968 resultados para Age, 14C calibrated, CALIB 5 (Stuiver et al., 1998)
Diatom assemblages were employed to study temporal changes of Siberian river runoff on the Laptev Sea shelf. Using a correlation between freshwater diatoms (%) in core-top sediments and summer surface water salinities from the inner Kara Sea, salinity conditions were reconstructed for a site northeast of the Lena River Delta (present water depth 32 m) since 9 calendar years (cal) ka. The reconstruction indicate a strong, near-coastal, and river-influenced environment at the site until about 8.6 cal ka. Corroborated by comparison with other proxy records from further to the east, surface salinities increased from 9 to 14 until about 7.4 cal ka, owing to ongoing global sea level rise and synchronous southward shift of the coastline. Although riverine water became less influential at the site since then, salinities still varied between 12.5 and 15, particularly during the last 3.5 kyr. These more recent salinity fluctuations agree well with reconstructions from just north of the Lena Delta, emphasizing the strong linkage between shelf hydrography and riverine discharge patterns in Arctic Siberia.
As part of a wider paleoclimate and paleoceanographic study of Holocene-upper Pleistocene laminated sediments from the eastern equatorial Pacific and Peru continental margin, we completed 32 accelerator mass spectrometry (AMS) 14C dates from cores recovered during Ocean Drilling Program (ODP) Leg 201. Sample preparation and measurement were carried out at the ANTARES AMS facility, Australian Nuclear Science and Technology Organisation (ANSTO), in Sydney, Australia (Lawson et al., 2000, doi:10.1016/S0168-583X(00)00276-7; Fink et al., 2004, doi:10.1016/j.nimb.2004.04.025). Although the sediments are predominantly diatomaceous oozes (D'Hondt, Jørgensen, Miller, et al., 2003, doi:10.2973/odp.proc.ir.201.2003), they contain sufficient inorganic (e.g., foraminifer tests and nannofossil plates) and organic (Meister et al., 2005, doi:10.2973/odp.proc.sr.201.105.2005) carbon to allow 14C dating. These dates permitted us to reconstruct a history of sediment accumulation over the past 20 k.y., particularly on the Peru continental margin. In this report we present 14C AMS dates and other pertinent data from cores from Sites 1227, 1228, and 1229 collected during Leg 201 at the Peru continental margin.
On the basis of 52 sediment cores, analyzed and dated at high resolution, the paleoceanography and climate of the Last Glacial Maximum (LGM) were reconstructed in detail for the Fram Strait and the eastern and central Arctic Ocean. Sediment composition and stable isotope data suggest three distinct paleoenvironments: (1) a productive region in the eastern to central Fram Strait and along the northern Barents Sea continental margin characterized by Atlantic Water advection, frequent open water conditions, and occasional local meltwater supply and iceberg calving from the Barents Sea Ice Sheet; (2) an intermediate region in the southwestern Eurasian Basin (up to 84-85°N) and the western Fram Strait characterized by subsurface Atlantic Water advection and recirculation, a moderately high planktic productivity, and a perennial ice cover that breaks up only occasionally; and (3) a central Arctic region (north of 85°N in the Eurasian Basin) characterized by a low-salinity surface water layer and a thick ice cover that strongly reduces bioproduction and bulk sedimentation rates. Although the total inflow of Atlantic Water into the Arctic Ocean may have been reduced during the LGM, its impact on ice coverage and halocline structure in the Fram Strait and southwestern Eurasian Basin was strong.
We present a high-resolution paleoceanographic record of deglaciation based on diatom assemblages from a core located just south of the Polar Front in the southwest Atlantic. Core KC073 is from a sediment drift at the mouth of the Falkland Trough and contains sediments from the Last Glacial Maximum (LGM) to present, dated using radiocarbon dates on bulk organic matter and radiolarian stratigraphy. The site lies along the path of the Antarctic Circumpolar Current (ACC) and immediately downstream of where North Atlantic Deep Water (NADW) is entrained into the ACC. Significant variations in ocean conditions are reflected in high-amplitude changes in diatom concentrations and assemblage composition. The diatom assemblage at the LGM indicates that winter sea ice extent was at least 5° farther north than present until at least 19.0 ka (calendar years) and summer sea ice may have occasionally extended over the site, but for the most part it lay to the south. During deglaciation, Chaetoceros resting spores (CRS) dominate the diatom assemblage with valve concentrations in excess of 500 * 10**6 valves per gram. Submillennial-scale variations in the numbers of CRS and Thalassiosira antarctica occur throughout the late deglacial and dominate the changes in diatom concentration. We propose that the influx of CRS is controlled by the flow of NADW over the Falkland Plateau. As such our data provide unique evidence that NADW impacted on this sector of the Southern Ocean during deglaciation. During the Holocene the sedimentation rate dramatically reduced. We suggest that the ACC flow increased over the site and inhibited settling and winnowed the surface sediments.
