117 resultados para Anguilla
栉孔扇贝是我国北方一种重要的贝类养殖品种。自1997年以来爆发的栉孔扇贝大规模死亡,给地区经济造成了重大损失并且已经严重威胁着扇贝养殖业的健康发展。然而,到目前为止,对扇贝免疫防御分子机理的了解还很少,深入研究扇贝免疫应答的分子机制是认识和了解病害发生和实现病害控制的重要途径。本研究采用了EST大规模测序和3’RACE的方法,从栉孔扇贝cDNA文库中克隆到一个凝集素基因CfLec-2,并对功能进行了研究。 CfLec-2 cDNA全长708bp,5’非翻译区(Untranslated Region, UTR)含有59bp,3’非翻译区含有163bp,具有典型的多聚腺苷酸加尾信号序列AATAAA和多聚腺苷酸尾巴,开放阅读框(Open Reading Frame, ORF )含有486bp,编码162个氨基酸残基,该多肽的理论分子量为16.8 kDa,等电点为4.54。利用SignalP分析,发现其信号肽的剪切位置在VEA-QSL之间。经BLASTP比对分析可知,CfLec-2基因编码的蛋白与人的Brevican,Anguilla japonica的C-type lectin-1和C-type lectin-2, Rattus norvegicus的CD23有较高的相似性,其中与Brevican的一致性有37%。Clustal W多序列比对发现该多肽具有标准长型C型凝集素所必须的6个保守半胱氨酸和相对保守的糖识别位点。用SMART(Small Modular Architecture Research Tool)软件分析发现其具有一个保守的糖识别结构域(Carbohydrate-recognition Domain, CRD),氨基酸序列上第49、125、141、149位置上的半胱氨酸参与形成糖识别结构域,而位于N末端的第21和32位上的两个半胱胺酸形成额外的一个二硫键,位于115、116和117上的Glu、Pro、Asp则构成了糖识别位点。 将编码CfLec-2成熟肽段的cDNA序列克隆进pET32a(+)载体中,并在大肠杆菌Rosetta-gami(DE3)中重组表达CfLec-2。重组蛋白利用其具有的His tag纯化并复性后发现CfLec-2可以凝集溶血葡萄球菌,且凝集过程不需要钙离子的参与。并且,CfLec-2对大肠杆菌TOP10F’有微弱的抑菌活性,对溶壁微球菌、溶血葡萄球菌和鳗弧菌则没有抑菌活性。这一结果说明,CfLec-2可能不仅参与对入侵微生物的识别过程,而且可能作为效应分子起到了直接杀灭入侵微生物的作用。 本研究发现CfLec-2具有和以前在栉孔扇贝报道的CFLec-1完全不同的功 能,说明栉孔扇贝利用不同的凝集素来识别不同的病原,同时也暗示栉孔扇贝中可能有更多不同功能的凝集素有待发现。研究结果丰富和发展了海水无脊椎动物免疫学的内容,对进一步了解扇贝固有免疫的机制,实现养殖扇贝疾病防治具有重要参考价值。
Growth, pigmentation and activity of juvenile Japanese eels in relation to temperature and fish size
The growth and activity of juvenile Japanese eels Anguilla Japonica in different pigmentation stages from the glass eel to the elver stage were studied in the laboratory at 15, 20 and 25degrees C. The growth and activity of the eels were significantly influenced by both temperature and fish size. Growth rate generally declined with increasing fish size, and fish were least active and experienced a low growth during the pigmenting stage at all temperatures. They were nocturnal and spent significantly more time moving (swimming, feeding and moving over the substratum) at 20 and 25degrees C than at 15degrees C at night within each pigmentation stage. Accordingly, they grew significantly Faster at 20 and 25degrees C than at 15degrees C throughout the study. The development of pigmentation appeared to be dependant on water temperature but not on fish size. This study suggested that the growth and activity of juvenile Japanese eels were positively correlated, because fish were least active and grew slowest at low temperature (15degrees C) or during the pigmenting stage at all temperatures. (C) 2003 The Fisheries Society of the British Isles.
Medical journals and other sources do not show evidence that cholera occurred in Haiti before 2010, despite the devastating effect of this disease in the Caribbean region in the 19th century. Cholera occurred in Cuba in 1833-1834; in Jamaica, Cuba, Puerto Rico, St. Thomas, St. Lucia, St. Kitts, Nevis, Trinidad, the Bahamas, St. Vincent, Granada, Anguilla, St. John, Tortola, the Turks and Caicos, the Grenadines (Carriacou and Petite Martinique), and possibly Antigua in 1850-1856; and in Guadeloupe, Cuba, St. Thomas, the Dominican Republic, Dominica, Martinique, and Marie Galante in 1865-1872. Conditions associated with slavery and colonial military control were absent in independent Haiti. Clustered populations, regular influx of new persons, and close quarters of barracks living contributed to spread of cholera in other Caribbean locations. We provide historical accounts of the presence and spread of cholera epidemics in Caribbean islands.
