964 resultados para Advertising media


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Trabalho de projeto apresentado à Escola Superior de Comunicação Social como parte dos requisitos para obtenção de grau de mestre em Publicidade e Marketing.


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In this study, methods of media literacy instruction including analytic activities, production activities, and a combination of analytic and production activities were compared to determine their influence on grade 8 students' knowledge, attitudes, and behaviours towards commercials. The findings showed that media literacy instruction does improve media literacy skills. Specifically, activities that included an analytic component or an analytic and production component were significantly better than activities that included a production component. Participants that completed analytic or analytic and production activities were able to discern media-related terms, target audience, selling techniques, social values, and stereotypes in commercials better than participants that completed only production activities. The research findings also showed obstacles when teaching media literacy. When engaged in analytic activities, the difficulties included locating suitable resources, addressing the competition from commercials, encouraging written reflection, recognizing social values, and discussing racial stereotypes. When engaged in production activities, the difficulties were positioning recording stations, managing group work, organizing ideas, filming the footage, computer issues, and scheduling time. Strategies to overcome these obstacles are described.


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This is a recording of a talk given on 12 March 2010 by Tom Chapman of Headstream, a marketing company who specialise in the use of digital social media to promote products and brands.


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La publicidad en una empresa suele ser la parte más costosa para promover el producto y además suele ser de gran impacto y corta duración o de poco impacto pero con una duración mayor. La publicidad tradicional es de fácil monitoreo, pero predecible en algunos casos, ya que su divulgación está ligada a quién y cómo se dirijan los esfuerzos de las marcas por dar a entender su idea principal. La razón de un negocio es vender y perdurar en el tiempo por lo que es fundamental tener una manera efectiva de dar el mensaje, mostrar y recordar un producto. La experiencia de compra y la experiencia de uso son aspectos decisivos en el momento de volver a comprar, pero aún más importante, es la fidelidad del individuo ya que puede producir un gran impacto en los otros consumidores que tienen en cuenta las opiniones de los demás compradores. La publicidad nos da un gran campo de acción e innovación, el cual debemos explotar de manera inteligente y estratégica, siendo claros a la hora de transmitir el mensaje y generando un estrecho canal de comunicación en el que no existan barreras que dificulten la comprensión del mensaje a transmitir. Es acá donde las empresas se dan cuenta que es fundamental conocer cuáles son los aspectos favorables al difundir información, como en este caso sería la gente bien relacionada en el eje central de las redes sociales que van a acoger un producto y promoverlo ampliamente entre las personas de su círculo social. Por esta razón decidimos escoger las redes sociales como la mejor estrategia digital para el nuevo lanzamiento de cremas corporales de la marca Hinds.


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The increasing use of the World Wide Web has promised a huge advertising platform for marketers. Investment in online advertising is growing and is expected to overcome traditional media. However, recent studies have reported that users avoid looking at advertising displayed on the World Wide Web. This study aimed at examining the impact of verbal emotional cues (negative/neutral/positive) to capture attention on website’s advertising areas through an eye tracker system. The results revealed significant statistical differences between fixations to negative, positive words and neutral words. Significant differences between the number of fixations and recognition of the target words were found only for the negative valence words. We conclude that negative emotional words could play a major role on user attention to advertising.


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Eye tracking has become a preponderant technique in the evaluation of user interaction and behaviour with study objects in defined contexts. Common eye tracking related data representation techniques offer valuable input regarding user interaction and eye gaze behaviour, namely through fixations and saccades measurement. However, these and other techniques may be insufficient for the representation of acquired data in specific studies, namely because of the complexity of the study object being analysed. This paper intends to contribute with a summary of data representation and information visualization techniques used in data analysis within different contexts (advertising, websites, television news and video games). Additionally, several methodological approaches are presented in this paper, which resulted from several studies developed and under development at CETAC.MEDIA - Communication Sciences and Technologies Research Centre. In the studies described, traditional data representation techniques were insufficient. As a result, new approaches were necessary and therefore, new forms of representing data, based on common techniques were developed with the objective of improving communication and information strategies. In each of these studies, a brief summary of the contribution to their respective area will be presented, as well as the data representation techniques used and some of the acquired results.


