600 resultados para Asteromphalus arachne


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Ocean Drilling Program Leg 167 represents the first time since 1978 that the North American Pacific margin was drilled to study ocean history. More than 7500 m of Quaternary to middle Miocene (14 Ma) sediments were recovered from 13 sites, representing the most complete stratigraphic sequence on the California margin. Diatoms are found in most samples in variable abundance and in a moderately well-preserved state throughout the sequence, and they are often dominated by robust, dissolution-resistant species. The Neogene North Pacific diatom zonation of Yanagisawa and Akiba (1998, doi:10.5575/geosoc.104.395) best divides the Miocene to Quaternary sequences, and updated ages of diatom biohorizons estimated based on the geomagnetic polarity time scale of Cande and Kent (1995, doi:10.1029/94JB03098) are slightly revised to adjust the differences between the other zonations. Most of the early middle Miocene through Pleistocene diatom datum levels that have been proven to be of stratigraphic utility in the North Pacific appear to be nearly isochronous within the level of resolution constrained by sample spacing. The assemblages are characterized by species typical of middle-to-high latitudes and regions of high surface-water productivity, predominantly by Coscinodiscus marginatus, Stephanopyxis species, Proboscia barboi, and Thalassiothrix longissima. Latest Miocene through Pliocene assemblages in the region of the California Current, however, are intermediate between those of subarctic and subtropical areas. As a result, neither the existing tropical nor the subarctic (high latitude) zonal schemes were applicable for this region. An interval of pronounced diatom dissolution detected throughout the Pliocene sequence apparently correspond to a relatively warmer paleoceanographic condition resulting in a slackening of the southward flow of the California Current.


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Laminated sediments are unique archives of palaeoenvironmental and palaeoceanographic conditions, recording changes on seasonal and interannual timescales. Diatom-rich laminated marine sediments are examined from Dumont d'Urville Trough, East Antarctic Margin, to determine changes in environmental conditions on the continental shelf from 1136 to 3122 cal. yr BP. Scanning electron microscope backscattered electron imagery (BSEI) and secondary electron imagery are used to analyse diatom assemblages from laminations and to determine interlamina relationships. Diatom observations are quantified with conventional assemblage counts. Laminae are primarily classified according to visually dominant species identified in BSEI and, secondarily, by terrigenous content. Nine lamina types are identified and are characterized by: Hyalochaete Chaetoceros spp. resting spores (CRS); CRS and Fragilariopsis spp.; Fragilariopsis spp.; Corethron pennatum and Rhizosolenia spp.; C. pennatum; Rhizosolenia spp.; mixed diatom assemblage; Stellarima microtrias resting spores (RS), Porosira glacialis RS and Coscinodiscus bouvet; and P. glacialis RS. Formation of each lamina type is controlled by seasonal changes in sea ice cover, nutrient levels and water column stability. Quantitative diatom assemblage analysis revealed that each lamina type is dominated by CRS and Fragilariopsis sea ice taxa, indicating that sea ice cover was extensive and persistent in the late Holocene. However the lamina types indicate that the sea ice regime was not consistent throughout this period, notably that a relatively warmer period, ~3100 to 2500 cal. yr BP, was followed by cooling which resulted in an increase in year round sea ice by ~1100 cal. yr BP.