The spawning areas of tropical anguillid eels in the South Pacific are poorly known, and more information about their life histories is needed to facilitate conservation. We genetically characterized 83 out of 84 eels caught on Gaua Island (Vanuatu) and tagged 8 eels with pop-up satellite transmitters. Based on morphological evidence, 32 eels were identified as Anguilla marmorata, 45 as A. megastoma and 7 as A. obscura. Thirteen of these eels possessed a mitochondrial DNA sequence (control region, 527 bp) or nuclear haplotype (GTH2b, 268 bp) conflicting with their species designation. These individuals also had multi-locus genotypes (6 microsatellite loci) intermediate between the species, and 9 of these eels further possessed heterozygote genotypes at species-diagnostic nuclear single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs). We classified these individuals as possibly admixed between A. marmorata and A. megastoma. One A. marmorata and 1 A. megastoma migrated 634 and 874 km, respectively, towards the border between the South Equatorial Current and the South Equatorial Counter Current. Both species descended from around 200 m depth at night to 750 m during the day. Lunar cycle affected the upper limit of migration depths of both species. The tags remained attached for 3 and 5 mo and surfaced <300 km from the pop-up location of a previously tagged A. marmorata pop-up location. A salinity maximum at the pop-up locations corresponding to the upper nighttime eel migration depths may serve as a seamark of the spawning area. The similar pop-up locations of both species and the evidence for admixture suggest that these tropical eels share a sympatric spawning area.
The European otter (Lutra lutra L.) has a highly specialised diet that is composed predominantly of fish. The current study investigates the percentage composition of food items in otter spraints collected in six river catchments in Northern Ireland in 1980 and again from the same locations in 2003. Spraints contained significantly more salmonids than any other prey item. The composition of spraints differed among catchments. More salmonids and three-spined stickleback (Gasterosteus aculeatus L.) were found in spraints from the Glens of Antrim, while spraints from the Lagan catchment had significantly more eel (Anguilla anguilla L.). There were significantly more spraints containing non-fish food items in 2003 compared with 1980. These non-fish items were insects, amphipods, birds, rats (Rattus norvegicus Berkenhout) and lagomorphs. Increased consumption of non-fish items was apparent in all but one of the river catchments. The mean diversity of spraint composition was significantly greater in 2003 than in 1980. Therefore, our findings indicate that otters have diversified their diet since 1980 and now eat more non-fish prey.
Anal redness in European eels Anguilla anguilla is related to the prevalence and mean abundance of the swimbladder nematode Anguillicola crassus and may provide a simple. non-invasive diagnostic tool for A. crassus infection. (C) 2003 The Fisheries Society of the British Isles.
Polybrominated diphenyl ethers (PBDEs) and cytochrome P450 enzyme activities were investigated in European eels (Anguilla anguilla) collected from seven sites in a coastal lagoon in the north-western Mediterranean Sea, Orbetello lagoon (Italy). Twelve PBDE congeners were measured in muscle and two CYP1A enzyme activities, 7-ethoxyresorufin-O-deethylase (EROD) and benzo(a)pyrene monooxygenase (BP (a)PMO), were investigated in liver microsomal fraction in order to obtain insights into the health of the lagoon environment. PBDE muscle levels were low and the most abundant congeners were 2,2',4,4'-tetrabronnodiphenylether (BDE-47), 2,2',4,4',5,5'-hexaBDE (BDE-153) and 2,2',4,5'-tetraBDE (BDE-49). EROD and B(a)PMO activities were also low and no differences were observed between eels from different sites. Multivariate analysis (PCA) did not indicate correlations between PBDEs and either P450 activities. (c) 2008 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.
The main aims of the present study, conducted in the framework of the MONIQUA-Egadi Scientific Project, were twofold: first, to make the first step in the development and validation of an ecotoxicological approach for the assessment of marine pollution in coastal environments on the basis of a set of biomarker responses in new sentinel species; and second, to obtain preliminary information on environmental quality in an Italian marine protected area, the Egadi Islands (Sicily). Several cytochrome P450-dependent mixed-function oxidase activities were measured in the following sentinel species: rainbow wrasse Coris julis, gastropod limpet Patella caerulea, and sea urchin Paracentrotus lividus. The results suggest that specimens from the Favignana Harbor may be exposed to P450 inducers, whereas most of the other sites seem to share similar environmental quality. The proposed approach has potential for assessment of environmental quality in marine protected areas.