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Mobile devices are attractive media for directly communicating with consumers who have become busier and more difficult to reach. While SMS (short message service) advertising has received some attention in the literature, Bluetooth-enabled advertising is still unexplored. This research aims to investigate younger consumers’ acceptance of Bluetooth-delivered advertising. Although the majority of the respondents were willing to accept this form of advertising, they needed both to be in control of the frequency with which they receive messages and also to be reassured that the medium could ensure privacy and security. The research further indicated that peers influence the acceptance of Bluetooth-driven advertising.


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Os investimentos com publicidade na Internet como uma percentagem das despesas totais de publicidade variam significativamente de um país para outro. O número é tão baixo quanto 4,7% no mercado brasileiro e tão alto como 28,5% no mercado britânico (ZenithOptimedia, 2011b). Algumas razões explicam tal disparidade. No nível macro, a participação dos gastos com publicidade na Internet está fortemente ligada a variáveis como o produto interno bruto per capita e à penetração da Internet na população. No nível micro, uma pesquisa qualitativa foi feita para identificar os fatores que contribuem e inibem o crescimento da participação da publicidade online no mercado brasileiro. A vasta lista de inibidores parece ter profundo impacto sobre como os profissionais de mercado tomar decisões de alocação de investimento em publicidade por tipo de mídia. Devido à legislação, à auto-regulamentação e às dinâmicas da indústria, grande parte da tomada de decisão é realizada por agências de publicidade. Estas parecem ter fortes incentivos econômicos para selecionar outros tipos de mídia e não a Internet ao definir planos de mídia. Ao mesmo tempo, a legislação e a auto-regulamentação fornecem desincentivos para corretores de mídia a operar no mercado local. A falta de profissionais qualificados e a padronização limitada também desempenham papéis importante para inibir uma maior participação da Internet nos gastos com publicidade no Brasil. A convergência dos resultados quantitativos com os qualitativos indica possíveis motivos pelos quais a participação da publicidade online no Brasil é tão baixa. Em primeiro lugar, a participação é explicada pelo estágio de desenvolvimento dos países. Quanto mais rico e mais desenvolvido um país, maior a proporção de gastos com publicidade online tende a ser. Em segundo lugar, o estágio econômico emergente do Brasil potencialmente dá espaço para o aumento do ineficiências do mercado, tais como programas de descontos oferecidos de forma desproporcional para os principais decisores de alocação de investimentos de mídia. Este fato aparentemente produz um feedback negativo, contribuindo para manter a baixa participação da publicidade online no total dos investimentos publicitários.


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Due nuove mode che si stanno propagando sempre più tra gli innumerevoli tentativi di realizzare nuovi formati di pubblicità on-line sono la pubblicità che diventa videogame gratuito, giocabile on-line o scaricabile, chiamata advergame, e la collocazione di pubblicità, oramai nella stragrande maggioranza dinamiche, nei videogames sopratutto di grandi software house, chiamata in-game advertising. Infatti nella società odierna i pubblicitari devono camuffare i consigli per gli acquisti per fare in modo che non vengano rifiutati. L'advergame in passato è stato lodato per il suo metodo innovativo di fare pubblicità. La sua caratteristica è la capacità di divertire e intrattenere l'utente ottenendo una connotazione non intrusiva e un effetto fidelizzante, peculiarità che fa di questo mezzo uno strumento potenzialmente molto valido. Si tratta, in parole povere, di videogames spesso multiplayer, nei quali gli scenari, gli oggetti e i personaggi evocano determinati brand o prodotti. Per quello che invece riguarda l'in-game advertising, si tratta di una forma particolarmente efficace di pubblicità che permette di ottenere dei tassi di ricordo rilevanti e che consente un elevato coinvolgimento emotivo. E' a livello della creazione degli spazi pubblicitari che si scatena la fantasia degli sviluppatori: se nei giochi sportivi basta trasporre in 3D gli spazi pubblicitari presenti solitamente nella realtà, in altre tipologie di gioco è necessario sfruttare parti dell'ambientazione o creare degli intermezzi atti allo scopo. Esempio tipico è quello di manifesti pubblicitari inseriti in spazi di gioco come le locande, soprattutto nei giochi di ruolo e nelle avventure grafiche. Gli investimenti in queste particolari forme di comunicazione, crescono a tassi elevatissimi e il business è molto allettante, non a caso le principali agenzie specializzate in materia sono state acquisite da grandi colossi: AdScape Media da Google e Massive Inc. da Microsoft. L'advergame e l'in-game advertising possono essere usati per lanciare un nuovo prodotto sul mercato, per rafforzare l'immagine del brand e per ottenere un database di utenti disposti ad essere sollecitati per ottenere in modo facile e non dispendioso riscontri su future attività di marketing. Perciò mi sono proposto di analizzare la situazione odierna del marketing, in particolare la parte che riguarda la pubblicità, i vantaggi ottenuti da questa scienza dallo sviluppo tecnologico, fattore che ha determinato la nascita dei due formati pubblicitari in esame e analizzati in seguito. Inoltre effettuerò l'analisi del fenomeno che vede i grandi colossi dell'IT tentare l'inserimento come agenzie intermediarie fra le software house da una parte e le grandi multinazionali dall'altra, queste ultime alla ricerca di nuovi canali più profittevoli dove sponsorizzare le proprie attività. Cercherò infine di capire le scelte di tutti gli attori che girano attorno a questi formati pubblicitari e i benefici che ne traggono per ipotizzare quale sarà il contesto che si andrà a delineare.


