946 resultados para Affine Spaces Over Finite Fields


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We consider the problem of increasing the threshold parameter of a secret-sharing scheme after the setup (share distribution) phase, without further communication between the dealer and the shareholders. Previous solutions to this problem require one to start off with a non-standard scheme designed specifically for this purpose, or to have secure channels between shareholders. In contrast, we show how to increase the threshold parameter of the standard CRT secret-sharing scheme without secure channels between the shareholders. Our method can thus be applied to existing CRT schemes even if they were set up without consideration to future threshold increases. Our method is a positive cryptographic application for lattice reduction algorithms, and we also use techniques from lattice theory (geometry of numbers) to prove statements about the correctness and information-theoretic security of our constructions.


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We consider the problem of estimating the optimal parameter trajectory over a finite time interval in a parameterized stochastic differential equation (SDE), and propose a simulation-based algorithm for this purpose. Towards this end, we consider a discretization of the SDE over finite time instants and reformulate the problem as one of finding an optimal parameter at each of these instants. A stochastic approximation algorithm based on the smoothed functional technique is adapted to this setting for finding the optimal parameter trajectory. A proof of convergence of the algorithm is presented and results of numerical experiments over two different settings are shown. The algorithm is seen to exhibit good performance. We also present extensions of our framework to the case of finding optimal parameterized feedback policies for controlled SDE and present numerical results in this scenario as well.


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We tested the capacity of several published multispectral indices to estimate the nitrogen nutrition of wheat canopies grown under different levels of water supply and plant density and derived a simple canopy reflectance index that is greatly independent of those factors. Planar domain geometry was used to account for mixed signals from the canopy and soil when the ground cover was low. A nitrogen stress index was developed, which adjusts shoot %N for plant biomass and area, thereby accounting for environmental conditions that affect growth, such as crop water status. The canopy chlorophyll content index (CCCi) and the modified spectral ratio planar index (mSRPi) could explain 68 and 69% of the observed variability in the nitrogen nutrition of the crop as early as Zadoks 33, irrespective of water status or ground cover. The CCCi was derived from the combination of 3 wavebands 670, 720 and 790 nm, and the mSRPi from 445, 705 and 750 nm, together with broader bands in the NIR and RED. The potential for their spatial application over large fields/paddocks is discussed.


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This thesis studies homogeneous classes of complete metric spaces. Over the past few decades model theory has been extended to cover a variety of nonelementary frameworks. Shelah introduced the abstact elementary classes (AEC) in the 1980s as a common framework for the study of nonelementary classes. Another direction of extension has been the development of model theory for metric structures. This thesis takes a step in the direction of combining these two by introducing an AEC-like setting for studying metric structures. To find balance between generality and the possibility to develop stability theoretic tools, we work in a homogeneous context, thus extending the usual compact approach. The homogeneous context enables the application of stability theoretic tools developed in discrete homogeneous model theory. Using these we prove categoricity transfer theorems for homogeneous metric structures with respect to isometric isomorphisms. We also show how generalized isomorphisms can be added to the class, giving a model theoretic approach to, e.g., Banach space isomorphisms or operator approximations. The novelty is the built-in treatment of these generalized isomorphisms making, e.g., stability up to perturbation the natural stability notion. With respect to these generalized isomorphisms we develop a notion of independence. It behaves well already for structures which are omega-stable up to perturbation and coincides with the one from classical homogeneous model theory over saturated enough models. We also introduce a notion of isolation and prove dominance for it.


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We present an elementary combinatorial proof of the existence and uniqueness of the 9-vertex triangulation of C P2. The original proof of existence, due to Kuhnel, as well as the original proof of uniqueness, due to Kuhnel and Lassmann, were based on extensive computer search. Recently Arnoux and Marin have used cohomology theory to present a computer-free proof. Our proof has the advantage of displaying a canonical copy of the affine plane over the three-element field inside this complex in terms of which the entire complex has a very neat and short description. This explicates the full automorphism group of the Kuhnel complex as a subgroup of the automorphism group of this affine plane. Our method also brings out the rich combinatorial structure inside this complex.


