982 resultados para Aluminum alloys


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Anodization of aluminum alloys is a common surface treatment procedure employed for the protection against corrosion. A thin amorphous layer of alumina is formed on the surface of alloy, which seals the alloy surface from the surrounding. This alumina layer being harder than the base aluminum alloy can be useful as a tribological coating. But since this alumina layer is randomly formed with disordered voids and pores, predicting the mechanical properties is difficult. Specific anodizing conditions can be used to form highly ordered anodic nanoporous alumina films 1] on the aluminum alloy surface. These nanoporous alumina layer can be effectively used as a tribological coating, because of the highly ordered controllable geometry and the empty pores which can be used as reservoirs for lubricant.


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In recent years, semisolid manufacturing has emerged as an attractive option for near net shape forming of components with aluminum alloys. In this class of processes, the key to success lies mainly in the understanding of rheological behavior of the semi-solid slurry in the temperature range between liquidus and solidus. The present study focuses on the non-Newtonian flow behavior of the pseudo plastic slurry of Al-7Si-0.3Mg alloy for a wide shear range using a high-temperature Searle-type rheometer. The rheological behavior of the slurry is studied with respect to relevant process variables and microstructural features such as shear rate, shear duration, temperature history, primary particle size, shape, and their distribution. The experiments performed are isothermal tests, continuous cooling tests, shear jump tests, and shear time tests. The continuous cooling experiments are aimed toward studying the viscosity and shear stress evolution within the slurry matrix with increasing solid fraction at a constant shear rate. Three different cooling rates are considered and their effect on flow behavior of the slurry was studied under iso-shear condition. Descending shear jump experiments are performed to understand the viscous instability of the slurry.


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Developments of aluminum alloys that can retain strength at and above 250 degrees C present a significant challenge. In this paper we report an ultrafine scale Al-Fe-Ni eutectic alloy with less than 3.5 aa transition metals that exhibits room temperature ultimate tensile strength of similar to 400 MPa with a tensile ductility of 6-8%. The yield stress under compression at 300 degrees C was found to be 150 MPa. We attribute it to the refinement of the microstructure that is achieved by suction casting in copper mold. The characterization using scanning and transmission electron microscopy (SEM and TEM) reveals an unique composite structure that contains the Al-Al3Ni rod eutectic with spacing of similar to 90 nm enveloped by a lamellar eutectic of Al-Al9FeNi (similar to 140 nm). Observation of subsurface deformation under Vickers indentation using bonded interface technique reveals the presence of extensive shear banding during deformation that is responsible for the origin of ductility. The dislocation configuration in Al-Al3Ni eutectic colony indicates accommodation of plasticity in alpha-Al with dislocation accumulation at the alpha-Al/Al3Ni interface boundaries. In contrast the dislocation activities in the intermetallic lamellae are limited and contain set of planner dislocations across the plates. We present a detailed analysis of the fracture surface to rationalize the origin of the high strength and ductility in this class of potentially promising cast alloy. (C) 2015 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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Dimensional and finite element analyses were used to analyze the relationship between the mechanical properties and instrumented indentation response of materials. Results revealed the existence of a functional dependence of (engineering yield strength sigma(E,y) + engineering tensile strength sigma(E,b))/Oliver & Pharr hardness on the ratio of reversible elastic work to total work obtained from an indentation test. The relationship links up the Oliver & Pharr hardness with the material strengths, although the Oliver & Pharr hardness may deviate from the true hardness when sinking in or piling up occurs. The functional relationship can further be used to estimate the SUM sigma(E,y) + sigma(E,b) according to the data of an instrumented indentation test. The sigma(E,y) + sigma(E,b) value better reflects the strength of a material compared to the hardness value alone. The method was shown to be effective when applied to aluminum alloys. The relationship can further be used to estimate the fatigue limits, which are usually obtained from macroscopic fatigue tests in different modes.