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Early Oligocene siliceous microfossils were recovered in the upper c. 193 m of the CRP-3 drillcore. Although abundance and preservation are highly variable through this section, approximately 130 siliceous microfossil taxa were identified, including diatoms, silicoflagellates, ebridians, chrysophycean cysts, and endoskeletal dinoflagellates. Well-preserved and abundant assemblages characterize samples in the upper c. 70 m and indicate deposition in a coastal setting with water depths between 50 and 200 m. Abundance fluctuations over narrow intervals in the upper c. 70 mbsf are interpreted to reflect environmental changes that were either conducive or deleterious to growth and preservation of siliceous microfossils. Only poorly-preserved (dissolved, replaced, and/or fragmented) siliceous microfossils are present from c. 70 to 193 mbsf. Diatom biostratigraphy indicates that the CRP-3 section down to c. 193 mbsf is early Oligocene in age. The lack of significant changes in composition of the siliceous microfossil assemblage suggests that no major hiatuses are present in this interval. The first occurrence (FO) of Cavitatus jouseanus at 48.44 mbsf marks the base of the Cavitatus jouseanus Zone. This datum is inferred to be near the base of Subchron C12n at c. 30.9 Ma. The FO of Rhizosolenia antarctica at 68.60 mbsf marks the base of the Rhizosolenia antarctica Zone. The FO of this taxon is correlated in deep-sea sections to Chron C13 (33.1 to 33.6 Ma). However, the lower range of R. antarctica is interpreted as incomplete in the CRP-3 drillcore, as it is truncated at an underlying interval of poor preservation: therefore, an age of c. 33.1 to 30.9 Ma is inferred for interval between c. 70 and 50 mbsf. The absence of Hemiaulus caracteristicus from diatom-bearing interval of CRP-3 further indicates an age younger than c. 33 Ma (Subchron C13n) for strata above c. 193 mbsf. Siliceous microfossil assemblages in CRP-3 are significantly different from the late Eocene assemblages reported CIROS-1 drillcore. The absence of H. caracteristicus, Stephanopyxis splendidus, and Pterotheca danica, and the ebridians Ebriopsis crenulata, Parebriopsis fallax, and Pseudoammodochium dictyoides in CRP-3 indicates that the upper 200 m of the CRP-3 drillcore is equivalent to part of the stratigraphic interval missing within the unconformity at c. 366 mbsf in CIROS-1.


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Microfossil assemblages in Pliocene sediments from DSDP Site 274 (68°59.81'S, 173°2564'E) provide data on the age of the sediments and suggest the presence of Nothofagus (southern beach) in Antarctica during the Pliocene. A suite of 17 samples was collected in an interval from Samples 28-274-6R-1, 83-87 cm to 28-274-11R-4, 73-77 cm (48.33-100.29 mbsf). Biostratigraphic study of the abundant diatom assemblages combined with published radiolarian data indicates that the sample interval ranges in age from 5.0 to 2.2 Ma, with an apparent unconformity between about 3.8 and 3.2 Ma. Nothofagidites (the genus for fossil pollen referable to Nothofagus) occurs throughout the interval, as well as pollen and spores with known stratigraphic ranges that unequivocally indicate reworking from older rocks. Species of Nothofagidites recovered include N. asperus, N. brachyspinulosus, N. flemingii, N. senectus, and N. sp. cf. N. lachlaniae; the latter form is previously known from the Sirius Group in the Transantarctic Mountains. Abundant palynomorphs were recovered in only three of the samples from Site 274 (Samples 28-274-9R-2,15-19 cm; 28-274-9R-2,48-52 cm; and 28-274-9R-2,65-69 cm). Based on the diatom and radiolarian biostratigraphic data, the ages of these samples range from 3.00 to 3.01 Ma. The relative abundance of N. sp. cf. N. lachlaniae in the three samples is an order of magnitude higher than relative abundances for the other species of Nothofagidites in the same samples. The signiticantly higher relative abundance of N. sp. cf. N. luchlaniae suggests that this pollen was derived from trees of Nothofugus that were living in Antarctica during the mid Pliocene. Diatom assemblages from these three samples indicate that sediments in this interval were rapidly deposited as biogenic oozes in an open-ocean setting relatively free of sea ice, thus decreasing the possibility of reworking from a single source bed rich in N. sp. cf. N. lachlaniae. Clearly, more detailed work in additional well-dated cores from around Antarctica is needed before a clear picture of the Neogene history of Antarctic terrestrial vegetation emerges.


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During Ocean Drilling Program Leg 178 we cored nine sites on the continental rise (Sites 1095, 1096, and 1101), continental shelf (Sites 1097, 1100, 1102, and 1103), and in an inner shelf basin, Palmer Deep (Sites 1098 and 1099), along the Pacific margin of the Antarctic Peninsula. Fossil diatoms are a key group that provides age constraint for these shelf site sediments to allow reconstruction of Antarctic Peninsula glacial history. This paper provides the systematic paleontology of diatoms applied in biostratigraphic and paleoceanographic studies and includes a total of 33 plates. Taxonomic confusion in previous reports, including biostratigraphically useful species such as Thalassiosira inura and Thalassiosira complicata, is discussed. These systematics and taxonomic discussions help to provide a reference for Neogene diatoms in the Southern Ocean.


