992 resultados para Ananas comosus L.


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Genotypic, developmental, and environmental factors converge to determine the degree of Crassulacean acid metabolism (CAM) expression. To characterize the signaling events controlling CAM expression in young pineapple (Ananas comosus) plants, this photosynthetic pathway was modulated through manipulations in water availability. Rapid, intense, and completely reversible up-regulation in CAM expression was triggered by water deficit, as indicated by the rise in nocturnal malate accumulation and in the expression and activity of important CAM enzymes. During both up-and down-regulation of CAM, the degree of CAM expression was positively and negatively correlated with the endogenous levels of abscisic acid (ABA) and cytokinins, respectively. When exogenously applied, ABA stimulated and cytokinins repressed the expression of CAM. However, inhibition of water deficit-induced ABA accumulation did not block the up-regulation of CAM, suggesting that a parallel, non-ABA-dependent signaling route was also operating. Moreover, strong evidence revealed that nitric oxide (NO) may fulfill an important role during CAM signaling. Up-regulation of CAM was clearly observed in NO-treated plants, and a conspicuous temporal and spatial correlation was also evident between NO production and CAM expression. Removal of NO from the tissues either by adding NO scavenger or by inhibiting NO production significantly impaired ABA-induced up-regulation of CAM, indicating that NO likely acts as a key downstream component in the ABA-dependent signaling pathway. Finally, tungstate or glutamine inhibition of the NO-generating enzyme nitrate reductase completely blocked NO production during ABA-induced up-regulation of CAM, characterizing this enzyme as responsible for NO synthesis during CAM signaling in pineapple plants.


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The potential of near infra-red (NIR) spectroscopy for non-invasive measurement of fruit quality of pineapple (Ananas comosus var. Smooth Cayenne) and mango (Magnifera indica var. Kensington) fruit was assessed. A remote reflectance fibre optic probe, placed in contact with the fruit skin surface in a light-proof box, was used to deliver monochromatic light to the fruit, and to collect NIR reflectance spectra (760–2500 nm). The probe illuminated and collected reflected radiation from an area of about 16 cm2. The NIR spectral attributes were correlated with pineapple juice Brix and with mango flesh dry matter (DM) measured from fruit flesh directly underlying the scanned area. The highest correlations for both fruit were found using the second derivative of the spectra (d2 log 1/R) and an additive calibration equation. Multiple linear regression (MLR) on pineapple fruit spectra (n = 85) gave a calibration equation using d2 log 1/R at wavelengths of 866, 760, 1232 and 832 nm with a multiple coefficient of determination (R2) of 0.75, and a standard error of calibration (SEC) of 1.21 °Brix. Modified partial least squares (MPLS) regression analysis yielded a calibration equation with R2 = 0.91, SEC = 0.69, and a standard error of cross validation (SECV) of 1.09 oBrix. For mango, MLR gave a calibration equation using d2 log 1/R at 904, 872, 1660 and 1516 nm with R2 = 0.90, and SEC = 0.85% DM and a bias of 0.39. Using MPLS analysis, a calibration equation with R2 = 0.98, SEC = 0.54 and SECV = 1.19 was obtained. We conclude that NIR technology offers the potential to assess fruit sweetness in intact whole pineapple and DM in mango fruit, respectively, to within 1° Brix and 1% DM, and could be used for the grading of fruit in fruit packing sheds.


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Seeds of 14 plant species extracted from food products proposed for field trips in Galapagos were tested for viability. Strawberry Fragaria ananasa and Blackberry Rubus glaucus jams (Snob and Gustadina brands) contained no viable seeds. Schullo brand granola contained inviable Sesame Sesamum indicum seed, but Sesame in granolas prepared in Galapagos was viable. Sesame seed in bread was viable but Flax Linum usitatissimum seed in bread was not. Brown Rice Oryza sativa and Sunflower seeds Helianthus annuus were both viable. Fresh Apple Malus domestica, Naranjilla Solanum quitoense, Cucumber Cucumis sativus, Pineapple Ananas comosus, Pear Pyrus communis, Bell Pepper Capsicum annuum, Tomato Solanum lycopersicum, Grape Vinis vinifera all contained viable seeds. We recommend prohibiting any product with viable seeds from field trips to uninhabited areas. CDF Contribution Number 1009.


