989 resultados para Art metal-work, Ancient


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The doctoral dissertation Critic Einari J. Vehmas and Modern Art deals with one of the central figures of the Finnish art scene and his work as an art critic, art museum curator and cultural critic. The main body of research material consists of the writings of Einari J. Vehmas (1902 1980) from 1937 to the late 1960s. Vehmas wrote art reviews for magazines, and from the year 1945 he was a regular art critic for one of the major newspapers in Finland. Vehmas was heavily inclined towards French literature and visual arts. Marcel Proust and Charles Baudelaire influenced his views on the nature of art from the late 1920s onwards. Vehmas is commonly regarded as the most influential art critic of post-war Finland. His writings have been referred to and cited in numerous research papers on Finnish 20th-century art. A lesser known aspect of his work is his position as the deputy director of the Ateneum Art Museum, the Finnish national gallery. Through his art museum work, his opinions also shaped the canon of modern art considered particularly Finnish following the second world war. The main emphasis of the dissertation is on studying Vehmas s writings, but it also illustrates the diversity of his involvement in Finnish cultural life through biographical documents. The long chronological span of the dissertation emphasises how certain central themes accumulate in Vehmas s writings. The aim of the dissertation is also to show how strongly certain philosophical and theoretical concepts from the early 20th century, specifically Wassily Kandinsky s principle of inner necessity and Henri Bergson s epistemology highlighting intuition and instinct, continued to influence the Finnish art discourse even in the early 1960s, in part thanks to the writings of Vehmas. Throughout his production, Vehmas contemplated the state and future of modern art and humanity. Vehmas used a colourful, vitalistic rhetoric to emphasise the role of modern art as a building block of culture and humanity. At the same time, however, he was a cultural pessimist whose art views became infused with anxiety, a sense of loss, and a desire to turn his back on the world.


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The Schottky barrier heights of various metals on the high permitivity oxides tantalum pentoxide, barium strontium titanate, lead zirconate titanate, and strontium bismuth tantalate have been calculated as a function of the metal work function. It is found that these oxides have a dimensionless Schottky barrier pinning factor S of 0.28-0.4 and not close to 1 because S is controlled by Ti-O-type bonds not Sr-O-type bonds, as assumed in earlier work. The band offsets on silicon are asymmetric with a much smaller offset at the conduction band, so that Ta2O5 and barium strontium titanate are relatively poor barriers to electrons on Si. © 1999 American Institute of Physics.


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Schottky barrier heights of various metals on tantalum pentoxide, barium strontium titanate, lead zirconate-titanate and strontium bismuth tantalate have been calculated as a function of metal work function. These oxides have a dimensionless Schottky barrier pinning factor, S, of 0.28 - 0.4 and not close to 1, because S is controlled by the Ti-O type bonds not Sr-O type bonds, as assumed previously. Band offsets on silicon are asymmetric with much smaller offset at the conduction band, so that Ta2O5 and barium strontium titanate (BST) are relatively poor barriers to electrons on Si.


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Waltercio Caldas é um dos artistas mais controversos da História da Arte no Brasil. Insere-se na própria história da arte, bem como cria as bases para uma produção historiográfica, na qual a busca da formação da identidade nacional é um objetivo a ser atingido. Releituras de obras clássicas, novas propostas de olhar as obras de arte, o diálogo com as formas e espaços são algumas das tendências apresentadas por Caldas desde sua exposição inaugural no inicio da década de 70 do século passado. O grande momento de Caldas é o livro quadro Los Velásquez. Onde o artista desconstrói o celebre quadro Las Meninas, de Velásquez. Expondo o visível e o invisível, propõe uma nova dimensão para com os espaços e limites da arte. Este trabalho visa buscar um panorama da trajetória de Waltercio Caldas e estabelecer as relações entre este e a História da Arte, para então buscar a identidade do artista por trás da obra


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Band alignment of resistive random access memory (RRAM) switching material Ta2O5 and different metal electrode materials was examined using high-resolution X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy. Schottky and hole barrier heights at the interface between electrode and Ta2O 5 were obtained, where the electrodes consist of materials with low to high work function (Φ m, v a c from 4.06 to 5.93 eV). Effective metal work functions were extracted to study the Fermi level pinning effect and to discuss the dominant conduction mechanism. An accurate band alignment between electrodes and Ta2O5 is obtained and can be used for RRAM electrode engineering and conduction mechanism study. © 2013 American Institute of Physics.


