938 resultados para Auditory-evoked-potentials


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The effects of cholinergic agents undergoing clinical trials for the treatment of Alzheimer's disease and the anticholinergic agent scopolamine, were investigated on the components of the flash and pattern reversal visual evoked potentials (VEPs) in young healthy volunteers. The effect of recording the flash and pattern reversal VEPs for 13 hours in 5 healthy male volunteers, revealed no statistically significant change in the latency or amplitude measures. Administration of the muscarinic agonist SDZ 210-086 to 16 healthy male volunteers resulted in the reduction of the flash N2-P2 and pattern reversal N75-P100 peak-to-peak amplitudes. These effects on the flash VEP occurred at both doses (0.5 and 1.0 mg/day), but only at the higher dose on the pattern reversal VEP. Administration of the antimuscarinic agent scopolamine to 11 healthy young male volunteers, resulted in a delay of the flash P2 latency but no effect on the pattern reversal P100 latency. The pattern reversal N75-P100 peak-to-peak amplitude was also increased post dosing. The combination of scopolamine with the acetylcholinesterase inhibitor SDZ ENA 713 resulted in no significant effect on the flash and pattern reversal VEPs, suggesting that the effects of scopolamine may have been partially reversed. Topical application of scopolamine in 6 young healthy volunteers also resulted in no statistically significant effects on the flash and pattern reversal VEPs. The selective effect of scopolamine on the flash P2 latency but not on the pattern reversal P100 latency, provided a model whereby new cholinergic agents developed for the treatment of Alzheimer's disease can be investigated on a physiological basis. In addition, the results of this study led to the hypothesis that the selective flash P2 delay in Alzheimer's disease was probably due to a cholinergic deficit in both the tectal pathway from the retina to the visual cortex and the magnocellular path of the geniculostriate pathway, whereas the lack of an effect on the pattern reversal P100 component was probably due to a sparing of the parvocellular geniculostriate pathway.


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Auditory Training (AT) describes a regimen of varied listening exercises designed to improve an individual’s ability to perceive speech. The theory of AT is based on brain plasticity (the capacity of neurones in the central auditory system to alter their structure and function) in response to auditory stimulation. The practice of repeatedly listening to the speech sounds included in AT exercises is believed to drive the development of more efficient neuronal pathways, thereby improving auditory processing and speech discrimination. This critical review aims to assess whether auditory training can improve speech discrimination in adults with mild-moderate SNHL. The majority of patients attending Audiology services are adults with presbyacusis and it is therefore important to evaluate evidence of any treatment effect of AT in aural rehabilitation. Ideally this review would seek to appraise evidence of neurophysiological effects of AT so as to verify whether it does induce change in the CAS. However, due to the absence of such studies on this particular patient group, the outcome measure of speech discrimination, as a behavioural indicator of treatment effect is used instead. A review of available research was used to inform an argument for or against using AT in rehabilitative clinical practice. Six studies were identified and although the preliminary evidence indicates an improvement gained from a range of AT paradigms, the treatment effect size was modest and there remains a lack of large-sample RCTs. Future investigation into the efficacy of AT needs to employ neurophysiological studies using auditory evoked potentials in hearing-impaired adults in order to explore effects of AT on the CAS.