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Diatom assemblages from Holsteinsborg Dyb on the West Greenland shelf were analysed with high temporal resolution for the last 1200 years. A high degree of consistency between changes in frequency of selected diatom species and instrumental data from the same area during the last 70 years confirms the reliability of diatoms (particularly sea-ice species and warm-water species) for the study of palaeoceanographic changes in this area. A general cooling trend with some fluctuations is marked by an increase in sea-ice species throughout the last 1200 years. A relatively warm period with increased influence of Atlantic water masses of the Irminger Current (IC) is found at AD 750-1330, although with some oceanographic variability after AD 1000. A pronounced oceanographic shift occurred at AD 1330, corresponding in time to the transition from the so-called 'Medieval Warm Period' (MWP) to the 'Little Ice Age' (LIA). The LIA cold episode is characterized by three intervals with particularly cold sea-surface conditions at AD 1330-1350, AD 1400-1575 and AD 1660-1710 as a result of variable influence of Polar waters in the area. During the last 70 years, two relatively warm periods and one cold period (the early 1960s to mid-1990s) are indicated by changes in the diatom components. Our study demonstrates that sedimentary records on the West Greenland shelf provide valuable palaeoenvironment data that confirm a linkage between local and large-scale North Atlantic oceanographic and atmospheric oscillations.


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Laminated diatom ooze samples collected during ODP Leg 177 were analysed using scanning electron microscope (SEM) and optical microscopy to test their potential as high-resolution records of Polar Front hydrography, surface production, and export. SEM analysis from two intervals, marine isotope stage (MIS) 29 and 12/11, respectively, recovered from 50°S in the Atlantic Ocean (ODP Site 1093, Hole A, sections 13H-4 0-18 cm and 23H-4 0-22 cm), show abundant and well-preserved Thalassiothrix antarctica mats, thought to be indicative of rapid export from the surface and deposition in the sediment. A preliminary analysis of laminae succession points to a possible annual couplet/triplet succession of laminae, and suggests exceptionally high local sedimentation rates of 57 and 80 cm/kyr for MIS 12/11 and 29, respectively. Such high accumulation rates imply that local export from the surface layer and sequestration of biogenic silica and organic matter to the sediments may have been much higher than previously suggested.


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A micropaleontological study of planktonic assemblages on the partially laminated sapropel S5 (late Pleistocene, marine isotope stage (MIS) 5e) was performed in two piston cores from Urania Basin area (eastern Mediterranean, west of Crete): UM94PC16 and UM94PC31 recovered during a PALEOFLUX Project Cruise. The abundance of Florisphaera profunda indicates the development of a deep chlorophyll maximum (DCM) before the anoxic condition at bottom were established, whereas patterns of upper photic zone coccoliths suggest extreme oligotrophy in surface water. The short appearance of Globorotalia scitula and the presence of Globigerinoides ruber in the lower part of sapropel testify to a thermal stratification, also recorded by changes in primary producers. During G. scitula occurrence, diatoms, mainly represented by Pseudosolenia calcar-avis, appear and bloom because of their capability in using nutrients from DCM. Scanning electron microscope analyses performed on selected intervals from UM94PC16 show that the sapropel is organized in microlaminae mostly composed by siliceous microfossils. In particular, sapropel S5 could be related to an enhanced nutrient availability in the lower-middle part of the photic zone, stratified conditions, and a higher continental input.


