371 resultados para Assertion


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Gulland's [Gulland, J.A., 1965. Estimation of mortality rates. Annex to Arctic Fisheries Working Group Report (meeting in Hamburg, January 1965). ICES. C.M. 1965, Doc. No. 3 (mimeographed)] virtual population analysis (VPA) is commonly used for studying the dynamics of harvested fish populations. However, it necessitates the solving of a nonlinear equation for the instantaneous rate of fishing mortality of the fish in a population. Pope [Pope, J.G., 1972. An investigation of the accuracy of Virtual Population Analysis using cohort analysis. ICNAF Res. Bull. 9, 65-74. Also available in D.H. Cushing (ed.) (1983), Key Papers on Fish Populations, p. 291-301, IRL Press, Oxford, 405 p.] eliminated this necessity in his cohort analysis by approximating its underlying age- and time-dependent population model. His approximation has since become one of the most commonly used age- and time-dependent fish population models in fisheries science. However, some of its properties are not well understood. For example, many assert that it describes the dynamics of a fish population, from which the catch of fish is taken instantaneously in the middle of the year. Such an assertion has never been proven, nor has its implied instantaneous rate of fishing mortality of the fish of a particular age at a particular time been examined, nor has its implied catch equation been derived from a general catch equation. In this paper, we prove this assertion, examine its implied instantaneous rate of fishing mortality of the fish of a particular age at a particular time, derive its implied catch equation from a general catch equation, and comment on how to structure an age- and time-dependent population model to ensure its internal consistency. This work shows that Gulland's (1965) virtual population analysis and Pope's (1972) cohort analysis lie at the opposite end of a continuous spectrum as a general model for a seasonally occurring fishery; Pope's (1972) approximation implies an infinitely large instantaneous rate of fishing mortality of the fish of a particular age at a particular time in a fishing season of zero length; and its implied catch equation has an undefined instantaneous rate of fishing mortality of the fish in a population, but a well-defined cumulative instantaneous rate of fishing mortality of the fish in the population. This work also highlights a need for a more careful treatment of the times of start and end of a fishing season in fish population models.


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This chapter challenges current approaches to defining the context and process of entrepreneurship education. In modeling our classrooms as a microcosm of the world our current and future students will enter, this chapter brings to life (and celebrates) the everpresent diversity found within. The chapter attempts to make an important (and unique) contribution to the field of enterprise education by illustrating how we can determine the success of (1) our efforts as educators, (2) our students, and (3) our various teaching methods. The chapter is based on two specific premises, the most fundamental being the assertion that the performance of student, educator and institution can only be accounted for by accepting the nature of the dialogic relationship between the student and educator and between the educator and institution. A second premise is that at any moment in time, the educator can be assessed as being either efficient or inefficient, due to the presence of observable heterogeneity in the learning environment that produces differential learning outcomes. This chapter claims that understanding and appreciating the nature of heterogeneity in our classrooms provides an avenue for improvement in all facets of learning and teaching. To explain this claim, Haskell’s (1949) theory of coaction is resurrected to provide a lens through which all manner of interaction occurring within all forms of educational contexts can be explained. Haskell (1949) asserted that coaction theory had three salient features.


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An analytic treatment of localization in a weakly disordered system is presented for the case where the real lattice is approximated by a Cayley tree. Contrary to a recent assertion we find that the mobility edge moves inwards into the band as disorder increases from zero.


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This paper begins with the assertion that research grounded in creative practice constitutes a new paradigm. We argue both for and against the idea. We argue against the idea in terms of applying it to the idealised ‘lone artist’ engaged in the production of their art, whose focus of research is a self-reflection upon the art they produce, and whose art is also the findings of the research. Our position is that such an approach cannot be considered as anything other than a form of auto-phenomenography, that such efforts are part of qualitative research, and they are thus trivial in paradigmatic terms. However, we argue in the positive for understanding the artistic event – by which we mean any mass ecology of artistic practice – as being paradigmatically new in terms of research potentials and demands. Our exemplar for that argument is a practice-led, large-scale annual event called Indie 100 which has run for five years and has demonstrated a distinct paradigmatic ‘settling in’ over its duration while clearly pushing paradigmatic boundaries for research into creative practice.


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We propose a dialogue protocol for situations in which an agent makes to another agent an assertion that the other agent finds impossible to believe. In this interaction, unbelievable assertions are rejected using explanations formed by logical interpolation and new assertions are being made such that all previous rebuttals are taken into account.