We present a high-resolution reconstruction of tropical palaeoenvironmental changes for the last deglacial transition (18 to 9 cal. kyr BP) based on integrated oceanic and terrestrial proxies from a Congo fan core. Pollen, grass cuticle, Pediastrum and dinoflagellate cyst fluxes, sedimentation rates and planktonic foraminiferal d18O ratios, uK37 sea-surface temperature and alkane/alkenone ratio data highlight a series of abrupt changes in Congo River palaeodischarge. A major discharge pulse is registered at around 13.0 cal. kyr BP which we attribute to latitudinal migration of the Intertropical Convergence Zone (ITCZ) during deglaciation. The data indicate abrupt and short-lived changes in the equatorial precipitation regime within a system of monsoonal dynamics forced by precessional cycles. The phases of enhanced Congo discharge stimulated river-induced upwelling and enhanced productivity in the adjacent ocean.
The late Quaternary palaeoenvironmental history of the southern Windmill Islands, East Antarctica, has been reconstructed using diatom assemblages from two long, well-dated sediment cores taken in two marine bays. The diatom assemblage of the lowest sediment layers suggests a warm climate with mostly open water conditions during the late Pleistocene. During the following glacial, the Windmill Islands were covered by grounded ice preventing any in situ bioproductivity. Following deglaciation, a sapropel with a well-preserved diatom assemblage was deposited from ~10?500 cal yr BP. Between ~10?500 and ~4000 cal yr BP, total organic carbon (Corg) and total diatom valve concentrations as well as the diatom species composition suggest relatively cool summer temperatures. Hydrological conditions in coastal bays were characterised by combined winter sea-ice and open water conditions. This extensive period of glacial retreat was followed by the Holocene optimum (~4000 to ~1000 cal yr BP), which occurred later in the southern Windmill Islands than in most other Antarctic coastal regions. Diatom assemblages in this period suggest ice-free conditions and meltwater-stratified waters in the marine bays during summer, which is also reflected in high proportions of freshwater diatoms in the sediments. The diatom assemblage in the upper sediments of both cores indicates Neoglacial cooling from ~1000 cal yr BP, which again led to seasonally persistent sea-ice on the bays. The Holocene optimum and cooling trends in the Windmill Islands did not occur contemporaneously with other Antarctic coastal regions, showing that the here presented record reflects partly local environmental conditions rather than global climatic trends.
The late Quaternary palaeoenvironmental history of the southern Windmill Islands, East Antarctica, has been reconstructed using diatom assemblages from two long, well-dated sediment cores taken in two marine bays. The diatom assemblage of the lowest sediment layers suggests a warm climate with mostly open water conditions during the late Pleistocene. During the following glacial, the Windmill Islands were covered by grounded ice preventing any in situ bioproductivity. Following deglaciation, a sapropel with a well-preserved diatom assemblage was deposited from ~10500 cal yr BP. Between ~10500 and ~4000 cal yr BP, total organic carbon (Corg) and total diatom valve concentrations as well as the diatom species composition suggest relatively cool summer temperatures. Hydrological conditions in coastal bays were characterised by combined winter sea-ice and open water conditions. This extensive period of glacial retreat was followed by the Holocene optimum (~4000 to ~1000 cal yr BP), which occurred later in the southern Windmill Islands than in most other Antarctic coastal regions. Diatom assemblages in this period suggest ice-free conditions and meltwater-stratified waters in the marine bays during summer, which is also reflected in high proportions of freshwater diatoms in the sediments. The diatom assemblage in the upper sediments of both cores indicates Neoglacial cooling from ~1000 cal yr BP, which again led to seasonally persistent sea-ice on the bays. The Holocene optimum and cooling trends in the Windmill Islands did not occur contemporaneously with other Antarctic coastal regions, showing that the here presented record reflects partly local environmental conditions rather than global climatic trends.
Holocene and latest Pleistocene oceanographic conditions and the coastal climate of northern California have varied greatly, based upon high-resolution studies (ca. every 100 years) of diatoms, alkenones, pollen, CaCO3%, and total organic carbon at Ocean Drilling Program (ODP) Site 1019 (41.682°N, 124.930°W, 980 m water depth). Marine climate proxies (alkenone sea surface temperatures [SSTs] and CaCO3%) behaved remarkably like the Greenland Ice Sheet Project (GISP)-2 oxygen isotope record during the Bølling-Allerod, Younger Dryas (YD), and early part of the Holocene. During the YD, alkenone SSTs decreased by >3°C below mean Bølling-Allerod and Holocene SSTs. The early Holocene (ca. 11.6 to 8.2 ka) was a time of generally warm conditions and moderate CaCO3 content (generally >4%). The middle part of the Holocene (ca. 8.2 to 3.2 ka) was marked by alkenone SSTs that were consistently 1-2°C cooler than either the earlier or later parts of the Holocene, by greatly reduced numbers of the gyre-diatom Pseudoeunotia doliolus (<10%), and by a permanent drop in CaCO3% to <3%. Starting at ca. 5.2 ka, coastal redwood and alder began a steady rise, arguing for increasing effective moisture and the development of the north coast temperate rain forest. At ca. 3.2 ka, a permanent ca. 1°C increase in alkenone SST and a threefold increase in P. doliolus signaled a warming of fall and winter SSTs. Intensified (higher amplitude and more frequent) cycles of pine pollen alternating with increased alder and redwood pollen are evidence that rapid changes in effective moisture and seasonal temperature (enhanced El Niño-Southern Oscillation [ENSO] cycles) have characterized the Site 1019 record since about 3.5 ka.
