999 resultados para Anoxia e normoxia e Mobilização de reservas


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PURPOSE: Hypoxia is known to reduce maximal oxygen uptake (VO(2max)) more in trained than in untrained subjects in several lowland sports. Ski mountaineering is practiced mainly at altitude, so elite ski mountaineers spend significantly longer training duration at altitude than their lower-level counterparts. Since acclimatization in hypobaric hypoxia is effective, the authors hypothesized that elite ski mountaineers would exhibit a VO2max decrement in hypoxia similar to that of recreational ski mountaineers. METHODS: Eleven elite (E, Swiss national team) and 12 recreational (R) ski mountaineers completed an incremental treadmill test to exhaustion in normobaric hypoxia (H, 3000 m, F(1)O(2) 14.6% ± 0.1%) and in normoxia (N, 485 m, F(1)O(2) 20.9% ± 0.0%). Pulse oxygen saturation in blood (SpO(2)), VO(2max), minute ventilation, and heart rate were recorded. RESULTS: At rest, hypoxic ventilatory response was higher (P < .05) in E than in R (1.4 ± 1.9 vs 0.3 ± 0.6 L · min⁻¹ · kg⁻¹). At maximal intensity, SpO(2) was significantly lower (P < .01) in E than in R, both in N (91.1% ± 3.3% vs 94.3% ± 2.3%) and in H (76.4% ± 5.4% vs 82.3% ± 3.5%). In both groups, SpO(2) was lower (P < .01) in H. Between N and H, VO(2max) decreased to a greater extent (P < .05) in E than in R (-18% and -12%, P < .01). In E only, the VO(2max) decrement was significantly correlated with the SpO(2) decrement (r = .74, P < .01) but also with VO(2max) measured in N (r = .64, P < .05). CONCLUSION: Despite a probable better acclimatization to altitude, VO(2max) was more reduced in E than in R ski mountaineers, confirming previous results observed in lowlander E athletes.


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INTRODUCTION: The spatio-temporal pattern of arrhythmias in the embryonic/fetal heart subjected to a transient hypoxic or hypothermic stress remains to be established. METHODS AND RESULTS: Spontaneously beating hearts or isolated atria, ventricles, and conotruncus from 4-day-old chick embryos were subjected in vitro to 30-minute anoxia and 60-minute reoxygenation. Hearts were also submitted to 30-minute hypothermia (0-4 degrees C) and 60-minute rewarming. ECG disturbances and alterations of atrial and ventricular electromechanical delay (EMD) were systematically investigated. Baseline functional parameters were stable during at least 2 hours. Anoxia induced tachycardia, followed by bradycardia, atrial ectopy, first-, second-, and third-degree atrio-ventricular blocks and, finally, transient electromechanical arrest after 6.8 minutes, interquartile ranges (IQR) 3.1-16.2 (n = 8). Reoxygenation triggered also Wenckebach phenomenon and ventricular escape beats. At the onset of reoxygenation QT, PR, and ventricular EMD increased by 68%, 70%, and 250%, respectively, whereas atrial EMD was not altered. No fibrillations, no ventricular ectopic beats, and no electromechanical dissociation were observed. Arrhythmic activity of the isolated atria persisted throughout anoxia and upon reoxygenation, whereas activity of the isolated ventricles abruptly ceased after 5 minutes of anoxia and resumed after 5 minutes of reoxygenation. During hypothermia-rewarming, cardiac activity stopped at 17.9 degrees C, IQR 16.2-20.6 (n = 4) and resumed at the same temperature with no arrhythmias. All preparations fully recovered after 40 minutes of reoxygenation or rewarming. CONCLUSION: In the embryonic heart, arrhythmias mainly originated in the sinoatrial tissue and resembled those observed in the adult heart. Furthermore, oxygen readmission was by far more arrhythmogenic than rewarming and the chronotropic, dromotropic, and inotropic effects were fully reversible.


