76 resultados para Agreeableness
The purpose of this study was to determine the degree to which the Big-Five personality taxonomy, as represented by the Minnesota Multiphasic Personality Inventory (MMPI), California Psychological Inventory (CPI), and Inwald Personality Inventory (IPI) scales, predicted a variety of police officer job performance criteria. Data were collected archivally for 270 sworn police officers from a large Southeastern municipality. Predictive data consisted of scores on the MMPI, CPI, and IPI scales as grouped in terms of the Big-Five factors. The overall score on the Wonderlic was included in order to assess criterion variance accounted for by cognitive ability. Additionally, a psychologist's overall rating of predicted job fit was utilized to assess the variance accounted for by a psychological interview. Criterion data consisted of supervisory ratings of overall job performance, State Examination scores, police academy grades, and termination. Based on the literature, it was hypothesized that officers who are higher on Extroversion, Conscientiousness, Agreeableness, Openness to Experience, and lower on Neuroticism, otherwise known as the Big-Five factors, would outperform their peers across a variety of job performance criteria. Additionally, it was hypothesized that police officers who are higher in cognitive ability and masculinity, and lower in mania would also outperform their counterparts. Results indicated that many of the Big-Five factors, namely, Neuroticism, Conscientiousness, Agreeableness, and Openness to Experience, were predictive of several of the job performance criteria. Such findings imply that the Big-Five is a useful predictor of police officer job performance. Study limitations and implications for future research are discussed. ^
The present dissertation consists of two studies that combine personnel selection, safety performance, and job performance literatures to answer an important question: are safe workers better workers? Study 1 tested a predictive model of safety performance to examine personality characteristics (conscientiousness and agreeableness), and two novel behavioral constructs (safety orientation and safety judgment) as predictors of safety performance in a sample of forklift loaders/operators (N = 307). Analyses centered on investigating safety orientation as a proximal predictor and determinant of safety performance. Study 2 replicated Study 1 and explored the relationship between safety performance and job performance by testing an integrative model in a sample of machine operators and construction crewmembers (N = 323). Both Study 1 and Study 2 found conscientiousness, agreeableness, and safety orientation to be good predictors of safety performance. While both personality and safety orientation were positively related to safety performance, safety orientation proved to be a more proximal determinant of safety performance. Across studies, results surrounding safety judgment as a predictor of safety performance were inconclusive, suggesting possible issues with measurement of the construct. Study 2 found a strong relationship between safety performance and job performance. In addition, safety performance served as a mediator between predictors (conscientiousness, agreeableness and safety orientation) and job performance. Together these findings suggest that safe workers are indeed better workers, challenging previous viewpoints to the contrary. Further, results implicate the viability of personnel selection as means of promoting safety in organizations.^
This study examined variables that may influence coworkers' acceptance of accommodations made for employees with disabilities. Agreeableness, conscientiousness, emotional stability, self-esteem, and emotional intelligence were predicted to affect the relationship between procedural justice and fairness perceptions of accommodations made for disabled workers. Approximately 400 university students read one of four accommodation scenarios and provided fairness ratings in order to test eight hypotheses. Results provided evidence that the presence of procedural justice had a direct influence on participants' fairness perceptions of implemented accommodations. Participants' individual characteristics were also directly related to fairness perceptions. Additionally, conscientiousness was found to moderate the relationship between the presence of procedural justice and fairness perceptions. Findings from this study suggest that organizations should use clear and consistent guidelines and procedures to determine and implement accommodations. Additionally, findings reinforce the importance of keeping individuals informed of the ways in which decisions are made within an organization.