Evidence from the Irish Sea basin supports the existence of an abrupt rise in sea level (meltwater pulse) at 19,000 years before the present (B.P.). Climate records indicate a large reduction in the strength of North Atlantic Deep Water formation and attendant cooling of the North Atlantic at this time, indicating a source of the meltwater pulse from one or more Northern Hemisphere ice sheets.Warming of the tropical Atlantic and Pacific oceans and the Southern Hemisphere also began at 19,000 years B.P. These responses identify mechanisms responsible for the propagation of deglacial climate signals to the Southern Hemisphere and tropics while maintaining a cold climate in the Northern Hemisphere.
Ocean Drilling Program (ODP) Site 1119 is located at water depth 395 m near the subtropical front (STF; here represented by the Southland Front), just downslope from the shelf edge of eastern South Island, New Zealand. The upper 86.19 metres composite depth (mcd) of Site 1119 sediment was deposited at an average sedimentation rate of 34 cm/kyr during Marine Isotope Stages (MIS) 1-8 (0-252 ka), and is underlain across a ~25 kyr intra-MIS 8 unconformity by MIS 8.5-11 (277-367 ka) and older sediment deposited at ~14 cm/kyr. A time scale is assigned to Site 1119 using radiocarbon dates for the period back to ~39 ka, and, prior to then, by matching its climatic record with that of the Vostok ice core, which it closely resembles. Four palaeoceanographic proxy measures for surface water masses vary together with the sandy-muddy, glacial-interglacial (G/I) cyclicity at the site. Interglacial intervals are characterised by heavy delta13C, high colour reflectance (a proxy for carbonate content), low Q-ray (a proxy for clay content) and light delta18O; conversely, glacial intervals exhibit light delta13C, low reflectance, high Q-ray and heavy delta18O signatures. Early interglacial intervals are represented by silty clays with 10-105-cm-thick beds of sharp-based (Chondrites-burrowed), shelly, graded, fine sand. The sands are rich in foraminifera, and were deposited distant from the shoreline under the influence of longitudinal flow in relatively deep water. Glacial intervals comprise mostly micaceous silty clay, though with some thin (2-10 cm thick) sands present also at peak cold periods, and contain the cold-water scallop Zygochlamys delicatula. Interglacial sandy intervals are characterised by relatively low sedimentation rates of 5-32 cm/kyr; cold climate intervals MIS 10, 6 and 2 have successively higher sedimentation rates of 45, 69 and 140 cm/kyr. Counter-intuitively,and forced by the bathymetric control of a laterally-moving shoreline during G/I and I/G transitions, the 1119 core records a southeasterly (seaward) movement of the STF during early glacial periods, accompanied by the incursion of subtropical water (STW) above the site, and northwesterly (landward) movement during late glacial and interglacial times, resulting in a dominant influence then of subantarctic surface water (SAW). The history of passage of these different water masses at the site is clearly delineated by their characteristic delta13C values. The intervals of thin, graded sands-muds which occur within MIS 2-3, 6, 7.4 and 10 indicate the onset at times of peak cold of intermittent bottom currents caused by strengthened and expanded frontal flows along the STF, which at such times lay near Site 1119 in close proximity to seaward-encroaching subantarctic waters within the Bounty gyre. In common with other nearby Southern Hemisphere records, the cold period which represents the last glacial maximum lasted between ~23-18 ka at Site 1119, during which time the STF and Subantarctic Front (SAF) probably merged into a single intense frontal zone around the head of the adjacent Bounty Trough.
High-resolution records from IMAGES core MD95-2011 in the eastern Norwegian Sea provide evidence for relatively large- and small-scale high-latitude climate variability throughout the Holocene. During the early and mid-Holocene a situation possibly driven by consistent stronger westerlies increased the eastward influence of Arctic intermediate and near-surface waters. For the late Holocene a relaxation of the atmospheric forcing resulted in increased influence of Atlantic water. The main changes in Holocene climate show no obvious connection to changing solar irradiance, and spectral analysis reveals no consistent signature for any periodic behavior of Holocene climate at millennial or centennial timescales. There are, however, indications of consistent multidecadal variability.