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Diabetes mellitus (DM) is a metabolic disorder which is characterised by hyperglycaemia resulting from defects in insulin secretion, insulin action or both. The long-term specific effects of DM include the development of retinopathy, nephropathy and neuropathy. Cardiac disease, peripheral arterial and cerebrovascular disease are also known to be linked with DM. Type 1 diabetes mellitus (T1DM) accounts for approximately 10% of all individuals with DM, and insulin therapy is the only available treatment. Type 2 diabetes mellitus (T2DM) accounts for 90% of all individuals with DM. Diet, exercise, oral hypoglycaemic agents and occasionally exogenous insulin are used to manage T2DM. The diagnosis of DM is made where the glycated haemoglobin (HbA1c) percentage is greater than 6.5%. Pattern-reversal visual evoked potential (PVEP) testing is an objective means of evaluating impulse conduction along the central nervous pathways. Increased peak time of the visual P100 waveform is an expression of structural damage at the level of myelinated optic nerve fibres. This was an observational cross sectional study. The participants were grouped into two phases. Phase 1, the control group, consisted of 30 healthy non-diabetic participants. Phase 2 comprised of 104 diabetic participants of whom 52 had an HbA1c greater than 10% (poorly controlled DM) and 52 whose HbA1c was 10% and less (moderately controlled DM). The aim of this study was to firstly observe the possible association between glycated haemoglobin levels and P100 peak time of pattern-reversal visual evoked potentials (PVEPs) in DM. Secondly, to assess whether the central nervous system (CNS) and in particular visual function is affected by type and/or duration of DM. The cut-off values to define P100 peak time delay was calculated as the mean P100 peak time plus 2.5 X standard deviations as measured for the non-diabetic control group, and were 110.64 ms for the right eye. The proportion of delayed P100 peak time amounted to 38.5% for both diabetic groups, thus the poorly controlled group (HbA1c > 10%) did not pose an increased risk for delayed P100 peak time, relative to the moderately controlled group (HbA1c ≤ 10%). The P100 PVEP results for this study, do however, reflect significant delay (p < 0.001) of the DM group as compared to the non-diabetic group; thus, subclincal neuropathy of the CNS occurs in 38.5% of cases. The duration of DM and type of DM had no influence on the P100 peak time measurements.


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Rats with a bilateral neonatal ventral hippocampus lesion (NVHL) are used as models of neurobiological aspects of schizophrenia. In view of their decreased number of GABAergic interneurons, we hypothesized that they would show increased reactivity to acoustic stimuli. We systematically characterized the acoustic reactivity of NVHL rats and sham operated controls. They were behaviourally observed during a loud white noise. A first cohort of 7 months` old rats was studied. Then the observations were reproduced in a second cohort of the same age after characterizing the reactivity of the same rats to dopaminergic drugs. A third cohort of rats was studied at 2, 3, 4, 5 and 6 months. In subsets of lesioned and control rats, inferior colliculus auditory evoked potentials were recorded. A significant proportion of rats (50-62%) showed aberrant audiogenic responses with explosive wild running resembling the initial phase of audiogenic seizures. This was not correlated with their well-known enhanced reactivity to dopaminergic drugs. The proportion of rats showing this strong reaction increased with rats` age. After the cessation of the noise, NVHL rats showed a long freezing period that did neither depend on the size of the lesion nor on the rats` age. The initial negative deflection of the auditory evoked potential was enhanced in the inferior colliculus of only NVHL rats that displayed wild running. Complementary anatomical investigations using X-ray scans in the living animal, and alizarin red staining of brain slices, revealed a thin layer of calcium deposit close to the medial geniculate nuclei in post-NVHL rats, raising the possibility that this may contribute to the hyper-reactivity to sounds seen in these animals. The findings of this study provide complementary information with potential relevance for the hyper-reactivity noted in patients with schizophrenia, and therefore a tool to investigate the underlying biology of this endophenotype. (C) 2009 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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The P3(00) event-related potential (ERP) component is widely used as a measure of cognitive functioning and provides a sensitive electrophysiological index of the attentional and working memory demands of a task. This study investigated what proportion of the variance in the amplitude and latency of the P3, elicited in a delayed response working memory task, could be attributed to genetic factors. In 335 adolescent twin pairs and 48 siblings, the amplitude and latency of the P3 were examined at frontal, central, and parietal sites. Additive genetic factors accounted for 48% to 61% of the variance in P3 amplitude. Approximately one-third of the genetic variation at frontal sites was mediated by a common genetic factor that also influenced the genetic variation at parietal and central sites. Familial resemblance in P3 latency was due to genetic influence that accounted for 44% to 50% of the variance. Genetic covariance in P3 latency across sites was substantial, with a large part of the variance found at parietal, central, and frontal sites attributed to a common genetic factor. The findings provide further evidence that the P3 is a promising phenotype of neural activity of the brain and has the potential to be used in linkage and association analysis in the search for quantitative trait loci (QTLs) influencing cognition.