Behaviors found in every culture, general human tendencies, are knew in Evolutionary Psychology as evolved psychological mechanisms. Those behaviors date back the Environment of Evolutionary Adaptedness, and a well know example of such behavior is the group bias (or intergroup bias). This bias consists of recognizing members of your own group and favor them, while disregarding or even harming outsiders. This behavior was and still is extensively studies, among the most important conclusions about this phenomenon is the Minimal Groups Paradigm, in which it was discovered that the group bias could trigger even when the groupings were done in following very arbitrary criteria. In the current study, our goal was to test if the participants, when playing an economic game, would behave in a similar fashion under a minimal group situation and real groups, with social meaning. With this in mind we made two experimental conditions, a Low Social Meaning one (LSM) where the groups were represented by letters (H, B, O and Y) in which participants would be ramdomly assorted to each group; and the High Social Meaning condition (HSM) in which religion was used as a group marker, containing the two most dominating religious groups in Brazil, catholic and evangelic, another group containing all the other affiliations e the fourth and last group representing atheists and agnostics. The ratio of donations in-group/out-group was roughly the same across both conditions. However, the amount of wafers donated to ingroup was significantly bigger in the HSM condition. By verifying which aspects of the individual best predicted the observed group bias, we discovered that the in-group Entitativity perception as well as the Group Identification were the most relevant variables, however, only in the HSM condition. Simultaneously, by verifying the generosity, biased or not, we observed that the agreeableness personality factor was the only variable able to predict it, and only in the LSM condition. We conclude that our generosity, or the lack of it, is for most part defined by our personality, the Agreeableness factor in particular. But this very generosity can be biased by the social meaning of the involved groups and that, if the social meaning is big enough, even people who, thanks to their personality, normally wouldn’t show generosity, are able to do so when the receiver is an in-group member.
We experimentally subliminally prime subjects prior to charity donation decisions by showing words that have connotations of pro-social values for a very brief time (17ms). Our main fnding is that, compared to a baseline condition, the pro-social prime increases donations by approximately 10-17 percent among subjects with strong pro-social preferences (universalism values). We find a similar effect when interacting the prime with the Big 5 personality characteristic of agreeableness. We furthermore introduce a novel method for testing for priming, "subliminity". This method reveals that some subjects are capable of recognizing prime words, and the overall results are weaker when we control for this capacity.
The purpose of this study was twofold. The first was to further clarify and expand or understanding of the relationship between interpersonal conflict, incivility, and their roles as stressors in the stressor-strain relationship. The second goal was to examine how neuroticism, extraversion, agreeableness, conscientiousness, trait anger, and sphere specific locus of control moderate the stressor-strain relationship between task conflict, relationship conflict, incivility and workplace and health outcomes. The results suggest that extraversion, neuroticism, conscientiousness, agreeableness, trait anger, and locus of control play significant roles in how workplace aggression affects individuals. These findings suggest that occupations that experience a high level of workplace aggression should consider incorporating these personality traits into their selection system as a way of limiting or reducing the effects workplace aggression can have on individual health, wellbeing, and job outcomes.
This dissertation relates job desires and outcomes to the Dark Personality (Psychopathy, Machiavellianism, Narcissism, Low Agreeableness, Low Honesty-Humility) in the United States Army. It purports that individuals high on the Dark Personality desire more power, money, and status, and that they obtain jobs that afford them these luxuries by using manipulation at work. Two pilot studies used samples of United States Army members to create and test index variables: Dark Personality, Total Manipulation in the workplace, Desire for Job Success, and Total Job Success in the Army. Individual personality traits, manipulation tactics, and job desires were examined in secondary analyses. Using a sample of 468 United States Army Members, central analyses indicated that Army members high on the Dark Personality desired Job Success. Likewise, army members higher on the Dark Personality used more Manipulation tactics at work, including the egregious tactics. Yet, using more Manipulation tactics at work predicted lower levels of Job Success in the Army. Most manipulation tactics had a negative impact on Job Success, with the exception of soft tactics like Reason and Responsibility Invocation. Together, these results indicate that selective use of soft manipulation predicted Job Success, but use of more manipulation tactics predicted less Job Success in the Army. Curvilinear results indicated that being either very low or very high on the Dark Personality predicted more Job Success in the Army, whereas having intermediate levels of the Dark Personality predicted less Job Success. Finally, possessing the Dark Personality and using more Manipulation tactics at work, together, predicted less Job Success in the Army. Collectively, the results indicate that army members with intermediate levels of the Dark Personality want more powerful and high paying jobs, yet their strategy of manipulating their coworkers to move up the job ladder does not result in higher ranking, higher paying Army positions. However, Army members highest on the Dark Personality achieved job success, defying the maladaptive influence that antisocial personality traits and manipulative behaviour had on job success for most Army members. Therefore, this dissertation indicates that successful corporate scoundrels exist in the Army, but there are few of them.