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We study the trade-off between delivery delay and energy consumption in a delay tolerant network in which a message (or a file) has to be delivered to each of several destinations by epidemic relaying. In addition to the destinations, there are several other nodes in the network that can assist in relaying the message. We first assume that, at every instant, all the nodes know the number of relays carrying the packet and the number of destinations that have received the packet. We formulate the problem as a controlled continuous time Markov chain and derive the optimal closed loop control (i.e., forwarding policy). However, in practice, the intermittent connectivity in the network implies that the nodes may not have the required perfect knowledge of the system state. To address this issue, we obtain an ODE (i.e., fluid) approximation for the optimally controlled Markov chain. This fluid approximation also yields an asymptotically optimal open loop policy. Finally, we evaluate the performance of the deterministic policy over finite networks. Numerical results show that this policy performs close to the optimal closed loop policy.


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We study the tradeoff between delivery delay and energy consumption in a delay-tolerant network in which a message (or a file) has to be delivered to each of several destinations by epidemic relaying. In addition to the destinations, there are several other nodes in the network that can assist in relaying the message. We first assume that, at every instant, all the nodes know the number of relays carrying the message and the number of destinations that have received the message. We formulate the problem as a controlled continuous-time Markov chain and derive the optimal closed-loop control (i.e., forwarding policy). However, in practice, the intermittent connectivity in the network implies that the nodes may not have the required perfect knowledge of the system state. To address this issue, we obtain an ordinary differential equation (ODE) (i.e., a deterministic fluid) approximation for the optimally controlled Markov chain. This fluid approximation also yields an asymptotically optimal open-loop policy. Finally, we evaluate the performance of the deterministic policy over finite networks. Numerical results show that this policy performs close to the optimal closed-loop policy.


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The ratios of enstrophy and dissipation moments induced by localized vorticity are inferred to be finite. It follows that the scaling exponents for locally averaged dissipation and enstrophy are equal. However, enstrophy and dissipation exponents measured over finite ranges of scales may be different. The cylindrical vortex profile that yields maximal moment ratios is determined. The moment ratios for cylindrical vortices are used to interpret differences in scale dependence of enstrophy and dissipation previously found in numerical simulations.


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We prove an analogue of Magnus theorem for associative algebras without unity over arbitrary fields. Namely, if an algebra is given by $n+k$ generators and $k$ relations and has an $n$-element system of generators, then this algebra is a free algebra of rank $n$.


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The reduced unitary Whitehead group $\SK$ of a graded division algebra equipped with a unitary involution (i.e., an involution of the second kind) and graded by a torsion-free abelian group is studied. It is shown that calculations in the graded setting are much simpler than their nongraded counterparts. The bridge to the non-graded case is established by proving that the unitary $\SK$ of a tame valued division algebra wih a unitary involution over a henselian field coincides with the unitary $\SK$ of its associated graded division algebra. As a consequence, the graded approach allows us not only to recover results available in the literature with substantially easier proofs, but also to calculate the unitary $\SK$ for much wider classes of division algebras over henselian fields.


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Consideramos o problema de controlo óptimo de tempo mínimo para sistemas de controlo mono-entrada e controlo afim num espaço de dimensão finita com condições inicial e final fixas, onde o controlo escalar toma valores num intervalo fechado. Quando aplicamos o método de tiro a este problema, vários obstáculos podem surgir uma vez que a função de tiro não é diferenciável quando o controlo é bang-bang. No caso bang-bang os tempos conjugados são teoricamente bem definidos para este tipo de sistemas de controlo, contudo os algoritmos computacionais directos disponíveis são de difícil aplicação. Por outro lado, no caso suave o conceito teórico e prático de tempos conjugados é bem conhecido, e ferramentas computacionais eficazes estão disponíveis. Propomos um procedimento de regularização para o qual as soluções do problema de tempo mínimo correspondente dependem de um parâmetro real positivo suficientemente pequeno e são definidas por funções suaves em relação à variável tempo, facilitando a aplicação do método de tiro simples. Provamos, sob hipóteses convenientes, a convergência forte das soluções do problema regularizado para a solução do problema inicial, quando o parâmetro real tende para zero. A determinação de tempos conjugados das trajectórias localmente óptimas do problema regularizado enquadra-se na teoria suave conhecida. Provamos, sob hipóteses adequadas, a convergência do primeiro tempo conjugado do problema regularizado para o primeiro tempo conjugado do problema inicial bang-bang, quando o parâmetro real tende para zero. Consequentemente, obtemos um algoritmo eficiente para a computação de tempos conjugados no caso bang-bang.


