153 resultados para Aquífero de ourém


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The detection of emerging interest microcontaminants in environmental samples of surface water, groundwater, drinking water, wastewater and effluents from water and sewage treatment plants (WTP and STP), in many countries, suggests these pollutants are widespread in the environment, mainly in urban areas. This is a reason for great concern, since many of these compounds are potentially harmful for humans other living beings, and they are not efficiently removed in the majority of WTP and STP, which is exacerbated by precariousness of water supply and sanitation services. In Natal, like other Brazilian cities, the sewage system serves only part of the urban area (about 30%), so that the rest of the wastewater is infiltrated in the sandy soil of the region in cesspool-dry well systems. This has resulted in contamination of groundwater in the area (sand-dune barrier aquifer, which supplies more than 50% of the city population), which has been observed by the increase in nitrate concentration in supply wells. The vulnerability of the sanddune barrier aquifer, combined with reports of the presence of emerging interest microcontaminants in Brazil and worldwide, led to this research, which investigated the occurrence of fifteen microcontaminants in Natal groundwater and sewage. Samples were collected at five wells used for water supply, the raw sewage and the effluents from biological reactors from STP (UASB and activated sludge reactors). Two samples of each sample were taken, with one week apart between the samples. To determine the contaminants, extraction of aquifer water, and raw and treated sewage samples were performed, through the technique of using SPE Strata X cartridge (Phenomenex®) to the aquifer water, and Strata SAX and Strata X (Phenomenex® ) for samples of raw and treated sewage. Subsequently the extracts were analyzed using GC-MS technique. Much of the analyzed microcontaminants were detected in groundwater and sewage. The concentrations in groundwater are generally lower than those found in the sewers. Some of the compounds (estrone, estradiol, bisphenol A, caffeine, diclofenac, naproxen, paracetamol and ibuprofen) are partially removed at STP.


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A type of macro drainage solution widely used in urban areas with predomi-nance of closed catchments (basins without outlet) is the implementation of detention and infiltration reservoirs (DIR). This type of solution has the main function of storing surface runoff and to promote soil infiltration and, consequently, aquifer recharge. The practice is to avoid floods in the drainage basin low-lying areas. The catchment waterproofing reduces the distributed groundwater recharge in urban areas, as is the case of Natal city, RN. However, the advantage of DIR is to concentrate the runoff and to promote aquifer recharge to an amount that can surpass the distributed natu-ral recharge. In this paper, we proposed studying a small urban drainage catchment, named Experimental Mirassol Watershed (EMW) in Natal, RN, whose outlet is a DIR. The rainfall-runoff transformation processes, water accumulation in DIR and the pro-cess of infiltration and percolation in the soil profile until the free aquifer were mod-eled and, from rainfall event observations, water levels in DIR and free aquifer water level measurements, and also, parameter values determination, it is was enabled to calibrate and modeling these combined processes. The mathematical modeling was carried out from two numerical models. We used the rainfall-runoff model developed by RIGHETTO (2014), and besides, we developed a one-dimensional model to simu-late the soil infiltration, percolation, redistribution soil water and groundwater in a combined system to the reservoir water balance. Continuous simulation was run over a period of eighteen months in time intervals of one minute. The drainage basin was discretized in blocks units as well as street reaches and the soil profile in vertical cells of 2 cm deep to a total depth of 30 m. The generated hydrographs were transformed into inlet volumes to the DIR and then, it was carried out water balance in these time intervals, considering infiltration and percolation of water in the soil profile. As a re-sult, we get to evaluate the storage water process in DIR as well as the infiltration of water, redistribution into the soil and the groundwater aquifer recharge, in continuous temporal simulation. We found that the DIR has good performance to storage excess water drainage and to contribute to the local aquifer recharge process (Aquifer Dunas / Barreiras).