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From several researchers it appears that Italian adolescents and young people are grown up with commercial television which is accused to contain too much violence, sex, reality shows, advertising, cartoons which are watched from 1 to 4 hours daily. Adolescents are also great users of mobile phones and spend a lot of time to use it. Their academic results are below the average of Ocse States. However the widespread use of communication technology and social networks display also another side of adolescents who engage in media activism and political movement such as Ammazzateci tutti!, Indymedia, Movimento 5 Stelle, Movimento No Tav. In which way does the world economic crisis -with the specific problems of Italy as the cutting founds for school, academic research and welfare, the corruption of political class, mafia and camorra organisation induce a reaction in our adolescents and young people? Several researches inform us about their use of internet in terms of spending time but, more important, how internet, and the web 2.0, could be an instrument for their reaction? What do they do online? How they do it? Which is the meaning of their presence online? And, has their online activity a continuity offline? The research aims are: 1. Trough a participant observation of Social Network profiles opened by 10 young active citizens, I would seek to understand which kind of social or political activities they engage in online as individuals and which is the meaning of their presence online. 2. To observe and understand if adolescents and young people have a continuity of their socio-political engagement online in offline activities and which kind of experiences it is. 3. Try to comprehend which was (or which were) the significant, learning experiences that convinced them about the potential of the web as tool for their activism.


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L’avvento di Internet e delle innovazioni tecnologiche hanno determinato una rivoluzione nel panorama della comunicazione e dell’informazione soprattutto in quello pubblicitario. La pubblicità online (in inglese Advertising Online o Internet Advertising) è un fenomeno in continua crescita. Rispetto ai media tradizionali come la stampa e la televisione dove i contenuti sono trasmessi in modo generico e di massa, l’Advertising Online sfrutta la capacità del World Wide Web al fine di raggiungere una quantità notevole di persone permettendo di attuare campagne pubblicitarie verso un target mirato. In questo settore la facilità di misurare l'effetto nei confronti del pubblico permette alle aziende di investire in questo tipo di mercato rispetto a quello tradizionale poiché, in quest'ultimo l’assenza di strumenti di misurazione è basata su rilevanze teoriche. In riferimento a quanto citato, un’oggetto di studio e di analisi presentato in questa tesi riguarda la start-up TAGGALO un sistema ideato e sviluppato da un gruppo di ricercatori del CNR Puglia. Questa soluzione tecnologia è applicata nel campo pubblicitario del Digital out of Home e del Digital Signage dove la comunicazione del messaggio viene percepita dal potenziale cliente mentre è fuori casa mediante l’uso di schermi elettronici disposti nella maggior parte dei luoghi pubblici. Attraverso questa tecnologia è possibile rilevare il reale impatto della pubblicità online, rappresentando una soluzione efficace per misurare il reale ritorno per chi investe ovvero il ROI.