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Aquest treball presenta un enfocament pràctic per a l'elecció i adequació de metodologies àgils de desenvolupament de programari a un projecte real: El desenvolupament de un sistema de reserves per a una agència de viatges utilitzant tecnologia J2EE.


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XXXTOUR és una empresa que té com a principal negoci fer d'intermediari per a les agències de viatge i els particulars que vulguin reservar places hoteleres, d'una banda, i per als establiments hotelers, de l'altra. Així, doncs, contracta aquestes places a uns proveïdors i les ven a aquests clients. En l'actualitat, els proveïdors comuniquen a XXXTOUR totes les dades referents a les places mitjançant documents impresos i per telèfon, i els treballadors de l'empresa les han d'introduir al sistema d'informació de l'empresa. Per mitjà del nou sistema, els proveïdors, a més de poder emprar la funcionalitat actual, podran accedir al portal d'XXXTOUR i introduir les seves pròpies dades. I quan rebin una petició de places les podran confirmar accedint al portal, de manera que el client tindrà les places sol·licitades molt més aviat, cosa que millora el servei.


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Whereas previous studies have shown that opening of the mitochondrial ATP-sensitive K(+) (mitoK(ATP)) channel protects the adult heart against ischemia-reperfusion injury, it remains to be established whether this mechanism also operates in the developing heart. Isolated spontaneously beating hearts from 4-day-old chick embryos were subjected to 30 min of anoxia followed by 60 min of reoxygenation. The chrono-, dromo-, and inotropic disturbances, as well as alterations of the electromechanical delay (EMD), reflecting excitation-contraction (E-C) coupling, were investigated. Production of reactive oxygen species (ROS) in the ventricle was determined using the intracellular fluorescent probe 2',7'-dichlorofluorescin (DCFH). Effects of the specific mitoK(ATP) channel opener diazoxide (Diazo, 50 microM) or the blocker 5-hydroxydecanoate (5-HD, 500 microM), the nitric oxide synthase (NOS) inhibitor N(G)-nitro-L-arginine methyl ester (L-NAME, 50 microM), the antioxidant N-(2-mercaptopropionyl)glycine (MPG, 1 mM), and the PKC inhibitor chelerythrine (Chel, 5 microM) on oxidative stress and postanoxic functional recovery were determined. Under normoxia, the baseline parameters were not altered by any of these pharmacological agents, alone or in combination. During the first 20 min of postanoxic reoxygenation, Diazo doubled the peak of ROS production and, interestingly, accelerated recovery of ventricular EMD and the PR interval. Diazo-induced ROS production was suppressed by 5-HD, MPG, or L-NAME, but not by Chel. Protection of ventricular EMD by Diazo was abolished by 5-HD, MPG, L-NAME, or Chel, whereas protection of the PR interval was abolished by L-NAME exclusively. Thus pharmacological opening of the mitoK(ATP) channel selectively improves postanoxic recovery of cell-to-cell communication and ventricular E-C coupling. Although the NO-, ROS-, and PKC-dependent pathways also seem to be involved in this cardioprotection, their interrelation in the developing heart can differ markedly from that in the adult myocardium.


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Aquest Treball Final de Carrera pretén analitzar de manera organitzada els Fons de Riquesa Sobirana, un dels actors amb major rellevància dins de l’economia mundial en els últims anys; sobre el qual es té poca informació, degut principalment, a la seva manca de transparència. Aquest estudi parteix d’un primer anàlisis a nivell macroeconòmic sobre les raons de creació d’aquests fons, i sobre com comencen a agafar importància dins del panorama econòmic actual. A partir d’aquí, es desenvolupa l’estudi sobre els països emergents d’Àsia, que utilitzen aquests Fons de Riquesa Sobirana com a vehicles per a canalitzar les seves Inversions cap a l’exterior, amb l’objectiu de diversificar els seus ingressos econòmics, i garantitzar el desenvolupament futur, tant del país com de la població. Finalment, el treball aborda el cas dels Emirats Àrabs Units, un país amb un gran número de Fons de Riquesa Sobirana, que estan prenen posicions en alguns sectors estratègics de moltes economies desenvolupades.


