702 resultados para Antiossidanti naturali, Polifenoli, Fucus vesiculosus


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1. Environmental stress can influence species traits and performance considerably. Using a seaweed-snail system from NW (Nova Scotia) and NE (Helgoland) Atlantic rocky shores, we examined how physical stress (wave exposure) modulates traits in the seaweed Fucus vesiculosus and indirectly in its main consumer, the periwinkle Littorina obtusata. 2. In both regions, algal tissue toughness increased with wave exposure. Reciprocal-transplant experiments showed that tissue toughness adjusts plastically to the prevailing level of wave exposure. 3. Choice experiments tested the feeding preference of snails from sheltered, exposed, and very exposed habitats for algae from such wave exposures. Snails from exposed and very exposed habitats consumed algal tissues at similar rates irrespective of the exposure of origin of the algae. However, snails from sheltered habitats consumed less algal tissues from very exposed habitats than tissues from sheltered and exposed habitats. Choice assays using reconstituted algal food (triturated during preparation) identified high thallus toughness as the explanation for the low preference of snails from sheltered habitats for algae from very exposed habitats. 4. Ultrastructural analyses of radulae indicated that rachidian teeth were longest and the number of cusps in lateral teeth (grazing-relevant traits) was highest in snails from very exposed habitats, suggesting that radulae are best suited to rupture tough algal tissues in such snails. 5. No-choice feeding experiments revealed that these radular traits are also phenotypically plastic, as they adjust to the toughness of the algal food. 6. Synthesis. This study indicates that the observed plasticity in the feeding ability of snails is mediated by wave exposure through phenotypic plasticity in the tissue toughness of algae. Thus, plasticity in consumers and their resource species may reduce the potential effects of physical stress on their interaction.


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These data form the basis of an analysis of a prevalent research bias in the field of ocean acidification, notably the ignoring of natural fluctuations and gradients in the experimental design. The data are extracted from published work and own experiments.


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The goals of this study were (1) to investigate whether Fucus vesiculosus regulates the production of its antifouling defence chemicals against microfoulers in response to light limitation and temperature shifts and (2) to investigate if different surface concentrations of defence compounds shape epibacterial communities. F. vesiculosus was incubated in indoor mesocosms at five different temperature conditions (5 to 25°C) and in outdoor mesocosms under six differently reduced sunlight conditions (0 to 100%), respectively. Algal surface concentrations of previously identified antifouling compounds - dimethylsulphopropionate (DMSP), fucoxanthin and proline - were determined and the bacterial community composition was characterized by in-depth sequencing of the 16S-rRNA gene. Altogether, the effect of different treatment levels upon defence compound concentrations was limited. Under all conditions DMSP alone appeared to be sufficiently concentrated to warrant for at least a partial inhibitory action against epibiotic bacteria of F. vesiculosus. In contrast, proline and fucoxanthin rarely reached the necessary concentration ranges for self-contained inhibition. Nonetheless, in both experiments along with the direct influence of temperature and light, all three compounds apparently affected (and thereby shaped) the overall bacterial community composition associated with F. vesiculosus since tendencies for insensitivity towards all three compounds were observed among bacterial taxa that typically dominate those communities. Given that the concentrations of at least one of the compounds (in most cases DMSP) were always high enough to inhibit bacterial settlement, we conclude that the capacity of F. vesiculosus for such defence will hardly be compromised by shading or warming to temperatures up to 25°C.


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Mathematical and experimental simulations predict that external fertilization is unsuccessful in habitats characterized by high water motion. A key assumption of such predictions is that gametes are released in hydrodynamic regimes that quickly dilute gametes. We used fucoid seaweeds to examine whether marine organisms in intertidal and subtidal habitats might achieve high levels of fertilization by restricting their release of gametes to calm intervals. Fucus vesiculosus L. (Baltic Sea) released high numbers of gametes only when maximal water velocities were below ca. 0.2 m/s immediately prior to natural periods of release, which occur in early evening in association with lunar cues. Natural fertilization success measured at two sites was always close to 100%. Laboratory experiments confirmed that (i) high water motion inhibits gamete release by F. vesiculosus and by the intertidal fucoids Fucus distichus L. (Maine) and Pelvetia fastigiata (J. Ag.) DeToni (California), and (ii) showed that photosynthesis is required for high gamete release. These data suggest that chemical changes in the boundary layer surrounding adults during photosynthesis and/or mechanosensitive channels may modulate gamete release in response to changing hydrodynamic conditions. Therefore, sensitivity to environmental factors can lead to successful external fertilization, even for species living in turbulent habitats.


