996 resultados para Age, 14C liquid scintillation counter


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Transdermal drug delivery has recently received increasing attention in the face of growing challenges to deliver peptide and protein drugs. Controlled transdermal delivery is an important route for the delivery of peptides and proteins that can maintain the therapeutic effectiveness of the drug by minimizing enzymatic degradation which is a major concern in other noninvasive routes of delivery such as the oral route. Although the advantages of transdermal delivery are very desirable, the natural obstacle to drug entry imposed by the skin's barrier function makes it one of the most difficult route of administration. Iontophoresis and electroporation have been reported to be useful as permeation enhancing techniques in the transdermal delivery of protein and peptide drugs. The objective of present study is to use the above enhancement techniques to deliver cyclosporin A (CSA) to treat psoriasis. The in vitro experiments were performed using hairless rat skin as the model with Franz diffusion cells for iontophoresis and custom made diffusion cells for electroporation. The donor drug solution of CSA consisted of an aqueous solution of CSA - polymer solid dispersion, coevaporate, and/or a hydroethanolic solution of CSA PBS was used as the receiver solution. ³H labelled CSA and ¹⁴C labelled ethanol were used to facilitate analysis using a liquid scintillation counter. The control experiment consisted of passive diffusion study. Silver/silver chloride electrodes were used in all studies. In the iontophoresis experiments a constant DC current (0.5 mA/cm²) was used. In the electroporation experiments different delivery parameters were studied: (1) applied electrode voltage (Uelectrode), (2) decay time constant (τ), (3) the number of pulses delivered - single or multiple, and { 4) the time of diffusive contact with drug after electroporation ('contact duration'). Compared to the passive diffusion, iontophoresis did not result in a significant increase in the amount of CSA delivered transdermally with both the CSA-polymer donor and hydroethanolic drug solutions. With the use of electroporation there was a significant increase in the transdermal delivery, compared to passive transport. With the CSA-polymer coevaporate donor solution the increase in delivery was only about 6 fold higher whereas with the hydroethanolic solution the increase was about 60 times higher compared to passive diffusion. The 'contact duration• was an important fader and a 4-hour 'contact duration' was found to be the optimum time period required for effective transdermal delivery. Use of single pulse (τ=5.6 ms) electroporation resulted in a significant increase {p<0.05) in the delivery of CSA in skin {CSA.n) and EtOH in receiver (EtOHreceiver). With multiple pulse (τ=10 ms. 25 pulses) the increase in CSAskin was more pronounced with a 60 fold increase than compared to the passive delivery. However there was no significant increase in the other two quantities viz. CSAreceiver, and EtCHreceiver.


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A high-resolution sea surface temperature and paleoproductivity reconstruction on a sedimentary record collected at 36°S off central-south Chile (GeoB 7165-1, 36°33'S, 73°40'W, 797 m water depth, core length 750 cm) indicates that paleoceanographic conditions changed abruptly between 18 and 17 ka. Comparative analysis of several cores along the Chilean continental margin (30°-41°S) suggests that the onset and the pattern of deglacial warming was not uniform off central-south Chile due to the progressive southward migration of the Southern Westerlies and local variations in upwelling. Marine productivity augmented rather abruptly at 13-14 ka, well after the oceanographic changes.We suggest that the late deglacial increase in paleoproductivity off central-south Chile reflects the onset of an active upwelling system bringing nutrient-rich, oxygen-poor Equatorial SubsurfaceWater to the euphotic zone, and a relatively higher nutrient load of the Antarctic Circumpolar Current. During the Last Glacial Maximum, when the Southern Westerlies were located further north, productivity off central-south Chile, in contrast to off northern Chile, was reduced due to direct onshore-blowing winds that prevented coastal upwelling and export production.


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The Arabian Sea off the Pakistan continental margin is characterized by one of the world's largest oxygen minimum zones (OMZ). The lithology and geochemistry of a 5.3 m long gravity core retrieved from the lower boundary of the modern OMZ (956 m water depth) were used to identify late Holocene changes in oceanographic conditions and the vertical extent of the OMZ. While the lower part of the core (535 - 465 cm, 5.04 - 4.45 cal kyr BP, Unit 3) is strongly bioturbated indicating oxic bottom water conditions, the upper part of the core (284 - 0 cm, 2.87 cal kyr BP to present, Unit 1) shows distinct and well-preserved lamination, suggesting anoxic bottom waters. The transitional interval from 465 to 284 cm (4.45 - 2.87 cal kyr BP, Unit 2) contains relicts of lamination which are in part intensely bioturbated. These fluctuations in bioturbation intensity suggest repetitive changes between anoxic and oxic/suboxic bottom-water conditions between 4.45 - 2.87 cal kyr BP. Barium excess (Baex) and total organic carbon (TOC) contents do not explain whether the increased TOC contents found in Unit 1 are the result of better preservation due to low BWO concentrations or if the decreased BWO concentration is a result of increased productivity. Changes in salinity and temperature of the outflowing water from the Red Sea during the Holocene influenced the water column stratification and probably affected the depth of the lower boundary of the OMZ in the northern Arabian Sea. Even if we cannot prove certain scenarios, we propose that the observed downward shift of the lower boundary of the OMZ was also impacted by a weakened Somali Current and a reduced transport of oxygen-rich Indian Central Water into the Arabian Sea, both as a response to decreased summer insolation and the continuous southward shift of the Intertropical Convergence Zone during the late Holocene.