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The study area is within the Pirangi River Basin, eastern sector of Rio Grande do Norte state, where is located of the Parnamirim city. It has an area of approximately 370 km². Urbanization has developed much fast without an appropriate infrastructure, mainly by the lack of sewage systems, with risks of contamination of groundwater that may cause serious damage to the health of the population. The Barreiras Aquifer System groundwater in the area represents the main source of water supply for urban and rural populations. The use of groundwater occurs without adequate planning and therefore, important recharge areas are being occupied. This study was conducted to quantify the use and evaluation of the potential of groundwater, in order to increase good water quality supply and lower risks of being affected by polluting activities. With these objectives, the following activities were carried out: 268 points of water have been registered; characterization of the lithological, thickness and hydrogeological structure of the Barreiras aquifer, based on the correlation of well logs; and evaluation of hydrodynamic parameters of the aquifer, from the interpretation of results well pumping tests. It was found that the saturated thickness increases from west to east towards the sea, with values ranging from 15,47-56,5 m with an average of 32,45 m. The hydrodynamic parameters using Cooper-Jacob method were: average transmissivity of 5,9x10-3 m²/s and average hydraulic conductivity 2,82x10-4 m/s. The effective porosity is of 15%, obtained by applying Biecinski equation. The potentiometric map shows the main direction of groundwater flow, from west to east, and identifies the recharge areas corresponding to the region of the tablelands of the "Barreiras". The river valleys refer to the discharge areas of the aquifer system. The Recharge was estimated at 253 mm/year, which corresponds to the 16.4% rate of infiltration.


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The study area is within the Pirangi River Basin, eastern sector of Rio Grande do Norte state, where is located of the Parnamirim city. It has an area of approximately 370 km². Urbanization has developed much fast without an appropriate infrastructure, mainly by the lack of sewage systems, with risks of contamination of groundwater that may cause serious damage to the health of the population. The Barreiras Aquifer System groundwater in the area represents the main source of water supply for urban and rural populations. The use of groundwater occurs without adequate planning and therefore, important recharge areas are being occupied. This study was conducted to quantify the use and evaluation of the potential of groundwater, in order to increase good water quality supply and lower risks of being affected by polluting activities. With these objectives, the following activities were carried out: 268 points of water have been registered; characterization of the lithological, thickness and hydrogeological structure of the Barreiras aquifer, based on the correlation of well logs; and evaluation of hydrodynamic parameters of the aquifer, from the interpretation of results well pumping tests. It was found that the saturated thickness increases from west to east towards the sea, with values ranging from 15,47-56,5 m with an average of 32,45 m. The hydrodynamic parameters using Cooper-Jacob method were: average transmissivity of 5,9x10-3 m²/s and average hydraulic conductivity 2,82x10-4 m/s. The effective porosity is of 15%, obtained by applying Biecinski equation. The potentiometric map shows the main direction of groundwater flow, from west to east, and identifies the recharge areas corresponding to the region of the tablelands of the "Barreiras". The river valleys refer to the discharge areas of the aquifer system. The Recharge was estimated at 253 mm/year, which corresponds to the 16.4% rate of infiltration.


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The use of chemical fertilization in arable perimeters provides increased productivity, though it can eventually lead to a qualitative depreciation of groundwater sources, especially if such sources are unconfined in nature. In this context, this thesis presents results from an analysis of the level of natural protection of the Barreiras Aquifer in an area located on the eastern coast of the Rio Grande do Norte State - Brazil. Such an aquifer is clastic in nature and has an unconfined hydraulic character, which clearly makes it susceptible to contamination from surface ground loads with contaminants associated with the leaching of excess fertilizers not absorbed by ground vegetation. The methodology used was based on the use of hydro-geophysical data, particularly inverse models of vertical electrical soundings (VES) and information from well profiles, allowing the acquisition of longitudinal conductance cartographies (S), data in mili-Siemens (mS), and the vulnerability of the aquifer. Such maps were prepared with emphasis to the unsaturated overlying zone, highlighting in particular its thickness and occurrence of clay lithologies. Thus, the longitudinal conductance and aquifer vulnerability reveal areas more susceptible to contamination in the northeast and east-central sections of the study area, with values equal to or less than 10mS and greater than or equal to 0,50, respectively. On the other hand, the southwestern section proved to be less susceptible to contamination, whose longitudinal conductance and vulnerability indices are greater than or equal to 30mS and less than or equal to 0,40, respectively.


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The use of chemical fertilization in arable perimeters provides increased productivity, though it can eventually lead to a qualitative depreciation of groundwater sources, especially if such sources are unconfined in nature. In this context, this thesis presents results from an analysis of the level of natural protection of the Barreiras Aquifer in an area located on the eastern coast of the Rio Grande do Norte State - Brazil. Such an aquifer is clastic in nature and has an unconfined hydraulic character, which clearly makes it susceptible to contamination from surface ground loads with contaminants associated with the leaching of excess fertilizers not absorbed by ground vegetation. The methodology used was based on the use of hydro-geophysical data, particularly inverse models of vertical electrical soundings (VES) and information from well profiles, allowing the acquisition of longitudinal conductance cartographies (S), data in mili-Siemens (mS), and the vulnerability of the aquifer. Such maps were prepared with emphasis to the unsaturated overlying zone, highlighting in particular its thickness and occurrence of clay lithologies. Thus, the longitudinal conductance and aquifer vulnerability reveal areas more susceptible to contamination in the northeast and east-central sections of the study area, with values equal to or less than 10mS and greater than or equal to 0,50, respectively. On the other hand, the southwestern section proved to be less susceptible to contamination, whose longitudinal conductance and vulnerability indices are greater than or equal to 30mS and less than or equal to 0,40, respectively.