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Todas as cultivares de abacaxi cujo interesse é o fruto, pertencem à espécie Ananas comosus var. comosus. Alguns clones de Ananas comosus var. erectifolius, Ananas comosus var. ananassoides e Ananas comosus var. bractetus são cultivados para produção de fibra ou para fins omamentais. Recentemente, houve grande incremento nestas formas de utilização.As principais características desejadas em uma cultivar de abacaxi são: crescimento rápido; folhas curtas, largas e com bordas sem espinhos; boa produção de mudas; fruto bem conformado, casca amarela; polpa amarela ou alaranjada, fime mas não fibrosa, teor de açúcar elevado, acidez moderada; coroa média a pequena. Associadas a estas características, procura-se ainda cultivares que produzam frutos de boa qualidade, que proporcionem altos rendimentos e que sejam resistentes e/ou tolerantes às principais pragas e doenças que ocorrem nos locais de plantio.


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A Embrapa Mandioca e Fruticultura Tropical iniciou em principios dos anos 80 um Banco de Gemoplasma tendo reunido atualmente um total de quase 700 acessos no campo, do gênero Ananas e outras bromeliáceas, sendo uma das maiores coleções de gemoplasma desse gênero no mundo, reunindo expressiva variabilidade genética intra e interespecífica. A coleção está em condições de campo e uma duplicata vem sendo introduzida na conservação in vitro desde 2003, como cópia de segurança. A variabilidade genética do gênero Ananas, no entanto, é ainda muito pouco explorada, apesar do potencial que essas plantas têm para a geração de diversos produtos. Os genótipos silvestres possuem uma diversidade de formas e cores, que chamam atenção pela beleza e exoticidade. Essas características conferem a essas plantas um grande potencial para serem usadas como planta omamental. O abacaxi já vem se destacando como fruteira omamental, representando, atualmente, o segundo produto mais exportado da floricultura do Ceará. Essa comercialização, no entanto, está pautada em apenas duas cultivares, o Ananas comosus var. erectifolius (=Lucidus) e o Ananas comosus var. bracteatus (=Ananas Porteanus).


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O abacaxizeiro, Ananas comosus, é atacada por diversas doenças nas regiões produtoras no mundo tanto em condições de campo quanto em pós-colheita, com reflexos negativos na produtividade e qualidade dos frutos. Entre as doenças, aquelas causadas por fungos ocorrem em maior intensidade, enquanto causado por bactérias e por vírus ocorrem em menor escala. Alm disto a ocorrência de anomalias de causa abiótica também é responsável por perdas significativas na produção e qualidades dos frutos. De todas as doenças que atacam o abacaxizeiro no Brasil a fusariose, causada pelo fungo Fusarium subglutinans (Wr. Rg.) Nelson, Tousson & Marasas, f. sp. ananas, Ventura, Zambolim & Gilbertson, é a mais destrutiva, incitando perdas significativas à produção de frutos. Considerando que as cultivares Gold, Red Spanish e Smooth Cayenne entre outras, amplamente cultivadas no mundo, são suscetíveis ao agente causal da fusariose, esta doença pode constituir uma séria ameaça à abacaxicultura mundial.


