841 resultados para Agenda 21 local


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Mediterranean islands exemplify well the interactions between tourism, heritage and culture on islands. After an introduction that considers their heritage and the pressures which might be applied by tourism because of insular characteristics such as scale, the paper considers the Spanish island of Mallorca as a case study. First its history and consequent heritage is identified and then various stages in its tourism development, which might be recognized in Butler’s model, are treated with particular reference to two very different foreigner commentators on the island, George Sand and Robert Trimnell. The mass market tourism exemplified by Trimnell has brought a reaction and in recent decades Mallorca has given much more consideration to its environment and heritage, illustrated here through the example of the district of Calvià and its Local Agenda 21 policies. This has seen a considerable impact on the island’s tourism and marketing initiatives, as well as upon its natural environment.


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As zonas costeiras desde cedo foram consideradas como áreas preferenciais e com vocação para a prática de actividades turísticas. Por outro lado, o sector do turismo tem sido apontado como um factor de desenvolvimento, sobretudo para países ou regiões onde o tecido económico e produtivo é pouco competitivo, apresentando-se esta actividade como um sector chave para o desenvolvimento (Relatório do Estado do Ambiente, 1999). No entanto, este sector tem levantado alguns problemas ambientais nas zonas costeiras, pelo excessivo consumo do produto turístico sol e mar. Além disso, os turistas de hoje já não procuram apenas estes produtos turísticos, mas também estão interessados em que estas áreas possuam outros produtos turísticos de qualidade, tanto a nível ambiental como a nível cultural. Apareceu, depois da conferência mundial sobre desenvolvimento e ambiente, o conceito de turismo sustentável, como parte integrante do desenvolvimento sustentável, o que levou a que se procedesse à criação de critérios para a prática deste tipo de turismo. A nível europeu está a ser elaborada uma Agenda 21 para o sector do turismo, definindo as linhas orientadoras para este sector, de forma a satisfazer as necessidades dos visitantes, mas também de forma a preservar e melhorar a herança cultural e ambiental dos territórios com potencialidades turísticas. Estas linhas orientadoras deverão ser também aplicadas de forma concreta às zonas costeiras onde se verifica cada vez mais uma degradação do ambiente, e consequentemente do sector turístico. Da verificação destes problemas entre o sector do turismo e as áreas costeiras, procedeu-se ao estudo da noção de Turismo Sustentável e/ou Sustentabilidade do Turismo nas zonas costeiras, principalmente naquelas que necessitam de um rejuvenescimento turístico e ambiental. Foi analisado o caso de estudo do concelho de Mira, com o intuito de verificar como poderão ser aplicados os critérios da sustentabilidade do turismo neste território que necessita ser rejuvenescido. Pretende apresentar-se um programa de turismo sustentável em que sejam apontadas as várias potencialidades do concelho de Mira para tornar o sector do turismo mais sustentável, diversificando o produto turístico da região, oferecendo novas e renovadas condições aos seus visitantes, conservando e promovendo os recursos naturais e culturais do concelho e criando benefícios e oportunidades à sua população.


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Presentació inclosa dins les Segundas Jornadas Patagónicas 'La Gestión sostenible del turismo en el desarrollo local'


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Este trabajo contribuye al análisis de la incidencia del paradigma del Desarrollo Urbano Sostenible en el proceso de toma de decisiones legislativas en Colombia, concentrándose en la discusión y definición de la agenda legislativa sobre asuntos urbanos, durante el periodo 1991-2006.


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El departamento del Guainía, comprende una región con un alto potencial de desarrollo económico y social para el país debido a su biodiversidad y a su riqueza cultural. Sin embargo, ha sido un departamento que no ha presentado un desarrollo creciente de su economía debido a factores como: el aislamiento, la dependencia del estado, la limitada inversión en tecnología e infraestructura vial y la falta de capacitación en el capital humano, los cuales incrementa los costos logísticos y dificulta el desarrollo microempresarial. Es así, como en la actualidad la economía de la región se centra en los sectores primarios y en el sector público, los cuales presentan un mínimo valor agregado y de calidad para la zona. Teniendo en cuenta, la situación actual del departamento dentro del plan de desarrollo económico del Guainía y las apuestas productivas para la Amazorinoquia, se plantearon los lineamientos económicos y los ejes transversales de los sectores con mayor potencial de desarrollo para el Guainía. El turismo, el Bio-comercio y los mercados verdes, son los sectores analizados que podrían mejorar las condiciones socioeconómicas del departamento. De este modo, y teniendo en cuenta las condiciones de la región, el sector turístico, es un sector con un alto potencial de desarrollo que impacta a la economía en general y propende por el desarrollo social y el cuidado del medio ambiente. Por ello, la economía debería enfocar sus esfuerzos en el desarrollo de dicho sector, a través de un clúster del sector turístico que integre las iniciativas de los empresarios locales, las instituciones públicas y los gremios, promoviendo la competitividad, la innovación, la generación de sinergia y la promoción del departamento como centro eco-turístico de la Amazorinoquia colombiana.