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Experiments of autogenous laser full penetration welding between dissimilar cast Ni-based superalloy K418 and alloy steel 42CrMo flat plates with 3.5 mm thickness were conducted using a 3 kW continuous wave (CW) Nd:YAG laser. The influences of laser welding velocity, flow rate of side-blow shielding gas, defocusing distance were investigated. Microstructure of the welded seam was characterized by optical microscopy (OM), scanning electron microscopy (SEM) and X-ray diffraction (XRD) and energy dispersive spectrometer (EDS). Mechanical properties of the welded seam were evaluated by microhardness and tensile strength testing. Results show that high quality full penetration laser-welded joint can be obtained by optimizing the welding velocity, flow rate of shielding gas and defocusing distance. The laser-welded seam have non-equilibrium solidified microstructures consisting of gamma-FeCr0.29Ni0.16C0.06 austenite solid solution dendrites as the dominant and very small amount of super-fine dispersed Ni3Al gamma' phase and Laves particles as well as MC needle-like carbides distributed in the interdendritic regions. Although the microhardness of the laser-welded seam was lower than that of the base metal, the strength of the joint was equal to that of the base metal and the fracture mechanism showed fine ductility. (c) 2007 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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A wear mechanism map of uncoated high-speed steel (HSS) tools was constructed under the conditions of dry-drilling die-cast magnesium alloys. Three wear mechanisms appear in the map based on the microanalysis of drilled HSS tools by SEM, including adhesive wear, abrasive wear and diffusion wear. In the map, there exists a minor wear region which is called "safety zone". This wear mechanism map will be a good reference for choosing suitable drilling parameters when drilling die-cast magnesium alloys.


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A indústria aeronáutica utiliza ligas de alumínio de alta resistência para o fabrico dos elementos estruturais dos aviões. As ligas usadas possuem excelentes propriedades mecânicas mas apresentam simultaneamente uma grande tendência para a corrosão. Por esta razão essas ligas necessitam de protecção anticorrosiva eficaz para poderem ser utilizadas com segurança. Até à data, os sistemas anticorrosivos mais eficazes para ligas de alumínio contêm crómio hexavalente na sua composição, sejam pré-tratamentos, camadas de conversão ou pigmentos anticorrosivos. O reconhecimento dos efeitos carcinogénicos do crómio hexavalente levou ao aparecimento de legislação banindo o uso desta forma de crómio pela indústria. Esta decisão trouxe a necessidade de encontrar alternativas ambientalmente inócuas mas igualmente eficazes. O principal objectivo do presente trabalho é o desenvolvimento de prétratamentos anticorrosivos activos para a liga de alumínio 2024, baseados em revestimentos híbridos produzidos pelo método sol-gel. Estes revestimentos deverão possuir boa aderência ao substrato metálico, boas propriedades barreira e capacidade anticorrosiva activa. A protecção activa pode ser alcançada através da incorporação de inibidores anticorrosivos no prétratamento. O objectivo foi atingido através de uma sucessão de etapas. Primeiro investigou-se em detalhe a corrosão localizada (por picada) da liga de alumínio 2024. Os resultados obtidos permitiram uma melhor compreensão da susceptibilidade desta liga a processos de corrosão localizada. Estudaram-se também vários possíveis inibidores de corrosão usando técnicas electroquímicas e microestruturais. Numa segunda etapa desenvolveram-se revestimentos anticorrosivos híbridos orgânico-inorgânico baseados no método sol-gel. Compostos derivados de titania e zirconia foram combinados com siloxanos organofuncionais a fim de obter-se boa aderência entre o revestimento e o substrato metálico assim como boas propriedades barreira. Testes industriais mostraram que estes novos revestimentos são compatíveis com os esquemas de pintura convencionais actualmente em uso. A estabilidade e o prazo de validade das formulações foram optimizados modificando a temperatura de armazenamento e a quantidade de água usada durante a síntese. As formulações sol-gel foram dopadas com os inibidores seleccionados durante a primeira etapa e as propriedades anticorrosivas passivas e activas dos revestimentos obtidos foram estudadas numa terceira etapa do trabalho. Os resultados comprovam a influência dos inibidores nas propriedades anticorrosivas dos revestimentos sol-gel. Em alguns casos a acção activa dos inibidores combinou-se com a protecção passiva dada pelo revestimento mas noutros casos terá ocorrido interacção química entre o inibidor e a matriz de sol-gel, de onde resultou a perda de propriedades protectoras do sistema combinado. Atendendo aos problemas provocados pela adição directa dos inibidores na formulação sol-gel procurou-se, numa quarta etapa, formas alternativas de incorporação. Na primeira, produziu-se uma camada de titania nanoporosa na superfície da liga metálica que serviu de reservatório para os inibidores. O revestimento sol-gel foi aplicado por cima da camada nanoporosa. Os inibidores armazenados nos poros actuam quando o substrato fica exposto ao ambiente agressivo. Numa segunda, os inibidores foram armazenados em nano-reservatórios de sílica ou em nanoargilas (halloysite), os quais foram revestidos por polielectrólitos montados camada a camada. A terceira alternativa consistiu no uso de nano-fios de molibdato de cério amorfo como inibidores anticorrosivos nanoparticulados. Os nano-reservatórios foram incorporados durante a síntese do sol-gel. Qualquer das abordagens permitiu eliminar o efeito negativo do inibidor sobre a estabilidade da matriz do sol-gel. Os revestimentos sol-gel desenvolvidos neste trabalho apresentaram protecção anticorrosiva activa e capacidade de auto-reparação. Os resultados obtidos mostraram o elevado potencial destes revestimentos para a protecção anticorrosiva da liga de alumínio 2024.


