994 resultados para Amostras de ar


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Este trabalho avaliou a concentração dos radioelementos K, eU e eTh em amostras de granitos do Estado de Rondônia, Brasil. A análise estatística dos dados obtidos indicou que eles seguem distribuições lognormais. Os valores modais encontrados correspondem a cerca de 11% para K, 29 ppm para eU e 85 ppm para eTh. Correlações diretas significativas foram determinadas entre as concentrações dos três radioelementos, isto é, r = 0,71 (entre K e eU), r = 0,72 (entre K e eTh)e r = 0,72 (entre eU e eTh), sugerindo que são congruentes os processos de seu acúmulo nos minerais das rochas analisadas. Os dados de concentração permitiram estimar a taxa de dose absorvida de radiação no ar acima de 1 m do nível do terreno, a qual também segue uma distribuição lognormal, com valor modal de 2,7 mSv/ano, que é ligeiramente superior à média global de 2,4 mSv/ano. Os resultados obtidos também permitiram avaliar, do ponto de vista radiométrico, se os granitos analisados são adequados para emprego como revestimento em construção civil.


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Pesquisa em Espírito Santo do Turvo (SP) analisou poluição atmosférica causada por queima de cana-de-açúcar e saúde respiratória de crianças. Realizaram-se medições de PM10, PTS e NO2, durante safra, em 2004 e 2005, em pátio de escola, e aplicou-se questionário para avaliar morbidade respiratória referida dos alunos. No município, há cultivo de cana, queimada no pré-corte e usina próxima à área urbana. Resultados dos questionários foram comparados àqueles obtidos em Juquitiba (SP) previamente. As medições de poluentes, realizadas em dias em que havia queima de cana, estiveram abaixo dos padrões de qualidade do ar. Entretanto, foram indicadas altas prevalências de sintomas e doenças respiratórias.


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Objetivou-se com este estudo avaliar a sensibilidade in vitro de Staphylococcus spp.frente a alguns desinfetantes comerciais utilizados no pré e pós-dipping em vacas leiteiras. Foram testados um total de 60 isolados de Staphylococcus spp. identificados como S. aureus (50) e Staphylococcus coagulase positiva (10) recuperados de glândulas mamárias de vacas com mastite subclínica procedentes das regiões Metropolitana do Recife, Agreste e Zona da Mata do Estado de Pernambuco. O estudo da eficácia dos desinfetantes utilizados no pré e pós-dipping foi realizado utilizando-se os seguintes princípios ativos: cloro (2,5%), iodo (0,57%), clorexidine (2,0%), amônia quaternária (4,0%) e ácido lático (2,0%) em quatro tempos distintos (15", 30", 60" e 300"). Observou-se que 100% de S. aureus foram sensíveis ao iodo, 93,3% sensíveis a clorexidine, 80% sensíveis a amônia, 35,6% sensíveis ao ácido lático e 97,8% resistentes ao cloro no tempo de 60". Com relação a Staphylococcus coagulase positiva (SCP), 100% dos isolados foram sensíveis ao iodo, 81,8% sensíveis a amônia quaternária, 99,9% sensíveis ao ácido lático, 72,7% sensíveis a clorexidine e 100% resistentes ao cloro no tempo de 60". Conclui-se que a maior atividade desinfetante in vitro foi verificada para o iodo e clorexidine frente a S. aureus e do iodo e ácido lático frente aos SCP e que há necessidade de avaliação periódica dos desinfetantes utilizados nas propriedades leiteiras nas regiões estudadas, pois, existem variações no perfil de sensibilidade e resistência aos desinfetantes que podem comprometer os programas de controle da mastite bovina causada por Staphylococcus spp.


