986 resultados para Antibody anti-Ro


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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Pós-graduação em Medicina Veterinária - FCAV


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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Os vírus linfotrópicos de células T humano do tipo 1 e 2 (HTLV-1 e 2) são retrovírus que causam o Leucemia / Linfoma de células T do adulto (LLTA) e a Paraparesia Espástica Tropical ou Mielopatia associada ao HTLV-1(PET/MAH). Outras manifestações neurológicas também têm sido atribuídas ao vírus, tais como distúrbios sensoriais e reflexos hiperativos. A prevalência da infecção pelo HTLV-1 no Brasil é alta (0,8% a 1,8%); os HTLV 1 e 2 são endêmicos na região Amazônica. A infecção pelo HTLV e suas doenças associadas ainda são pouco conhecidas dos profissionais de saúde. Trata-se de um estudo descritivo transversal, tipo caso-controle com uma amostra de 76 pacientes portadores do HTLV-1/2 assistidos no Núcleo de Medicina Tropical, em Belém-Pará. Foram submetidos a avaliações clínico-funcional (OMDS), neurológica, laboratoriais (contagem de linfócitos T CD4+, quantificação da carga proviral) e exame de imagem de ressonância magnética (RNM). Os pacientes com HTLV-1com avaliação neurológica foram considerados casos (n=19) e os pacientes assintomáticos sem alteração neurológica foram os controles (n=40). O sexo feminino foi mais prevalente (66,1%), a média de idade foi de 50.7 anos. A distribuição média da contagem de linfócitos T CD4+ nos dois grupos esteve dentro da faixa da normalidade, a carga proviral mostrou-se mais elevada no grupo de casos, a pesquisa do anticorpo anti-HTLV-1 no LCR foi positiva em 93,3% dos casos. A avaliação neurológica revelou 16 (84.2%) pacientes com PET/MAH (p<0.0001). Em 73.7% (14) dos casos, a duração da doença ficou entre 4 a 9 anos. A pesquisa da força muscular em flexão e extensão dos joelhos mostrou que 63.2% dos casos apresentavam grau 3 e 68.4% grau 4, respectivamente (p<0.0001). Normorreflexia em MMSS, além de hiperreflexia no patelar e no Aquileu, em 78.9% e 73.7%, respectivamente. Sinal de Babinski bilateral foi visto em 73.7% dos casos e o sinal de Hoffman em 26.3%. Clônus bilateral esteve presente em 13 pacientes. Sensibilidade tátil alterada (31.6%), hipertonia de MMII (63.2%) e sintomas urinários foram observados em 89.5% dos casos. Das 17 RNM realizadas, 13 (76.47) tinham alteração de imagem em medula torácica. Não houve associações entre carga proviral, OMDS, duração da doença e RNM. A maioria dos casos de doença neurológica associada ao HTLV-1 era compatível com PET/MAH; a carga proviral elevada perece ser um marcador de desenvolvimento de doença.


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The aim of this study was to detect the expression of ciclooxigenase-2 (COX-2) in metastatic primary carcinoma and non metastatic carcinoma, taking into consideration the relation between COX-2 and the progression of cancer. Evaluation of the COX-2 expression was achieved by immunohistochemistry analysis, using the primary polyclonal antibody anti-PGHS-2, clone PG 27, (Oxford Biomedical Research). The number of marked cells by the COX-2 antibody was higher (P < 0.001) in the metastatic primary carcinoma (81.25%) than non-metastatic (60.3%). There was a positive correlation between the number of labeled cells.


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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The aim of this study was to detect the expression of ciclooxigenase-2 (COX-2) in metastatic primary carcinoma and non metastatic carcinoma, taking into consideration the relation between COX-2 and the progression of cancer. Evaluation of the COX-2 expression was achieved by immunohistochemistry analysis, using the primary polyclonal antibody anti-PGHS-2, clone PG 27, (Oxford Biomedical Research). The number of marked cells by the COX-2 antibody was higher (P < 0.001) in the metastatic primary carcinoma (81.25%) than non-metastatic (60.3%). There was a positive correlation between the number of labeled cells.


