1000 resultados para Aranha - Disputa
In Brazil, the football is more than just a sport, it's a passion and part of country's DNA almost a century ago. By this prerogative the club national championship, nowadays known as Brazilian Championship and organized by Brazilian Football Confederation, it is a mark in this modality. During the soccer history, were made several changes of nomenclature, rules and dispute mode, that generated many controversies, contributing for discussing about credibility of the championship. There were many changes about dispute mode, alternating the mixed mode (eliminatory + classificatory and vice versa) and a dispute mode based on classification. This research aimed to described and to analyzed the changes that have occurred in dispute types of the Brazilian Championship, series A, in the last 15 years (1995 to 2010). It was analyzed each edition, with data like average of public, matches and participants number, period that the championship was conducted, beyond the dispute mode. In the last 15 years, have been used five different types and it was observed that the current mode to consecutive points is the most appropriate, because this mode showed the best public average, greater coherence to elect the competition champion and this mode also encouraged the clubs about planning, organization and professional management. This issues contributed to a significant improvement in quality of Championship
Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)
É da disputa histórica pela posse da terra no Pontal do Paranapanema e dos conflitos daí desdobrantes que vem à tona as cifras marcantes das terras improdutivas e devolutas e, mais ainda, o descrédito em relação à Reforma Agrária e a negativa a qualquer possibilidade de acesso à terra, tais como a política de assentamentos em vigência, mas totalmente enfraquecida e desprestigiada. É nesse cenário que a apropriação da água ou sua privatização comparece como preocupação. A iniciativa do Movimento dos Trabalhadores Rurais Sem Terra (MST) em implantar um projeto de piscicultura, via o sistema tanques-rede para a subsistência e também como fonte de renda, nas águas represadas pelas UHEs enfrentará uma série de empecilhos e travagens de ordem burocrática, política e econômica. Além de despertar para a importância de discutir o a privatização e a mercantilização da água no século XXI, e a expansão da aquicultura no Brasil nos últimos anos, pretendemos identificar e analisar as dinâmicas espaciais e as disputas pelo acesso à água no Pontal do Paranapanema
This assignment intents to analyze the recover and the research of the cultural legacy identity of Vicentina Aranha Sanatorium to the inhabitants of the city of São José dos Campos-SP. That initiative becomes present through the importancy of the sanatorium to the public health of Vale do Paraíba in the decades between 30 and 70, of the 20th century. Nowadays this place refuges a park, presenting a reexamination of its space, with the possibility of the leisure practice, entertaining and tourism. The Vicentina Aranha Sanatorium Park presents itself conserving a landscape that is able of being inserted in a continuum past-present resignifying ways of appropriation and use. The word patrimony has many meanings and it‟s commonly associated to the set of goods that someone, the society or an entity owns. Transporting in a determinate territory, the patrimony starts to be a set of goods that are in its limits of administrative competency. (BARRETO, 2000). More than this, the cultural-historical patrimony guard a relation of belonging between it and the entity that has it. The Vicentina Aranha Sanatorium was inaugurated in 1924, with the project of the architect, Ramos de Azevedo, constituting an architectural ensemble placed under governmental trust as a historical and cultural patrimony of the state in 2001. It has a grove with centenary vegetal species like: MOGNO, PEROBA ROSA, JEQUITIBÁ and JACARANDA, constituting also a natural patrimony important for the city. There are projects like “Leitura no Bosque” and it‟s visited by the local population. Today the city seeks a new identity for that place transforming it in the center of industrial and technologic study
In present article, we present reflections on the process of closing public schools in the countryside in Brazil. Through bibliographical survey, as well as documental research, we carried out a retrospective analysis of the historical moment in which the implementation of policies of mass education directed to people living in rural areas occurs. We have also sought to raise socio-political-economic aspects of the moment in which the process of closing these schools is intensified. The results obtained suggest possible implications of this closure policy, in addition to indicating some of the challenges posed to the public policy of education in the country; for example, the Brazilian federal context and the budget limitations imposed to subnational governments with regard to the funding of school education, particularly in relation to small municipalities and/or municipalities with low tax revenues. This situation quite often occurs because these municipalities present reduced budgets, depending largely on transfers of financial resources from other spheres of the Government, either federal or state, the so-called intergovernmental budgetary transfers; namely, the Municipalities Participation Fund. Such issues demand the resumption of debates about the federative pact, in particular with regard to fiscal federalism, given that the financial capacity of each subnational government is crucial to the implementation of educational policies.
This work has as main objetive to analyze fiscal/tax collection of municipalities after the political-administrative decentralization in Brazil and its new role in this scenario, bringing up the competition for Decasa Sugar and Alcohol between the municipalities of Caiuá and Maraba Paulista in the context of expansion sugarcane cultivation in the Presidente Prudente Geographic Micro Region. The analysis has considered the geographic scales, in order to highlight the power relations on local/regional territory, determined by the Agroenergy Policy Guidelines in Brazil (2006-2011). The two municipalities have from the point of view economic dynamics, irrelevence, proven through the São Paulo Index of Social Responsibility (IPRS), maximizing the importance of the constitutional transfers, such as Participation Fund of Municipalities (FPM). Given this situation, we analyze the four taxes raised by the experts as the most impactful for municipal tax collection before the presence of sugarcane activity: the Territorial Urban Property Tax (IPTU), the Tax on Services of any Nature (ISSQN), the Tax Vehicles owned Motor (IPVA) and the Operations tax on the Circulation of Goods and on Transport Services Rendered Interstate and Intermunicipal (ICMS). It was verified, that only the ISSQN can be seen as an indicator increase in fiscal/tax collection before the presence sugarcane activity...
