989 resultados para Asynchronous discussion forums


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In 2005 an existing undergraduate course in project management was converted from face-to-face mode to wholly online mode. Wholly online mode means that there are no face-to-face classes at all, and all teaching and learning is facilitated through an online environment.

The revised project management course was designed with an underlying problem-based learning (PBL) pedagogy and used a simulated, fictitious telecommunications company, United Enterprises (UE), as a case study learning resource. The students worked in virtual teams to complete online learning activities and to solve authentic project management tasks for UE. Employees of UE were available online to provide direction and answer further questions about the tasks.

The overall research study used an action research methodology in which feedback was elicited from two groups of stakeholders involved in the project management course - students and teaching staff. The feedback was used to plan, develop and implement the new Information Technology (IT) Professional Practice course.

This paper reports on the findings of three anonymous student surveys that were conducted after each of the main project management topics and tasks were completed. The surveys sought feedback in a number of areas. However, the feedback reported here relates specifically to student opinions about their experiences of working in virtual teams within the learning environment. Other aspects of the research, including student perceptions of UE and feedback from the teaching staff, are not reported here.

Across the three surveys, most students indicated that they valued the opportunity to discuss various aspects of the course with peers and teaching staff online, and to interact with real-life employees of UE. Although discussion forums were the prescribed method for communication other forms of communication such as email, chat and face-to-face meetings were also used. According to the students, the best things about online group work were that it provides the flexibility of time and place; it allows communication and participation to be recorded; and is an ‘efficient’ way of working. The worst things about online group work were that communication is more difficult and that team members leave participation and submission to
the last minute. While up to 15 percent of students did not like the experience of online group work at all, overall students were generally satisfied with this style of learning and enjoyed the experience of working collaboratively within a virtual team.

The research has highlighted a number of areas where improvements can be made to the student experience of working in virtual teams. These improvements will be adopted in the development and delivery of the new course as part of the action research study.


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This paper explores the importance of online communities designed to support the creativity of tertiary students enrolled in Computer Science studies. Online discussion forums provide university students with a supportive and nurturing environment and a community where they can share knowledge and ideas. The authors draw on findings derived from a study of first year Computer Science students enrolled in a Games Design and Development unit. Of particular interest is the ways in which the participants develop and control the environment in order to enhance their own creative expression.


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For many social work educators, the debate about whether social work education should be delivered using online technology has, as a result of institutional imperatives, moved on to how best this can be done. In this article, the process of designing and delivering part of a social work course using asynchronous online discussion is described and reflected upon. Student participation in the online environment is also compared with final course grades and the findings discussed in relation to existing literature. Recommendations for the future delivery of social work courses using online technology emerging from this discussion are offered.


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Prior research suggests that the online provision of course materials can have a positive impact on students' examination performance. This study adds to the existing literature by investigating the link between the students' use of different forms of online course provisions and tools (i.e. course materials, links and discussion forums) and the final examination performance of students in a second year undergraduate accounting course. Findings indicate a positive association between the number of online files viewed by students, the number of online discussion messages posted by them, and their examination performance. A significant relationship was not found between examination performance and the amount of time spent on the subject's web site, the viewing of links to web sites that were not core to the course being studied, or the passive reading of discussion messages. These findings support the benefits to be gained by providing course materials online and encouraging students to access the materials posted and to participate actively in online discussion.


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This paper reports on part of a teacher/researcher’s PhD action research study. It explains the complexity of features that social media brings to the teaching and learning process while discussing the simplicity and power of its use. Through the action research cycle, learning programs were designed to take advantage of the unique communicative methods offered by social media and web 2.0 whilst maintaining the value of face-to-face learning. Students used social media spaces such as blogs, groups and discussion forums as well as developing their own profiles and avatars to communicate online by making friends, leaving comments and uploading content which included publishing, peer reviewing and self assessment. The author argues that, by designing learning that valued and combined the attributes of social media, Web 2.0 and face-to-face teaching she was able to produce a more student-centred approach; hence, developing a ‘Hybrid’ learning environment which supported many 21st Century skills.


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This article reports on part of the author’s PhD action research study. It examines the complexity of features that social media and Web 2.0 offer when combined with face-to-face teaching and learning. Action research was used to help redesign the learning programs of thirteen Middle Years classes over an eighteen month period. These learning programs took advantage of the unique communicative methods offered by social media and provided spaces such as blogs, groups and discussion forums. Students developed their own identity when working online, made online friends, left comments for peers and uploaded content which included publishing, peer reviewing and self assessment. The research highlighted the simplicity in the creation and exchange of user-generated content and interaction while identifying a complex depth behind such interaction. Designing learning programs using social media enabled the students to be active and valued participants in the learning process and a ‘hybrid’ learning environment


