956 resultados para Audio-visual archives


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No existe en Cuenca un proyecto de investigación periodística y de producción audiovisual que indague, recopile y presente información sobre aquellas profesiones tradicionales heredadas a través del tiempo y que poco a poco se van perdiendo con miras a extinguirse completamente. Este proyecto, de cierta manera, puede ser innovador, ya que involucra dos áreas: comunicación audiovisual y redacción dentro del periodismo. Se involucran por el hecho de presentar información relevante, a través de un producto final, visual y escrito, que enseñe de quéforma estas profesiones son desarrolladas por diferentes actores humanos, sus contextos y sus procesos, con la intención de servir de apoyo investigativo cultural en el ámbito local y nacional.


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Dirk de Bruyn has been creating film works for over 35 years; mostly in the hand-made, 'direct animation' mode. He also performs live with multiple projections of his films in a highly embodied mode of expanded cinema performance. His work is renowned for its intricate, suggestive layering of sound and image, and use of sumptuous, blooming fields of colour.An active participant in our PyR16, Dirk will be discussing his conceptual work, his meticulous creative process, and his particular relationship with the materials, light, space and time both on film and stage, illustrating with some examples.We'll conclude with a Q&A session with the attendants.


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People possess different sensory modalities to detect, interpret, and efficiently act upon various events in a complex and dynamic environment (Fetsch, DeAngelis, & Angelaki, 2013). Much empirical work has been done to understand the interplay of modalities (e.g. audio-visual interactions, see Calvert, Spence, & Stein, 2004). On the one hand, integration of multimodal input as a functional principle of the brain enables the versatile and coherent perception of the environment (Lewkowicz & Ghazanfar, 2009). On the other hand, sensory integration does not necessarily mean that input from modalities is always weighted equally (Ernst, 2008). Rather, when two or more modalities are stimulated concurrently, one often finds one modality dominating over another. Study 1 and 2 of the dissertation addressed the developmental trajectory of sensory dominance. In both studies, 6-year-olds, 9-year-olds, and adults were tested in order to examine sensory (audio-visual) dominance across different age groups. In Study 3, sensory dominance was put into an applied context by examining verbal and visual overshadowing effects among 4- to 6-year olds performing a face recognition task. The results of Study 1 and Study 2 support default auditory dominance in young children as proposed by Napolitano and Sloutsky (2004) that persists up to 6 years of age. For 9-year-olds, results on privileged modality processing were inconsistent. Whereas visual dominance was revealed in Study 1, privileged auditory processing was revealed in Study 2. Among adults, a visual dominance was observed in Study 1, which has also been demonstrated in preceding studies (see Spence, Parise, & Chen, 2012). No sensory dominance was revealed in Study 2 for adults. Potential explanations are discussed. Study 3 referred to verbal and visual overshadowing effects in 4- to 6-year-olds. The aim was to examine whether verbalization (i.e., verbally describing a previously seen face), or visualization (i.e., drawing the seen face) might affect later face recognition. No effect of visualization on recognition accuracy was revealed. As opposed to a verbal overshadowing effect, a verbal facilitation effect occurred. Moreover, verbal intelligence was a significant predictor for recognition accuracy in the verbalization group but not in the control group. This suggests that strengthening verbal intelligence in children can pay off in non-verbal domains as well, which might have educational implications.


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Este articulo trata de exponer la utilización del archivo audiovisual del grupo de investigación IDECA como herramienta docente y como la utilización de un archivo digital de estas características se articula como una vía practica para mejorar la adquisición de competencias en determinadas áreas del conocimiento por parte del alumnado universitario. El empleo del archivo IDECA como herramienta docente, se articula como un medio excelente para la mejora de los conocimientos del alumno por medio de la gestión autónoma del aprendizaje por parte del alumno o del aprendizaje tutorizado por el profesorado


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The article gives an account of the various microfilming initiatives taken in Malta during the last thirty years. Various archives have managed to microfilm their holdings under co-operation agreements with international societies, or manuscript libraries. The advent of digital technology is now posing new challenges and opportunities for the archives sector. The idea of a National Memory Project that will try to bridge the different approaches in the preservation of records in the various public, private, and ecclesiastical archives in Malta is discussed. Technical challenges are highlighted, as are the opportunities that arise from collaboration and active participation in international projects such as the European Visual Archives (EVA), and the SEEDI initiative.


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We propose a novel technique for conducting robust voice activity detection (VAD) in high-noise recordings. We use Gaussian mixture modeling (GMM) to train two generic models; speech and non-speech. We then score smaller segments of a given (unseen) recording against each of these GMMs to obtain two respective likelihood scores for each segment. These scores are used to compute a dissimilarity measure between pairs of segments and to carry out complete-linkage clustering of the segments into speech and non-speech clusters. We compare the accuracy of our method against state-of-the-art and standardised VAD techniques to demonstrate an absolute improvement of 15% in half-total error rate (HTER) over the best performing baseline system and across the QUT-NOISE-TIMIT database. We then apply our approach to the Audio-Visual Database of American English (AVDBAE) to demonstrate the performance of our algorithm in using visual, audio-visual or a proposed fusion of these features.