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INTRODUCTION: Predicting outcome in comatose survivors of cardiac arrest is based on data validated by guidelines that were established before the era of therapeutic hypothermia. We sought to evaluate the predictive value of clinical, electrophysiological and imaging data on patients submitted to therapeutic hypothermia. MATERIALS AND METHODS: A retrospective analysis of consecutive patients receiving therapeutic hypothermia during years 2010 and 2011 was made. Neurological examination, somatosensory evoked potentials, auditory evoked potentials, electroencephalography and brain magnetic resonance imaging were obtained during the first 72 hours. Glasgow Outcome Scale at 6 months, dichotomized into bad outcome (grades 1 and 2) and good outcome (grades 3, 4 and 5), was defined as the primary outcome. RESULTS: A total of 26 patients were studied. Absent pupillary light reflex, absent corneal and oculocephalic reflexes, absent N20 responses on evoked potentials and myoclonic status epilepticus showed no false-positives in predicting bad outcome. A malignant electroencephalographic pattern was also associated with a bad outcome (p = 0.05), with no false-positives. Two patients with a good outcome showed motor responses no better than extension (false-positive rate of 25%, p = 0.008) within 72 hours, both of them requiring prolonged sedation. Imaging findings of brain ischemia did not correlate with outcome. DISCUSSION: Absent pupillary, corneal and oculocephalic reflexes, absent N20 responses and a malignant electroencephalographic pattern all remain accurate predictors of poor outcome in cardiac arrest patients submitted to therapeutic hypothermia. CONCLUSION: Prolonged sedation beyond the hypothermia period may confound prediction strength of motor responses.


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Interaural intensity and time differences (IID and ITD) are two binaural auditory cues for localizing sounds in space. This study investigated the spatio-temporal brain mechanisms for processing and integrating IID and ITD cues in humans. Auditory-evoked potentials were recorded, while subjects passively listened to noise bursts lateralized with IID, ITD or both cues simultaneously, as well as a more frequent centrally presented noise. In a separate psychophysical experiment, subjects actively discriminated lateralized from centrally presented stimuli. IID and ITD cues elicited different electric field topographies starting at approximately 75 ms post-stimulus onset, indicative of the engagement of distinct cortical networks. By contrast, no performance differences were observed between IID and ITD cues during the psychophysical experiment. Subjects did, however, respond significantly faster and more accurately when both cues were presented simultaneously. This performance facilitation exceeded predictions from probability summation, suggestive of interactions in neural processing of IID and ITD cues. Supra-additive neural response interactions as well as topographic modulations were indeed observed approximately 200 ms post-stimulus for the comparison of responses to the simultaneous presentation of both cues with the mean of those to separate IID and ITD cues. Source estimations revealed differential processing of IID and ITD cues initially within superior temporal cortices and also at later stages within temporo-parietal and inferior frontal cortices. Differences were principally in terms of hemispheric lateralization. The collective psychophysical and electrophysiological results support the hypothesis that IID and ITD cues are processed by distinct, but interacting, cortical networks that can in turn facilitate auditory localization.


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Background: Glutathione (GSH) dysregulation at the gene, protein and functional levels observed in schizophrenia patients, and schizophrenia-like anomalies in GSH deficit experimental models, suggest that genetic glutathione synthesis impairments represent one major risk factor for the disease (Do et al., 2009). In a randomized, double blind, placebo controlled, add-on clinical trial of 140 patients, the GSH precursor N-Acetyl-Cysteine (NAC, 2g/day, 6 months) significantly improved the negative symptoms and reduced sideeffects due to antipsychotics (Berk et al., 2008). In a subset of patients (n=7), NAC (2g/day, 2 months, cross-over design) also improved auditory evoked potentials, the NMDA-dependent mismatch negativity (Lavoie et al, 2008). Methods: To determine whether increased GSH levels would modulate the topography of functional brain connectivity, we applied a multivariate phase synchronization (MPS) estimator (Knyazeva et al, 2008) to dense-array EEGs recorded during rest with eyes closed at the protocol onset, the point of crossover, and at its end. Results: The whole-head imaging revealed a specific synchronization landscape in NAC compared to placebo condition. In particular, NAC increased MPS over frontal and left temporal regions in a frequency-specific manner. The topography and direction of MPS changes were similar and robust in all 7 patients. Moreover, these changes correlated with the changes in the Liddle's score of disorganization, thus linking EEG synchronization to the improvement of the clinical picture. Conclusions: The data suggest an important pathway towards new therapeutic strategies that target GSH dysregulation in schizophrenia. They also show the utility of MPS mapping as a marker of treatment efficacy.