Cette thèse de doctorat s’intéresse à mieux comprendre, d’une part, ce qui influence la sécrétion de cortisol salivaire, et d’autre part, ce qui influence l’épuisement professionnel. Plusieurs objectifs en découlent. D’abord, elle vise à mieux cerner la contribution des conditions de l’organisation du travail (utilisation des compétences, autorité décisionnelle, demandes psychologiques, demandes physiques, horaire de travail irrégulier, nombre d’heures travaillées, soutien social des collègues, soutien social des superviseurs, insécurité d’emploi) sur la sécrétion de cortisol salivaire, ainsi que le rôle modérateur de certains traits de personnalité (extraversion, agréabilité, névrosisme, conscience, ouverture d’esprit, estime de soi, centre de contrôle) sur la relation entre les conditions de l’organisation du travail et la sécrétion de cortisol salivaire. Par ailleurs, cette thèse vise à établir la contribution des conditions de l’organisation du travail sur l’épuisement professionnel, ainsi que le rôle modérateur des traits de personnalité sur la relation entre les conditions de l’organisation du travail et l’épuisement professionnel. Finalement, cette thèse vise à vérifier si la sécrétion de cortisol salivaire joue un rôle médiateur sur la relation entre les conditions de l’organisation du travail et l’épuisement professionnel, ainsi qu’à identifier les effets de médiation modérés par les traits de personnalité sur la relation entre les conditions de l’organisation du travail et la sécrétion de cortisol salivaire. Ces objectifs sont inspirés de nombreuses limites observées dans la littérature, principalement l’intégration de déterminants à la fois biologiques, psychologiques et du travail dans la compréhension de l’épuisement professionnel. La thèse propose un modèle conceptuel qui tente de savoir comment ces différents stresseurs entraînent une dérégulation de la sécrétion de cortisol dans la salive des travailleurs. Ensuite, ce modèle conceptuel vise à voir si cette dérégulation s’associe à l’épuisement professionnel. Finalement, ce modèle conceptuel cherche à expliquer comment la personnalité peut influencer la manière dont ces variables sont reliées entre elles, c’est-à-dire de voir si la personnalité joue un rôle modérateur. Ce modèle découle de quatre théories particulières, notamment la perspective biologique de Selye (1936). Les travaux de Selye s’orientent sur l’étude de la réaction physiologique d’un organisme soumis à un stresseur. Dans ces circonstances, l’organisme est en perpétuel effort de maintien de son équilibre (homéostasie) et ne tolère que très peu de modifications à cet équilibre. En cas de modifications excessives, une réponse de stress est activée afin d’assurer l’adaptation en maintenant l’équilibre de base de l’organisme. Ensuite, le modèle conceptuel s’appuie sur le modèle de Lazarus et Folkman (1984) qui postule que la réponse de stress dépend plutôt de l’évaluation que font les individus de la situation stressante, et également sur le modèle de Pearlin (1999) qui postule que les individus exposés aux mêmes stresseurs ne sont pas nécessairement affectés de la même manière. Finalement, le modèle conceptuel de cette thèse s’appuie sur le modèle de Marchand (2004) qui postule que les réactions dépendent du décodage que font les acteurs des contraintes et ressources qui les affectent. Diverses hypothèses émergent de cette conceptualisation théorique. La première est que les conditions de l’organisation du travail contribuent directement aux variations de la sécrétion de cortisol salivaire. La deuxième est que les conditions de l’organisation du travail contribuent directement à l’épuisement professionnel. La troisième est que la sécrétion de cortisol salivaire médiatise la relation entre les conditions de l’organisation du travail et l’épuisement professionnel. La quatrième est que la relation entre les conditions de l’organisation du travail et la sécrétion de cortisol salivaire est modérée par les traits de personnalité. La cinquième est que la relation entre les conditions de l’organisation du travail, la sécrétion de cortisol salivaire et l’épuisement professionnel est modérée par les traits de personnalité. Des modèles de régression multiniveaux et des analyses de cheminement