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Ever since its initial introduction some fifty years ago, the rational expectations paradigm has dominated the way economic theory handles uncertainty. The main assertion made by John F. Muth (1961), seen by many as the father of the paradigm, is that expectations of rational economic agents should essentially be equal to the predictions of relevant economic theory, since rational agents should use information available to them in an optimal way. This assumption often has important consequences on the results and interpretations of the models where it is applied. Although the rational expectations assumption can be applied to virtually any economic theory, the focus in this thesis is on macroeconomic theories of consumption, especially the Rational Expectations–Permanent Income Hypothesis proposed by Robert E. Hall in 1978. The much-debated theory suggests that, assuming that agents have rational expectations on their future income, consumption decisions should follow a random walk, and the best forecast of future consumption level is the current consumption level. Then, changes in consumption are unforecastable. This thesis constructs an empirical test for the Rational Expectations–Permanent Income Hypothesis using Finnish Consumer Survey data as well as various Finnish macroeconomic data. The data sample covers the years 1995–2010. Consumer survey data may be interpreted to directly represent household expectations, which makes it an interesting tool for this particular test. The variable to be predicted is the growth of total household consumption expenditure. The main empirical result is that the Consumer Confidence Index (CCI), a balance figure computed from the most important consumer survey responses, does have statistically significant predictive power over the change in total consumption expenditure. The history of consumption expenditure growth itself, however, fails to predict its own future values. This indicates that the CCI contains some information that the history of consumption decisions does not, and that the consumption decisions are not optimal in the theoretical context. However, when conditioned on various macroeconomic variables, the CCI loses its predictive ability. This finding suggests that the index is merely a (partial) summary of macroeconomic information, and does not contain any significant private information on consumption intentions of households not directly deductible from the objective economic variables. In conclusion, the Rational Expectations–Permanent Income Hypothesis is strongly rejected by the empirical results in this thesis. This result is in accordance with most earlier studies conducted on the topic.


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Polyembryony, referring here to situations where a nucellar embryo is formed along with the zygotic embryo, has different consequences for the fitness of the maternal parent and offspring. We have developed genetic and inclusive fitness models to derive the conditions that permit the evolution of polyembryony under maternal and offspring control. We have also derived expressions for the optimal allocation (evolutionarily stable strategy, ESS) of resources between zygotic and nucellar embryos. It is seen that (i) Polyembryony can evolve more easily under maternal control than under that of either the offspring or the ‘selfish’ endosperm. Under maternal regulation, evolution of polyembryony can occur for any clutch size. Under offspring control polyembryony is more likely to evolve for high clutch sizes, and is unlikely for low clutch sizes (<3). This conflict between mother and offspring decreases with increase in clutch size and favours the evolution of polyembryony at high clutch sizes, (ii) Polyembryony can evolve for values of “x” (the power of the function relating fitness to seed resource) greater than 0.5758; the possibility of its occurrence increases with “x”, indicating that a more efficient conversion of resource into fitness favours polyembryony. (iii) Under both maternal parent and offspring control, the evolution of polyembryony becomes increasingly unlikely as the level of inbreeding increases, (iv) The proportion of resources allocated to the nucellar embryo at ESS is always higher than that which maximizes the rate of spread of the allele against a non-polyembryonic allele.Finally we argue that polyembryony is a maternal counter strategy to compensate for the loss in her fitness due to brood reduction caused by sibling rivalry. We support this assertion by two empirical evidences: (a) the extent of polyembryony is positively correlated with brood reduction inCitrus, and (b) species exhibiting polyembryony are more often those that frequently exhibit brood reduction.


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The van der Waals and Platteuw (vdVVP) theory has been successfully used to model the thermodynamics of gas hydrates. However, earlier studies have shown that this could be due to the presence of a large number of adjustable parameters whose values are obtained through regression with experimental data. To test this assertion, we carry out a systematic and rigorous study of the performance of various models of vdWP theory that have been proposed over the years. The hydrate phase equilibrium data used for this study is obtained from Monte Carlo molecular simulations of methane hydrates. The parameters of the vdWP theory are regressed from this equilibrium data and compared with their true values obtained directly from simulations. This comparison reveals that (i) methane-water interactions beyond the first cage and methane-methane interactions make a significant contribution to the partition function and thus cannot be neglected, (ii) the rigorous Monte Carlo integration should be used to evaluate the Langmuir constant instead of the spherical smoothed cell approximation, (iii) the parameter values describing the methane-water interactions cannot be correctly regressed from the equilibrium data using the vdVVP theory in its present form, (iv) the regressed empty hydrate property values closely match their true values irrespective of the level of rigor in the theory, and (v) the flexibility of the water lattice forming the hydrate phase needs to be incorporated in the vdWP theory. Since methane is among the simplest of hydrate forming molecules, the conclusions from this study should also hold true for more complicated hydrate guest molecules.