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Early Cretaceous life and the environment were strongly influenced by the accelerated break up of Pangaea, which was associated with the formation of a multitude of rift basins, intensified spreading, and important volcanic activity on land and in the sea. These processes likely interacted with greenhouse conditions, and Early Cretaceous climate oscillated between "normal" greenhouse, predominantly arid conditions, and intensified greenhouse, predominantly humid conditions. Arid conditions were important during the latest Jurassic and early Berriasian, the late Barremian, and partly also during the late Aptian. Humid conditions were particularly intense and widespread during shorter episodes of environmental change (EECs): the Valanginian Weissert, the latest Hauterivian Faraoni, the latest Barremian earliest Aptian Taxy, the early Aptian Selli, the early late Aptian Fallot and the late Aptian-early Albian Paquier episodes. Arid conditions were associated with evaporation, low biogeochemical weathering rates, low nutrient fluxes, and partly stratified oceans, leading to oxygen depletion and enhanced preservation of laminated, organic-rich mud (LOM). Humid conditions enabled elevated biogeochemical weathering rates and nutrient fluxes, important runoff and the buildup of freshwater lids in proximal basins, intensified oceanic and atmospheric circulation, widespread upwelling and phosphogenesis, important primary productivity and enhanced preservation of LOM in expanded oxygen-minimum zones. The transition of arid to humid climates may have been associated with the net transfer of water to the continent owing to the infill of dried-out groundwater reservoirs in internally drained inland basins. This resulted in shorter-term sea-level fall, which was followed by sea-level rise. These sea-level changes and the influx of freshwater into the ocean may have influenced oxygen-isotope signatures. Climate change preceding and during the Early Cretaceous EECs may have been rapid, but in general, the EECs had a "pre"-history, during which the stage was set for environmental change. Negative feedback on the climate through increased marine LOM preservation was unlikely, because of the low overall organic-carbon accumulation rates during these episodes. Life and climate co-evolved during the Early Cretaceous. Arid conditions may have affected continental life, such as across the Tithonian/Berriasian boundary. Humid conditions and the corresponding tendency to develop dys- to anaerobic conditions in deeper ocean waters led to phases of accelerated extinction in oceans, but may have led to more luxuriant vegetation cover on continents, such as during the Valanginian, to the benefit of herbivores. During Early Cretaceous EECs, reef systems and carbonate platforms in general were particularly vulnerable. They were the first to disappear and the last to recover, often only after several million years. (C) 2011 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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BACKGROUND: Prognosis of status epilepticus (SE) depends on its cause, but there is uncertainty as to whether SE represents an independent outcome predictor for a given etiology. Cerebral anoxia is a relatively homogenous severe encephalopathy. Postanoxic SE is associated to a nearly 100% mortality in this setting; however, it is still unclear whether this is a severity marker of the underlying encephalopathy, or an independent factor influencing outcome. The goal of this study was to assess if postanoxic SE is independently associated with mortality after cerebral anoxia. METHODS: This was a retrospective observation of consecutive comatose survivors of cardiac arrest, including subjects treated with hypothermia. On the subgroup with EEG recordings in the first hospitalization days, univariate and multivariate analyses were applied to potential determinants of in-hospital mortality, and included the following variables: age, gender, type and length of cardiac arrest, occurrence of circulatory shock, presence of therapeutic hypothermia, and electrographic SE. RESULTS: Out of 166 postanoxic patients, 107 (64%) had an EEG (median latency from admission, 2 days); in this group, therapeutic hypothermia was administered in 59%. Death occurred in 71 (67%) patients. Postanoxic SE was associated with mortality regardless of type of acute cardiac rhythm and administration of hypothermic treatment. CONCLUSION: In this hospital-based cohort, postanoxic status epilepticus (SE) seems to be independently related to death in cardiac arrest survivors, suggesting that SE might determine a bad prognosis for a given etiology. Confirmation of these results in a prospective assessment is needed.


