998 resultados para Agriculture--East (U.S.)--Maps


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The emergence of synthetic bovine Somatotropin (bST) is one of the most widely discussed advances in biotechnology. Its potential impacts on milk production around the world could be significant. However, the exact economic impacts of bST in any one region depends on a number of factors, some of which are still highly controversial.

This article sets out to estimate the economic impacts of the adoption of bST in the United States, the single largest milk producer in the Western world. A quarterly econometric model of the U.S. dairy sector is used to forecast the total production, consumption, and excess supply of milk to 1995. The preliminary results indicate that under the assumption of a gradual rate of adoption and a 15 percent milk production response, the United States could be exporting as much milk as New Zealand by 1995. Should the production response rate or the adoption rate be higher, the United States could indeed become a major competitor in the world dairy market by 1995.

Although such a development could adversely impact on other dairy exporters, such as New Zealand, the precise economic impacts on world prices and trade would depend crucially on the position that other major dairy producers, especially the EC, adopt with respect to the use of bST.


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On the basis of geologic, petrologic, and U-Pb geochronologic data the basement rocks in the east-central part of the Rondonia Tin Province (RTP, southwestern Amazonian craton) are grouped into five lithologic associations: (1) tonalitic gneiss (1.75 Ga); (2) enderbitic granulite (1.73 Ga); (3) paragneiss; (4) granitic and charnockitic augen gneisses (1.57-1.53 Ga); and (5) fine-grained granitic gneiss and charnockitic granulite (1.43-1.42 Ga). The first three are related to development of the Paleoproterozoic Rio Negro-Juruena Province and represent the oldest crust in the region. The tonalitic gneisses and enderbitic granulites show calc-alkaline affinities and Nd isotopic compositions (initial epsilon(Nd) = +0-1 to -1.5; T-DM of 2.2-2.1 Ga) that suggest a continental arc margin setting for the original magmas. The paragneisses yield T-DM values of 2.2-2.1 Ga suggesting that source material was primarily derived from the Ventuari-Tapajos and Rio Negro-Juruena crusts, but detrital zircon ages and an intrusive granitoid bracket deposition between 1.67 and 1.57 Ga. The granitic and charnockitic augen gneisses show predominantly A-type and within-plate granite affinities, but also some volcanic arc granite characteristics. The initial epsilon(Nd) values (+0.6 to +2.0) indicate mixing of magmas derived from depleted mantle and older crustal sources. These rocks are correlated to the 1.60-1.53 Ga Serra da Providencia intrusive suite that reflects inboard magmatism coeval with the Cachoeirinha orogen located to the southeast. The fine-grained granitic gneiss and charnockitic granulites represent the first record of widespread magmatism at 1.43-1.42 Ga in northern Rondonia. Their geochemical signatures and the slightly positive initial epsilon(Nd) values (+0.7 to +1.2) are very similar to those of the most evolved granites of the calc-alkaline Santa Helena batholith farther southeast. U-Pb monazite and Sm-Nd whole-rock-garnet ages demonstrate that a high-grade tectonometa-morphic episode occurred in this region at 1.33-1.30 Ga. This episode attained upper-amphibolite conditions and is interpreted as the peak of the Rondonian-San Ignacio orogeny. The U-Pb and Sm-Nd data presented here and data published on rapakivi granites elsewhere indicate that the east-central part of the RTP is a poly-orogenic region characterized by successive episodes of magmatism, metamorphism, and deformation between 1.75 and 0.97 Ga. (C) 2002 Elsevier B.V. B.V. All rights reserved.


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Long term global archives of high-moderate spatial resolution, multi-spectral satellite imagery are now readily accessible, but are not being fully utilised by management agencies due to the lack of appropriate methods to consistently produce accurate and timely management ready information. This work developed an object-based remote sensing approach to map land cover and seagrass distribution in an Australian coastal environment for a 38 year Landsat image time-series archive (1972-2010). Landsat Multi-Spectral Scanner (MSS), Thematic Mapper (TM) and Enhanced Thematic Mapper (ETM+) imagery were used without in situ field data input (but still using field knowledge) to produce land and seagrass cover maps every year data were available, resulting in over 60 map products over the 38 year archive. Land cover was mapped annually using vegetation, bare ground, urban and agricultural classes. Seagrass distribution was also mapped annually, and in some years monthly, via horizontal projected foliage cover classes, sand and deep water. Land cover products were validated using aerial photography and seagrass maps were validated with field survey data, producing several measures of accuracy. An average overall accuracy of 65% and 80% was reported for seagrass and land cover products respectively, which is consistent with other studies in the area. This study is the first to show moderate spatial resolution, long term annual changes in land cover and seagrass in an Australian environment, created without the use of in situ data; and only one of a few similar studies globally. The land cover products identify several long term trends; such as significant increases in South East Queensland's urban density and extent, vegetation clearing in rural and rural-residential areas, and inter-annual variation in dry vegetation types in western South East Queensland. The seagrass cover products show that there has been a minimal overall change in seagrass extent, but that seagrass cover level distribution is extremely dynamic; evidenced by large scale migrations of higher seagrass cover levels and several sudden and significant changes in cover level. These mapping products will allow management agencies to build a baseline assessment of their resources, understand past changes and help inform implementation and planning of management policy to address potential future changes.