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La construction d'un quotient, en topologie, est relativement simple; si $G$ est un groupe topologique agissant sur un espace topologique $X$, on peut considérer l'application naturelle de $X$ dans $X/G$, l'espace d'orbites muni de la topologie quotient. En géométrie algébrique, malheureusement, il n'est généralement pas possible de munir l'espace d'orbites d'une structure de variété. Dans le cas de l'action d'un groupe linéairement réductif $G$ sur une variété projective $X$, la théorie géométrique des invariants nous permet toutefois de construire un morphisme de variété d'un ouvert $U$ de $X$ vers une variété projective $X//U$, se rapprochant autant que possible d'une application quotient, au sens topologique du terme. Considérons par exemple $X\subseteq P^{n}$, une $k$-variété projective sur laquelle agit un groupe linéairement réductif $G$ et supposons que cette action soit induite par une action linéaire de $G$ sur $A^{n+1}$. Soit $\widehat{X}\subseteq A^{n+1}$, le cône affine au dessus de $\X$. Par un théorème de la théorie classique des invariants, il existe alors des invariants homogènes $f_{1},...,f_{r}\in C[\widehat{X}]^{G}$ tels que $$C[\widehat{X}]^{G}= C[f_{1},...,f_{r}].$$ On appellera le nilcone, que l'on notera $N$, la sous-variété de $\X$ définie par le locus des invariants $f_{1},...,f_{r}$. Soit $Proj(C[\widehat{X}]^{G})$, le spectre projectif de l'anneau des invariants. L'application rationnelle $$\pi:X\dashrightarrow Proj(C[f_{1},...,f_{r}])$$ induite par l'inclusion de $C[\widehat{X}]^{G}$ dans $C[\widehat{X}]$ est alors surjective, constante sur les orbites et sépare les orbites autant qu'il est possible de le faire; plus précisément, chaque fibre contient exactement une orbite fermée. Pour obtenir une application régulière satisfaisant les mêmes propriétés, il est nécessaire de jeter les points du nilcone. On obtient alors l'application quotient $$\pi:X\backslash N\rightarrow Proj(C[f_{1},...,f_{r}]).$$ Le critère de Hilbert-Mumford, dû à Hilbert et repris par Mumford près d'un demi-siècle plus tard, permet de décrire $N$ sans connaître les $f_{1},...,f_{r}$. Ce critère est d'autant plus utile que les générateurs de l'anneau des invariants ne sont connus que dans certains cas particuliers. Malgré les applications concrètes de ce théorème en géométrie algébrique classique, les démonstrations que l'on en trouve dans la littérature sont généralement données dans le cadre peu accessible des schémas. L'objectif de ce mémoire sera, entre autres, de donner une démonstration de ce critère en utilisant autant que possible les outils de la géométrie algébrique classique et de l'algèbre commutative. La version que nous démontrerons est un peu plus générale que la version originale de Hilbert \cite{hilbert} et se retrouve, par exemple, dans \cite{kempf}. Notre preuve est valide sur $C$ mais pourrait être généralisée à un corps $k$ de caractéristique nulle, pas nécessairement algébriquement clos. Dans la seconde partie de ce mémoire, nous étudierons la relation entre la construction précédente et celle obtenue en incluant les covariants en plus des invariants. Nous démontrerons dans ce cas un critère analogue au critère de Hilbert-Mumford (Théorème 6.3.2). C'est un théorème de Brion pour lequel nous donnerons une version un peu plus générale. Cette version, de même qu'une preuve simplifiée d'un théorème de Grosshans (Théorème 6.1.7), sont les éléments de ce mémoire que l'on ne retrouve pas dans la littérature.


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Ce texte traite de l’évolution des modes alternatifs de résolution de conflit (MARC) en ligne. L’auteur dresse un historique des différents projets de médiation en ligne en passant par ses « débuts » en 1999 lorsque l’Online Ombuds Office (OOO) fut approché pour l’élaboration d’un système de médiation pour les clients d’eBay, par SquareTrade.com, par les règles de l’ICANN, par Cybersettle et Clicknsettle, etc. Il expose ensuite le courrant que prendra la cybermédiation et le cyberarbitrage dans les années à venir. Ainsi, le médium informatique devient lentement une « quatrième partie » aux discussions et peut venir en aide aux arbitres et aux médiateurs dans la gestion et la communication d’informations. De plus les fonctions d’affichages propres aux ordinateurs, c’est-à-dire la possibilité d’incorporer images, graphiques, plans, etc., devront être mis à l’œuvre par les systèmes de MARC en ligne si ceux-ci sont destinés à prendre de l’expansion dans d’autres domaines que ceux leur étant présentement réservés.