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Estetyka w archeologii. Antropomorfizacje w pradziejach i starożytności, eds. E. Bugaj, A. P. Kowalski, Poznań: Wydawnictwo Poznańskie.


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The Microarray Innovations in Leukemia study assessed the clinical utility of gene expression profiling as a single test to subtype leukemias into conventional categories of myeloid and lymphoid malignancies. METHODS: The investigation was performed in 11 laboratories across three continents and included 3,334 patients. An exploratory retrospective stage I study was designed for biomarker discovery and generated whole-genome expression profiles from 2,143 patients with leukemias and myelodysplastic syndromes. The gene expression profiling-based diagnostic accuracy was further validated in a prospective second study stage of an independent cohort of 1,191 patients. RESULTS: On the basis of 2,096 samples, the stage I study achieved 92.2% classification accuracy for all 18 distinct classes investigated (median specificity of 99.7%). In a second cohort of 1,152 prospectively collected patients, a classification scheme reached 95.6% median sensitivity and 99.8% median specificity for 14 standard subtypes of acute leukemia (eight acute lymphoblastic leukemia and six acute myeloid leukemia classes, n = 693). In 29 (57%) of 51 discrepant cases, the microarray results had outperformed routine diagnostic methods. CONCLUSION: Gene expression profiling is a robust technology for the diagnosis of hematologic malignancies with high accuracy. It may complement current diagnostic algorithms and could offer a reliable platform for patients who lack access to today's state-of-the-art diagnostic work-up. Our comprehensive gene expression data set will be submitted to the public domain to foster research focusing on the molecular understanding of leukemias


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By depositing ceria over supported precious metal (PM) catalysts and characterizing them with in situ diffuse reflectance UV (DR UV) and in situ Raman spectroscopy, we have been able to prove a direct correlation between a decrease in ceria band gap and the work function of the metal under reducing conditions. The PM ceria interaction results in changes on the ceria side of the metal ceria interface, such that the degree of oxygen vacancy formation on the ceria surface also correlates with the precious metal work function. Nevertheless, conclusive evidence for a purely electronic interaction could not be provided by X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy (XPS) analysis. On the contrary, the results highlight the complexity of the PM ceria interaction by supporting a spillover mechanism resulting from the electronic interaction under reducing conditions. Under oxidizing conditions, another effect has been observed; namely, a structural modification of ceria induced by the presence of PM cations. In particular, we have been able to demonstrate by in situ Raman spectroscopy that, depending on the PM ionic radius, it is possible to create PM ceria solid solutions. We observed that this structural modification prevails under an oxidizing atmosphere, whereas electronic and chemical interactions take place under reducing conditions.


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In this article, we propose a new way of approaching the topic of ethics for management and organization theory. We build on recent developments within critical organization studies that focus on the question of what kind of ethics is possible in organizational contexts that are inevitably beset by difference. Addressing this ‘ethics of difference’, we propose a turn to feminist theory, in which the topic has long been debated but which has been underutilized in organization theory until very recently. Specifically, we draw on the work of Bracha Ettinger to re-think and extend existing understandings. Inspired by gender studies, psychoanalysis, philosophy and art, Ettinger’s work has been celebrated for its revolutionary re-theorization of subjectivity. Drawing on a feminist ethics of the body inspired by psychoanalysis, she presents a concept of ‘trans-subjectivity’. In this, subjectivity is defined by connectedness, co-existence and compassion towards the other, and is grounded in what Ettinger terms the ‘matrixial borderspace’. An ethics of organization derived from the concept of the matrixial suggests that a different kind of ethical relation with the Other is possible. In this article, we demonstrate this through examining the issue of gender in the workplace. We conclude by outlining the implications of this perspective for rethinking ethics, embodiment and gender, and in particular for the development of a corporeal ethics for organization studies.