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Die neotropisch verbreitete Unterfamilie der Pitcairnioideae (Bromeliaceae) besteht aus den Gattungen Dyckia, Deuterocohnia, Encholirium, Fosterella und Pitcairnia. Viele der mehr als 630 Arten dieser Unterfamilie weisen eine beträchtliche morphologische Plastizität auf, was oftmals eine sichere Artbestimmung erschwert. Um den Genfluss zwischen benachbarten Populationen bzw. nah verwandten Arten ermitteln zu können und somit mögliche Hinweise auf Artbildungsprozesse und Artabgrenzung zu erhalten, sind hochsensitive molekulare Marker erforderlich. Die vorliegende Dissertation beschäftigt sich schwerpunktmäßig mit der Entwicklung von Mikrosatellitenmarkern sowie ihre beispielhafte Anwendung für populationsgenetische Fragestellungen innerhalb der Pitcairnioideae. Als Quelle für diese Marker diente zum einen eine öffentliche ’expressed sequence tag’ (EST)-Datenbank von Ananas comosus, zum anderen wurden die drei Bromelienarten Fosterella rusbyi, Dyckia marnier-lapostollei und Deuterocohnia longipetala mittels der 454-Technik partiell sequenziert. Beide Ansätze lieferten insgesamt 164.137 Rohsequenzen, auf deren Basis einige tausend perfekte Mikrosatelliten identifiziert und zahlreiche flankierende PCR-Primerpaare sowohl für das Kern- als auch das Chloroplastengenom abgeleitet wurden. Nach umfangreichen Funktionalitätstests mit Fokus auf interspezifischer Übertragbarkeit sowie intraspezifischer Variabilität der Mikrosatellitenloci in der jeweiligen Zielart wurden schlilich 48 nukleäre und sieben plastidäre Mikrosatellitenmarker etabliert. Das Potenzial der nukleären Mikrosatellitenmarker zur Abgrenzung nah verwandter und morphologisch sehr ähnlicher Arten innerhalb der Pitcairnioideae wurde zum einen in den im Nordosten Brasiliens verbreiteten Arten Dyckia pernambucana, Dy. limae, Dy. dissitiflora und Dy. macedoi durch die Genotypisierung von insgesamt 89 Individuen von neun natürlichen Standorten überprüft. Hierbei konnte basierend auf den Alleldaten an 15 nukleären 454-Mikrosatellitenloci eindeutig zwischen dem Artenkomplex ’Dy. limae/Dy. pernambucana’ auf der einen Seite und Dy. dissitiflora bzw. Dy. macedoi auf der anderen Seite unterschieden werden, eine Abtrennung der Arten Dy. limae und Dy. pernambucana war hingegen mit keiner der verwendeten Auswertemethoden möglich, was darauf hindeutet, dass es sich hierbei nicht um getrennte Arten handelt. Zum anderen wurden 190 Individuen von 28 natürlichen Standorten der in Bolivien bzw. Zentralamerika heimischen und morphologisch sehr ähnlichen Arten Fosterella christophii, F. villosula und F. micrantha untersucht. Unter Verwendung von je vier nukleären EST- und 454-Mikrosatellitenmarkern und verschiedenen Clusteranalysen konnten zwei genetisch voneinander getrennte und geographisch determinierte Gruppen definiert werden. Dabei umfasste die größere der beiden Gruppen alle drei Arten, deren Siedlungsbereich neben einem Areal in den bolivianischen Departamentos Beni, La Paz und Cochabamba auch das gesamte Verbreitungsgebiet von F. micrantha in Zentralamerika beinhaltete. Die zweite, kleinere Gruppe enthielt nur Populationen von F. christophii und F. villosula und war auf eine relativ kleine Region im bolivianischen Departamento Santa Cruz beschränkt. Innerhalb von Bolivien liegt dieser Verteilung möglicherweise eine genetische Barriere im Bereich des Andenknicks zugrunde, infolge welcher alle Populationen südlich und nördlich dieser Region weitgehend unabhängig von ihrer Artzugehörigkeit gruppieren. Eine klare Trennung der drei Arten war nicht möglich, sodass davon ausgegangen werden kann, dass der Artbildungsprozess innerhalb der sog. ’micrantha-Gruppe’ noch keineswegs abgeschlossen ist. In einem dritten Ansatz wurden 15 nukleäre und sieben plastidäre Mikrosatellitenmarker zur Genotypisierung von 253 Individuen aus 30 natürlichen Populationen von Fosterella rusbyi eingesetzt. Damit sollte die Verteilung der genetischen Diversität und der Genfluss zwischen den Populationen dieser in den bolivianischen Anden inselartig verbreiteten Art untersucht werden. Die einzelnen Populationen erwiesen sich als genetisch deutlich voneinander differenziert, wobei nahezu jede Population durch eine individuelle Kombination von Genotypen charakterisiert war. Auf Ebene der Populationen wurde weiterhin ein deutliches Heterozygoten-Defizit über nahezu alle Loci ermittelt, was am ehesten durch Faktoren wie Inzucht und Selbstbestäubung in Kombination mit einer Tendenz zu klonalem Wachstum erklrt werden kann. Mögliche Gründe für den eingeschränkten Genfluss zwischen den Populationen werden diskutiert.


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Background and Aims Several animals that live on bromeliads can contribute to plant nutrition through nitrogen provisioning (digestive mutualism). The bromeliad-living spider Psecas chapoda (Salticidae) inhabits and breeds on Bromelia balansae in regions of South America, but in specific regions can also appear on Ananas comosus (pineapple) plantations and Aechmea distichantha. Methods Using isotopic and physiological methods in greenhouse experiments, the role of labelled ((15)N) spider faeces and Drosophila melanogaster flies in the nutrition and growth of each host plant was evaluated, as well as seasonal variation in the importance of this digestive mutualism. Key Results Spiders contributed 0.6 +/- 0.2% (mean +/- s.e.; dry season) to 2.7 +/- 1% (wet season) to the total nitrogen in B. balansae, 2.4 +/- 0.4% (dry) to 4.1 +/- 0.3% (wet) in An. comosus and 3.8 +/- 0.4% (dry) to 5 +/- 1% (wet) in Ae. distichantha. In contrast, flies did not contribute to the nutrition of these bromeliads. Chlorophylls and carotenoid concentrations did not differ among treatments. Plants that received faeces had higher soluble protein concentrations and leaf growth (RGR) only during the wet season. Conclusions These results indicate that the mutualism between spiders and bromeliads is seasonally restricted, generating a conditional outcome. There was interspecific variation in nutrient uptake, probably related to each species` performance and photosynthetic pathways. Whereas B. balansae seems to use nitrogen for growth, Ae. distichantha apparently stores nitrogen for stressful nutritional conditions. Bromeliads absorbed more nitrogen coming from spider faeces than from flies, reinforcing the beneficial role played by predators in these digestive mutualisms.


