855 resultados para Arnica montana


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Pós-graduação em Ciências Biológicas (Botânica) - IBB


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The Cerrado is home to important biodiversity areas in the state of Sao Paulo. Therefore, research on the reproduction of species of this biome are essential to help conservation programs. Pollination is the main mechanism by which outcrossing plants perpetuate their populations, and the attractive, such as nectar, are of vital importance to many anthophilous animals and essential to the maintenance of interactions with pollinators. In this context, the objective of this study was to investigate the ecological dynamics of secretion and sugar composition of floral nectar in Zeyheria montana, an ornithophilous exclusive Cerrado species, visited preferentially by Colibri serrirostris, also exclusive to this biome. This dynamic was assessed in isolated flowers in pre-anthesis, using microsyringes to collect nectar and manual refractometer to measure the concentration. Experiments were carried out to evaluate production throughout anthesis, including the assessment of total daily production, the effect of successive removal, the rate of production during the day and night and changes in concentration and composition of sugars, which was performed in HPLC (High Performance Liquid Chromatography). The rate of nectar production was about three times greater at night with a concentration two times lower, resulting in a supply of large amounts of dilute nectar in the early morning hours, peak of visitation for hummingbirds. Moreover, the production of nectar was more pronounced before the anthesis, and is available to visitors already in newly opened flowers, which are preferentially visited by C. serrirostris. There was an increase in the nectar production of flowers in the group with successive manual removal upon the control group, suggesting that the withdrawal by visitors stimulates the production, ensuring the availability of the resource including flowers previously visited... (Complete abstract click electronic access below)


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Estudos a respeito da composição florística e estrutura fitossociológica da vegetação são de grande importância não só para estabelecer parâmetros e associá-los a comunidades semelhantes em diferentes locais ou sob influência de condições ambientais diversas. Também servem para subsidiar medidas conservacionistas diante do cenário atual de intensa fragmentação, aplicáveis sob perspectivas da ecologia da paisagem. Neste estudo, analisamos a composição e estrutura do subbosque de um trecho de Floresta Ombrófila Densa Montana, e comparamos com o dossel. Amostramos todos os indivíduos arbustivo e arbóreos que tiveram altura superior ou igual a um metro e meio e perímetro à altura do peito (PAP) menor que quinze centímetros (H ≥ 1,5 m e PAP < 15 cm) em uma área de 0,4 ha, totalizando 2321 indivíduos. Encontramos 252 espécies, distribuídas em 43 famílias para o subbosque e 583 indivíduos, 129 espécies e 36 famílias para o dossel. Os valores do índice de diversidade de Shannon (H’) foram, respectivamente, 4,13 e 3,94 nat.ind.-1 e os valores de equabilidade de Pielou (J) foram 0,75 e 0,81. As famílias de maior riqueza em comum nos dois estratos foram Myrtaceae, Rubiaceae e Fabaceae. A espécie com o maior valor de importânica do sub-bosque foi Psychotria nuda (VI = 9,33%), abrangendo 12,3% dos indivíduos. Já para o estrato superior, Coussarea accedens foi a que mais se destacou, com VI = 7,94%, (12,5% dos indivíduos amostrados). A comparação entre as parcelas revela similaridade na composição, principalmente entre parcelas pouco distantes geograficamente. Em relação à riqueza, podemos perceber uma diferença significativa entre as parcelas, de forma que a parcela Q2 apresenta maior número de espécies para o sub-bosque. Quanto aos estratos, notamos que estes apresentam riqueza semelhante quando comparados... (Resumo completo, clicar acesso eletrônico abaixo)