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O presente trabalho é resultado de um estudo exploratório no âmbito do Mestrado em Intervenção para um Envelhecimento Ativo que incidiu sobre o Programa da GNR Apoio 65 – Idosos em Segurança no concelho de Ourém. Face ao grande número de pessoas idosas a viverem sós ou em companhia de outra pessoa idosa são muitos os riscos que afetam esta camada da sociedade. As necessidades aumentam perante as vulnerabilidades sentidas pelos idosos e torna-se urgente implementar medidas para as colmatar. Diante da situação apresentada, a GNR tem em curso o Programa Apoio 65 – Idosos em Segurança, pondo em prática um trabalho que consiste em acompanhar aqueles que vivem sós ou isolados. Esse Programa permite detetar situações de vulnerabilidade a que os idosos estão sujeitos, proteger, prevenir, sinalizar e encaminhar os casos que possam comportar algum risco, nomeadamente o isolamento, maus tratos, abandono por parte dos familiares, falta de cuidados específicos e más condições de habitabilidade. Para a realização deste trabalho recorreu-se à metodologia qualitativa. Foram realizadas entrevistas ao comandante do Destacamento Territorial de Tomar, aos guardas que atuam no âmbito do Programa e a alguns idosos, principais atores desta intervenção. Os objetivos estabelecidos foram conhecer e descrever o Programa Apoio 65 – Idosos em Segurança no concelho de Ourém, e compreender as implicações que esta intervenção tem na vida dos idosos. Os resultados permitiram perceber como se estrutura esse Programa de acordo com a perceção dos vários intervenientes, que o trabalho realizado pela Guarda cria um sentimento de segurança e contribui de forma positiva informando os idosos e sensibilizando para os riscos que correm. Ainda permitiu compreender a importância que o Programa tem e a articulação que a Guarda estabelece com as redes sociais para dar respostas às situações encontradas sendo a primeira a detetar situações de risco. A principal limitação e constrangimento detetada no Programa foi a necessidade de mais recursos humanos e tempo dos profissionais para se atingir mais resultados positivos.


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A condutividade hidráulica do solo saturado (Ksat) constitui parâmetro de grande relevância nos estudos de vulnerabilidade natural e, por consequência, na avaliação de riscos ambientais. Quando se trata de áreas frágeis, como são as áreas de recarga de aquíferos sedimentares, a avaliação da condutividade hidráulica torna-se ainda mais importante. Para esse estudo, selecionou-se uma área de recarga direta do Aquífero Guarani, caracterizada pela microbacia do córrego Espraiado, localizada na região de Ribeirão Preto (SP). Os principais solos dessa microbacia são Latossolo Vermelho Distrófico psamítico (LVdq) e Neossolo Quartzarênico Órtico (RQo). Para a avaliação da condutividade hidráulica (Ksat) desses solos utilizou- se o método da coluna saturada, cujos valores foram correlacionados com os de textura e estrutura do solo, considerados os parâmetros diretamente relacionados à Ksat. As correlações foram diretas entre os valores de Ksat e os de textura arenosa (areia). Já para a estrutura do solo, essa correlação ocorreu de forma indireta, indicando menor influência desse parâmetro sobre a condutividade hidráulica do solo saturado.


