examined. Contents of major and trace elements were determined using XRF or ICP (on samples <0.5 g). Determinations of rare earth elements (REE) were performed using ICP-MS. Mineralogy was determined using XRD. On the basis of the samples studied, the sediments accumulating in the Atlantis II Fracture Zone are characterized by generally high MgO, Cr, and Ni contents compared with other deep-sea sediments. A variety of sources are reflected in the mineralogy and geochemistry of these sediments. Serpentine, brucite, magnetite, and high MgO, Cr, and Ni contents indicate derivation from ultramafic basement. The occurrence of albite, analcime, primary mafic minerals, and smectite/chlorite in some samples, coupled with high SiO2, Al2O3, TiO2, Fe2O3, V, and Y indicate contribution from basaltic basement. A third major sediment source is characterized as biogenic material and is reflected primarily in the presence of carbonate minerals, and high CaO, Sr, Pb, and Zn in certain samples. Kaolinite, illite, quartz, and some chlorite are most likely derived from continental areas or other parts of the ocean by long-distance sediment transport in surface or other ocean currents. Proportions of source materials in the sediments reflect the thickness of the sediment cover, slope of the seafloor, and the nature of and proximity to basement lithologies. REE values are low compared to other deep-sea sediments and indicate no evidence of hydrothermal activity in the Atlantis II Fracture Zone sediments. This is supported by major- and trace-element data.
Basalts recovered from Hole 504B during ODP Leg 111 are more or less altered, but there is no sign of strong shear stress or widespread penetrative deformation; hence, they retain well their primary (igneous) structures and textures. The effect of alteration is recognized as the partial or total replacement of primary minerals (olivine, clinopyroxene, and plagioclase) by secondary minerals and as the development of secondary minerals in open spaces (e.g., veins, fractures, vugs, or breccia matrix). The secondary minerals include zeolite (laumontite and stilbite), prehnite, chlorite, epidote, Plagioclase (albite and/or oligoclase), amphibole (anthophyllite, cummingtonite, actinolite, and hornblende), sodic augite, sphene, talc, anhydrite, chalcopyrite, pyrite, Fe-Ti oxide, and quartz. Selected secondary minerals from several tens of samples were analyzed by means of an electron-probe microanalyzer; the results are presented along with brief considerations of their compositional features. In terms of the model basaltic system, the following two types of low-variance (three-phase) mineral assemblages were observed: prehnite-epidote-laumontite and prehnite-actinolite-epidote; both include chlorite, albite and/or oligoclase, sphene, and quartz. The mineral parageneses delineated by these low-variance mineral assemblages suggest that the metamorphic grade ranges from the zeolite facies to the prehnite-actinolite facies. The common occurrence of prehnite indicates that greenschist facies conditions were not attained even in the deepest level of Hole 504B, which, in a strict sense, contradicts the previous interpretation that the lower portion of Hole 504B suffered greenschist facies alteration.
In three veins from the lower part of Deep Sea Drilling Project Hole 504B, 298 meters below the top of basement, primary augite is replaced by aegirine-augite. This transformation occurs only in subophitic basalts, at the contact with veins which always include a dark-olive, Mg-rich clay mineral. Talc occurs in one of these veins; it can be regarded either as a vein constituent or as a product of augite alteration. Melanite (Ca,Fe,Ti-rich garnet) appears in only one of these three veins, where a Ca-carbonate is associated with a Mg-rich clay mineral. The occurrence of melanite in Hole 504B could be due to the conjunction of particular conditions: (1) basalt with a subophitic texture, (2) presence of hydrothermal fluids carrying Ca, Fe, Si, Ti, Al, Mg, and Na, (3) rather high temperatures. Possibly the melanite and aegirine-augite formed by deuteric alteration.
A high-MgO andesite which is texturally similar to boninite and a variolitic basalt collected from Site 458, about 100 km west of the Mariana Trench, have been studied through microprobe analyses and melting experiments at high water pressures. The boninite-type andesite is very similar in composition and texture to a boninite from Bonin Islands, except that the former is more calcic than the latter. The variolitic basalt contains magnesian pigeonite (Ca12Mg74Fe14) in cores of augite microphenocrysts. This pigeonite crystallized at temperatures above 1200°C. In the melting experiments of the boninite-type rock, clinopyroxene crystallizes as a liquidus phase at pressures at least above 8 kbar. No olivine crystallizes near the liquidus temperatures, indicating that the magma of this rock cannot be in equilibrium with the upper mantle periodotite (lherzolite) at depths at least greater than 25 km. The boninite-type rock is probably a product of fractional crystallization of a more primitive magma (e.g., olivine-bearing boninite magma) by separation of olivine and orthopyroxene. The magma of the variolitic basalt also cannot be in equilibrium with the upper mantle peridotite, and may be a product of fractional crystallization of a more primitive basaltic magma.
