993 resultados para Artemisia annua L.


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本文利用电子显微镜和光学显微镜研究了国产的蒿属花粉代表种和常见种共66种4变种,根据花粉外壁纹饰可将其分为六大类型:1、具刺状突起,排列不密集,刺间具颗粒状纹饰(类型—I)。2、刺状突起较类型—I稍为密集,没有或有少许颗粒状纹饰(类型—II)。3、具刺状突起,排列不密集,但刺间无颗粒状纹饰,较粗糙(类型—III)。4、刺状突起较类型—I稍为密集,刺间具发育的小芽胞状或颗粒状纹饰,小芽孢状突起顶部有的还可见有一小穿孔存在(类型-IV)。5、具微刺状突起,排列极稀,刺间较为平滑(类型—V)。6、刺状突起有大小之分,大刺较尖,还有颗粒状纹饰(类型—VI)。其中类型—I占绝对优势,其次为类型—II,类型—V和类型VI为较特殊的类型。 本文还对蒿属邻近属(即蒿自然群中的其它属)各属代表种花粉作了详细的研究,并和蒿属花粉作了比较。结果表明:按外壁纹饰可将蒿自然群分为两大类型:1、具明显的刺状纹饰。其中包括:亚菊属、女蒿属、百花蒿属。2、具退化状小刺。其中包括:蒿属、茶蒿属、线叶菊属、画笔菊属、喀什菊属、栉叶蒿属、绢蒿属。经研究我们认为在花粉形态上蒿自然群是一相互关联的有机整体,并从花粉形态的角度出发,文中讨论了紊蒿属和百花蒿属的分属问题,作者认为它们独立成两个单种属的意见较为妥当。


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Although studies show that grazing and browsing by herbivores have marked effects on host plants, the mechanisms remain unclear. The objective of this study is to determine the effects of sheep saliva on host plant growth. Sheep saliva was manually applied to clipped plants of two different life forms, a semi-shrub, Artemisia frigida Willd., and a herbaceous species, Leymus chinensis (Trin.) Tzevel. The results showed that sheep saliva significantly enhanced aboveground net primary productivity (ANPP) and the ratio of ANPP to belowground net primary productivity (BNPP) for both species. This indicated that sheep saliva promotes aboveground compensatory growth and allocation of photosynthate to aboveground for both plant species. Sheep saliva stimulated only tillering of L. chinensis. Regardless of saliva application, clipping significantly decreased BNPP and plant height, but significantly increased the number of branches or tillers for both plant species. The relative growth rates (RGRs) on both species were significantly greater after clipping with saliva compared with control and clipping without saliva treatments. In addition, RGR of the herbaceous species L. chinensis was faster than that of the semi-shrub A. frigida after application of saliva. (c) 2006 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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A method for the screening and analysis of biologically active compounds in traditional Chinese medicine is proposed. Affinity chromatography using a human serum albumin (HSA) stationary phase was applied to separate and analyze the bioactive compounds from Artemisia capillaris Thunb. Five major peaks and several minor peaks were resolved based on their affinity to HSA, two of them were identified as scoparone (SCO, 6,7-dimethoxycoumarin) and capillarisin (CAP). CAP shows a much higher affinity to HSA than SCO. The effects of acetonitrile concentration, eluent pH, phosphate concentration and temperature on the retention behaviors of several major active components were also investigated, and it was found that hydrophobicity and eluent pH play major roles in changing retention values. The results demonstrate that the affinity chromatography with a HSA stationary phase is an effective way for analyzing and screening biologically active compounds in traditional Chinese medicine. (C) 2000 Elsevier Science B.V. All rights reserved.


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Pour respecter les droits d'auteur, la version électronique de ce mémoire a été dépouillée de ses documents visuels et audio-visuels. La version intégrale du mémoire a été déposé au Service de la gestion des documents et des archives de l'Université de Montréal.


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Larea del Mar Ligure racchiusa nei confini internazionali del Santuario Pelagos dei Cetacei si distingue nel Mediterraneo sia per limportanza bio-ecologica sia per la capillare diffusione del traffico navale, così intenso su base annua da profilare un serio rischio di disturbo acustico per i mammiferi marini. La mia tesi si inserisce nel progetto GIONHA i cui obiettivi sono monitorare, prevenire, e ridurre tale importante fonte di inquinamento. Il principale obiettivo è quello di analizzare i passaggi necessari per limpostazione di un modello che simuli il percorso dell’onda sonora in acqua, per stimare il livello di rumore ricevuto da un cetaceo che si trovi in un punto qualunque dell’area. A tal fine lattività di tesi ha comportato la comprensione delle premesse teoriche, la raccolta e la selezione dei dati e la scelta dei parametri di simulazione. La tesi presenta come risultati delle mappe di rumore utilizzate per testare il buon funzionamento del modello in un’area all’interno del Santuario. Alla luce di considerazioni ecologiche e del quadro normativo in vigore in Italia per il Santuario dei Cetacei, le mappe prodotte per questo progetto rappresentano un utile strumento per la gestione dell’area protetta ai fini della salvaguardia dei mammiferi marini e dell’ecosistema.