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Crassulacean acid metabolism (CAM) confers crucial adaptations for plants living under frequent environmental stresses. A wide metabolic plasticity can be found among CAM species regarding the type of storage carbohydrate, organic acid accumulated at night and decarboxylating system. Consequently, many aspects of the CAM pathway control are still elusive while the impact of this photosynthetic adaptation on nitrogen metabolism has remained largely unexplored. In this study, we investigated a possible link between the CAM cycle and the nitrogen assimilation in the atmospheric bromeliad Tillandsia pohliana by simultaneously characterizing the diel changes in key enzyme activities and metabolite levels of both organic acid and nitrate metabolisms. The results revealed that T. pohliana performed a typical CAM cycle in which phosphoenolpyruvate carboxylase and phosphoenolpyruvate carboxykinase phosphorylation seemed to play a crucial role to avoid futile cycles of carboxylation and decarboxylation. Unlike all other bromeliads previously investigated, almost equimolar concentrations of malate and citrate were accumulated at night. Moreover, a marked nocturnal depletion in the starch reservoirs and an atypical pattern of nitrate reduction restricted to the nighttime were also observed. Since reduction and assimilation of nitrate requires a massive supply of reducing power and energy and considering that T. pohliana lives overexposed to the sunlight, we hypothesize that citrate decarboxylation might be an accessory mechanism to increase internal CO(2) concentration during the day while its biosynthesis could provide NADH and ATP for nocturnal assimilation of nitrate. Therefore, besides delivering photoprotection during the day, citrate might represent a key component connecting both CAM pathway and nitrogen metabolism in T. pohliana: a scenario that certainly deserves further study not only in this species but also in other CAM plants that nocturnally accumulate citrate. (C) 2010 Elsevier GmbH. All rights reserved.


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Leaves comprise most of the vegetative body of tank bromeliads and are usually subjected to strong longitudinal gradients. For instance, while the leaf base is in contact with the water accumulated in the tank, the more light-exposed middle and upper leaf sections have no direct access to this water reservoir. Therefore, the present study attempted to investigate whether different leaf portions of Guzmania monostachia, a tank-forming C(3)-CAM bromeliad, play distinct physiological roles in response to water shortage, which is a major abiotic constraint in the epiphytic habitat. Internal and external morphological features, relative water content, pigment composition and the degree of CAM expression were evaluated in basal, middle and apical leaf portions in order to allow the establishment of correlations between the structure and the functional importance of each leaf region. Results indicated that besides marked structural differences, a high level of functional specialization is also present along the leaves of this bromeliad. When the tank water was depleted, the abundant hydrenchyma of basal leaf portions was the main reservoir for maintaining a stable water status in the photosynthetic tissues of the apical region. In contrast, the CAM pathway was intensified specifically in the upper leaf section, which is in agreement with the presence of features more suitable for the occurrence of photosynthesis at this portion. Gas exchange data indicated that internal recycling of respiratory CO(2) accounted for virtually all nighttime acid accumulation, characterizing a typical CAM-idling pathway in the drought-exposed plants. Altogether, these data reveal a remarkable physiological complexity along the leaves of G. monostachia, which might be a key adaptation to the intermittent water supply of the epiphytic niche. (C) 2009 Elsevier GmbH. All rights reserved.