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Geonoma é um dos mais complexos gêneros de palmeiras neotropicais e possui aproximadamente 80 espécies distribuídas nos Neotrópicos. Espécies desse gênero apresentam pequeno a médio porte e são típicas de sub-bosque de florestas em áreas com grande pluviosidade. Este trabalho teve como objetivo analisar a auto-ecologia de Geonoma gamiova em duas escalas espaciais, relacionando sua estrutura populacional entre hábitats (fundo de vale x encosta) e microsítios (local de ocorrência clonal). O trabalho foi realizado no núcleo São Miguel Arcanjo do Parque Estadual Carlos Botelho que possui uma área de 37.794 ha e uma amplitude altitudinal de 50 a 975 metros. A área apresenta relevo de montanhas com vales profundos e morros paralelos e a vegetação presente no Parque é a Floresta Ombrófila Densa. Foram distribuídas 30 parcelas de 5 x 20m em três trilhas no Parque, onde foram quantificados os indivíduos de Geonoma gamiova em três estágios de desenvolvimento e foi caracterizado o hábitat. Foram marcados 42 indivíduos de Geonoma gamiova para avaliar o crescimento vegetativo e sua ecologia reprodutiva, avaliando-se também a estrutura dos microsítios em que esses indivíduos se encontravam. Os indivíduos apresentaram uma distribuição de tamanho populacional em forma de J invertido. Geonoma gamiova foi a segunda palmeira mais abundante na área estudada. O tamanho das moitas foi maior no fundo de vale, porém, os parâmetros mensurados para verificar a estrutura de comunidade, assim como a abundância dos indivíduos de G. gamiova não apresentaram diferença significativa (p > 0,05) entre os hábitats. Não houve nenhuma correlação significativa (p > 0,05) entre o número de estipes por moita e as variáveis microclimáticas e edáficas mensuradas. O crescimento dos estipes, avaliado pelo aumento do número de nós, apresentou diferença significativa, sendo maior.... (Resumo completo, clicar acesso eletrônico abaixo)


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Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)


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A survey of 41 mule deer (Odocolleus hemionus) and three white-tailed deer (O. virginianus) for bovine tuberculosis was conducted on a Montana (USA) cattle ranch from 2 November 1993 through January 1994. Gross and microscopic lesions typical of tuberculosis were present in tonsil and lymph nodes of the head, thorax, and abdomen of one adult female mule deer. Additionally, a single microgranuloma considered morphologically suggestive of tuberculosis was present in one lymph node of the head of a second mule deer. Mycobacterial isolates from lymph nodes of the head and thorax of the first deer were identified as Mycobacterium bovis.


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In writing this report, two objects were kept in mind, (1) to explain, if possible, the origin of the chromite deposits found in Sweetgrass and Stillwater Counties, and (2) to bring up to date all information on these deposits which had thus far been available. The work done consisted of study of the rocks and ores of the area under the microscope, both as thin sections and as polished sections, practically all of which was done at the Montana State School of Mines, during the school year of 1928 - 1929. The rock specimens and much information as to their locations and probable compositions were obtained from Mr. P. F. Minister, of the East Butte Copper Company. United States Geological Survey Bulletin 725-A, Deposits of Chromite in California, Oregon, Washington, and Montana, and the unpublished report on the Chromite deposits of the Boulder River, prepared by Prof. C. H. Clapp of the University of Montana, were frequently referred to and considerable material was drawn from them. The map of the Boulder River area is from Clapp's report.


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This paper marks an increased refinement and more detailed accuracy in the description of the geological features of the state. It includes the recent studies of mineral deposits, of oil structures, of the formations of bedded rocks and their included fossils, carried on both by the Federal and State governments and by various interested private persons, such as the mining companies. It is within this period that the Federal Government encouraged the U. S. Geological Survey in the publication of monographs on the National Parks, papers of great popular interest and educational value making these beautiful regions comprehensible in their geological features to the touring public.


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The primary goal of this project was to launch a pilot population study in the spring-fed wetland area southwest of Montana Tech to establish baseline data on density, distribution, abundance, and diversity of amphibians in the area. The current confirmed species at the select site is the Columbia spotted frog (Rana luteiventris). Based on preliminary habitat assessment and existing literature, other species possibilities included the long-toed salamander (Ambrystoma macrodactylum) boreal chorus frog (Pseudacris maculata), the Rocky Mountain tailed frog (Ascaphus montanus), and the leopard frog (Rana pipiens), (Werner et al. 2004) though the latter species is considered unlikely based on the specie’s declining status (Werner 2003; Werner et al. 2004). The project’s secondary goal was to collect basic habitat and environmental data: vegetation, precipitation, temperature. The third goal was to explore correlations between species prevalence and environmental data to expand the scientific understanding of population dynamics in the field of amphibian studies (see: Ferner, 2007; Dodd, 2010).


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Primary emphasis this summer was placed on restoring the Richards Cabin however, the first week was spent priming and painting the interior of the Iron Rod Post Office. All the buildings within the Nevada City Outdoor Museum complex are historically significant, some more than others. Some have been used as sets on major Hollywood productions such as, "The MissouriBreaks"," Little Big Man", "Return to Lonesome Dove", "Thousand Pieces of Gold" and "The Left Handed Gun". Others have more historical significance. Some are from Yellowstone National Park. One specifically built for a County Sheriff's Department eventually accommodated a legal "triple hanging" of outlaws in 1917. One was used as a location for a Blackfeet treaty signing in 1865.