999 resultados para Analyse comportementale


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In Belgium, gender-parity has been compulsory for all party lists (in local, regional, federal and European elections) for several years. As a result, the proportion of women has risen from a fourth up to a third of the deputies. Yet, strict parity is still far from realised. This article seeks to establish what causes this glass ceiling, namely the parties' reluctance to place female candidates in the top positions or even as the front-runner. In a proportional representation system with half-open lists, and especially when the constituencies are small, this automatically leads to a smaller proportion of women among the elected deputies. One important reason for the parties' reluctance to rank female candidates higher is their assumption that women are less effective as "election locomotives" than men. However, the analysis of the Belgian election results makes clear that this is not the case. Female candidates in top positions are as successful as their male counterparts. © (2008) Swiss Political Science Review.


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This paper presents a detailed analysis of Baudelaire's poem ''L'Invitation au voyage''. It aims to understand the general meaning of this poem, showing that Baudelaire's ''voyage'' comes less to an ideal paradise than to a kind of voluptuous purgatory. We associate together dimensions of the poem that are usually treated separately :biographical background, stylistic and intertextual borrowings (orientalized Holland, Goethe's Mignon, popular song and romance, Weber's music, Biblical episodes), formal structure and cognitive effects. Our method is based on Benoît de Cornulier's theory of metrics, Searle and Vanderveken's speech act theory and Marc Dominicy's theory of poetic evocation. As Dominicy's theory is quite recent, our article provides substantial summary and clarification of its main theoretical and methodological hypothesis.


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L'article présente quelques éléments de la procédure mise en place pour traiter un corpus écrit comportant 617 textes (près de 500 000 mots) relatifs aux eurorégions. Complexe et hétérogène à plusieurs titres (technique, linguistique, éditorial, générique, énonciatif), le corpus pose la difficulté majeure de l’appréhension de données multilingues (français, italien, espagnol, anglais, allemand, néerlandais). Sa manipulation a nécessité une réflexion adaptée et une démarche de modélisation que nous qualifions d’« agile » en raison de son caractère souple et itératif. La plateforme d’analyse élaborée permet de disposer de résultats utiles à l’analyse qualitative ultérieure du discours eurorégional. Elle articule un logiciel d'analyse morphosyntaxique éprouvé (TreeTagger) à des programmes (Perl) et à une base de données (SQLite) développés pour optimiser les requêtes multilingues simultanées et l’exportation automatique des résultats. Les fonctionnalités liées à la localisation contextualisée de mots- pivots, au recueil de dénominations et à la détection de segments répétés nous servent ici de guides pour exprimer les besoins de la recherche, les problèmes rencontrés et les solutions proposées. L'analyse d'observables récurrents, à savoir les notions de décision et de responsabilité, illustre le propos.


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Previous studies found that patriotic national pride (e.g., pride in democracy) - as opposed to nationalistic national pride (e.g., pride in being German) - has an attenuating effect on ethnocentrism, which is desirable from a democratic standpoint. Here it is hypothesized (1) that patriotic pride can be ascribed to the three components national identification, importance of democratic aspects of Germany, and belief in existence of democratic aspects of Germany, and (2) that these components exert in part conflicting effects on ethnocentrism and other variables. In two questionnaire studies (N-1 = 121, N-2 = 150) it is shown that (1) the three components do predict patriotic national pride and (2) the democratically desirable effects of patriotic pride trace back primarily to the importance of democratic aspects. In conclusion, from a democratic standpoint, it is positive valuation of democratic aspects and not patriotic pride that should be nurtured.


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Solid particle erosion is a major concern in the engineering industry, particularly where transport of slurry flow is involved. Such flow regimes are characteristic of those in alumina refinement plants. The entrainment of particulate matter, for example sand, in the Bayer liquor can cause severe erosion in pipe fittings, especially in those which redirect the flow. The considerable costs involved in the maintenance and replacement of these eroded components led to an interest in research into erosion prediction by numerical methods at Rusal Aughinish alumina refinery, Limerick, Ireland, and the University of Limerick. The first stage of this study focused on the use of computational fluid dynamics (CFD) to simulate solid particle erosion in elbows. Subsequently an analysis of the factors that affect erosion of elbows was performed using design of experiments (DOE) techniques. Combining CFD with DOE harnesses the computational power of CFD in the most efficient manner for prediction of elbow erosion. An analysis of the factors that affect the erosion of elbows was undertaken with the intention of producing an erosion prediction model. © 2009 Taylor & Francis.