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The aim of the present study was to examine the impact of polymorphisms in prostate-specific antigen (PSA) and androgen-related genes (AR, CYP17, and CYP19) on prostate cancer (PCa) risk in selected high-risk patients who underwent prostate biopsy. Blood samples and prostate tissues were obtained for DNA analysis. Single-nucleotide polymorphisms in the 50-untranslated regions (UTRs) of the PSA (substitution A > G at position -158) and CYP17 (substitution T > C at 50-UTR) genes were detected by polymerase chain reaction (PCR)-restriction fragment length polymorphism assays. The CAG and TTTA repeats in the AR and CYP19 genes, respectively, were genotyped by PCR-based GeneScan analysis. Patients with the GG genotype of the PSA gene had a higher risk of PCa than those with the AG or AA genotype (OR = 3.79, p = 0.00138). The AA genotype was associated with lower PSA levels (6.44 +/- 1.64 ng/mL) compared with genotypes having at least one G allele (10.44 +/- 10.06 ng/mL) (p = 0.0687, 95% CI - 0.3146 to 8.315, unpaired t-test). The multivariate analysis confirmed the association between PSA levels and PSA genotypes (AA vs. AG+GG; chi(2) = 0.0482) and CYP19 (short alleles homozygous vs. at least one long allele; chi(2) = 0.0110) genotypes. Genetic instability at the AR locus leading to somatic mosaicism was detected in one PCa patient by comparing the length of AR CAG repeats in matched peripheral blood and prostate biopsy cores. Taken together, these findings suggest that the PSA genotype should be a clinically relevant biomarker to predict the PCa risk.


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The aim of this study was to establish a digital elevation model and its horizontal resolution to interpolate the annual air temperature for the Alagoas State by means of multiple linear regression models. A multiple linear regression model was adjusted to series (11 to 34 years) of annual air temperatures obtained from 28 weather stations in the states of Alagoas, Bahia, Pernambuco and Sergipe, in the Northeast of Brazil, in function of latitude, longitude and altitude. The elevation models SRTM and GTOPO30 were used in the analysis, with original resolutions of 90 and 900 m, respectively. The SRTM was resampled for horizontal resolutions of 125, 250, 500, 750 and 900 m. For spatializing the annual mean air temperature for the state of Alagoas, a multiple linear regression model was used for each elevation and spatial resolution on a grid of the latitude and longitude. In Alagoas, estimates based on SRTM data resulted in a standard error of estimate (0.57 degrees C) and dispersion (r(2) = 0.62) lower than those obtained from GTOPO30 (0.93 degrees C and 0.20). In terms of SRTM resolutions, no significant differences were observed between the standard error (0.55 degrees C; 750 m - 0.58 degrees C; 250m) and dispersion (0.60; 500 m - 0.65; 750 m) estimates. The spatialization of annual air temperature in Alagoas, via multiple regression models applied to SRTM data showed higher concordance than that obtained with the GTOPO30, independent of the spatial resolution.


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Results of proton-proton-gamma coincidence measurements using the (36)S+(9)Be reaction revealed a gamma ray of 201.27 +/- 0.16 keV that most probably corresponds to the transition between the predicted 7/2(-) first excited state to the 5/2(-) ground state of (43)Ar.


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A recent analysis of the (12)C + (24)Mg scattering [W. Sciani et al., Phys. Rev. C 80, 034319 (2009)] suggests the existence of a hyperdeformed band in the (36)Ar nucleus, completely in line with the predictions of alpha [W. D. M. Rae and A. C. Merchant, Phys. Lett. B279, 207 (1992)] and binary cluster calculations [J. Cseh et al., Phys. Rev. C 70, 034311 (2004)]. Here we review the structural understanding of the superdeformed and the hyperdeformed states of (36)Ar and present new results on the shape isomers as well. Special attention is paid to the clusterization of these states, which indicates the appropriate reaction channels for their formation.


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Fifteen strongly oscillating angular distributions of the elastic scattering of (12)C + (24)Mg at energies around the Coulomb barrier (E(c.m). = 10.67-16.00 MeV) are reproduced by adding five Breit-Wigner resonance terms to the l = 2, 4, 6, 7, and 8 elastic S matrix. The nonresonant, background elastic scattering S matrix S(l)(0) is calculated using the Sao Paulo potential. The J = 2, 4, 6, 7, and 8 (h) over bar molecular resonances fit well into a rotational molecular band, together with other higher lying resonances observed in the (16)O + (20)Ne elastic scattering. We propose that the presently observed, largely deformed molecular band corresponds to the hyperdeformed band, which has been found previously in alpha-cluster calculations, as well as in a new Nilsson model calculation. Systematic study of its possible clusterizations predicts the preference of the (12)C + (24)Mg and (16)O + (20)Ne molecular structure, in accordance with our present results.