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The development of efficient anti-corrosion and environmentally friendly coating systems are needed for the replacement of the highly toxic Cr-based conversion coatings for corrosion protection of aluminum alloys. In this study, we demonstrate that the direct application of ceramic cerium-based sol-gel coatings to AA7075-T6 substrates produces high-performance anti-corrosion layers. Electrochemical experiments and analyses of the microstructure demonstrate that the protective layers are very efficient for the passivation of the alloy surfaces operating as both passive and active barrier for corrosion protection.


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Low-level Nd additions, up to 0.17 wt%, were added to Al-5Mg to explore the impact on the subsequent degree of sensitization. Following heat treatment at 150°C for 1 day and 7 days, nitric acid mass loss (NAMLT) tests revealed that additions of >0.11% Nd were effective at decreasing the amount of subsequent intergranular attack.


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Praseodymium 4-hydroxycinnamate (Pr(4OHCin)3) was investigated as a novel corrosion inhibitor for steel in NaCl solutions, and found to be effective at inhibiting corrosion in both CO2-containing and naturally-aerated systems. Surface analysis results suggest that the corrosion inhibition ability of Pr(4OHCin)3 in the naturally-aerated corrosion system could be attributed to the formation of a continuous protective film. For the CO2-containing system, the corrosion inhibition efficiency of Pr(4OHCin)3 was predominantly because of formation of protective inhibiting deposits at the active electrochemical corrosion sites, in addition to a thinner surface film deposit. © 2013.


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The effect of chromate on metastable pitting of AA7075-T651 as determined via potentiostatic polarisation is reported. A systematic study of metastable pitting and its correlation with stable pits was conducted in various concentrations of sodium chromate (Na2CrO4), revealing the metastable pitting rate was able to provide a quantitative metric for pitting corrosion. The size and number of metastable pits decreased significantly in the presence of chromate. The present study is intended as a general baseline for the assessment of future chromate replacement technologies, as elaborated herein. © 2014 Elsevier Ltd.


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De-alloying of S-phase in AA2024-T3 in the presence chlorides, is well-known. However, it is unclear how rare earth mercaptoacetate inhibitors affect this process when immersed in a 0.1. M NaCl solution. This paper analyses data obtained using EPMA on AA2024-T3 surfaces before and after a 16. min immersion period. Cerium and praseodymium mercaptoacetate inhibited the de-alloying process of S-phase particles. Although no significant change in composition was observed for cathodic intermetallics, each appeared to participate in local corrosion reactions as evidenced by the development of surface oxides. Clustering between S-phase and one of the Cu-containing intermetallic domains was also evident.


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We study an Fe-18Al (at.%) alloy after various thermal treatments at different times (24-336 h) and temperatures (250-1100 °C) to determine the nature of the so-called 'komplex' phase state (or "K-state"), which is common to other alloy systems having compositions at the boundaries of known order-disorder transitions and is characterised by heterogeneous short-range-ordering (SRO). This has been done by direct observation using atom probe tomography (APT), which reveals that nano-sized, ordered regions/particles do not exist. Also, by employing shell-based analysis of the three-dimensional atomic positions, we have determined chemically sensitive, generalised multicomponent short-range order (GM-SRO) parameters, which are compared with published pairwise SRO parameters derived from bulk, volume-averaged measurement techniques (e.g. X-ray and neutron scattering, Mössbauer spectroscopy) and combined ab-initio and Monte Carlo simulations. This analysis procedure has general relevance for other alloy systems where quantitative chemical-structure evaluation of local atomic environments is required to understand ordering and partial ordering phenomena that affect physical and mechanical properties.


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The corrosion resistance and mechanical properties of nanocrystalline aluminium (Al) and Al-20. wt.%Cr alloys, synthesized by high-energy ball milling followed by spark plasma sintering, were investigated. Both alloys exhibited an excellent combination of corrosion resistance and compressive yield strength, which was attributed to the nanocrystalline structure, extended solubility, uniformly distributed fine particles, and homogenous microstructure induced by high-energy ball milling. This work demonstrates the possibilities of developing ultra-high strength Al alloys with excellent corrosion resistance, exploiting conventionally insoluble elements or alloying additions via suitable processing routes.