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This PhD by publication examines selected practice-based audio-visual works made by the author over a ten-year period, placing them in a critical context. Central to the publications, and the focus of the thesis, is an exploration of the role of sound in the creation of dialectic tension between the audio, the visual and the audience. By first analysing a number of texts (films/videos and key writings) the thesis locates the principal issues and debates around the use of audio in artists’ moving image practice. From this it is argued that asynchronism, first advocated in 1929 by Pudovkin as a response to the advent of synchronised sound, can be used to articulate audio-visual relationships. Central to asynchronism’s application in this paper is a recognition of the propensity for sound and image to adhere, and in visual music for there to be a literal equation of audio with the visual, often married with a quest for the synaesthetic. These elements can either be used in an illusionist fashion, or employed as part of an anti-illusionist strategy for realising dialectic. Using this as a theoretical basis, the paper examines how the publications implement asynchronism, including digital mapping to facilitate innovative reciprocal sound and image combinations, and the asynchronous use of ‘found sound’ from a range of online sources to reframe the moving image. The synthesis of publications and practice demonstrates that asynchronism can both underpin the creation of dialectic, and be an integral component in an audio-visual anti-illusionist methodology.


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The performance of visual speech recognition (VSR) systems are significantly influenced by the accuracy of the visual front-end. The current state-of-the-art VSR systems use off-the-shelf face detectors such as Viola- Jones (VJ) which has limited reliability for changes in illumination and head poses. For a VSR system to perform well under these conditions, an accurate visual front end is required. This is an important problem to be solved in many practical implementations of audio visual speech recognition systems, for example in automotive environments for an efficient human-vehicle computer interface. In this paper, we re-examine the current state-of-the-art VSR by comparing off-the-shelf face detectors with the recently developed Fourier Lucas-Kanade (FLK) image alignment technique. A variety of image alignment and visual speech recognition experiments are performed on a clean dataset as well as with a challenging automotive audio-visual speech dataset. Our results indicate that the FLK image alignment technique can significantly outperform off-the shelf face detectors, but requires frequent fine-tuning.


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Spoken term detection (STD) is the task of looking up a spoken term in a large volume of speech segments. In order to provide fast search, speech segments are first indexed into an intermediate representation using speech recognition engines which provide multiple hypotheses for each speech segment. Approximate matching techniques are usually applied at the search stage to compensate the poor performance of automatic speech recognition engines during indexing. Recently, using visual information in addition to audio information has been shown to improve phone recognition performance, particularly in noisy environments. In this paper, we will make use of visual information in the form of lip movements of the speaker in indexing stage and will investigate its effect on STD performance. Particularly, we will investigate if gains in phone recognition accuracy will carry through the approximate matching stage to provide similar gains in the final audio-visual STD system over a traditional audio only approach. We will also investigate the effect of using visual information on STD performance in different noise environments.


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The MACHAL, the acronym for “Mitnadvei Hutz LaAretz” ("Volunteers from Abroad"), consisted of about 3500 men and women from over 40 countries from a variety of social and religious backgrounds who volunteered to fight for the establishment of Israel. This collection is unique in that it deals specifically with the experience of MACHAL and Aliyah Bet volunteers from Canada and the United States and others living in the United States. The collections consists of files on 500 volunteers, over 2000 original and reproduction photographs, numerous audio-visual material, books, manuscripts, and memoirs.


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[ES] El concepto de historia del patrimonio histórico-educativo ha ido cambiando acorde con la aparición de nuevas formas de comunicarnos. Hemos pasado de estar en archivos nacionales o autonómicos para conseguir documentos, a poder hacerlo desde la comodidad de nuestro hogar a través de unos simples clics. A pesar de ello, esta suerte de aventura sólo puede llevarse a buen término cuando aprendamos a ser investigadores-cernedores. Cuando aprendamos a separar con nuestro cedazo la información veraz, presumible de poder erigirse en conocimiento científico, de aquella infoxicada que distorsiona y llena de ruidos nuestras pesquisas como personas historiadoras.


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Crear un material audio-visual. Mejorar la calidad de la enseñanza. Estudiar la aplicación de programas audio-visuales en el aula. Buscar una metodología adecuada a la utilización didáctica de los medios audio-visuales. Comprobar las diferencias que pueden existir entre diferentes medios audio-visuales, diapositivas-vídeo. La muestra está formada por los niños de tres aulas de segundo de BUP del Colegio Escoles Pies de Sarrià (Barcelona). En total 102 sujetos que han estudiado primero de BUP en el mismo centro. Se expone el marco teórico. Se describen las variables (medios audio-visuales, rendimiento escolar, rendimiento escolar anterior, metodología, inteligencia, clase social, profesor y edad). Se describe la muestra. División de la muestra en tres clases (sin medio audio-visual, con vídeo, con diapositivas). Realización del material audio-visual. Se realizan las sesiones pertinentes en cada clase. Aplicación de la prueba objetiva. Se analizan los datos. Se ofrecen conclusiones y alternativas. Prueba objetiva de rendimiento. Test d'aptituds diferencials. Baremo de puntuaciones anteriores. Diferencia de medias, estadística descriptiva, análisis de varianza, prueba de Scheffe, para establecer si hay diferencias entre el grupo que ha trabajado con medio audio-visual, visual y sin medio audiovisual. La metodología experimental aplicada no ha producido los resultados esperados, hay razones para afirmar que han intervenido factores no controlados, ajenos a la experimentación. Se constata un gran interés de los alumnos por el uso del vídeo como elemento de motivación. Se señala la importancia de incidir en este campo creando metodologías activas adecuadas y series de programas válidos. Hace falta una intensa investigación en las posibilidades y efectos de dichas metodologías.


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This paper studies the auditory, visual and combined audio-visual recognition of vowels by severely and profoundly hearing impaired children.


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