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We determined the absolute branch of the T=2 superallowed decay of (32)Ar by detecting the beta(+)-delayed protons and gamma decays of the daughter state. We obtain b(SA)(beta)=(22.71 +/- 0.16)%, which represents the first determination of a proton branch to better than 1%. Using this branch along with the previously determined (32)Ar half-life and energy release, we determined ft=(1552 +/- 12) s for the superallowed decay. This ft value, together with the corrected Ft value extracted from previously known T=1 superallowed decays, yields a measurement of the isospin symmetry breaking correction in (32)Ar decay delta(exp)(C)=(2.1 +/- 0.8)%. This can be compared to a theoretical calculation delta(C)=(2.0 +/- 0.4)%. As by-products of this work, we determined the gamma and proton branches for the decay of the lowest T=2 state of (32)Cl, made a precise determination of the total proton branch and relative intensities of proton groups that leave (31)S in its first excited state and deduced an improved value for the (32)Cl mass.


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MCM-41 materials of six different pore diameters were prepared and characterized using X-ray diffraction, transmission electron microscopy, helium pycnometry, small-angle neutron scattering, and gas adsorption (argon at 77.4 and 87.4 K, nitrogen and oxygen at 77.4 K, and carbon dioxide at 194.6 K). A recent molecular continuum model of the authors, previously used for adsorption of nitrogen at 77.4 K, was applied here for adsorption of argon, oxygen, and carbon dioxide. While model predictions of single-pore adsorption isotherms for argon and oxygen are in satisfactory agreement with experimental data, significant deviation was found for carbon dioxide, most likely due to its high quadrupole moment. Predictions of critical pore diameter, below which reversible condensation occurs: were possible by the model and found to be consistent with experimental estimates, for the adsorption of the various gases. On the other hand, existing models such as the Barrett-Joyner-Halenda (BJH), Saito-Foley, and Dubinin-Astakhov models were found to be inadequate, either predicting an incorrect pore diameter or not correlating the isotherms adequately. The wall structure of MCM-41 appears to be close to that of amorphous silica, as inferred from our skeletal density measurements.


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Molecular dynamics simulations are used to study energy and momentum transfer of low-energy Ar atoms scattered from the Ni(001) surface. The investigation concentrates on the dependence of these processes on incident energy, angles of incidence and surface temperature. Energy transfer exhibits a strong dependence on the surface temperature, at incident energies below 500 meV, and incident angles close to specular incidence. Above 500 meV, the surface temperature dependence vanishes, and a limiting value in the amount of energy transferred to the surface is attained. Momentum exchange is investigated in terms of tangential and normal components. Both components exhibit a weak surface temperature dependence, but they have opposite behaviours at all incidence angles. In each component, momentum can be lost or gained following the interaction with the surface. (C) 1997 Elsevier Science B.V.


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Incremental laser-heating analyses of supergene cryptomelane clusters extracted from three distinct weathering profiles from the Mary Valley region, southeast Queensland, Australia, yield reproducible and well-defined plateau ages ranging from 346 +/- 15 to 291 +/- 14 ka (2 a). Precipitation of supergene cryptomelane in this period implies that relative humid climate prevailed in southeast Queensland from 340 to 290 ha, a result consistent with oxygen isotope analyses of marine sediments from Ocean Drilling Program Site 820 and with regional pollen and spore records. These results, the first report on the precise Ar-40/Ar-39 dating of Quaternary supergene cryptomelane, indicate that Ar-40/Ar-39 analysis of pedogenic minerals provides a reliable geochronometer for the study of Quaternary surficial processes useful in the study of soil formation rates, continental paleoclimates, and archaeological sites devoid of datable volcanic minerals.