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This paper reports on how the findings from an eighteen month secondary school action research study, in which social media was integrated into face-to-face classroom practice, was used to inform a fourth year undergraduate teacher-education unit at Deakin University in Australia. The school action research study was conducted in an Australian public secondary school. Students were aged between 13 and 16 years of age and a total of thirteen classes were involved. In each of the three semesters of data collection, one online social network was shared with up to seven classes and each class had approximately 25 students. Blogs, Groups, Chats, Discussion Forums, Web 2.0 tools and a wide range of student-generated content were shared online, within a class and between classes. Students were encouraged to interact and to share their thoughts and ideas about planning as well as using their out-of-school skills and knowledge. Each topic, within each class, was one action research cycle, using Armstrong and Moore’s (2004) framework. By following Graham Nuthall’s lens on learning, the researcher was able to focus on teaching as being about sensitivity and adaptation: adjusting to the here-and-now circumstances of particular students (Nuthall 2007). Elements of self organisation with spontaneous and strange attractors were identified throughout the study and these made links to Doll’s (1993) post-modern perspective of chaotic behaviour and the complexity of Hayles’ (1990) ‘disorderly order’.


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Language, Education and Technology, an initial core subject within the Bachelor of Education at Victoria University, Victoria, Australia was selected by Teacher Education staff to develop a multi-mode, mixed delivery approach to teaching and learning. A University Curriculum Innovations Grant supported the Project entitled ‘The paperless tiger: Moving the 1st year B Ed core subject into the online world’. During the planning phase the professional action learning team (academics, Library and IT personnel) faced a series of challenges as we grappled with the idea of facilitating an exploration of the lived experiences of learners. Understanding how Webct, CD-ROM, synchronous and asynchronous communication forums could support face-to-face classes and tutorials was part of the professional learning and debate. During the journey, academics and preservice teachers collected artefacts; and these helped us to unpack our ideas and identify what was most valued in the subject. The preservice teachers used digital portfolio presentations to describe both their personal learning and their growing awareness about learning. Teachers and preservice teachers agreed that stepping outside their comfort zone and facing the challenges i.e. riding the paperless tiger was achievable because it became clear that the ‘learning is in the struggle’


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This paper reports on an 18-month high school action research study and how this could be used to inform course designers and educators in other sectors of education. The high school study focused on the integration of social media into the face-to-face classroom. It used action research in a Victorian public high school in a total of 13 of the author’s classes. Data collection was in three phases over an eighteen month period. This involved the teacher creating one online social network and sharing this dynamic environment with up to seven classes in a semester. Blogs, groups, chats, discussion forums, Web 2.0 tools and a wide range of student-generated content were shared online, within a class and between classes. Students were encouraged to interact and to share their thoughts and ideas about planning as well as using their out-of-school skills and knowledge. Each topic, within each class, was one action research cycle. A number of the findings from this high school study were integrated into post-secondary education subjects at Deakin University. In an era of social media, this high school study has provided insight into how, why, where and when students learn, and by blending many of the findings into Deakin University courses, this study offers a new way of approaching teaching and learning in the broader notion of tertiary education and training.


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Adjunctive psychosocial interventions are efficacious in bipolar disorder, but their incorporation into routine management plans are often confounded by cost and access constraints. We report here a comparative evaluation of two online programs hosted on a single website (www.moodswings.net.au). A basic version, called MoodSwings (MS), contains psychoeducation material and asynchronous discussion boards; and a more interactive program, MoodSwings Plus (MS-Plus), combined the basic psychoeducation material and discussion boards with elements of Cognitive Behavioral Therapy. These programs were evaluated in a head-to-head study design.


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Aim: The need for dietetic students to develop interprofessional collaborative practice capabilities is well recognised. The aim of this study was to examine the ability of an online interprofessional education (IPE) unit (using asynchronous and synchronous media) to improve dietetic students' confidence in understanding professional roles and attitudes associated with interprofessional practice along with exploring their experience in the unit. Methods: Final year master of dietetic students undertaking a compulsory online unit in IPE were invited to complete a questionnaire examining their confidence in understanding professional roles and their interprofessional attitudes both pre- and post-delivery of the unit, and to participate in semi-structured telephone interviews to explore their experience in the unit. Results: Thirty-five dietetic students completed the questionnaire pre- and post-unit, along with seven students undertaking a telephone interview. Their confidence in understanding the roles of other health professions (P = 0.000 to 0.014), self-assessment of interprofessional communication and teamwork skills (P = 0.002) and attitudes towards interprofessional interaction (P = 0.001) and interprofessional relationships (P = 0.002) increased significantly from pre- to post-unit. The students articulated positives about the experience (flexibility of the delivery, opportunity to reflect on personal factors related to teamwork, increasing their knowledge of other professions) and some challenges (lack of body language, some technological difficulties, the need for regular contribution to the teams' asynchronous discussion boards). Conclusions: This study suggests that although there can be some challenges in online IPE, it can be a positive experience and can improve dietetic students' collaborative practice attitudes and confidence in understanding other professional roles.


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)