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O presente trabalho teve como objetivo avaliar o efeito do tipo de preparo (rodelas e metades) e da temperatura de armazenamento (3ºC, 6ºC e 9ºC) na conservação de produto minimamente processado de abacaxi-'Pérola'. Os frutos, depois de selecionados, lavados e desinfectados com cloro, foram armazenados por 12 horas a 10ºC, antes de serem processados sob condições higiênicas, embalados em contentores de polietileno tereftalatado (rodelas) ou bandeja de isopor recoberta com filme de cloreto de polivinila esticável (metades) e armazenados por até 12 dias. Os produtos foram avaliados quanto à evolução da atmosfera interna na embalagem, respiração, quantidade de suco drenado e evolução da massa fresca e da aparência. Foram testadas, durante o período de armazenamento, a aceitabilidade pelos consumidores, no início do experimento e enquanto a aparência e a análise microbiolgica permitiram. A presença de bactérias mesofílicas e coliformes totais e fecais foi avaliada a cada três dias. Durante o armazenamento, a porcentagem de O2 nas embalagens apresentou decréscimo, enquanto a de CO2 aumentou até 20% para as metades e até 1,86% para as rodelas. A intensidade dos cortes no preparo teve influência direta na respiração, assim como nas perdas de suco e de massa fresca. A temperatura influenciou na respiração e foi fator limitante à vida de prateleira do produto, pois os produtos armazenados a 9ºC, conservaram-se por 6 dias, enquanto os mantidos a 3ºC e 6ºC, por até 9 dias.


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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Este trabalho teve como objetivo avaliar o efeito de diferentes temperaturas de armazenamento e do tratamento inicial a 40 ºC, por 24 horas, na preservação de abacaxis 'Pérola'. Os abacaxis foram colhidos no estádio de maturação pintado, tratados com calor e foram mantidos sob condição de ambiente (25 ºC e 75-80% UR) ou refrigerados durante 17 dias, a 8 ºC, ou 14 ºC. Após este período, foram transferidos para condição de ambiente, 25 ºC e 75-80% UR. As avaliações foram realizadas no início (0 dia) e após 1; 5; 9; 13 ou 17 dias. Os frutos armazenados sob refrigeração foram transferidos para o ambiente e também foram avaliados aos 21, 25 ou 29 dias. O delineamento experimental utilizado foi o inteiramente casualizado, em esquema fatorial (2x3x9), tendo-se os fatores, frutos tratados com calor ou não, três temperaturas de armazenamento e 9 épocas de avaliação. Os frutos foram avaliados quanto à perda de massa fresca, coloração externa, resistência da casca e da polpa, rendimento em polpa, alm da intensidade respiratória. A perda de massa fresca e a resistência da casca e da polpa foram maiores nos frutos armazenados sob condição ambiente quando comparada à perda de massa e resistência dos abacaxis armazenados sob refrigeração, com variação na coloração da casca, de verde para amarela, com a evolução do tempo. Os abacaxis mantidos sob refrigeração a 8 ºC ou 14 ºC tiveram vida útil de 29 dias, enquanto os abacaxis mantidos a 25 ºC foram descartados após 17 dias. Abacaxis tratados com calor apresentaram a maior taxa respiratória, enquanto aqueles mantidos a 8 ºC apresentaram a menor atividade respiratória, tanto sob refrigeração como em condição ambiente.


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Avaliou-se o efeito do tratamento térmico (40ºC por 24 horas) e de diferentes temperaturas de armazenamento (8ºC, 14ºC e 25ºC, a 90%UR), na conservação pós-colheita de abacaxis 'Pérola', colhidos no ponto de maturação pintado. As avaliações foram realizadas no início (0 dia), visando à caracterização inicial dos frutos, e após 1; 5; 9; 13 e 17 dias, quando os mantidos sob refrigeração foram transferidos para condição ambiente (25ºC, 75-80% UR), e avaliados aos 21; 25 e 29 dias. O delineamento experimental utilizado foi o inteiramente casualizado, em esquema fatorial (2x3x9), tendo-se os frutos tratados termicamente ou não, o armazenamento a 25ºC, 14ºC e 8ºC e nove épocas de avaliação. Os frutos foram avaliados quanto à ocorrência de podridões e de escurecimento interno, aparência e coloração da polpa, teores de sólidos solveis (SS), acidez titulvel (AT), açúcares solveis totais e redutores e ácido ascórbico, alm da relação SS/AT. Os resultados indicam que a coloração da polpa se tornou mais amarela durante o período refrigerado, enquanto os valores da AT aumentaram. Neste período, a relação SS/AT reduziu-se, mas aumentou com a transferência dos frutos para o ambiente, enquanto os teores de açúcares solveis totais e redutores diminuíram, e estabilizaram-se. Os teores de ácido ascórbico mantiveram-se sem diferenças significativas, mas com tendência de aumento. Os frutos mantidos sob refrigeração apresentaram sintomas de injúria pelo frio, que apareceram em 8 dias, após serem levados ao ambiente, e com maior intensidade nos tratados termicamente.