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The biostratigraphic distribution and abundance of lower Oligocene to Pleistocene diatoms is documented from Holes 747A, 747B, 748B, 749B, and 751A drilled during Ocean Drilling Program Leg 120 on the Kerguelen Plateau in the southeast Indian Ocean. The occurrence of middle and upper Eocene diatoms is also documented, but these are rare and occur in discrete intervals. The recovery of several Oligocene to Pleistocene sections with minimal coring gaps, relatively good magnetostratigraphic signatures, and mixed assemblages of both calcareous and siliceous microfossils makes the above four Leg 120 sites important biostratigraphic reference sections for the Southern Ocean and Antarctic continent. A high-resolution diatom zonation divides the last 36 m.y. into 45 zones and subzones. This zonation is built upon an existing biostratigraphic framework developed over the past 20 yr of Southern Ocean/Antarctic deep-sea coring and drilling. After the recent advances from diatom biostratigraphic studies on sediments from Legs 113, 114, 119, and 120, a zonal framework for the Southern Ocean is beginning to stabilize. The potential age resolution afforded by the high-diversity diatom assemblages in this region ranks among the highest of all fossil groups. In addition to the 46 datum levels that define the diatom zones and subzones, the approximate stratigraphic level, age, and magnetic anomaly correlative of more than 150 other diatom datums are determined or estimated. These total 73 datum levels for the Pliocene-Pleistocene, 67 for the Miocene, and 45 for the Oligocene. Greater stratigraphic resolution is possible as the less common and poorly documented species become better known. This high-resolution diatom stratigraphy, combined with good to moderately good magnetostratigraphic control, led to the recognition of more than 10 intervals where hiatuses dissect the Oligocene-Pleistocene section on the Kerguelen Plateau. We propose 12 new diatom taxa and 6 new combination


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The stratigraphic ranges and relative abundances of selected diatoms and silicoflagellates are presented from three Neogene sedimentary sequences from the subantarctic South Atlantic. These data were compiled from Hole 699A in the southwest South Atlantic and Holes 704A and 704B in the southeast South Atlantic. Thirty-five samples were examined from a 67.5-m section of Hole 699A, which is mostly late Miocene or younger in age. A total of 225 samples was examined from the upper 569.1-m lower Miocene to Quaternary section in Holes 704A and 704B. Although the partial census of the Site 704 sequences is only preliminary, it reveals that the Neogene is remarkably complete and serves as a reference for further detailed examination of an important biostratigraphic-magnetostratigraphic reference section for the Neogene record of the Southern Ocean.


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This paper documents the biostratigraphic distribution and abundance of diatoms from sites drilled during Ocean Drilling Program Leg 178, off the Pacific margin of the Antarctic Peninsula. Drift sediments cored on the continental rise at Sites 1095, 1096, and 1101 have good recovery and a well-defined paleomagnetic record. Well-preserved diatoms are present throughout the upper Miocene to middle Pliocene and in the upper Quaternary section of these sites. The stratigraphic occurrence of diatom species through these intervals defines numerous datum levels. Diatom events are given absolute age estimates through direct correlation to the established paleomagnetic stratigraphy of Sites 1095, 1096, and 1101. Leg 178 diatom biostratigraphic results enable the development of a regional stratigraphic framework for the Pacific sector of the Southern Ocean and record the interaction of open-ocean and shelf-margin diatom floras.


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Long-term evolution is thought to take opportunities that arise as a consequence of mass extinction (as argued, for example, by Gould, 2002) and the following biotic recovery, but there is absolutely no evidence for this being the case. However, our study shows that eutrophication by oceanic mixing also played a part in the enhancement of several evolutionary events amongst marine organisms, and these results could indicate that the rates of oceanic biodiversification may be slowed if upwelling becomes weakened by future global warming. This paper defines three distinct evolutionary events of resting spores of the marine diatom genus Chaetoceros, to reconstruct past upwelling through the analysis of several DSDP, ODP and land-based successions from the North, South and equatorial Pacific as well as the Atlantic Ocean during the past 40 million years. The Atlantic Chaetoceros Explosion (ACE) event occurred across the E/O boundary in the North Atlantic, and is characterized by resting spore diversification that occurred as a consequence of the onset of upwelling following changes in thermohaline circulation through global cooling in the early Oligocene. Pacific Chaetoceros Explosion events-1 and -2 (PACE-1 and PACE-2) are characterized by relatively higher occurrences of iron input following the Himalayan uplift and aridification at 8.5 Ma and ca. 2.5 Ma in the North Pacific region. These events not only enhanced the diversification and increased abundance of primary producers, including that of Chaetoceros, other diatoms and seaweeds, but also stimulated the evolution of zooplankton and larger predators, such as copepods and marine mammals, which ate these phytoplankton and plants. Current thinking suggests new evolutionary niches open up after a mass extinction, but our study finds that eutrophication can also stimulate evolutionary diversification. Moreover, in the opposite fashion, our results show that as thermohaline circulation abates, global warming progresses and the ocean surface becomes warmer, many marine organisms will be affected by the environmental degradation.