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During the Early Toarcian, major paleoenvironnemental and paleoceanographical changes occurred, leading to an oceanic anoxic event (OAE) and to a perturbation of the carbon isotope cycle. Although the standard biochronology of the Lower Jurassic is essentially based upon ammonites, in recent years biostratigraphy based on calcareous nannofossils and dinoflagellate cysts is increasingly used to date Jurassic rocks. However, the precise dating and correlation of the Early Toarcian OAE, and of the associated delta C-13 anomaly in different settings of the western Tethys, are still partly problematic, and it is still unclear whether these events are synchronous or not. In order to allow more accurate correlations of the organic rich levels recorded in the Lower Toarcian OAE, this account proposes a new biozonation based on a quantitative biochronology approach, the Unitary Associations (UA), applied to calcareous nannofossils. This study represents the first attempt to apply the UA method to Jurassic nannofossils. The study incorporates eighteen sections distributed across western Tethys and ranging from the Pliensbachian to Aalenian, comprising 1220 samples and 72 calcareous nannofossil taxa. The BioGraph [Savary, J., Guex, J., 1999. Discrete biochronological scales and unitary associations: description of the Biograph Computer program. Memoires de Geologie de Lausanne 34, 282 pp] and UA-Graph (Copyright Hammer O., Guex and Savary, 2002) softwares provide a discrete biochronological framework based upon multi-taxa concurrent range zones in the different sections. The optimized dataset generates nine UAs using the co-occurrences of 56 taxa. These UAs are grouped into six Unitary Association Zones (UA-Z), which constitute a robust biostratigraphic synthesis of all the observed or deduced biostratigraphic relationships between the analysed taxa. The UA zonation proposed here is compared to ``classic'' calcareous nannofossil biozonations, which are commonly used for the southern and the northern sides of Tethys. The biostratigraphic resolution of the UA-Zones varies from one nannofossil subzone or part of it to several subzones, and can be related to the pattern of calcareous nannoplankton originations and extinctions during the studied time interval. The Late Pliensbachian - Early Toarcian interval (corresponding to the UA-Z II) represents a major step in the Jurassic nannoplankton radiation. The recognized UA-Zones are also compared to the carbon isotopic negative excursion and TOC maximum in five sections of central Italy, Germany and England, with the aim of providing a more reliable correlation tool for the Early Toarcian OAE, and of the associated isotopic anomaly, between the southern and northern part of western Tethys. The results of this work show that the TOC maximum and delta C-13 negative excursion correspond to the upper part of the UA-Z II (i.e., UA 3) in the sections analysed. This suggests that the Early Toarcian OAE was a synchronous event within the western Tethys. (c) 2006 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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En este proyecto realizamos una aplicación para el sistema operativo Android. El objetivo de este proyecto ha sido realizar una aplicación que aprovecha muchas de las ventajas que nos ofrecen las tecnologías actuales.


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O estudo apresenta uma análise da produção científica no período de 1994 a 2002 da área em questão, evidenciando as potencialidades do processo de desenvolvimento cognitivo de seus pesquisadores na área de Enfermagem. Identifica, ainda, os desafios que se apresentam no sentido de responder às interlocuções teóricas mais sintonizadas com a matriz geradora de distintas expressões de vida, de saúde e de doença dos adultos, foco dos investimentos de seus docentes.