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L'objectiu d'aquest estudi és definir els patrons d’hipoacúsia en dones amb Síndrome de Turner i els possibles factors que poden afavorir el desenvolupament d’hipoacúsia neurosensorial en dones adultes amb Síndrome de Turner. Es va trobar que més de la meitat de les dones amb Sindrome de Turner presenten hipoacúsia a l’audiometria, confirmat pels potencials evocats auditius de tronc; la hipoacúsia neurosensorial és el tipus de pèrdua d'audició més freqüent entre dones de mitjana edat amb síndrome de Turner i l'edat, el cariotip i la història prèvia d'otitis mitja recurrent són possibles factors de risc per l’aparició d’hipoacúsia en aquestes pacients.


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Behavioral and brain responses to identical stimuli can vary with experimental and task parameters, including the context of stimulus presentation or attention. More surprisingly, computational models suggest that noise-related random fluctuations in brain responses to stimuli would alone be sufficient to engender perceptual differences between physically identical stimuli. In two experiments combining psychophysics and EEG in healthy humans, we investigated brain mechanisms whereby identical stimuli are (erroneously) perceived as different (higher vs lower in pitch or longer vs shorter in duration) in the absence of any change in the experimental context. Even though, as expected, participants' percepts to identical stimuli varied randomly, a classification algorithm based on a mixture of Gaussians model (GMM) showed that there was sufficient information in single-trial EEG to reliably predict participants' judgments of the stimulus dimension. By contrasting electrical neuroimaging analyses of auditory evoked potentials (AEPs) to the identical stimuli as a function of participants' percepts, we identified the precise timing and neural correlates (strength vs topographic modulations) as well as intracranial sources of these erroneous perceptions. In both experiments, AEP differences first occurred ∼100 ms after stimulus onset and were the result of topographic modulations following from changes in the configuration of active brain networks. Source estimations localized the origin of variations in perceived pitch of identical stimuli within right temporal and left frontal areas and of variations in perceived duration within right temporoparietal areas. We discuss our results in terms of providing neurophysiologic evidence for the contribution of random fluctuations in brain activity to conscious perception.


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Schizophrenia patients exhibit deficits in low-level processing, including pitch discrimination. This deficiency manifests in auditory evoked potentials (AEPs) as an impaired mismatch negativity (MMN), an electrophysiological response to infrequent target stimuli interspersed among frequent standard stimuli that typically peaks ~100ms post-stimulus onset. NMDA receptor antagonists have been shown to block MMN generation in both animals and humans, and NMDA dysfunction has been linked to the underlying pathophysiology of schizophrenia. A parallel line of evidence indicates that glutathione (GSH) regulation is perturbed in schizophrenia patients at the gene, protein and functional levels (Tosic et al., 2006). This GSH dysregulation leads to NMDA receptors' hypofunction through interaction with their redox site (Steullet et al., 2006). The present study aimed to modulate GSH levels in schizophrenia patients and assessed the effects of such a modulation on MMN generation mechanisms. N-acetyl-cysteine (NAC), a GSH precursor, was administered to schizophrenia patients, using a double-blind cross-over protocol. One group received NAC (2g/day) for 60 days and then placebo for another 60 days, and vice-versa for the second group. AEPs from patients were recorded at the onset of the protocol, at the point of cross-over, and at the end of the study. Participants were instructed to manually respond to target stimuli (2kHz pure tones occurring 20% of the time among 1kHz pure tones). Analyses of AEPs recorded at protocol onset indicated that patients (n=11) were significantly impaired in generating the MMN relative to age-matched controls (n=11). Specifically, the global field power (GFP), an index of AEP magnitude, was measured over the 70- 155ms post-stimulus interval and submitted to an analysis of variance (ANOVA). There was a significant interaction between population and stimulus frequency, indicating impaired MMN generation in patients at protocol onset. Analyses of AEPs recorded during administration of NAC (n=7) versus placebo (n=7) revealed the efficacy of this GSH precursor in modulating MMN generation mechanisms. ANOVA of GFP over the 70- 155ms post-stimulus interval, using stimulus frequency and treatment as within-participants variables, revealed a significant interaction and indicated that NAC can ameliorate MMN generation. We discuss these results in terms of potential therapeutic strategies for schizophrenia.