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A diatom biostratigraphy is presented for middle Miocene through Quaternary sediments recovered from the Chatham Rise east of New Zealand's South Island. The upper 590 m of the 639.5-m composite-section Site 594 represents approximately 16 m.y. and is characterized by moderately to very poorly preserved diatoms of antarctic to temperate affinity. Pliocene through Quaternary assemblages are poorly preserved and dominated by antarctic-subantarctic species which provide detailed biostratigraphic control. Recognized are 11 of 14 zones of the middle upper Miocene to Quaternary Neogene Southern Ocean diatom zonation (NSD 7-NSD 20) of Ciesielski (1983; this chapter). Four Neogene Southern Ocean diatom zones (NSD 3-NSD 6) are recognized in the lower middle Miocene to middle upper Miocene of Site 594. Assemblages of this interval have a mixed high-latitude and temperate affinity; however, poor preservation limits correlation to high- and temperate-latitude zonal schemes. Neogene North Pacific diatom zones and subzones of NNPD 3 through NNPD 5 (Barron, in press, b) are correlated to Neogene Southern Ocean diatom zones NSD 3 through NSD 7: the upper portions of the Actinocyclus ingens Zone (NNPD 3) is correlative to the upper Nitzschia maleinterpretaria Zone (NSD 3); the Denticulopsis lauta Zone (NNPD 4) and Subzones a and b are correlative to the lower Coscinodiscus lewisianus Zone (NSD 4); and the D. hustedtü-D. lauta Zone (NNPD 5) and its Subzones a through d encompass the upper C. lewisianus Zone (NSD 4), N. grossepunctata Zone (NSD 5), N. denticuloides Zone (NSD 6), and the lower D. hustedtii-D. lauta Zone (NSD 7). A major disconformity spans the late Gilbert to early Gauss Chron (3.9-2.8 Ma). A second disconformity brackets the Miocene/Pliocene boundary; the section missing covers late Chron 5 and the early Gilbert chron (5.5-4.6 Ma). The remainder of the siliceous-fossil-bearing Miocene sediments at Site 594 appear to be correlative to lower paleomagnetic Chronozone 5 through upper Chronozone 16. Uppermost lower Miocene or lowermost middle Miocene sediments in the basal 50 m of Hole 594A are barren of diatoms.


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A series of excellent upper Miocene through Quaternary diatomaceous sequences recovered at four sites during Leg 127 was examined for diatoms. The diagenetic transition from opal-A to opal-CT is a diachronic horizon from the uppermost part of the Denticulopsis katayamae Zone (8.5 Ma) at Hole 797B to the uppermost part of the Neodenticula kamtschatica Zone (5.73 Ma) at Hole 795A. The diatom zonation of Koizumi (1985) best divides the upper Miocene to Quaternary sequences above the opal-A/opal-CT boundary and also is useful to date carbonate concretions including diatoms below the boundary. Forty diatom datum levels were evaluated biostratigraphically based on the sediment accumulation rate curve, and several isochronous datum levels are newly proposed for the Japan Sea area. A warm-water current did not penetrated into the Japan Sea through the Tsushima strait during the late Miocene and Pliocene time, because subtropical warm-water diatoms are essentially not present in such sediment samples. The occurrences of diatom are cyclic throughout the Quaternary sediments and are affected by eustatic sea level changes.


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Diatoms occur sporadically in lower Miocene to Holocene sediments recovered at ODP Site 645 and in upper Pliocene to Holocene sediments at ODP Site 646. The diatom assemblage at Site 645 contains rare stratigraphic indicators. Fragmentation of frustules and the occurrence of species characteristic of high-latitude shelf, upper-slope environments suggest current transportation from the shelf. The diatom abundance and preservation at Site 646 probably reflect climatic changes and are also affected by dissolution, but it is not possible to detect the dominant factor. Therefore, the stratigraphic ranges of the primary and secondary biostratigraphic indicators are often unreliable.