601 resultados para Amalgamas dentarios - Corrosão


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O artigo teve como objetivo estudar a evolução do crescimento, distribuição e classificação dos pites em aços inoxidáveis austeníticos AISI 310S no estado como recebida e tratado termicamente, submetidos a diferentes tempos de exposição em meio salino. A aplicabilidade deste trabalho baseou-se no desenvolvimento de uma técnica para caracterização morfológica da corrosão localizada, associado com os aspectos de descrição de formas, tamanho, parâmetros específicos e populacionais. A metodologia consistiu nas seguintes etapas: preparação dos corpos de prova, testes de corrosão via névoa salina em diferentes condições, análise microestrutural, análise dos perfis dos pites, processamento digital e análise de imagens, visando caracterizar a distribuição, morfologia e o tamanho dos pites. Os resultados obtidos no processamento digital e análise de imagens dos perfis foram submetidos á análise estatística, utilizando à mediana como parâmetro de avaliação na liga como recebido e tratada. A liga como recebido, exibe a seguinte morfologia: pites hemisféricos> região de transição A> região de transição B> irregulares> cônicos. A quantidade de pites na liga tratada a cada tempo de exposição é: região de transição B> hemisféricos> região de transição A> cônicos> irregulares.


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Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)


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Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)


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Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)


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This job aim has been to study the aqueous corrosion of the 7xxx heattreatable aluminium alloys, used in the aeronautical industry. The 7010, 7050 and 7475 alloys, have been supplied in the T7 condition and submitted to the annealed and aging thermal treatments of in order to study their behaviours front to corrosion in 5% NaCl pH 6,0, air-saturated and deaerated solutions. The electrochemical study has been accomplished through potential measures in open circuit, potentiodynamic polarisation curves and electrochemical impedance spectroscopy (EIS). The aged alloy resulted to be the most resistant to corrosion and annealed the less resistant ones. In spite of it they have different chemical compositions, in each mean, the alloy with the same thermal treatment has behaved in a similar way. In aerated solution, the process is controlled by oxygen diffusion and in oxygen absence for dissolution through a film. Hardness and mass loss measures, after corrosion test, have supported this research.


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The 2024-T3 and 7050-T7 aluminium alloys electrochemical behavior has been studied in NaCl 5% neutral solutions and 0,1M concentration containing NO 3 - or NO 2 -. The current job supports corrosion research on aluminium alloys used in aeronautic industry. Open circuit potential, polarisation curves and electrochemical impedance spectroscopy techniques have been used. In chloride solutions, alloys corrosion takes place through a pitting mechanism. Added anions to aerated solutions do not possess inhibition effect. In deaerated solutions, nitrite has diminished anodic dissolution rate, probably by incorporating this anion in the oxide and/or hydroxide film.


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A very new method application for digital image processing and analysis to classify shape and evaluate size and morphology parameters of pit corrosion is used in this paper. This method seems to be very effective to analysis surfaces with low or high degree of pitting formation. Pits formed on 2024 alloy surface by chloride and by chloride + molibdate anions have similar mean area, are found to be widther than deeper and exhibit predominantly conical or near-conical and irregular geometries.


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This paper has as a purpose a new alternative technique development to characterize pitting corrosion evolution, aiming classification, size and determination of morphological parameters which rule pits increase. In this case, the method will be applied to the 304 ABNT stainless steel, thermally treated and exposed to different times in salt spray. Different 304 steel conditions, rolled and thermally treated have exhibited similar geometry, predominantly conic, near-conic and irregular pits. On rolled steel, pits width increases faster than height; however, on thermally treated steel, pits are found to increase in height.


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ASTM F 138 austenitic stainless steel is extensively used as an orthopedic implant material. However, some aspects, such as low strength in the annealed condition and susceptibility to localized corrosion, limit wider use of this kind of steel. Recently, a high-nitrogen austenitic stainless steel, specified in the standard ISO 5832-9, has been indicated as an alternative to ASTM F 138 steel for more severe loading and permanent application inside the human body. In this work, microstructure, mechanical properties, corrosion resistance and fatigue behavior of both steels were determined and compared. ISO 5832-9 steel displayed better mechanical and corrosion behaviors than did ASTM F 138 steel The combination of these features lead ISO steel to enhanced fatigue performance in both neutral and aggressive environments. Analyzed were the role of nitrogen in solid solution, combined with niobium in the Z-phase, and the factors that led to superior ISO 5832-9 properties.


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This paper proposes a didactic experience on the simulation of the atmospheric corrosion of copper and zinc due to the presence of sulfur and nitrogen oxides. Quantitative parameters of corrosion such as gain and loss of mass were determined to assess the variation of the layer thickness of the metal and of the corrosion products. This proposal aims a better understanding of some basic aspects of acid rain formation using fundamental concepts of chemistry such as the reactivity of gases.


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In this paper it is proposed a method to characterize the corrosion reactions of many metals and alloys in acid media and to evaluate the corrosion rate. An alloy of aluminum and zinc was partially dissolved in HCl solution and the medium acidity decrease was monitored at different time intervals by using a pHmeter. Data analysis and physical chemistry treatment permitted associate the pH increase with the alloy mass loss. This proposal promotes learning of terminology and concepts involved as well as contribute to better understand the corrosion phenomena.


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)


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Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)