de causalité ont été effectués sur un échantillon de travailleurs canadiens provenant de l’étude SALVEO. Les résultats obtenus sont présentés sous forme de trois articles, soumis pour publication, lesquels constituent les chapitres 4 à 6 de cette thèse. Dans l’ensemble, le modèle intégrateur biopsychosocial proposé dans le cadre de cette thèse de doctorat permet de mieux saisir la complexité de l’épuisement professionnel qui trouve une explication biologique, organisationnelle et individuelle. Ce constat permet d’offrir une compréhension élargie et multiniveaux et assure l’avancement des connaissances sur une problématique préoccupante pour les organisations, la société ainsi que pour les travailleurs. Effectivement, la prise en compte des traits de personnalité et de la sécrétion du cortisol salivaire dans l’étude de l’épuisement professionnel assure une analyse intégrée et plus objective. Cette thèse conclue sur les implications de ces résultats pour la recherche, et sur les retombées qui en découlent pour les milieux de travail.
The 'Dark Triad' of socially aversive personality traits (Machiavellianism, Narcissism, and Psychopathy) is typically associated with grandiosity, callousness, and exploitation. Despite this, people with such traits can be very successful in life, especially in the occupational context. This study investigated the characteristics of individuals who enable and abet people high on Dark Triad traits (e.g. through tolerating unpleasant behaviours, not challenging unethical conduct, etc.). High Dark Triad individuals may be able to identify individuals who are susceptible to social manipulation and who are therefore less likely to challenge their behaviours. This study used a 20-item Vulnerability Scale to capture the characteristics of individuals who fall victim to people high on the Dark Triad traits. Cronbach's alpha for the Vulnerability Scale was .80. Pearson's correlation between total vulnerability scores and each of the Big Five personality traits revealed that predictors of vulnerability to social manipulation include low extraversion, low conscientiousness, high neuroticism, and high agreeableness. The vignette method was used to elicit perceptions of Dark Triad behaviours from those who are found to demonstrate signs of social vulnerability. Differences in response styles on Likert-type statements and open-ended questions were found between the high and low vulnerability groups.
Purpose – This research aims to understand the role played by social entrepreneurs’ personality traits on the choice between the traditional donation model and social crowdfunding (CF) to finance social projects. Design/methodology/approach – Social CF is examined as an instrument to capture funds for social projects, and the particular case of the Portuguese Social Stock Exchange (PSSE) is presented. The approach is quantitative in nature and the data were collected through a questionnaire that was emailed to non-governmental organizations in Portugal and founders of the projects listed on PSSE. Logistic regression was employed to predict the probability that a social entrepreneur would use PSSE rather than traditional financing. The predictor variables were based on the big five personality traits. Findings – Our investigation reveals that the agreeableness and neuroticism factors were not even considered in the results of the factorial analysis, which indicates the minor importance of these personality traits in the funding decisions of the Portuguese social entrepreneurs. The same applies to the factors of openness to new experiences and extraversion, which, although considered in the logistic analysis, showed no statistical significance. Finally, the conscientiousness personality trait seems to be the only factor that might explain the use of the PSSE platform.Originality/value – Studies on the profile of the social entrepreneurs that use CF for financing social projects are relatively rare, specifically in the context of Social Stock Exchange platforms. Additionally, there is a need to carry out more empirical evidence about the effect of social entrepreneurs’ personality traits on the decision to finance social projects through social CF platforms vis-a-vis the traditional donation model.