Newly sampled basaltic andesites and andesites from the tholeiitic Ferrar Supergroup of northern Victoria Land and George V Land, Antarctica, are attributed to the known low-Ti and high-Ti series. Aside from known sparsely distributed high-Ti extrusives, a high-Ti sill was found in the Alamein Range outside the Rennick Graben. Low-Ti lavas, sills and dikes display wide petrographical, mineral and geochemical variations, reflecting extensive in-situ differentiation. High-Ti rocks from Litell Rocks are homogeneous with respect to mineralogy and geochemistry, minor deviations are shown by the sampled sill. Chilled margins of low-Ti sills, dikes and lava flows exhibit nearly constant bulk-rock chemistry (mg# ~60) within the studied area. Compared to chilled margins from Tasmanian sills, the striking uniformity of the pre-emplacement chemistry of Ferrar magmas over large distances supports the magma transport model of Elliot et al. (1999, doi:10.1016/S0012-821X(99)00023-0). In the area investigated, compositional variations within the low-Ti series, caused by in-situ differentiation, increase towards the Wilson-Bowers Terrane boundary, possibly displaying the asymmetrical distribution of outcrops over this area. Absence of Ferrar occurrences east of the Bowers Terrane remains a matter of palaeo-geodynamic discussion. Besides, the secondary mineralogy of extrusives from Litell Rocks and Monument Nunataks exhibits noticeable differences, which indicates an elevated thermal gradient in the vicinity of Litell Rocks compared to Monument Nunataks during the Cretaceous.
IODP Hole U1309D (Atlantis Massif, Mid-Atlantic Ridge 30°N) is the second deepest hole drilled into slow spread gabbroic lithosphere. It comprises 5.4% of olivine-rich troctolites (~ > 70% olivine), possibly the most primitive gabbroic rocks ever drilled at mid-ocean ridges. We present the result of an in situ trace element study carried out on a series of olivine-rich troctolites, and neighbouring troctolites and gabbros, from olivine-rich intervals in Hole U1309D. Olivine-rich troctolites display poikilitic textures; coarse-grained subhedral to medium-grained rounded olivine crystals are included into large undeformed clinopyroxene and plagioclase poikiloblasts. In contrast, gabbros and troctolites have irregularly seriate textures, with highly variable grain sizes, and locally poikilitic clinopyroxene oikocrysts in troctolites. Clinopyroxene is high Mg# augite (Mg# 87 in olivine-rich troctolites to 82 in gabbros), and plagioclase has anorthite contents ranging from 77 in olivine-rich troctolites to 68 in gabbros. Olivine has high forsterite contents (82-88 in olivine-rich troctolites, to 78-83 in gabbros) and is in Mg-Fe equilibrium with clinopyroxene. Clinopyroxene cores and plagioclase are depleted in trace elements (e.g., Ybcpx ~ 5-11 * Chondrite), they are in equilibrium with the same MORB-type melt in all studied rock-types. These compositions are not consistent with the progressively more trace element enriched (evolved) compositions expected from olivine rich primitive products to gabbros in a MORB cumulate sequence. They indicate that clinopyroxene and plagioclase crystallized concurrently, after melts having the same trace element composition, consistent with crystallization in an open system with a buffered magma composition. The slight trace element enrichments and lower Cr contents observed in clinopyroxene rims and interstitial grains results from crystallization of late-stage differentiated melts, probably indicating the closure of the magmatic system. In contrast to clinopyroxene and plagioclase, olivine is not in equilibrium with MORB, but with a highly fractionated depleted melt, similar to that in equilibrium with refractory oceanic peridotites, thus possibly indicating a mantle origin. In addition, textural relationships suggest that olivine was in part assimilated by the basaltic melts after which clinopyroxene and plagioclase crystallized (impregnation). These observations suggest a complex crystallization history in an open system involving impregnation by MORB-type melt(s) of an olivine-rich rock or mush. The documented magmatic processes suggest that olivine-rich troctolites were formed in a zone with large magmatic transfer and accumulation, similar to the mantle-crust transition zone documented in ophiolites and at fast spreading ridges.