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Aquatic biomass is seen as one of the major feedstocks to overcome difficulties associated with 1st generation biofuels, such as competition with food production, change of land use and further environmental issues. Although, this finding is widely accepted only little work has been carried out to investigate thermo-chemical conversion of algal specimen to produce biofuels, power and heat. This work aims at contributing fundamental knowledge for thermo-chemical processing of aquatic biomass via intermediate pyrolysis. Therefore, it was necessary to install and commission an analytical pyrolysis apparatus which facilitates intermediate pyrolysis process conditions as well as subsequent separation and detection of pyrolysates (Py- GC/MS). In addition, a methodology was established to analyse aquatic biomass under intermediate conditions by Thermo-Gravimetric Analysis (TGA). Several microalgae (e.g. Chlamydomonas reinhardtii, Chlorella vulgaris) and macroalgae specimen (e.g. Fucus vesiculosus) from main algal divisions and various natural habitats (fresh and saline water, temperate and polar climates) were chosen and their thermal degradation under intermediate pyrolysis conditions was studied. In addition, it was of interest to examine the contribution of biochemical constituents of algal biomass onto the chemical compounds contained in pyrolysates. Therefore, lipid and protein fractions were extracted from microalgae biomass and analysed separately. Furthermore, investigations of residual algal materials obtained by extraction of high valuable compounds (e.g. lipids, proteins, enzymes) were included to evaluate their potential for intermediate pyrolysis processing. On basis of these thermal degradation studies, possible applications of algal biomass and from there derived materials in the Bio-thermal Valorisation of Biomass-process (BtVB-process) are presented. It was of interest to evaluate the combination of the production of high valuable products and bioenergy generation derived by micro- and macro algal biomass.


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The exponential growth of studies on the biological response to ocean acidification over the last few decades has generated a large amount of data. To facilitate data comparison, a data compilation hosted at the data publisher PANGAEA was initiated in 2008 and is updated on a regular basis (doi:10.1594/PANGAEA.149999). By January 2015, a total of 581 data sets (over 4 000 000 data points) from 539 papers had been archived. Here we present the developments of this data compilation five years since its first description by Nisumaa et al. (2010). Most of study sites from which data archived are still in the Northern Hemisphere and the number of archived data from studies from the Southern Hemisphere and polar oceans are still relatively low. Data from 60 studies that investigated the response of a mix of organisms or natural communities were all added after 2010, indicating a welcomed shift from the study of individual organisms to communities and ecosystems. The initial imbalance of considerably more data archived on calcification and primary production than on other processes has improved. There is also a clear tendency towards more data archived from multifactorial studies after 2010. For easier and more effective access to ocean acidification data, the ocean acidification community is strongly encouraged to contribute to the data archiving effort, and help develop standard vocabularies describing the variables and define best practices for archiving ocean acidification data.


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Studies made with polysaccharides of seaweed have demonstrated that these present important biological and pharmacological activities. These composites had presented "scavenging" activity of free radicals, which is important in the mediation of the inflammatory process and in the pathology of diverse disease. Recently, this "scavenging" property has taken some researches to evaluate the antioxidant capacity from various polysaccharides. Considering the limited research with polysaccharides and knowing its largely employed by the pharmaceutical and foodstuffs industries, we have objective to verify the actions from fucans and galactans as antioxidants. The fucans are found in brown seaweed and the galactans (carrageenans) in red seaweed. The fucans were obtained from seaweed Padina gymnospora (F0.5 e F1.1 fractions), common to our coastline and one another fucan, fucoidan, was of origin commercial and extracted from seaweed Fucus vesiculosus. The λ, κ e ι carrageenans were also of origin commercial. The antioxidant activities were tested in superoxide and hydroxyl systems to generated free radicals and for the inhibition of the lipid peroxidation. The results obtained to inhibition of formation the superoxide radicals demonstrated that all polysaccharides presented scavenging activity of superoxide radicals. The fucoidan, F0.5 and F1.1 fractions presented IC50 of 0.058; 0.243 and 0.243 mg/mL, respectively, while IC50 of the λ, κ and ι carrageenans were 0.046; 0.112 and 0.332 mg/mL, respectively. The results to inhibition of formation the hydroxyl radicals demonstrated that all sample had low effect in the inhibition of the formation of these radicals, except the F0.5. For these radicals the IC50 were 0.157 and 0.353 mg/mL to the fucoidan and F1.1, respectively and 0.357; 0.335 and 0.281 mg/mL to λ, κ and ι carrageenans, respectively. All the samples were capacity to inhibition the peroxidation, it present the IC50 of 1.250; 2.753 and 2.341 mg/mL to fucoidan, F0.5 and F1.1, respectively. Already the λ, κ and ι carrageenans presented the IC50 of 2.697; 0.323 and 0.830 mg/mL, respectively. With these findings, we conclude that polysaccharides used in this study presented activity antioxidant, and that fucoidan and the λ carrageenan show a significant "scavenging" activity for the radicals superoxide and the κ carrageenan a significant inhibitory activity for the lipid peroxidation