Pós-graduação em Ciências Sociais - FCLAR
A pesquisa analisa o novo marco regulatório da comunicação da Argentina, a Lei n° 26.522/2009 de Serviços de Comunicação e Audiovisual (LSCA). O texto é referência reguladora emblemática e contemporânea para os campos de estudos da Comunicação, das Políticas Públicas e da Economia Política da Comunicação na América Latina. O caráter original dessa legislação reside na aproximação de uma concepção inovadora do direito à comunicação e na atribuição de um novo papel regulador reservado ao Estado. A criação de uma nova arquitetura institucional para o desenho das políticas de comunicação, o estabelecimento de limites de propriedade para empresas e grupos da radiodifusão e a divisão do espectro radioelétrico em partes iguais para operadores privados, estatais e privados sem fins de lucro são objetos de especial atenção. Nesse sentido, são analisadas as premissas normativas da LSCA e os obstáculos à sua implantação. O processo de elaboração e implantação dessa nova legislação é inseparável do momento político e da correlação de forças políticas do país e de um fenômeno comum na América Latina desde a redemocratização: a emergência da sociedade civil e a luta pela difusão dos direitos de cidadania. A pesquisa aponta tensões entre politicas públicas progressistas e velhos costumes impregnados no Estado, como o fortalecimento de grupos de mídia próximos ao governo de turno e o uso oficialista dos canais de comunicação estatais. Assim, a LSCA revela baixo grau de materialização, a despeito de representar um avanço normativo, institucional e político chave para o país e a região na perspectiva da democratização da comunicação
In the first decades of the last century, Brazilian intellectuals played an im- portant role in the new configuration to the country reached. Brazil had then passed by rapid process of moderniza- tion. The educational field was place of contention between different currents of intellectuals. The idea was to create a new society through what is called the New School. In Brazil, unlike in Europe, most of the population had no access to school. Therefore, the New School was not privileged to critique existing school system, but the actual construction of the large Brazilian childhood schooling. Thus, we crea- ted libraries in teaching urban school groups, with the aim of improving the training of primary school teachers in the pedagogical ideas of the New School. This work has for objective to understand the conflicts among Brazi- lian intellectuals on the list of recommended readings for teacher training schools in the first half of the twentieth century. This paper presents an exam- ple of this intellectual dispute through the analysis of a Brazilian school li- brary copy of the 1930s.
Pós-graduação em História - FCHS
Comic books, graphic narrative and sequential art, had their origin in newspapers, in the period of the Industrial Revolution. First published weekly in the comic strip format, with the passage of time, the new form of literature has gained more and more public and comic strips became complete stories in the format of comic books and later, graphic novels. This course's final paper aims to present the main components of comics: the picture and the text; and to examine the way in which these two elements overlap and complement each other in the configuration of comics as a whole. As the object of analysis, it was chosen the graphic novel Spider-Man: Blue, first published in 2002 as part of a project composed by three other titles from the double winning cartoonists of the Eisner Award, Jeph Loeb and Tim Sale. For theoretical background, was chosen the book Os Quadrinhos - Linguagem e Semiótica: Um Estudo Abrangente da Arte Sequencial written by the researcher Antonio Luiz Cagnin, which presents a study of all components found in the sequential art and treated in this work: the narrative time, visual plans, balloons, caption, and onomatopoeia
Comic books, graphic narrative and sequential art, had their origin in newspapers, in the period of the Industrial Revolution. First published weekly in the comic strip format, with the passage of time, the new form of literature has gained more and more public and comic strips became complete stories in the format of comic books and later, graphic novels. This course's final paper aims to present the main components of comics: the picture and the text; and to examine the way in which these two elements overlap and complement each other in the configuration of comics as a whole. As the object of analysis, it was chosen the graphic novel Spider-Man: Blue, first published in 2002 as part of a project composed by three other titles from the double winning cartoonists of the Eisner Award, Jeph Loeb and Tim Sale. For theoretical background, was chosen the book Os Quadrinhos - Linguagem e Semiótica: Um Estudo Abrangente da Arte Sequencial written by the researcher Antonio Luiz Cagnin, which presents a study of all components found in the sequential art and treated in this work: the narrative time, visual plans, balloons, caption, and onomatopoeia
En este trabajo, inscripto en el campo de análisis de las prácticas discursivas como instancias que participan en la disputa político ideológica siguiendo una lógica propia y específica, me propongo como objetivo explicar cómo es representado el colectivo “trabajadores" y sus formas de participación política en el discurso presidencial kirchnerista, desde qué lugares enunciativos y según qué dispositivos de interpelación. Asimismo, en la medida en que este proceso de significación no es auto-referencial (en realidad, ninguno lo es), sino que se despliega en un diálogo permanente con la práctica discursiva de la dirigencia de la Confederación General del Trabajo, analizo las estrategias de alianza y antagonismo puestas en escena por ambos interlocutores. El material de análisis está formado por los discursos oficiales pronunciados por la presidenta Cristina Fernández de Kirchner desde su asunción en el 2007 hasta mediados del 2012 y por los discursos públicos de Hugo Moyano, Secretario General de la CGT en el mismo lapso, ordenados y sistematizados según procedimientos de categorización previa y cerrada en consonancia con los objetivos de la indagación.
El concepto de espacio público, cuya actual tendencia expansiva lo carga de abundante ambigüedad, a menudo es tratado en la geografía desde una perspectiva ineludible y sombría. Este conjunto de argumentos han conformado en estos últimos veinte años una retórica sobre la pérdida del espacio público, condenándolo a un destino poco prometedor. Proponemos abordarlo en la Ciudad de Mendoza desde una perspectiva posible y dinámica, donde el espacio público constantemente se esté rehaciendo y redefiniendo entre conflictos, disputas y acuerdos cotidianos en la sociedad, que adquieren prácticas socio-espaciales específicas.