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Esta guía de educación ambiental propone consejos y orientaciones prácticas para mejorar la calidad de vida reduciendo el consumo de energía en la vida cotidiana. Ahorrar energía supone un ahorro económico, pero también, y sobre todo, un ahorro de recursos naturales, lo que ayudará a mejorar el medio ambiente local y global. La guía se centra precísamente en esta dimensión más individual del consumo, por que la construcción de una ciudad sostenible depende también del compromiso personal, desde los pequeños cambios en los hábitos y comportamientos.


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A busca da sustentabilidade ambiental nos centros urbanos constitui-se em um dos maiores desafios ambientais deste século, sendo amplamente reconhecido que o acúmulo de problemas ambientais não afeta apenas a produtividade das cidades, mas também a qualidade de vida de seus habitantes. Nos últimos 30 anos, os gestores de organizações públicas e privadas passaram a considerar as questões ambientais como parte de suas preocupações. Em alguns segmentos, essas preocupações transformaram-se em ações voltadas à mitigação dos impactos das atividades humanas e à prática de sistemas de gestão ambiental, integrada com as demais gestões da organização. A partir da Constituição de 1988, o município passou a ter a responsabilidade de agir diretamente na gestão ambiental, especialmente nos fatores geradores de impacto ambiental local. Entretanto, a maioria dos municípios não possui condições para lidar adequadamente com estes problemas, devido a sua dimensão e à falta dos recursos necessários. Esta realidade tem levado muitos municípios a elaborarem planos ambientais distantes da realidade local, muitas vezes, apenas para atender exigências burocráticas. Neste trabalho, buscou-se estabelecer um modelo, aprimorado por especialistas, visando a elaboração de um Sistema de Gestão Ambiental Municipal, estruturado e sistematizado, conforme as normas ambientais da NBR ISO 14.000. A aplicação do modelo proposto caracteriza-se por ser um processo democrático, contínuo, participativo, focado na realidade do Município, contemplando as interrelações existentes entre os fatores ambientais, socioeconômicos e organizacionais Para o estabelecimento das políticas ambientais, o modelo adota como premissas o atendimento à legislação ambiental, às orientações emanadas da Agenda 21, do Comitê de Bacia Hidrográfica e o diagnóstico ambiental do local. Considerando essas premissas, este trabalho apresentada um conjunto de políticas e objetivos ambientais para o município de Alvorada no Rio Grande do Sul, Brasil. Considera-se que a adoção por parte dos municípios do modelo de gestão ambiental proposto,possa contribuir de forma significativa para a melhoria ambiental dos municípios e da qualidade de vida das pessoas, em particular das comunidades mais desfavorecidas ou em risco de exclusão social.


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Within the current context of environmental degradation, primarily caused by unsustainable pat terns of production and consumption (AGENDA 21, 1992), the Protected Areas (PAs) are considered internationally as one of the most successful measures for the conservat ion of biodiversity, according to the Union for the Conservation of Nature (IUCN). The city of Rio Claro (Sao Paulo, Brazi l ) has a significant conservation area in both environmental aspects as historical and cultural, the State Forest 'Edmundo Navarro de Andrade' (FEENA). Beyond the conservation measures, there is a need to develop environmental education that encourages community participation and appreciation in the unit 's maintenance and protection, as well as provide moments of reflection that could conduct perceptual changes, behavioral, attitudinal and evaluative on relations between human beings and their environment . This work brings the proposal to create an interpretive trail in the area of public use of FEENA to contribute to the Unit Management Plan in order to make it an Environmental Education tool. To prepare the planning of the interpretive trail, a deep bibliographic and cartographic review was performed on the subject. It was applied questionnaires in order to know the visitors better and map the features of public visitation, as well as map the visitor preferences about how they would like to receive information on the area and expose field studies in the track site. The trail was traced taking into account the environmental and social aspects, we propose a track suspended above the ground, in order to affect as little as possible and to include the area in the context of PAs people with reduced mobility and visually impaired


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This article reports on an action research to support the urban community of Cap Excellence in Guadaloupe in its local sustainable development project. After summarizing the terms of the debate around sustainable development, and presenting the region, the search will be put back into the context of a more general approach of territorial* intelligence (TI). The limits of a local Agenda 21 in the form of a 'programmed action plan' is the chance to enhance the concept of TI with that of territorial assemblage. Our study area is the natural reserve of the Grand Cul-de-Sac Marin of Guadeloupe, the second largest biosphere reserve designated by UNESCO in the archipelago of the Petites Antilles, more specifically the implementation of the Taonaba project, whose goal is to launch an ecotourism visitors' centre, operational at the end of 2012. Based on the analysis of a large amount of data, the article describes an evaluation tool for territorial assemblages for participative territorial governance. Our results were presented to local government officials in the Urban Sustainable Development Forum, which our group organised from 2 to 4 April 2012, in the district of Abymes/Pointe-à-Pitre