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It is proved that there does not exist any non zero function in with if its Fourier transform is supported by a set of finite packing -measure where . It is shown that the assertion fails for . The result is applied to prove L-p Wiener Tauberian theorems for R-n and M(2).


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Standard or 'traditional' human insulin preparations such as regular soluble insulin and neutral protamine Hagedorn (NPH) insulin have shortcomings in terms of their pharmacokinetic and pharmacodynamic properties that limit their clinical efficacy. Structurally modified insulin molecules or insulin 'analogs' have been developed with the aim of delivering insulin replacement therapy in a more physiological manner. In the last 10 years, five insulin analog preparations have become commercially available for clinical use in patients with type 1 diabetes mellitus: three 'rapid' or fast-acting analogs (insulin lispro, aspart, and glulisine) and two long-acting analogs (insulin glargine and detemir). This review highlights the specific pharmacokinetic properties of these new insulin analog preparations and focuses on their potential clinical advantages and disadvantages when used in children and adolescents with type 1 diabetes mellitus. The fast-acting analogs specifically facilitate more flexible insulin injection timing with regard to meals and activities, whereas the long-acting analogs have a more predictable profile of action and lack a peak effect. To date, clinical trials in children and adolescents have been few in number, but the evidence available from these and from other studies carried out in adults with type 1 diabetes suggest that they offer significant benefits in terms of reduced frequency of nocturnal hypoglycemia, better postprandial blood glucose control, and improved quality of life when compared with traditional insulins. In addition, insulin detemir therapy is unique in that patients may benefit from reduced risk of excessive weight, particularly during adolescence. Evidence for sustained long-term improvements in glycosylated hemoglobin, on the other hand, is modest. Furthermore, alterations to insulin/insulin-like growth factor I receptor binding characteristics have also raised theoretical concerns that insulin analogs may have an increased mitogenic potential and risk of tumor development, although evidence from both in vitro and in vivo animal studies do not support this assertion. Long-term surveillance has been recommended and further carefully designed prospective studies are needed to evaluate the overall benefits and clinical efficacy of insulin analog therapy in children and adolescents with type 1 diabetes.


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Resumen: El artículo ofrece algunas reflexiones en torno a la delicada cuestión de un posible acceso a la comunión eucarística por parte de personas divorciadas en nueva unión civil. Se aborda, en primer lugar, la relación entre indisolubilidad matrimonial y comunión eucarística, considerada como un punto neurálgico en la discusión reciente. Partiendo de una importante afirmación de Evangelii Gaudium se ofrecen luego consideraciones acerca de la naturaleza medicinal de la eucaristía y, finalmente, algunas observaciones en relación con la teología de la gracia.


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Resumen: El autor enfatiza la calidad moral del mundo de los negocios; destacando la importancia del reconocimiento de la vocación cristiana del empresario que lo dignifica y le impone obligaciones. Luego explica las ideas que considera claves en el documento: la afirmación de que el líder de negocios tiene un llamado divino para administrar los recursos y que es además un agente de la justicia. A continuación, sostiene que el líder debe respetar la dignidad humana y el bien común, para lo cual debe seguir seis principios rectores. Finalmente, destaca la parte final del documento, “Examen de conciencia”, como el aporte más valioso, puesto que invita a los líderes empresariales a llevar a la práctica laboral su vocación cristiana


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Resumen: La muerte de Alfonso X no significó el cese total de la actividad historiográfica castellana, sino más bien su continuación en una diversidad mayor de centros de producción, no necesariamente impulsados por una figura regia. Si bien hoy no existen testimonios de trabajos cronísticos del período que va desde 1284 hasta mediados del siglo XIII en donde se haga referencia a los reinados de Alfonso X, Sancho IV y Fernando IV, tenemos al menos cuatro crónicas distintas que refieren los hechos ocurridos en esos años, cuyas fuentes deberían haberse redactado en el lapso de tiempo mencionado: la Crónica de tres reyes, la Crónica de los reyes de Castilla de Jofré de Loaysa, la *Historia hasta 1288 dialogada, y la versión que transmite el manuscrito 1342 de la Biblioteca Nacional de Madrid (N3) que Catalán llama Historia en décadas. La enorme diferencia que existe entre estas obras vuelve discutible cualquier aseveración que pretenda establecer una relación genealógica entre unas y otras, lo cual nos obliga a pensar en la existencia de una abundante documentación preexistente en la que los autores se habrían basado para redactar textos que ostensiblemente develan, en un trabajo comparativo que el presente trabajo pretende realizar, orientaciones políticas diversas


