997 resultados para Appellat procedure


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An analytical-numerical procedure for obtaining stress intensity factor solutions for an arbitrarily oriented crack in a long, thin circular cylindrical shell is presented. The method of analysis involves obtaining a series solution to the governing shell equation in terms of Mathieu and modified Mathieu functions by the method of separation of variables and satisfying the crack surface boundary conditions numerically using collocation. The solution is then transformed from elliptic coordinates to polar coordinates with crack tip as the origin through a Taylor series expansion and membrane and bending stress intensity factors are computed. Numerical results are presented and discussed for the pressure loading case.


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Pyridinium tetrafluoroborate (C5H5NHBF4) and pyridinium hexafluorosilicate [(C5H5NH)2SiF6] have been prepared in good yields and high purity by the reaction of pyridinium poly(hydrogen fluoride) with oxides and acids of boron and silicon respectively. The salts have been characterised by melting points, IR, 1H and 19F NMR spectroscopy and chemical analysis.


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Abstract is not available.


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We consider the problem of estimating the optimal parameter trajectory over a finite time interval in a parameterized stochastic differential equation (SDE), and propose a simulation-based algorithm for this purpose. Towards this end, we consider a discretization of the SDE over finite time instants and reformulate the problem as one of finding an optimal parameter at each of these instants. A stochastic approximation algorithm based on the smoothed functional technique is adapted to this setting for finding the optimal parameter trajectory. A proof of convergence of the algorithm is presented and results of numerical experiments over two different settings are shown. The algorithm is seen to exhibit good performance. We also present extensions of our framework to the case of finding optimal parameterized feedback policies for controlled SDE and present numerical results in this scenario as well.


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Elemental sulphur (in wet precipitated form or dissolved in organic solvents) and hydrogen sulphide have been determined gravimetrically at room temperature by conversion into copper sulphide by elemental copper in presence of an organic solvent such as benzene or acetonitrile. Any solvent in which sulphur is soluble can be used. The black copper sulphide formed can be weighed or determined iodometrically. Analysis indicates the black compound to be Cu1.8S. This room temperature method is a versatile one-step procedure sensitive to microgram or macro amounts of sulphur. It has been used for determining the solubility of sulphur in tetrahydrofuran and dioxan. The apparent heat of solution indicates that sulphur dissolves in these solvents without any marked solute—solvent interactions.


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Manure additive products can be used to reduce odour emissions (OE) from livestock farms. The standardised evaluation of these manure additive products under specific farm conditions is important. In this study, the efficacy of a manure additive (WonderTreat(TM), CKLS, Inc., Hong-Kong) was assessed under Australian conditions utilising a combination of laboratory and field-scale evaluation techniques. As a first step, the efficacy of the manure additive was assessed in a laboratory-scale trial using a series of uniformly managed digesters and standard odour, liquor ammonia and hydrogen sulphide concentration measurement procedures. This showed that the addition of WonderTreat(TM) at the 'low dose rate' (LDR) (102.6 g m-2) used during the trial significantly, but only marginally (30%; P = 0.02) reduced the OE rate (mean 13.9 OU m-2 s-1) of anaerobic pig liquor relative to an untreated control (UC) (19.9 OU m-2 s-1). However, the 'high dose rate' (HDR) (205.3 g m-2) also assessed during the trial preformed similarly (19.7 OU m-2 s-1) to the UC. No statistically significant difference in the concentrations of a range of measured water quality variables at the 5% level was observed between the treatments or controls digesters. As a second step, a field-scale assessment of the manure additive was undertaken at a commercial piggery. Two piggery manure lagoons (each with approximately 2500 m2 surface area) were included in the study; one was treated with WonderTreat(TM) while the other was used as control. The efficacy of the treatment was assessed using olfactometric evaluation of odour samples collected from the surface of the pond using a dynamic wind tunnel and ancillary equipment. No statistically significant reduction in OE rate could be demonstrated (P = 0.35), partially due to the limited number of samples taken during the assessment. However, there was a numerical reduction in the average OE rate of the treatment pond (29 OU m-2 s-1 at 1 m s-1) compared to the control lagoon (38 OU m-2 s-1 at 1 m s-1).


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The observation that N-carbamoylputrescine is quantitatively excluded on O-(carboxymethyl)-cellulose columns with simultaneous retention of putrescine and agmatine has been utilized to develop a sensitive radiometric assay for putrescine transcarbamoylase and a colorimetric assay for agmatine iminohydrolase. A simple procedure for obtaining bulk amounts of pure synthetic N-carbamoylputrescine by separation from putrescine and dicarbamoylputrescine on Dowex 50 (Na+) resin is described.


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An analytical-numerical procedure for obtaining stress intensity factor solutions for an arbitrarily oriented crack in a long, thin circular cylindrical shell is presented. The method of analysis involves obtaining a series solution to the governing shell equation in terms of Mathieu and modified Mathieu functions by the method of separation of variables and satisfying the crack surface boundary conditions numerically using collocation. The solution is then transformed from elliptic coordinates to polar coordinates with crack tip as the origin through a Taylor series expansion and membrane and bending stress intensity factors are computed. Numerical results are presented and discussed for the pressure loading case.


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K-means algorithm is a well known nonhierarchical method for clustering data. The most important limitations of this algorithm are that: (1) it gives final clusters on the basis of the cluster centroids or the seed points chosen initially, and (2) it is appropriate for data sets having fairly isotropic clusters. But this algorithm has the advantage of low computation and storage requirements. On the other hand, hierarchical agglomerative clustering algorithm, which can cluster nonisotropic (chain-like and concentric) clusters, requires high storage and computation requirements. This paper suggests a new method for selecting the initial seed points, so that theK-means algorithm gives the same results for any input data order. This paper also describes a hybrid clustering algorithm, based on the concepts of multilevel theory, which is nonhierarchical at the first level and hierarchical from second level onwards, to cluster data sets having (i) chain-like clusters and (ii) concentric clusters. It is observed that this hybrid clustering algorithm gives the same results as the hierarchical clustering algorithm, with less computation and storage requirements.


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In an earlier communication[l] we have indicated a general graphical design procedure for a sequence of sparger reactors in which a second order liquid phase reaction proceeds in a stagewise fashion. The prediction of the reactant concentration in each stage and hence the conversion depended on a search procedure initiated along a straight line representing the mass balance equation at the given stage and drawn from the known feed stage located on the abscissa in a E-IU diagram for the given system.


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In cases whazo zotatLon of the seoondazy pztncipal 8tzo,ae axes along tha light path ,exists, it is always poaeible to detezmlna two dizactions along which plane-polazlaad light ,antazlng the model ,amerCe8 as plene-pela~l,aed light fzom the model. Puzth,az the nat zstazdatton Pot any light path is dlff,azant Prom the lntsgtatad zetazd,ation Pat the l£ght path nogZsctlng the ePfsct or z,atation.


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This text provides a summary of Australian procedural law to its bare essence to assist students to rapidly come to grips with the main principles, theories and reality of civil litigation. The LexisNexis Study Guide series is designed to assist students in learning the foundations for effective, systematic exam preparation and revision. In each chapter of LexisNexis Study Guide - Civil Procedure, Stephen Colbran, Roger Douglas, Sheryl Jackson and Molly Townes O'Brien clearly identify and explain the pertinent and often difficult topics within civil procedure. The most important and recent cases are summarised to consolidate practical understanding of the theoretical concepts involved in civil procedure.