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The closed Tangra Yumco Basin underwent the strongest Quaternary lake-level changes so far recorded on the Tibetan Plateau. It was hitherto unknown what effect this had on local Holocene vegetation development. A 3.6-m sediment core from a recessional lake terrace at 4,700 m a.s.l., 160 m above the present lake level of Tangra Yumco, was studied to reconstruct Holocene flooding phases (sedimentology and ostracod analyses), vegetation dynamics and human influence (palynology, charcoal and coprophilous fungi analyses). Peat at the base of the profile proves lake level was below 4,700 m a.s.l. during the Pleistocene/Holocene transition. A deep-lake phase started after 11 cal ka BP, but the ostracod record indicates the level was not higher than similar to 4,720 m a.s.l. (180 m above present) and decreased gradually after the early Holocene maximum. Additional sediment ages from the basin suggest recession of Tangra Yumco from the coring site after 2.6 cal ka BP, with a shallow local lake persisting at the site until similar to 1 cal ka BP. The final peat formation indicates drier conditions thereafter. Persistence of Artemisia steppe during the Holocene lake high-stand resembles palynological records from west Tibet that indicate early Holocene aridity, in spite of high lake levels that may have resulted from meltwater input. Yet pollen assemblages indicate humidity closer to that of present potential forest areas near Lhasa, with 500-600 mm annual precipitation. Thus, the early mid-Holocene humidity was sufficient to sustain at least juniper forest, but Artemisia dominance persisted as a consequence of a combination of environmental disturbances such as (1) strong early Holocene climate fluctuations, (2) inundation of habitats suitable for forest, (3) extensive water surfaces that served as barriers to terrestrial diaspore transport from refuge areas, (4) strong erosion that denuded the non-flooded upper slopes and (5) increasing human influence since the late glacial.


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In summary, one may conclude that human influence in the Bokanjac area started in the Eneolithic or Earlier Bronze Age - the third to second millennia Cal. BC. Traces of agriculture are weak or missing in the pollen diagram but grazing is indicated. Chestnut and walnut were introduced by humans to the area in classical times. These findings are in general agreement with the results of earlier studies at coastal sites north-west and south-east of Bokanjacko Blato.


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Two marshes near Muscotah and Arrington, Atchison County, northeastern Kansas, yielded a pollen sequence covering the last 25,000 yrs of vegetation development. The earliest pollen spectra are comparable with surface pollen spectra from southern Saskatchewan and southeastern Manitoba and might indicate a rather open vegetation but with some pine, spruce, and birch as the most important tree species, with local stands of alder and willow. This type of vegetation changed about 23,000 yrs ago to a spruce forest, which prevailed in the region until at least 15,000 yrs ago. Because of a hiatus, the vegetation changes resulting in the spread of a mixed deciduous forest and prairie, which was present in the region from 11,000 to 9,000 yrs ago, remain unknown. Prairie vegetation, with perhaps a few trees along the valleys, covered the region until about 5,000 yrs ago, when a re-expansion of deciduous trees began in the lowlands.


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The biostratigraphic classification of the Pleistocene in north-western and central Europe is still insufficiently known, in spite of numerous geological and vegetation-history investigations. The question is not even clear, for example, how often a warm-period vegetation with thermophilous trees such as Quercus, Ulmus, Tilia, Carpinus etc could develop here. In past years, on the basis of several geological and vegetation-history findings, suspicion has often been expressed that some of the classical stages of the Pleistocene could include more warm periods than heretofore assumed, and as a result of recent investigations the period between the Waal and Holstein interglacials seems to include at least two warm periods, of which the Cromer is one. This paper contributes to this problem. The interglacial sediments coming from the Elm-Mountains near Brunswick and from the Osterholz near Elze - both within the limits of the German Mittelgebirge - were investigated by pollen analysis. In both cases a Pinus-Betula zone and a QM zone were found. The vegetation development of the Pinus-Betula zone is characterized in both sequences by the early appearance of Picea. Because of strong local influence at the Osterholz a detailed correlation is difficult. However, vegetation development at the time of the QM zone at both sites was similar; it is especially characterized by the facts that Ulmus clearly migrated to the site earlier than Quercus and was very abundant throughout this time. Furthermore, both diagrams show very low amounts of Corylus. The interglacial of the Osterholz shows in addition to the above; a Carpinus-QM-Picea-zone in which Eucommia reaches a relative high value and in the upper of which Azolla filiculoides was also found. The similarity of vegetation development justifies acceptance of the same age for the occurrences. A comparison of the vegetation development at the Elm and the Osterholz with those of the Eem, Holstein, Waal, and Tegelen warm periods as well as with all the Cromer sites so far investigated shows that only a correlation with the Cromer Complex is possible. This correlation is supported by the geologic relations in the Osterholz (the deposit is overlain by Elster till). Therefore the till-like material with Scandinavian rock fragments underlying the deposit at Elm is of particular interest. The 'Rhume' interglacial beds at Bilshausen, only 60 km south of Osterholz, is also assigned to the Cromer complex, but the two deposits cannot be of the same age because the vegetation development differs. Therefore the Cromer complex must include at least two warm periods. Further conclusions about the relative stratigraphic position of these two occurrences and correlations of other Cromer sites are at this time not possible, however.


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Remains of diatoms, molluscs, ostracods, foraminifera and pollen exines preserved in the sediments of Lago d'Averno, a volcanic lake in the Phlegrean Fields west of Naples, allowed us to reconstruct the changes in the ecological conditions of the lake and of the vegetation around it for the period from 800 BC to 800 AD. Lago d'Averno was at first a freshwater lake, temporarily influenced by volcanic springs. Salinity increased slowly during Greek times as a result of subsidence of the surrounding land. Saline conditions developed only after the lake was connected with the sea by a canal, when Portus Julius was built in 37 BC. The first post-Roman period of uplift ended with a short freshwater phase during the 7th century after Christ. Deciduous oakwoods around the lake was transformed into a forest of evergreen oaks in Greek times and thrived there - apparently almost uninfluenced by man - until it was felled, when the Avernus was incorporated into the new Roman harbour in 37 BC, to construct a shipyard and other military buildings there. Land-use was never more intense than during Roman times and weakest in Greek and Early Roman times, when the Avernus was considered a holy place, the entrance to the underworld.


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