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Inhibitory control, a core component of executive functions, refers to our ability to suppress intended or ongoing cognitive or motor processes. Mostly based on Go/NoGo paradigms, a considerable amount of literature reports that inhibitory control of responses to "NoGo" stimuli is mediated by top-down mechanisms manifesting ∼200 ms after stimulus onset within frontoparietal networks. However, whether inhibitory functions in humans can be trained and the supporting neurophysiological mechanisms remain unresolved. We addressed these issues by contrasting auditory evoked potentials (AEPs) to left-lateralized "Go" and right NoGo stimuli recorded at the beginning versus the end of 30 min of active auditory spatial Go/NoGo training, as well as during passive listening of the same stimuli before versus after the training session, generating two separate 2 × 2 within-subject designs. Training improved Go/NoGo proficiency. Response times to Go stimuli decreased. During active training, AEPs to NoGo, but not Go, stimuli modulated topographically with training 61-104 ms after stimulus onset, indicative of changes in the underlying brain network. Source estimations revealed that this modulation followed from decreased activity within left parietal cortices, which in turn predicted the extent of behavioral improvement. During passive listening, in contrast, effects were limited to topographic modulations of AEPs in response to Go stimuli over the 31-81 ms interval, mediated by decreased right anterior temporoparietal activity. We discuss our results in terms of the development of an automatic and bottom-up form of inhibitory control with training and a differential effect of Go/NoGo training during active executive control versus passive listening conditions.


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Optimal behavior relies on flexible adaptation to environmental requirements, notably based on the detection of errors. The impact of error detection on subsequent behavior typically manifests as a slowing down of RTs following errors. Precisely how errors impact the processing of subsequent stimuli and in turn shape behavior remains unresolved. To address these questions, we used an auditory spatial go/no-go task where continual feedback informed participants of whether they were too slow. We contrasted auditory-evoked potentials to left-lateralized go and right no-go stimuli as a function of performance on the preceding go stimuli, generating a 2 × 2 design with "preceding performance" (fast hit [FH], slow hit [SH]) and stimulus type (go, no-go) as within-subject factors. SH trials yielded SH trials on the following trials more often than did FHs, supporting our assumption that SHs engaged effects similar to errors. Electrophysiologically, auditory-evoked potentials modulated topographically as a function of preceding performance 80-110 msec poststimulus onset and then as a function of stimulus type at 110-140 msec, indicative of changes in the underlying brain networks. Source estimations revealed a stronger activity of prefrontal regions to stimuli after successful than error trials, followed by a stronger response of parietal areas to the no-go than go stimuli. We interpret these results in terms of a shift from a fast automatic to a slow controlled form of inhibitory control induced by the detection of errors, manifesting during low-level integration of task-relevant features of subsequent stimuli, which in turn influences response speed.


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The ability to discriminate conspecific vocalizations is observed across species and early during development. However, its neurophysiologic mechanism remains controversial, particularly regarding whether it involves specialized processes with dedicated neural machinery. We identified spatiotemporal brain mechanisms for conspecific vocalization discrimination in humans by applying electrical neuroimaging analyses to auditory evoked potentials (AEPs) in response to acoustically and psychophysically controlled nonverbal human and animal vocalizations as well as sounds of man-made objects. AEP strength modulations in the absence of topographic modulations are suggestive of statistically indistinguishable brain networks. First, responses were significantly stronger, but topographically indistinguishable to human versus animal vocalizations starting at 169-219 ms after stimulus onset and within regions of the right superior temporal sulcus and superior temporal gyrus. This effect correlated with another AEP strength modulation occurring at 291-357 ms that was localized within the left inferior prefrontal and precentral gyri. Temporally segregated and spatially distributed stages of vocalization discrimination are thus functionally coupled and demonstrate how conventional views of functional specialization must incorporate network dynamics. Second, vocalization discrimination is not subject to facilitated processing in time, but instead lags more general categorization by approximately 100 ms, indicative of hierarchical processing during object discrimination. Third, although differences between human and animal vocalizations persisted when analyses were performed at a single-object level or extended to include additional (man-made) sound categories, at no latency were responses to human vocalizations stronger than those to all other categories. Vocalization discrimination transpires at times synchronous with that of face discrimination but is not functionally specialized.