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Hoje em dia, a indústria do pescado enfrenta muitos desafios e oportunidades, uma vez que o peixe é um alimento extremamente perecível em comparação com outros produtos. Por outro lado, este setor gera uma elevada quantidade de subprodutos, das operações tradicionais de filetagem ou de corte em postas. O aproveitamento desses subprodutos assume assim uma importância muito grande, pois minimiza os problemas de produção e custo unitário das matérias-primas. A maior justificação, porém é de ordem nutricional, pois os subprodutos são uma fonte de nutrientes de baixo custo. Estes subprodutos ou partes subvalorizadas são ricos em proteínas de alto valor biológico e ricos em ácidos gordos polinsaturados da série ómega 3. Acrescenta ainda a presente conjetura económica, desfavorável às empresas do ramo alimentar portuguesas, principalmente às empresas de pescado (devido ao aumento progressivo no preço da matéria-prima) e, urge assim, valorizar os subprodutos e aumentar o tempo de vida útil do pescado fresco, no sentido de revitalizar o mercado. A utilização de revestimentos comestíveis é um método promissor que permite proteger a qualidade dos produtos da pesca, aumentando o tempo de prateleira, sem comprometer a frescura. O objetivo principal deste trabalho foi avaliar o efeito da aplicação de revestimentos à base de gelatina de pele de atum (Thunnus obesus) (5%) com incorporação de extrato de algas (Codium spp e Fucus vesiculosus) (1%) na qualidade físico-química e microbiológica de atum fresco, durante o armazenamento (12 dias a 4°C). Foram desenvolvidas três soluções de revestimento à base de gelatina extraída de peles de atum (G), com ou sem incorporação de extratos de macroalgas (Codium spp (GC) e Fucus vesiculosus (GF)). O método de extração de gelatina a partir de peles de atum foi selecionado com base no rendimento do processo. Os revestimentos foram aplicados por aspersão aos lombos de atum fresco. Ao longo de 12 dias de armazenamento a 4 ± 1°C foram efetuadas várias análises físicas e químicas às postas de atum para poder avaliar o efeito dos revestimentos na manutenção da qualidade do produto. O trabalho realizado demonstrou que a metodologia de extração utilizada permite obter um rendimento na ordem dos 29%. Os revestimentos desenvolvidos juntamente com uma temperatura de armazenamento de 4 °C mostram ser a boa opção para manter os parâmetros de tempo de prateleira do atum durante 12 dias. O teor de azoto básico volátil e o número total de microrganismos apresentam valores inferiores aos limites máximos recomendados, a cor vermelha mantém-se durante mais dias e o valor de pH mantém-se inferior ao controlo para as amostras com revestimento ao fim dos 12 dias. Em suma, a utilização de revestimentos à base de gelatina de peles de atum pode ser uma boa opção para prolongar o tempo de prateleira do atum refrigerado. Por outro lado, o aproveitamento dos subprodutos comestíveis das operações de transformação do atum assume uma importância muito grande, pois minimiza os problemas de produção e custo unitário das matérias-primas.


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L’obiettivo di questo studio è quello di valutare la stabilità foto-ossidativa di oli vegetali esposti a luce ultravioletta di bassa intensità per tempi brevi (da 5 min a 8 ore); lo scopo è quello di monitorare le prime fasi di ossidazione. Per la realizzazione di questo studio, è stato messo a punto un sistema di foto-ossidazione al fine di poter adottare condizioni di analisi le più ripetibili possibili e al fine di poter escludere il possibile effetto della temperatura. I campioni di olio analizzati nel presente lavoro di ricerca, tre oli raffinati e un olio extravergine di oliva, sono stati posti in provette di vetro trasparente da 20 ml, caricati poi all’interno della camera di ossidazione in gruppi di quattro e lasciati sotto l’effetto della luce ultravioletta per diversi tempi ovvero 0, 5, 10, 20, 30, 60, 240 e 480 minuti. Sono stati presi in considerazione i seguenti parametri qualitativi di analisi per valutare lo stato ossidativo dei nostri campioni, e cioè il numero di perossido, la concentrazione di esanale e il valore di p-anisidina. Dai risultati ottenuti è stato possibile osservare che complessivamente, a livelli di insaturazione e di presenza di antiossidanti naturali differenti, l’impatto dell’esposizione alla luce è stato piuttosto simile. I tre oli raffinati hanno mostrato valori ossidativi più contenuti, mentre per l’olio EVO sono state rilevate concentrazioni più alte sia per i perossidi che per l’esanale. Questo è dovuto alla presenza di alcuni composti ad azione pro-ossidante e composti aromatici che permangono nel prodotto in quanto questo olio non subisce il processo di raffinazione. La p-anisidina per tutte e quattro gli oli testati è rimasta piuttosto costante e lineare nel tempo senza subire considerevoli variazioni. Questo sottolinea il fatto che le condizioni di stress foto-ossidativo impiegate non sono state sufficienti a determinare un aumento significativo dei prodotti di ossidazione secondaria.