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The key role of intrarenal adenosine in mediating the hypoxemic acute renal insufficiency in newborn rabbits has been well demonstrated using the nonspecific adenosine antagonist theophylline. The present study was designed to define the role of adenosine A1 receptors during systemic hypoxemia by using the specific A1-receptor antagonist 8-cyclopentyl-1,3-dipropylxanthine (DPCPX). Renal function parameters were assessed in 31 anesthetized and mechanically ventilated newborn rabbits. In normoxia, DPCPX infusion induced a significant increase in diuresis (+44%) and GFR (+19%), despite a significant decrease in renal blood flow (RBF) (-22%) and an increase in renal vascular resistance (RVR) (+37%). In hypoxemic conditions, diuresis (-19%), GFR (-26%), and RBF (-35%) were decreased, whereas RVR increased (+33%). DPCPX administration hindered the hypoxemia-induced decrease in GFR and diuresis. However, RBF was still significantly decreased (-27%), whereas RVR increased (+22%). In all groups, the filtration fraction increased significantly. The overall results support the hypothesis that, in physiologic conditions, intrarenal adenosine plays a key role in regulating glomerular filtration in the neonatal period through preferential A1-mediated afferent vasoconstriction. During a hypoxemic stress, the A1-specific antagonist DPCPX only partially prevented the hypoxemia-induced changes, as illustrated by the elevated RVR and drop in RBF. These findings imply that the contribution of intrarenal adenosine to the acute adverse effects of hypoxemia might not be solely mediated via the A1 receptor.


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Estudo observacional e descritivo que teve como objetivo identificar como os parâmetros relativos à mecânica pulmonar do paciente crítico, sob ventilação mecânica, se comportam, após o procedimento técnico de mudança de decúbito realizado pela equipe de enfermagem. A população acessível, inserida por amostragem não-probabilística, foram 9 pacientes críticos, sob ventilação mecânica, e seus respectivos parâmetros referentes à mecânica pulmonar. Foram observadas alterações positivas e negativas na mecânica pulmonar em todos os pacientes, em diferentes posições, possivelmente associada à mudança de decúbito. Conclui-se que a avaliação clínica é fundamental para a prescrição de enfermagem relativa à mudança de decúbito, pois a mecânica pulmonar pode se modificar de acordo com a posição do paciente no leito, trazendo, inclusive, resultados negativos.


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O trabalho que ora se apresenta, Comércio Electrónico: Reservas Online da Agência Aliança Krioula”, é um trabalho de final do curso, para obtenção de grau de Licenciatura em Tecnologias de Informação e Comunicação. O objectivo deste trabalho é a elaboração de um site de Comércio Electrónico para a agência de viagem Aliança Krioula, de forma a possibilitar as pessoas efectuarem as suas Reservas Online.Para a elaboração do mesmo, foi utilizado a ferramenta Joomla, visto que é uma ferramenta gratuita e muito poderosa, que serve para conceber sites de forma rápida e eficiente. Também o trabalho tem como principal propósito, conceptualizar alguns termos relacionados com o Comercio Electrónico. O projecto procura mostrar a importância do Comércio Electrónico nas sociedades modernas. A realização deste trabalho possibilitou a chegada de conclusões importantes sobre vários aspectos de Comércio Electrónico e Gestão de Conteúdo, mais concretamente a ferramenta Joomla que serviu de suporte para o Website.


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Este trabalho tem como objetivo apresentar um projeto para o desenvolvimento de um sistema de informação web, visando automatizar o processo de controlo de reservas de salas da Universidade do Mindelo. O acesso ao sistema será feito através do site da Universidade onde os utilizadores poderão cadastrar, controlar, reservar e consultar o uso das salas da Universidade. Além disso, através do uso de padrões de projetos e de conceitos da engenharia e arquitetura de software, este trabalho tem por objetivo a construção do sistema através da tecnologia PHP – Personal Home Page e Javascript. As tecnologias utilizadas para o desenvolvimento do sistema são gratuitas, tais como, servidor web Apache, base de dados MySQL, Microsoft Office Visio, DBDesigner, Toad for MySQL, sendo portáveis para qualquer sistema operativo, como: Linux, Windows, entre outros.