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The reduction of poverty and social exclusion is one of the targets of the European Union's 2020 strategy. The appropriateness and success of such a policy require the choice of relevant indicators that not only highlight poverty gaps between countries but also identify the groups of individuals in each country that need particular attention from social policies. The target retained in the European strategy combines three criteria: people living in households below the monetary poverty threshold, poor people “in terms of standard of living” who live in a situation of severe material deprivation, and those who live in households with very low or zero work intensity. We first show that neither the combination nor the intersection of these three criteria produces an adequate measure of the fight against poverty, or an objective for it. We therefore propose an alternative concept, that of “consistent poverty”, which targets people who simultaneously live below the monetary poverty threshold and above a certain level of material deprivation. The special material deprivation module of the EU-SILC 2009 database allows us to examine two versions of this notion of deprivation: the measurement of “severe” deprivation currently used by the European Union, which adopts a threshold with four items, and an alternative measure of “elementary” material deprivation with a three-item threshold. The intersection between our three-item elementary deprivation criterion and the monetary poverty criterion produces more satisfactory results than those obtained by the European Union approach, in terms of both coherency and profile of the population identified.


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Currently wind power is dominated by onshore wind farms in the British Isles, but both the United Kingdom and the Republic of Ireland have high renewable energy targets, expected to come mostly from wind power. However, as the demand for wind power grows to ensure security of energy supply, as a potentially cheaper alternative to fossil fuels and to meet greenhouse gas emissions reduction targets offshore wind power will grow rapidly as the availability of suitable onshore sites decrease. However, wind is variable and stochastic by nature and thus difficult to schedule. In order to plan for these uncertainties market operators use wind forecasting tools, reserve plant and ancillary service agreements. Onshore wind power forecasting techniques have improved dramatically and continue to advance, but offshore wind power forecasting is more difficult due to limited datasets and knowledge. So as the amount of offshore wind power increases in the British Isles robust forecasting and planning techniques are even more critical. This paper presents a methodology to investigate the impacts of better offshore wind forecasting on the operation and management of the single wholesale electricity market in the Republic of Ireland and Northern Ireland using PLEXOS for Power Systems. © 2013 IEEE.


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For wave energy to become commercially viable, it is predicted that wave energy converters (WECs) will need to be installed in large wave farms. This will required an extensive environmental impact study. Assessments of impacts of these sites requires prior numerical modelling however the available tools have not been fully validated.
This project investigates the area surrounding an array of five scaled WEC models using experimental techniques. It then assesses the suitability of numerical tools to be validated with this experimental data. Validated numerical tools could then be used to predict parameters relating to the models such as reflection and transmission coefficients.
The physical aspect of this project was conducted in the Portaferry wave basin owned by Queen’s University Belfast. The device studied was a bottom hinged oscillating wave surge converter (OWSC) which penetrates the surface (similar to the Oyster device). The models were tested at 40th scale.


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Ce mémoire étudie la situation de l'accès à l'éducation élémentaire au Sénégal en procédant à une analyse des dépenses publiques associée à la dominance stochastique. Je montre ainsi qu'en général, les inégalités dans l'accès à l'enseignement de base ont diminué entre 2001 et 2006. En divisant par la région et le genre, je relève aussi que de grandes disparités entre les milieux urbain et rural existent toujours au Sénégal, mais que les écarts entre les filles et les garçons sont pratiquement nuls, sauf à la campagne où les filles les plus pauvres constituent le groupe fréquentant le moins l'école publique dans tout le pays. Ces résultats démontrent que les analyses d'inégalités dans l'accès aux services publics doivent impérativement tenir compte des inégalités régionales. De plus, une comparaison plus superficielle avec 1992 permet de constater qu'à l'échelle nationale, la situation n'a cessé de progresser depuis ce temps, mais qu'en s'attardant à chaque région, on aperçoit des changements importants dans la tendance de chacune d'entre elles.


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Les progrès récents dans le domaine des technologies de l'information et de la communication (TIC) ouvrent de nouvelles possibilités pour l'enseignement en général et pour celui des sciences en particulier. Les efforts gouvernementaux en cette matière indiquent le caractère pour le moins irréversible de la percée des TIC en éducation et de la nécessite de se pencher sur le matériel qui est offert. Plus particulièrement, nous nous sommes intéressés à la question des conceptions de l'apprentissage qui peuvent sous-tendre l'élaboration d'un site Internet pour l'enseignement des sciences au secondaire. Cette recherche est de type développement. Elle s'intéresse à l'enseignement des sciences au secondaire et au matériel disponible dans Internet. Elle se limite aux premières étapes particulières à ce type de recherche, soit celles de l'exploration de la littérature, de la validation des énoncés par un comité d'experts et de l'élaboration d'une grille d'analyse des conceptions de l'apprentissage sous-jacentes aux sites Internet. Le but de cette recherche est de construire un outil d'analyse des conceptions de l'apprentissage sous-jacentes à des sites Internet pour l'enseignement des sciences au secondaire."--Résumé abrégé par UMI.