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El siguiente es el trabajo de grado de la Facultad de Administración de la Universidad Colegio Mayor de nuestra señora del Rosario para optar por el titulo de Administrador de Empresas. Es un estudio de clima y cultura organizacional en la organización Faber Castell aplicada a su subsidiaria en Colombia Tecnacril Ltda. Empresa dedicada a la producción y comercialización de artículos para escritura y arte. El trabajo busca determinar la cultura y el clima organizacional dentro de la organización determinando características únicas les permite diferenciarse y tendencias a nivel de comportamiento y procesos dentro de la organización y como es reflejado en el entorno en el cual se desarrolla. Para este trabajo se aplico el instrumento para medición de clima (IMCOC) y de cultura en desarrollado por el doctor Carlos Eduardo Méndez Álvarez profesor de la Universidad Colegio Mayor de nuestra Señora del Rosario Los resultados obtenidos nos determinar pautas y aspectos a mejorar o cambiar dentro de la organización en fin de buscar una mayor productividad y por ende competitividad de la misma basándonos en el talento humano como uno de los principales rasgos competitivos dentro de la organización.


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Dins de la disciplina de Ciència i Enginyeria dels Materials, en la qual s’estudia la interrelació entre l’estructura, el processament, les propietats i les aplicacions dels materials, aquest llibre intenta descriure com les tècniques de processament industrial afecten l’estructura dels materials. L’enfocament del text se centra en el material, no pas en les tècniques emprades, temàtica més propera a les tecnologies de fabricació. El temari s’ha organitzat en cinc grans temes. Els quatre primers intenten donar els fonaments d’una tecnologia de processament (colament dels metalls, conformació per deformació, conformació per sinterització, tractaments tèrmics) mentre que el cinquè es dedica a la corrosió. El temari no inclou la tecnologia dels materials polímers que mereixeria un temari específic


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Dins de la disciplina de Ciència i Enginyeria dels Materials, en la qual s’estudia la interrelació entre l’estructura, el processament, les propietats i les aplicacions dels materials, aquest llibre intenta descriure com les tècniques de processament industrial afecten l’estructura dels materials. L’enfocament del text se centra en el material, no pas en les tècniques emprades, temàtica més propera a les tecnologies de fabricació. El temari s’ha organitzat en cinc grans temes. Els quatre primers intenten donar els fonaments d’una tecnologia de processament (colament dels metalls, conformació per deformació, conformació per sinterització, tractaments tèrmics) mentre que el cinquè es dedica a la corrosió. El temari no inclou la tecnologia dels materials polímers que mereixeria un temari específic


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The exposure to fumes and gases is one of the hazards associated with welding operations. Apart from research conducted on the mechanism of fume and gas formation and the relationship between fume formation rates and common welding parameters, little is known about the exposure process during welding. This research project aimed to identify the factors that influence exposure, develop an understanding of their role in the exposure process and through this understanding formulate strategies for the effective control of exposure during welding. To address these aims a literature review and an experimental program was conducted The literature review surveyed epidemiological, toxicological and exposure data. The experimental program involved three approaches, the first, an evaluation of the factors that influence exposure by assessing a metal inert gas/mild steel welding process in a workshop setting. The second approach involved the study of exposure in a controlled environment provided by a wind tunnel and simulated welding process. The final approach was to investigate workplace conditions through an assessment of exposure and control strategies in industry. The exposure to fumes and gases during welding is highly variable and frequently in excess of the health based exposure standards. Exposure is influenced by a number of a factors including the welding process, base material, arc time, electrode, arc current, arc voltage, arc length, electrode polarity, shield gas, wire-to-metal-work distance (metal inert gas), metal transfer mode, intensity of the UV radiation (ozone), the frequency of arc ignitions (ozone), thermal buoyancy generated by the arc process, ventilation (natural and mechanical), the welding environment, the position of the welder, the welders stance, helmet type, and helmet position. Exposure occurs as a result of three processes: the formation of contaminants at or around the arc region; their transport from the arc region, as influenced by the entry and thermal expansion of shield gases, the vigorous production of contaminants, thermal air currents produced by the heat of the arc process, and ventilation; and finally the entry of contaminants into the breathing zone of the welder, as influenced by the position of the welder, the welders stance, helmet type, and the helmet position. The control of exposure during welding can be achieved by several means: through the selection of welding parameters that generate low contaminant formation rates; through the limitation of arc time; and by isolating the breathing zone of the welder from the contaminant plume through the use of ventilation, welder position or the welding helmet as a physical barrier. Effective control is achieved by careful examination of the workplace, the selection of the most appropriate control option, and motivation of the workforce.


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In this study, a novel experimental approach was applied to study the mechanism of the equiaxed shape retention in dynamic strain induced ferrite during deformation. The post-deformation ferrite evolution in both static and dynamic transformation was studied. The refinement potential and the origin of their differences in both mechanisms were analysed.


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