Cognitive-behavioral Therapy (CBT) for the treatment of Intermittent Explosive Disorder (IED) has proved to be effective, with moderate to large effect sizes both in individual and group interventions. Videoconferencing has been used effectively to treat different mental disorders but its use for IED patients is as yet unknown. The aim of this study is to provide preliminary evidence of the possibility of treating IED by videoconference. We present a case-study experiment of a Spanish male, aged 33 years, living and working in China. After the intervention, the patient's aggressive episodes decreased dramatically, as well as his negative affect. In contrast, he showed an important increment in positive emotions and self-esteem. There were also positive changes in some personality dimensions and facets measured by NEO-PI-R, specifically in neuroticism, extraversion, and agreeableness. The benefits were maintained at 3-, 8- and 18-month follow-ups. These preliminary results reveal that CBT by videoconference oriented to increasing emotion regulation skills was effective when implemented in a case study of a person suffering from IED.
Cette thèse de doctorat s’intéresse à mieux comprendre, d’une part, ce qui influence la sécrétion de cortisol salivaire, et d’autre part, ce qui influence l’épuisement professionnel. Plusieurs objectifs en découlent. D’abord, elle vise à mieux cerner la contribution des conditions de l’organisation du travail (utilisation des compétences, autorité décisionnelle, demandes psychologiques, demandes physiques, horaire de travail irrégulier, nombre d’heures travaillées, soutien social des collègues, soutien social des superviseurs, insécurité d’emploi) sur la sécrétion de cortisol salivaire, ainsi que le rôle modérateur de certains traits de personnalité (extraversion, agréabilité, névrosisme, conscience, ouverture d’esprit, estime de soi, centre de contrôle) sur la relation entre les conditions de l’organisation du travail et la sécrétion de cortisol salivaire. Par ailleurs, cette thèse vise à établir la contribution des conditions de l’organisation du travail sur l’épuisement professionnel, ainsi que le rôle modérateur des traits de personnalité sur la relation entre les conditions de l’organisation du travail et l’épuisement professionnel. Finalement, cette thèse vise à vérifier si la sécrétion de cortisol salivaire joue un rôle médiateur sur la relation entre les conditions de l’organisation du travail et l’épuisement professionnel, ainsi qu’à identifier les effets de médiation modérés par les traits de personnalité sur la relation entre les conditions de l’organisation du travail et la sécrétion de cortisol salivaire. Ces objectifs sont inspirés de nombreuses limites observées dans la littérature, principalement l’intégration de déterminants à la fois biologiques, psychologiques et du travail dans la compréhension de l’épuisement professionnel. La thèse propose un modèle conceptuel qui tente de savoir comment ces différents stresseurs entraînent une dérégulation de la sécrétion de cortisol dans la salive des travailleurs. Ensuite, ce modèle conceptuel vise à voir si cette dérégulation s’associe à l’épuisement professionnel. Finalement, ce modèle conceptuel cherche à expliquer comment la personnalité peut influencer la manière dont ces variables sont reliées entre elles, c’est-à-dire de voir si la personnalité joue un rôle modérateur. Ce modèle découle de quatre théories particulières, notamment la perspective biologique de Selye (1936). Les travaux de Selye s’orientent sur l’étude de la réaction physiologique d’un organisme soumis à un stresseur. Dans ces circonstances, l’organisme est en perpétuel effort de maintien de son équilibre (homéostasie) et ne tolère que très peu de modifications à cet équilibre. En cas de modifications excessives, une réponse de stress est activée afin d’assurer l’adaptation en maintenant l’équilibre de base de l’organisme. Ensuite, le modèle conceptuel s’appuie sur le modèle de Lazarus et Folkman (1984) qui postule que la réponse de stress dépend plutôt de l’évaluation que font les individus de la situation stressante, et également sur le modèle de Pearlin (1999) qui postule que les individus exposés aux mêmes stresseurs ne sont pas nécessairement affectés de la même manière. Finalement, le modèle conceptuel de cette thèse s’appuie sur le modèle de Marchand (2004) qui postule que les réactions dépendent du décodage que font les acteurs des contraintes et ressources qui les affectent. Diverses hypothèses émergent de cette conceptualisation théorique. La première est que les conditions de l’organisation du travail contribuent directement aux variations de la sécrétion de cortisol salivaire. La deuxième est que les conditions de l’organisation du travail contribuent directement à l’épuisement professionnel. La troisième est que la sécrétion de cortisol salivaire médiatise la relation entre les conditions de l’organisation du travail et l’épuisement professionnel. La quatrième est que la relation entre les conditions de l’organisation du travail et la sécrétion de cortisol salivaire est modérée par les traits de