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Trata-se de estudo dirigido à afirmação da natureza objetiva da responsabilidade objetiva da Administração Pública por atos omissivos. Defende-se a correta aplicação do artigo 37 parágrafo 6 da Constituição da República, em que se fora estabelecida a responsabilidade objetiva da Administração em todas as hipóteses em que esteja configurado nexo causal entre sua atuação, comissiva ou omissiva, e um dano injusto ocorrido. É novo o enfoque que norteia a reparação civil, não mais a atividade realizada pelo agente, mas as conseqüências sofridas pela vítima deste dano injusto. Exercitada na seara da responsabilidade civil do Estado, considerado em sentido lato, parece ainda mais lógica a mudança de enfoque mencionada, em razão do princípio norteador do seu dever de reparar, que é o da repartição eqüitativa dos encargos da Administração. De fato, sempre que a atividade administrativa estatal, exercida em benefício de toda a coletividade, gerar dano injusto a um particular específico, configurar-se-á sua responsabilidade de reparar este dano, já que, se é em nome da coletividade que se adotou a conduta geradora do dano, esta a idéia principal daquela diretriz enunciada. Daí por que a verificação da presença do elemento subjetivo culpa, em sede de responsabilidade do Poder Público, fora tornada inteiramente estranho ao exame. A correta leitura do artigo constitucional, com reconhecimento da responsabilidade objetiva do Estado nas hipóteses de ato comissivo e omissivo da Administração Pública, realiza, ainda, o princípio da solidariedade social, que implica preponderância do interesse da reparação da vítima lesada sobre o interesse do agente que realiza, comissiva ou omissivamente, o ato lesivo. Essa a legitimidade da teoria do risco administrativo adotada, a adoção de coerente verificação do nexo causal, com admissão da oposição de excludentes de responsabilidade. Ademais, entre a vítima e o autor do dano injusto, a primeira não obtém, em geral, beneficio algum com o fato ou a atividade de que se originou o dano. Se assim é, a configuração do dever de indenizar da Administração Pública dependerá, apenas, da comprovação, no caso concreto, de três pressupostos que se somam: a atuação do Estado, a configuração do dano injusto e o nexo de causalidade. Será referida a jurisprudência espanhola consagrada à regra de responsabilidade objetiva da Administração Pública por atos omissivos, com considerações acerca da resposta da Jurisprudência daquele país ao respectivo enunciado normativo. Buscou-se, desta forma, elencar-se os elementos básicos à compreensão do tema, e também os pressupostos essenciais à afirmação da natureza objetiva da responsabilidade da Administração Pública por atos omissivos, que são, primordialmente, a compreensão do fundamento da regra constitucional, a correta delimitação do conceito de omissão e de causalidade omissiva. Destacados os pressupostos necessários à correta compreensão do tema, conclui-se pela afirmação da natureza objetiva da responsabilidade da Administração Pública por dano injusto advindo de ato omissivo, desde que assim o seja, querendo-se significar, desta forma, que a responsabilidade mencionada não prescinde da configuração do nexo causal entre o comportamento omissivo ocorrido e o dano injusto que se quer reparar.


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Esta dissertação busca compreender de que forma a ideia de alegoria, concebida por Walter Benjamin e desenvolvida posteriormente por Paul de Man, pode lançar luz sobre certos aspectos do poema dramático Fausto do poeta português Fernando Pessoa. Pessoa entendeu seu Fausto como sendo encerrado pelo embate entre Inteligência e Vida, do qual a Inteligência sairia sempre vencida. Portanto, o presente estudo busca entender a derrota da Inteligência em termos dos aspectos alegóricos do poema em questão. Para tal, certas conexões estabelecidas tanto por Walter Benjamin quanto por Paul de Man serão pensadas como nosso ponto de partida. O que se tem em mente, neste ponto, são as conexões feitas por Benjamin entre alegoria e progressão e o entendimento de Paul de Man de que toda narrativa alegórica contaria a história de um fracasso de leitura. Desta forma, a derrota da Inteligência é compreendida tanto no sentido de progressão quanto no de um fracasso de leitura. Ademais, como o Fausto de Fernando Pessoa é composto de poemas que lidam com o embate entre Inteligência e Vida, tal relação será também ponto central desta dissertação