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The canis lupus familiares is the only species besides human that spontaneously develop prostatic carcinoma (PCa). In addition, the metastatic sites are similar to those frequently reported in men. For these reasons, the dog is the best natural model to study the molecular mechanisms in PCa development providing a natural animal model for treatment by molecular targets. Previously, we investigated copy number alterations by arrayCGH (Canine Genome CGH Microarray 4x44K-G2519F, Agilent Technologies) in canine prostatic lesions: 3 benign prostatic hyperplasias (BPH), 4 proliferative inflammatory atrophies (PIA), and 14 PCa. Five histologically normal prostatic tissues were used as reference. Genomic alterations were evaluated using Genomic Workbench Standard Edition 5.0.14. This previous study revealed significant copy number losses of Atm and Pten exclusively in PCa. In the present study, ATM and PTEN immunoexpression were investigated using a tissue microarray (TMA) containing 149 canine prostatic paraffin-embedded lesions (BPH, PIA and PCa) collected from 67 animals. Immunohistochemical reactions were performed using the polyclonal rabbit antibody anti-PTEN (Santa Cruz Biotech, 1:50) and anti-ATM (Abcam, 1:50). The sections were developed with diaminobenzidine (DAB) and peroxidase. The immunohistochemical staining was assessed in each core by the distribution of positive cells for each antibody per lesion (score 1: <25% cells positive, 2: 26% to 50%, 3: being 51% and 75% and 4:> 75%) and intensity (1: weak, 2: moderate, 3: intense). Chi-square or Fisher exact test was used to determine the association between the categorical variables using GraphPad Prism 5 (GraphPad Software Inc., La Jolla, CA). Distribution of positive cells did not differ among lesions. PCa and PIA showed more samples with weak intensity for ATM when compared to normal prostatic tissue and BPH (PCa: p=0,032 and PIA: p=0,025). Benign prostatic hyperplasia and normal samples presented intense PTEN immunostaining than PCa (p=0,021) and PIA (p=0,0013). These results suggest that ATM and PTEN proteins expression in canine prostatic carcinoma are downregulated possibly by copy number losses. These findings are similar from those described in prostate carcinomas from human corroborating for the use of dogs as a natural model to study prostatic disease in men.


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The aim of this work was draw an endemic level of reproductive losses and determine positivity for four infectious agents related to reproductive problems in dairy cattle on a property in São Carlos city. Blood serum samples were collected of 142 breeding animals more than two years old, from which 21.1% showed history of abortions or stillbirths in at least one pregnancy. Immunofluorescent antibody technique, tamponated acidified antigen test, serum neutralization technique and microscopic agglutination test, were used for detection of antibody anti-Neospora caninum, anti- Brucella abortus, anti-Bovine Herpesvirus Type-1 (BoHV-1) and anti-Leptospira spp , respectively. The serological tests carried out showed that 28.9% of the animals had titers greater than or equal to 100 of anti-Neospora caninum. Viral neutralization tests demonstrated that 26.8% of the animals had titers greater or equal to 256 for antibody anti-BoHV-1.Only 7.7% of the animals studied had titers equal to or greater than 100 in the microscopic agglutination test for Leptospira spp. There weren’t observed positive reactions to the tamponated acidified antigen test for diagnosis of bovine brucellosis. The study suggests the presence of BoHV-1, N. caninum and Leptospira spp in contact with dairy cattle property and could be involved in the occurrence of abortions and stillbirths in cattle. Reproductive losses are endemic and implies a possible behavior of chronic infections caused by these microorganisms.


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Pós-graduação em Química - IQ


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The yolk sac is an embryonic membrane that is essential for the embryo's initial survival in many mammals. It also plays an important role in the production of proteins necessary for development. We studied proteins of the yolk sac in bovine embryos at up to 40 days of gestation. We examined the yolk sac of 17 bovine embryos at different gestational periods, measuring a-fetoprotein, alpha-1-antitrypsin, and transferrin. This experiment was carried out by Western blot technique, associated with electrophoresis on a 6% sodium dodecyl sulfate polyacrylamide gel. Mouse monoclonal antibody anti-human-alpha-fetoprotein, mouse antibody anti-human-transferrin and rabbit polyclonal anti-human-alpha-1-antitrypsin were used as primary antibodies, and conjugated peroxidase as a secondary antibody. We detected the three proteins in some of the yolk sac samples; however, the bands in some specimens (samples) were weak, maybe a result of poor antigen-antibody reaction, since the antibodies used in this study were not specific to bovine proteins. The fact that weak bands appeared might be due to a weak cross-reaction.


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Polymorphonuclear leukocyte (PMNL) apoptosis is central to the successful resolution of inflammation. Since Somatic Cell Count (SCC) is an indicator of the mammary gland's immune status, this study sought to clarify the influence that these factors have on each other and on the evolution of the inflammatory process. Milk samples were stained with annexin-V, propidium iodide (PI), primary antibody anti-CH138A. Negative correlation between SCC and PMNL apoptosis was found, and a statistical difference between high SCC group and low SCC group was observed concerning the rate of viable PMNL, apoptotic PMNL, necrotic PMNL and necrotic and/or apoptotic PMNL. Overall, the high cellularity group presented lower proportions of CH138+ cells undergoing apoptosis and higher proportions of viable and necrotic CH138+ cells. Thus, it can be concluded that PMNL apoptosis and SCC are related factors, and that in high SCC, milk apoptosis is delayed. Although there is a greater amount of active phagocytes in this situation, apoptosis' anti-inflammatory effects are decreased, while necrosis' pro-inflammatory effects are increased, which can contribute to chronic inflammation.