904 resultados para Amazonia droughts
Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)
Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)
White-nosed bearded sakis (Chiropotes albinasus) are endemic to the Madeira-Xingu interfluvium in southern Amazonia, though recent fieldwork has produced conflicting data on the southwestern limits of the species's geographic range. We reevaluated the distribution of bearded sakis on the basis of surveys from 34 sites throughout the Brazilian state of Rondonia. Chiropotes albinasus occurred at seven sites in the eastern part of the state, including two west of the Jiparana-Pimenta Bueno river system in the extreme south, but there is no record of their presence further north and west in the Jiparana-Guapore interfluvium and they were absent from the Jiparana-Mamore interfluvium. The data suggest that ecological, rather than geographic barriers restrict the distribution of Chiropotes albinasus in southern Rondonia, but are contradictory with regard to the possible determining factors. Chiropotes albinasus appears able to thrive in transitional, savanna-like ecosystems in southern Rondonia, but is unexpectedly absent from adjacent areas of terra firme forest. Syntopy with the only other pitheciine found in the state (Pithecia irrorata) appears to have a negative effect on the abundance of Chiropotes albinasus which implies that interspecific competition may reinforce a complex of limiting factors, such as the availability of key plant species. Despite showing that Chiropotes albinasus is widespread in southern Rondonia, we also confirm its absence from the western two thirds of the state, a significant reduction in the known range of the species.
Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)
The 1980-1990 Amazonian gold rush left an enormous liability that increasingly has been substituted by developing fish aquaculture. This work aimed at the identification of the mercury levels in the environment, associated with fish farms located in the North of Mato Grosso State, Southern Amazon. Sediment and soil samples were analyzed for total organic carbon and total mercury. Results indicate that the chemical characteristics of the sediment largely depend on the management procedures of the fish pond (liming, fish food used and fish population). The soils presented relatively low concentrations when compared with other data from the literature.
Significantly more individuals and biomass of flying insects were present at the forest edge than in the understory throughout the year, as monitored by flight interception traps, in Central Amazonia. Numbers and biomass of flying insects increased at higher rates at the edge with rainfall, associated with termite swarming behavior and increased Homopteran density. The most abundant insects were Diptera, Coleoptera, Hymenoptera and Isoptera, whose ranked abundances varied with respect to forest edge and understory, as well as with season.
Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)
The Island is bordered by Amazon and Madeira rivers and by Uraria furo. The alluvial bars show the evolution phases of these big rivers on the fluvial plain. The lacustrine deltas are another morphologic feature. Within the lakes it is possible to observe streams with great density of sediments, when the flood phases of the Amazon create internal deltas and lake bedforms.-from English summary
Eucryptotermes breviceps, new species, is described from central Amazonia. Both imagoes and soldiers of this new species have only two apical spurs on the foretibia, a condition previously unknown for Kalotermitidae. The soldier of E. breviceps has a peculiar and extremely phragmotic head. The geographical distribution of E. wheeleri is expanded with new records, and measurements of soldiers and imagoes of this species are presented for the first time. E. wheeleri is a native of the Atlantic forest of southeastern Brazil, from Santa Catarina to Rio de Janeiro, but it has been recorded in urban areas and may be an occasional minor pest.
An analysis of covariance relating basin area (A, km2) to river length (L, km) and discharge rate (D, m3 s-1) was performed for two continents and showed that the two covariates (L and D) were highly significant and that the strength of the relationship changed between continents. For comparison, D was excluded but the result remained the same. Although geomorphological models are useful for establishing global levels of production, these regressions should be applied with caution. Historically, simple statistical models were developed to predict fish catches in rivers. These, based upon regression of catches on channel length or basin area for Africa and Central Amazonia, are contrasted in this paper because of their generally similar approach.