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The Maud Belt in Dronning Maud Land (western East Antarctic Craton) preserves a high-grade polyphase tectono-thermal history with two orogenic episodes of Mesoproterozoic (1.2-1.0 Ga) and Neoproterozoic (0.6-0.5 Ga) age. New SHRIMP U-Pb zircon data from southern Gjelsvikfjella in the northeastern part of the belt make it possible to differentiate between a series of magmatic and metamorphic events. The oldest event recorded is the formation of an extensive 1140-1130 Ma volcanic arc. This was followed by 1104 ± 8 Ma granitoids that might represent, together with so far undated mafic dykes, part of a decompression melting-related bimodal suite that reflects the sub-continental Umkondo igneous event. The first high-grade metamorphism is constrained at 1070 Ma. The metamorphic age data are similar to those obtained from other parts of the Maud Belt, but also from the Namaqua-Natal Belt in South Africa, but the preceding arc formation was diachronous in the two belts. This indicates that the two belts did not form a continuous volcanic arc unit as suggested in previous models, but became connected only at the end of the Mesoproterozoic. Intense reworking during the Neoproterozoic, probably as a result of continent-continent collision between components of Gondwana, is indicated by ductile refliation, further high-grade metamorphic recrystallisation and metamorphic zircon overgrowths at approximately 530 Ma. This was followed by late- to post-tectonic magmatism, reflected by 500 Ma granite bodies and 490 Ma aplite dykes as well as a 480 Ma gabbro body.


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We present new U-Pb zircon (SHRIMP) data on rocks from Mt Newton and Cumpston Massif in the southern Prince Charles Mountains. Our data demonstrate that Mt Newton was affected by a newly proposed Palaeoproterozoic "Newton" Orogeny at c. 2100-2200 Ma. Sedimentation, felsic volcanism (c. 2200 Ma), metamorphism and folding, followed by granite intrusion (c. 2100 Ma), suggest development of a trough or aulacogene in the area during the early Palaeoproterozoic. An orthogneiss from Cumpston Massif yielded an age of c. 3180 Ma for granitic protolith emplacement, which is in good agreement with many U-Pb zircon ages from similar rocks in the southern Mawson Escarpment. A syn- to late-tectonic muscovite-bearing pegmatite from Cumpston Massif yielded a c. 2500 Ma date of emplacement, which indicates early Palaeoproterozoic activity in this block, probably in response to a tectono-magmatic episode in the Lambert Terrane bordering the Ruker Terrane in the northeast. The correlation of tectono-magmatic events in both the Ruker and Lambert terranes of the southern Prince Charles Mountains provides evidence for their common evolution during the Proterozoic.


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In selected East Asian economies, the behavior of detrended macroeconomic variables was found to be similar to that observed in the postwar U.S. economy. Consumption and investment are highly procyclical while the balance of trade and the price level are counter-cyclical in most of them. Labor productivity is procyclical in general. The high coherence between U.S. GDP and that of the East Asian economies suggests that business cycles in terms of frequency are also similar between the United States and East Asia. However, the GDP and consumption of East Asian countries do not necessarily co-move well with current U.S. and Japanese GDP and consumption, while East Asian consumption tends to co-move more with lagged U.S. and Japanese consumption.


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Urban agriculture in Lima has been promoted by the project Farmers in the city encompassed in the Urban harvest program promoted by the Consultive Group on International Agricultural Research (CGIAR). The validation of the effectiveness of the project Farmers in the city can only be confirmed by maintenance over the time the deployment of the project goals. The project Farmers in the city was carried out by the International Potato Center (CIP) and GESPLAN research group of the Technical University of Madrid. The project was conducted at the East Cone of Lima, Peru, from 2006 to 2008. This communication shows the situation 5 years later. In order to know the current situation all the members of Cosanaca producer association, which was created under the project, have been interviewed. Besides, an expert panel was carried out with the responsible of the urban agricultural office of the municipalities that participate in the project. The results show that Cosanaca has duplicated the number of producers and that the municipalities have increased the number of workers.


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