personnalité. La cinquième est que la relation entre les conditions de l’organisation du travail, la sécrétion de cortisol salivaire et l’épuisement professionnel est modérée par les traits de personnalité. Des modèles de régression multiniveaux et des analyses de cheminement de causalité ont été effectués sur un échantillon de travailleurs canadiens provenant de l’étude SALVEO. Les résultats obtenus sont présentés sous forme de trois articles, soumis pour publication, lesquels constituent les chapitres 4 à 6 de cette thèse. Dans l’ensemble, le modèle intégrateur biopsychosocial proposé dans le cadre de cette thèse de doctorat permet de mieux saisir la complexité de l’épuisement professionnel qui trouve une explication biologique, organisationnelle et individuelle. Ce constat permet d’offrir une compréhension élargie et multiniveaux et assure l’avancement des connaissances sur une problématique préoccupante pour les organisations, la société ainsi que pour les travailleurs. Effectivement, la prise en compte des traits de personnalité et de la sécrétion du cortisol salivaire dans l’étude de l’épuisement professionnel assure une analyse intégrée et plus objective. Cette thèse conclue sur les implications de ces résultats pour la recherche, et sur les retombées qui en découlent pour les milieux de travail.
Thesis submitted to University of Manchester for the degree of Doctor of Philosophy in the Faculty of Business Administration.
This dissertation consists of four studies examining two constructs related to time orientation in organizations: polychronicity and multitasking. The first study investigates the internal structure of polychronicity and its external correlates in a sample of undergraduate students (N = 732). Results converge to support a one-factor model and finds measures of polychronicity to be significantly related to extraversion, agreeableness, and openness to experience. The second study quantitatively reviews the existing research examining the relationship between polychronicity and the Big Five factors of personality. Results reveal a significant relationship between extraversion and openness to experience across studies. Studies three and four examine the usefulness of multitasking ability in the prediction of work related criteria using two organizational samples (N = 175 and 119, respectively). Multitasking ability demonstrated predictive validity, however the incremental validity over that of traditional predictors (i.e., cognitive ability and the Big Five factors of personality) was minimal. The relationships between multitasking ability, polychronicity, and other individual differences were also investigated. Polychronicity and multitasking ability proved to be distinct constructs demonstrating differential relationships with cognitive ability, personality, and performance. Results provided support for multitasking performance as a mediator in the relationship between multitasking ability and overall job performance. Additionally, polychronicity moderated the relationship between multitasking ability and both ratings of multitasking performance and overall job performance in Study four. Clarification of the factor structure of polychronicity and its correlates will facilitate future research in the time orientation literature. Results from two organizational samples point to work related measures of multitasking ability as a worthwhile tool for predicting the performance of job applicants.
Personality has long been linked to performance. Evolutions in this relationship have brought forward new questions regarding the true nature of how personality impacts performance. Both direct and indirect relationships have been proven significant. This study further investigated potential indirect relationships by including a mediating variable, mental model formation, in the personality-performance relationship. Undergraduate students were assessed in a 6-week period, Time 1 - Time 2 experiment. Conceptualizations of personality included measures of the Big 5 model and Self-efficacy, with performance measured by content quiz and overall course scores. Findings showed that the Big 5 personality traits, extraversion and agreeableness, positively and significantly impacted commonality with the instructor’s mental model. However, commonality with the instructor’s mental model did not impact performance. In comparison, commonality with an expert mental model positively and significantly impacted performance for both the content quiz and overall course score. Furthermore, similarity with an expert mental model positively and significantly impacted overall course performance. Hypothesized full mediation of mental model formation for the personality-performance relationship was not supported due to a lack of direct effect relationships required for mediation. However, a revised conceptualization of results emerged. Findings from the current study point to the novel and unique role mental models play in the personality-performance relationship. While personality traits do impact mental model formation, accuracy in the mental models formed is critical to performance.