The Eurasian otter (Lutra lutra L.) is a top predator in aquatic systems and plays an important role in ecosystem functioning. However, it has undergone dramatic declines throughout Europe as a result of environmental degradation. We examine the putative role of the otter as a bioindicator in Ireland which remains a stronghold for the species and affords a unique opportunity to examine variation in its ecological niche. We describe diet, using spraint contents, along rivers during 2010 and conduct a review and quantitative meta-analysis of the results of a further 21 studies. We aimed to assess variation in otter diet in relation to river productivity, a proxy for natural nutrification and anthropogenic eutrophication, and availability of salmonid prey (Salmo trutta and Salmo salar), to test the hypothesis that otter diet is related to environmental quality. Otter diet did not vary with levels of productivity or availability of salmonids whilst Compositional Analysis suggested there was no selection of salmonid over non-salmonid fish. There was a distinct niche separation between riverine and lacustrine systems, the latter being dominated by Atlantic eel (Anguilla anguilla). Otters are opportunistic and may take insects, freshwater mussels, birds, mammals and even fruit. Otters living along coasts have a greatest niche breath than those in freshwater systems which encompasses a wide variety of intertidal prey though pelagic fish are rarely taken. It is concluded that the ability of the otter to feed on a wide diversity of prey taxa and the strong influence of habitat type, renders it a poor bioindicator of environmental water quality. It seems likely that the plasticity of the habitat and dietary niche of otters, and the extent of suitable habitat, may have sustained populations in Ireland despite intensification of agriculture during the 20th century.
En el marc d'un projecte més ampli sobre la comunitat de peixos de la conca lacustre de Banyoles, s'ha estudiat la distribució espacial de les diferents espècies així com l'ús que aquestes fan de l'hàbitat. El poblament piscícola de l'estany de Banyoles és el resultat d'un llarg historial d'introducció d'espècies exòtiques i extinció de les poblacions autòctones locals. S'ha revisat la seva composició actual detectant un total de 18 espècies (4 autòctones i 14 introduïdes) de les quals només 13 presenten una població estable. L'estudi de l'hàbitat s'ha centrat a l'Estany, l'element principal del sistema lacustre, analitzant per separat la zona litoral i la zona limnètica. En el primer cas s'han realitzat les captures d'individus mitjançant pesca elèctrica des d'una embarcació adaptada per aquesta pràctica. La totalitat del litoral ha estat dividida en trams de característiques homogènies on s'han obtingut les captures per unitat d'esforç per cada espècie. El mostreig s'ha desenvolupat entre l'estiu de 1997 i la primavera del 2000 realitzant un total de 10 campanyes de pesca. Les espècies més abundants al litoral són la perca americana (Micropterus salmoides) i el peix sol (Lepomis gibbosus), essent també presents la perca (Perca fluviatilis), carpa (Cyprinus carpio) i el gardí (Scardinius erythrophthalmus). S'han capturat altres espècies com ara anguila (Anguilla anguilla), bagra (Squalius cephalus), sandra (Sander lucioperca), carpí (Carassius auratus) i madrilleta vera (Rutilus rutilus), però són molt menys abundants en nombre. S'ha examinat, per cadascuna de les espècies, si existeix selecció de l'hàbitat i en cas afirmatiu, quin és el preferent en base a la classificació del litoral en sis tipus de vegetació predominant. Les espècies més abundants, perca americana i peix sol, ocupen tots els hàbitats disponibles però amb una densitat diferent. La perca mostra també una clara selecció de l'hàbitat a favor de les zones molt estructurades amb abundant presència de jonca litoral. Carpa i gardí seleccionen els ambients més fondos amb major presència de matèria orgànica d'origen vegetal procedent del bogar. En general els individus ocupen les zones amb una densitat de vegetació intermèdia, majoritàriament zones de jonca a l'estiu i zones amb mansega a l'hivern, on troben refugi i els recursos tròfics necessaris. La perca americana, a més, presenta una elevada fidelitat a un mateix punt del litoral al llarg de la seva vida. La zona limnètica ha estat prospectada mensualment mitjançant ecosondació, realitzant transectes perpendiculars a l'eix principal de l'Estany, cobrint la seva totalitat. La composició d'espècies s'ha obtingut a partir de