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RÉSUMÉ Introduction L'effet des agents myorelaxants ainsi que des anticholinestérases sur la profondeur d'anesthésie a été étudié avec des résultats contradictoires. C'est pourquoi nous avons évalué l'effet de l'atracurium et de la néostigmine sur le BIS (bispectral index) ainsi que sur les potentiels auditives évoqués (middle-latency auditory evoked potentials, A-Line® autoregressive index [AAI]). Méthodes Après avoir obtenu l'accord du comité d'éthique local, nous avons étudié 40 patients ayant donné leur consentement écrit, ASA I-II, âgé de 18-69 ans. L'anesthésie générale a consisté en anesthésie intra-veineuse à objectif de concentration avec du propofol et du remifentanil. La fonction de la jonction neuromusculaire était monitorée en continu au moyen d'un électromyographe. Le BIS et l'AAI ont été enregistrés en continu. Après avoir atteint des valeurs stables au niveau du BIS, les patients ont été attribués à deux groupes par randomisation. Les patients du groupe 1 ont reçu 0.4 mg kg-1 d'atracurium et 5 minutes plus tard le même volume de NaCI 0.9%, dans le groupe 2 la séquence d'injection était inversée, le NaCI 0.9% en premier et l'atracurium en deuxième. Au moment où le premier « twitch » d'un train de quatre atteignait 10% de l'intensité avant la relaxation, les patients ont été randomisés une deuxième fois. Les patients du groupe N ont reçu 0.04 mg kg-1 de néostigmine et 0.01 rn9 kg-1 de glycopyrrolate alors que le groupe contrôle (G) ne recevait que 0.01 mg kg-] de glycopyrrolate. Résultats : L 'injection d'atracurium ou de NaCI 0.9% n'a pas eu d'effet sur le BIS ou l'AAI. Après l'injection de néostigmine avec glycopyrrolate, le BIS et I `AAI a augmenté de manière significative (changement maximal moyen du BIS 7.1 ± 7.5, P< 0.001, de l'AAI 9.7 ± 10.5, P< 0.001). Suite à l'injection de glycopyrrolate seule, le BIS et l'AAI a augmenté également (changement maximal moyen du BIS 2.2 ± 3.4, P< 0.008, de l'AAI 3.5 ± 5.7, P< 0.012), mais cette augmentation était significativement moins importante que dans le groupe N (P< 0.012 pour le BIS, P< 0.027 pour l'AAI). Conclusion Ces résultats laissent supposer que la néostigmine peut altérer la profondeur de l'anesthésie. La diminution de la profondeur d'anesthésie enregistrée par le BIS et l'AAI correspond probablement à une réapparition brusque d'une stimulation centrale liée à la proprioception. Au contraire, lors de la curarisation, le tonus musculaire diminue de manière beaucoup plus progressive, pouvant ainsi expliquer l'absence d'effet sur la profondeur d'anesthésie. ABSTRACT Background. Conflicting effects of neuromuscular blocking drugs and anticholinesterases on depth of anaesthesia have been reported. Therefore we evaluated the effect of atracurium and neostigmine on bispectral index (BIS) and middle-latency auditory evoked potentials (AAI). Methods. We studied 40 patients (ASA I-II) aged 18-69 yr. General anaesthesia consisted of propofol and remifentanil by target-controlled infusion and neuromuscular function was monitored by electromyography. When BIS reached stable values, patients were randomly assigned to one of two groups. Group I received atracurium 0.4 mg kg-1 and, 5 min later, the same volume of NaCl 0.9%; group 2 received saline first and then atracurium. When the first twitch of a train of four reached 10% of control intensity, patients were again randomized: one group (N) received neostigmine 0.04 mg kg-1 and glycopyrrolate 0.01 mg kg-1, and the control group (G) received only glycopyrrolate. Results. Injection of atracurium or NaCl 0.9% had no effect on BIS or AAI. After neostigmine¬glycopyrrolate, BIS and AAI increased significantly (mean maximal change of BIS 7.1 [SD 7.5], P<0.001; mean maximal change of AAI 9.7 [10.5], P<0.001). When glycopyrrolate was injected alone BIS and AAI also increased (mean maximal change of BIS 2.2 [3.4], P=0.008; mean maximal change of AAI 3.5 [5.7], P=0.012), but this increase was significantly less than in group N (P=0.012 for BIS; P=0.027 for AAI). Conclusion. These data suggest that neostigmine alters the state of propofol-remifentanil anaesthesia and may enhance recovery.