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The aim of the web-based course “Advertising Psychology – The Blog Seminar” was to offer a contemporary teaching design using typical Web 2.0 characteristics such as comments, discussions and social media integration which covers facebook and Twitter support, as nowadays, this is a common part of students’ everyday life. This weblog (blog)-based seminar for Advertising Psychology was set up in order to make the course accessible to students from different campuses in the Ruhr metropolitan area. The technical aspect of the open-source content management system Drupal 6.0 and the didactical course structure, based on Merrill’s five first principles of instruction, are introduced. To date, this blog seminar has been conducted three times with a total of 84 participants, who were asked to rate the course according to the benefits of different didactical elements and with regard to Kirkpatrick’s levels of evaluation model. This model covers a) reactions such as reported enjoyment, perceived usefulness and perceived difficulty, and b) effects on learning through the subjectively reported increase in knowledge and attitude towards the seminar. Overall, the blog seminar was evaluated very positively and can be considered as providing support for achieving the learning objectives. However, a successful blended learning approach should always be tailored to the learning contents and the environment.


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We analyze the market for online and offline media in a model of two-dimensional spatial competition where media outlets sell content and advertising space. Consumer preferences are distributed along the style and type of news coverage where the distance costs may vary across dimensions. For integrated provision of online and offline platforms we show that entering the online market reduces average profits and may even constitute a prisoner's dilemma. Specialized provision may yield polarization in the style and type dimensions. This is in contrast to the maximum–minimum differentiation result previously established in the literature on multidimensional horizontal competition. We show that maximal differentiation in both dimensions occurs due to the discrete nature of the type dimension and asymmetric advertising markets.


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Los medios sociales han revolucionado la manera en la que los consumidores se relacionan entre sí y con las marcas. Las opiniones publicadas en dichos medios tienen un poder de influencia en las decisiones de compra tan importante como las campañas de publicidad. En consecuencia, los profesionales del marketing cada vez dedican mayores esfuerzos e inversión a la obtención de indicadores que permitan medir el estado de salud de las marcas a partir de los contenidos digitales generados por sus consumidores. Dada la naturaleza no estructurada de los contenidos publicados en los medios sociales, la tecnología usada para procesar dichos contenidos ha menudo implementa técnicas de Inteligencia Artificial, tales como algoritmos de procesamiento de lenguaje natural, aprendizaje automático y análisis semántico. Esta tesis, contribuye al estado de la cuestión, con un modelo que permite estructurar e integrar la información publicada en medios sociales, y una serie de técnicas cuyos objetivos son la identificación de consumidores, así como la segmentación psicográfica y sociodemográfica de los mismos. La técnica de identificación de consumidores se basa en la huella digital de los dispositivos que utilizan para navegar por la Web y es tolerante a los cambios que se producen con frecuencia en dicha huella digital. Las técnicas de segmentación psicográfica descritas obtienen la posición en el embudo de compra de los consumidores y permiten clasificar las opiniones en función de una serie de atributos de marketing. Finalmente, las técnicas de segmentación sociodemográfica permiten obtener el lugar de residencia y el género de los consumidores. ABSTRACT Social media has revolutionised the way in which consumers relate to each other and with brands. The opinions published in social media have a power of influencing purchase decisions as important as advertising campaigns. Consequently, marketers are increasing efforts and investments for obtaining indicators to measure brand health from the digital content generated by consumers. Given the unstructured nature of social media contents, the technology used for processing such contents often implements Artificial Intelligence techniques, such as natural language processing, machine learning and semantic analysis algorithms. This thesis contributes to the State of the Art, with a model for structuring and integrating the information posted on social media, and a number of techniques whose objectives are the identification of consumers, as well as their socio-demographic and psychographic segmentation. The consumer identification technique is based on the fingerprint of the devices they use to surf the Web and is tolerant to the changes that occur frequently in such fingerprint. The psychographic profiling techniques described infer the position of consumer in the purchase funnel, and allow to classify the opinions based on a series of marketing attributes. Finally, the socio-demographic profiling techniques allow to obtain the residence and gender of consumers.