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This article reports on an action research to support the urban community of Cap Excellence in Guadaloupe in its local sustainable development project. After summarizing the terms of the debate around sustainable development, and presenting the region, the search will be put back into the context of a more general approach of territorial* intelligence (TI). The limits of a local Agenda 21 in the form of a 'programmed action plan' is the chance to enhance the concept of TI with that of territorial assemblage. Our study area is the natural reserve of the Grand Cul-de-Sac Marin of Guadeloupe, the second largest biosphere reserve designated by UNESCO in the archipelago of the Petites Antilles, more specifically the implementation of the Taonaba project, whose goal is to launch an ecotourism visitors' centre, operational at the end of 2012. Based on the analysis of a large amount of data, the article describes an evaluation tool for territorial assemblages for participative territorial governance. Our results were presented to local government officials in the Urban Sustainable Development Forum, which our group organised from 2 to 4 April 2012, in the district of Abymes/Pointe-à-Pitre


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This article reports on an action research to support the urban community of Cap Excellence in Guadaloupe in its local sustainable development project. After summarizing the terms of the debate around sustainable development, and presenting the region, the search will be put back into the context of a more general approach of territorial* intelligence (TI). The limits of a local Agenda 21 in the form of a 'programmed action plan' is the chance to enhance the concept of TI with that of territorial assemblage. Our study area is the natural reserve of the Grand Cul-de-Sac Marin of Guadeloupe, the second largest biosphere reserve designated by UNESCO in the archipelago of the Petites Antilles, more specifically the implementation of the Taonaba project, whose goal is to launch an ecotourism visitors' centre, operational at the end of 2012. Based on the analysis of a large amount of data, the article describes an evaluation tool for territorial assemblages for participative territorial governance. Our results were presented to local government officials in the Urban Sustainable Development Forum, which our group organised from 2 to 4 April 2012, in the district of Abymes/Pointe-à-Pitre


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Purpose – This paper aims to consider how climate change performance is measured and accounted for within the performance framework for local authority areas in England adopted in 2008. It critically evaluates the design of two mitigation and one adaptation indicators that are most relevant to climate change. Further, the potential for these performance indicators to contribute to climate change mitigation and adaptation is discussed. Design/methodology/approach – The authors begin by examining the importance of the performance framework and the related Local Area Agreements (LAAs), which were negotiated for all local areas in England between central government and Local Strategic Partnerships (LSPs). This development is located within the broader literature relating to new public management. The potential for this framework to assist in delivering the UK's climate change policy objectives is researched in a two-stage process. First, government publications and all 150 LAAs were analysed to identify the level of priority given to the climate change indicators. Second, interviews were conducted in spring 2009 with civil servants and local authority officials from the English West Midlands who were engaged in negotiating the climate change content of the LAAs. Findings – Nationally, the authors find that 97 per cent of LAAs included at least one climate change indicator as a priority. The indicators themselves, however, are perceived to be problematic – in terms of appropriateness, accuracy and timeliness. In addition, concerns were identified about the level of local control over the drivers of climate change performance and, therefore, a question is raised as to how LSPs can be held accountable for this. On a more positive note, for those concerned about climate change, the authors do find evidence that the inclusion of these indicators within the performance framework has helped to move climate change up the agenda for local authorities and their partners. However, actions by the UK's new coalition government to abolish the national performance framework and substantially reduce public expenditure potentially threaten this advance. Originality/value – This paper offers an insight into a new development for measuring climate change performance at a local level, which is relatively under-researched. It also contributes to knowledge of accountability within a local government setting and provides a reference point for further research into the potential role of local actions to address the issue of climate change.


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The emergence of grassroots social movements variously preoccupied with a range of external threats, such as diminishing supplies of fossil energy or climate change, has led to increased interest in the production of local food. Drawing upon the notion of cognitive praxis, this article utilises transition as a trajectory guided by an overarching cosmology that brings together a broad social movement seeking a more resilient future. This ‘grand narrative’ is reinforced by ‘transition movement intellectuals’ who serve to shape an agenda of local preparedness in the face of uncertainty, rather than structural analysis of the global system. In this context, growing and producing food offers important multi-functional synergies by reconnecting people to place and its ecological endowments and serves to provide a vital element in civic mobilisation. Yet, local food could also become a means to build international solidarity in defence of food sovereignty and establish a global coalition opposed to the corporate agri-food agenda of biotechnologies, land grabbing and nutritional impoverishment.


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Dissertação (mestrado)—Universidade de Brasília, Centro de Desenvolvimento Sustentável, 2015