les captures fetes amb xarxes (tresmalls) amb periodicitat estacional. L'anàlisi geoestadística de la densitat de peixos ha permès descriure l'estructura espacial d'aquesta a partir dels variogrames, així com la seva variabilitat tant espacial com temporal, i obtenir els mapes de densitat. A l'hivern, la densitat de peixos a la zona limnètica assoleix els seus valors mínims i els individus es troben formant agregats dispersos, pels diferents estrats de fondària. A partir de la primavera la densitat augmenta, pel reclutament i la major freqüència d'individus que abandonen el litoral; la densitat esdevé més homogènia a les primer capes de fondària. A l'estiu la densitat és màxima i l'estrat més homogeni coincideix amb la posició de la termoclina. Aquest estructura varia en disminuir la temperatura i barrejar-se la columna d'aigua, tornant a la situació hivernal. La perca i la madrilleta vera són les espècies predominants en aquest ambient, juntament amb la carpa. La seva distribució no és homogènia i respon a les característiques limnològiques de les diferents cubetes de l'Estany. Una particularitat d'aquest, relacionada amb el seu origen càrstic, es la formació d'una ploma hidrotermal que afecta la distribució dels peixos, probablement en augmentar la terbolesa. S'ha integrat l'ús de l'hàbitat de les espècies que ocupen tant la zona limnètica com la litoral a partir del seguiment d'individus, concretament de perca i bagra. S'ha utilitzat un sistema automàtic de posicionament que estima la localització dels individus marcats amb transmissor de telemetria acústica. L'anàlisi dels desplaçaments mostra un rang superior per la bagra en comparació amb la perca. Ambdues espècies mostren una orientació en els seus desplaçaments. La perca ocupa el litoral a la nit i es desplaça a la zona limnètica de dia, amb un ritme d'activitat marcat per dos màxims coincidint amb la sortida i posta de sol; en canvi la bagra mostra una major activitat nocturna amb zones de repòs properes al litoral. S'ha estimat igualment els dominis vital de cada individu marcat.
Chen LM, Zhao J, Musa-Aziz R, Pelletier MF, Drummond IA, Boron WF. Cloning and characterization of a zebrafish homologue of human AQP1: a bifunctional water and gas channel. Am J Physiol Regul Integr Comp Physiol 299: R1163-R1174, 2010. First published August 25, 2010; doi:10.1152/ajpregu.00319.2010.-The mammalian aquaporins AQP1, AQP4, and AQP5 have been shown to function not only as water channels but also as gas channels. Zebrafish have two genes encoding an AQP1 homologue, aqp1a and aqp1b. In the present study, we cloned the cDNA that encodes the zebrafish protein Aqp1a from the 72-h postfertilization (hpf) embryo of Danio rerio, as well as from the swim bladder of the adult. The deduced amino-acid sequence of aqp1a consists of 260 amino acids and is 59% identical to human AQP1. By analyzing the genomic DNA sequence, we identified four exons in the aqp1a gene. By in situ hybridization, aqp1a is expressed transiently in the developing vasculature and in erythrocytes from 16 to 48 h of development. Later, at 72 hpf, aqp1a is expressed in dermal ionocytes and in the swim bladder. Western blot analysis of adult tissues reveals that Aqp1a is most highly expressed in the eye and swim bladder. Xenopus oocytes expressing aqp1a have a channel-dependent (*) osmotic water permeability (P(f)*) that is indistinguishable from that of human AQP1. On the basis of the magnitude of the transient change in surface pH (Delta pHS) that were recorded as the oocytes were exposed to either CO(2) or NH(3), we conclude that zebrafish Aqp1a is permeable to both CO(2) and NH(3). The ratio (Delta pHS*)CO2/P(f)* is about half that of human AQP1, and the ratio (Delta pHS*)NH3/P(f)* is about one-quarter that of human AQP1. Thus, compared with human AQP1, zebrafish Aqp1a has about twice the selectivity for CO(2) over NH(3).
When exposed to hypoxia, eels Anguilla anguilla were able to regulate and maintain VO2 down to a water oxygen tension (PWO2) of about 25 mmHg, a value far below those reported in other studies. When exposed to hypercapnia, eels showed a depression in VO2 as water carbon dioxide tension (PWCO2) increased. Faced with combined hypoxia-hypercapnia, eels showed an increase in their sensitivity to hypoxia, and the critical oxygen tension increased to 40-45 mmHg. The possible mechanisms underlying these responses were discussed, and the implications of such findings for extensive culture of eels were highlighted.
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