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Abstract: The area near the Araguaia River, between Goiás and Mato Grosso States, is the location of a portion of the recharging of the Guarani Aquifer, which is one of the world¿s largest aquifer systems and an important source of drinking water. This reservoir could be threatened by the widespread use of pesticides in maize and soybean cultivation in this area. Thus, this work developed analytical methods for the determination of imazethapyr, nicosulfuron, imazaquin, carbofuran, atrazine, linuron, clorimuronethyl and diflubenzuron, pesticides used in maize and soybean cultivation. Pesticide separation, identification and quantification were performed using High-Performance Liquid Chromatography with Diode Array Detection (HPLC-DAD) and Liquid Chromatography-Electrospray Ionization Tandem Mass Spectrometry (LC-ESI-MS/MS). Solid Phase Extraction (SPE) with C18 sorbents was optimized for sample extraction from water. Soil samples were extracted by mechanical shaking, sonication or microwave-assisted extraction with industrial and home microwave ovens. Methods were validated resulting in limits of quantification (LOQ) for the pesticides in water in the range of 0.015-0.1 ng mL, using SPE-HPLC-DAD, and 0.01 ng mL using LC-ESI-MS/MS. LOQ of 1 ng mL for all pesticides in soil were achieved using the home microwave oven and LC-ESI-MS/MS. Recoveries for pesticides with all methods were in the range 70-120 %. Relative standard deviations for repeatability and intermediate precision were less than 15 %. SPEHPLC- DAD and LC-ESI-MS/MS were employed for the analysis of samples of water from the recharge area and most of the pesticides were detected at concentrations below the minimum residue limit (MRL) of 0.1 ng mL established by the European Community. The home microwave oven and LC-ESI-MS/MS were used for the analysis of soil samples from two other regions of Brazil and the pesticides were not detected in these samples. Adsorption and desorption parameters were determined for imazethapyr, imazaquin, nicosulfuron and chlorimuron-ethyl, indicating that these pesticides have little affinity for the soil of the region of the Guarani Aquifer recharge, and show significant leaching potential, according to the ground water ubiquity score (GUS index) for these pesticides.


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O presente trabalho constitui-se de um levantamento preliminar do uso e caracterização dos sistemas de produção agrícola, realizado no ano agrícola de 1997/1998, presentes nas áreas de recarga do Aquífero Guarani, abrangendo os municípios de Jataí, Caiapônia e Mineiros, no Estado de Goiás; Alto Araguaia e Alto Garças no Estado de Mato Grosso e Camapuã e Areado no Estado do Mato Grosso do Sul. Essas informações servirão como base para um estudo mais amplo que visa a determinar o risco potencial de contaminação do Aquífero Guarani em função dos principais sistemas de produção levantados e identificados em suas áreas de recarga.


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O principal objectivo desta dissertação é a aplicação de métodos empíricos para proceder à caracterização da vulnerabilidade à contaminação do Sistema Aquífero de Évora Montemor-Cuba, nomeadamente os índices DRASTIC, de Susceptibilidade (IS), GOD e o método EPPNA. A aplicação destes índices permitiu concluir que o Sistema Aquífero de Évora-Montemor-Cuba apresenta a maioria da sua área classificada com um índice de vulnerabilidade à contaminação baixo a moderadamente baixo, enquanto os aquíferos carbonatados apresentam grande parte da sua área classificada com um índice moderadamente alto a alto. O IS revelou-se uma ferramenta extremamente útil para ter uma visão espacial do território do ponto de vista da sua vulnerabilidade, quando associada aos usos do solo. No entanto, a complexidade dos sistemas naturais é sempre maior do que as simplificações necessárias para se poderem utilizar as ferramentas que permitem calcular estes índices, existindo permanentemente imprecisões associadas a estes cálculos. ABSTRACT: The aim of this Project is to apply different methods regarding the assessment of groundwater vulnerability to pollution in the Évora-Montemor-Cuba aquifer, namely the DRASTIC, IS, GOD and EPPNA. The greater area of the Évora-Montemor-Cuba aquifer has a vulnerability to pollution classified as low or moderate to low, while in the limestones aquifers the biggest area is classified as moderate to high or high. The IS index is a very useful tool to provide a spatial intuition of the territory, considering its vulnerability, when associated with the land use. However, the natural systems complexity is bigger than the necessary simplifications introduced in order to use these indexes, nevertheless there are permanent inaccuracies related to these results.


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O principal objectivo deste trabalho é a aplicação de métodos empíricos para proceder à caracterização da vulnerabilidade à contaminação do Sistema Aquífero de Évora-Montemor-Cuba, nomeadamente os índices DRASTIC e de Susceptibilidade (IS). A aplicação destes índices permitiu concluir que o Sistema Aquífero de Évora-Montemor-Cuba apresenta a maioria da sua área classificada com um índice de vulnerabilidade à contaminação baixo a moderadamente baixo, enquanto os aquíferos carbonatados apresentam grande parte da sua área classificada com um índice moderadamente alto a alto. O IS revelou-se uma ferramenta extremamente útil para ter uma visão espacial do território do ponto de vista da sua vulnerabilidade, quando associada aos usos do solo. No entanto, a complexidade dos sistemas naturais é sempre maior do que as simplificações necessárias para se poderem utilizar as ferramentas que permitem calcular estes índices, existindo permanentemente imprecisões associadas a estes cálculos.