986 resultados para Adverse outcome pathways


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BACKGROUND Conflicting data exist of an association between off-hour (weekend, holiday, or night-time) hospital admission and adverse outcome in intracerebral hemorrhage (ICH). We determined the association between off-hour admissions and poor clinical outcome, and of any differential effect of early intensive blood pressure (BP) lowering treatment between off- and on-hour admissions, among participants of the Intensive BP Reduction in Acute Cerebral Hemorrhage Trial (INTERACT2). METHODS Subsidiary analysis of INTERACT2, a multinational, multicenter, clinical trial of patients with spontaneous ICH with elevated systolic BP, randomly assigned to intensive (target systolic BP <140 mm Hg) or guideline-based (<180 mm Hg) BP management. Primary outcome was death or major disability (modified Rankin scale of 3-6) at 90 days. Off-hour admission was defined as night-time (4:30 p.m. to 8:30 a.m.) on weekdays, weekends (Saturday and Sunday), and public holidays in each participating country. RESULTS Of 2,794 patients with information on the primary outcome, 1,770 (63%) were admitted to study centers during off-hours. Off-hour admission was not associated with risk of poor outcome at 90 days (53% off-hour vs. 55% on-hour; p = 0.49), even after adjustment for comorbid risk factors (odds ratio 0.92; 95% CI 0.76-1.12). Consistency exists in the effects of intensive BP lowering between off- and on-hour admission (p = 0.85 for homogeneity). CONCLUSIONS Off-hour admission was not associated with increased risks of death or major disability among trial protocol participants with acute ICH. Intensive BP lowering can provide similar treatment effect irrespective of admission hours.


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PURPOSE OF REVIEW Hypertension in pregnancy contributes substantially to perinatal mortality and morbidity of both the mother and her child. High blood pressure is mainly responsible for this adverse outcome, in particular when associated with preeclampsia. Although preeclampsia is nowadays a well-known clinical-obstetrical entity, and screening for this complication has been part of routine care during pregnancy for nearly 100 years, its cause is still enigmatic. RECENT FINDINGS Profound changes of the demographic development of our society, the worldwide rising prevalence of obesity and metabolic disorders, and progress in reproductive medicine will inevitably modify the prevalence of many medical problems in pregnancy. Complications such as gestational diabetes mellitus, chronic hypertension, and preeclampsia will rise and an interdisciplinary approach is necessary to handle these women during pregnancy and also after delivery. Indeed, it is now well established that these women and their offspring born large or small-for-gestational age are at increased risk for severe cardiovascular and metabolic complications later in life. SUMMARY Knowledge of the pregnancy course is not only important for an obstetrician but also increasingly inevitable for the general practitioner. Recognition, classification, and adequate management of hypertensive pregnancy disorders and associated complications may considerably reduce perinatal death and morbidity.


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Acute Lung Injury (ALI) and Acute Respiratory Distress Syndrome (ARDS) are life- threatening disorders that can result from many severe conditions and diseases. Since the American European Consensus Conference established the internationally accepted definition of ALI and ARDS, the epidemiology of pediatric ALI/ARDS has been described in some developed countries. In the developing world, however, there are very few data available regarding the burden, etiologies, management, outcome, and factors associated with outcomes of ALI/ARDS in children. ^ Therefore, we conducted this observational, clinical study to estimate the prevalence and case mortality rate of ALI/ARDS among a cohort of patients admitted to the pediatric intensive care unit (PICU) of the National Hospital of Pediatrics in Hanoi, the largest children's hospital in Vietnam. Etiologies and predisposing factors, and management strategies for pediatric ALI/ARDS were described. In addition, we determined the prevalence of HIV infection among children with ALI/ARDS in Vietnam. We also identified the causes of mortality and predictors of mortality and prolonged mechanical ventilation of children with ALI/ARDS. ^ A total of 1,051 patients consecutively admitted to the pediatric intensive care unit from January 2011 to January 2012 were screened daily for development of ALI/ARDS using the American-European Consensus Conference Guidelines. All identified patients with ALI/ARDS were followed until hospital discharge or death in the hospital. Patients' demographic and clinical data were collected. Multivariable logistic regression models were developed to identify independent predictors of mortality and other adverse outcome of ALI/ARDS. ^ Prevalence of ALI and ARDS was 9.6% (95% confidence interval, 7.8% to 11.4%) and 8.8% (95% confidence interval, 7.0% to 10.5%) of total PICU admissions, respectively. Infectious pneumonia and sepsis were the most common causes of ALI/ARDS accounting for 60.4% and 26.7% of cases, respectively. Prevalence of HIV infection among children with ALI/ARDS was 3.0%. The case fatality rate of ALI/ARDS was 63.4% (95% confidence interval, 53.8% to 72.9%). Multiple organ failure and refractory hypoxemia were the main causes of death. Independent predictors of mortality and prolonged mechanical ventilation were male gender, duration of intensive care stay prior to ALI/ARDS diagnosis, level of oxygenation defect measured by PaO2/FiO2 ratio at ALI/ARDS diagnosis, presence of non-pulmonary organ dysfunction at day one and day three after ALI/ARDS diagnosis, and presence of hospital acquired infection. ^ The results of this study demonstrated that ALI/ARDS was a common and severe condition in children in Vietnam. The level of both pulmonary and non-pulmonary organ damage influenced survival of patients with ALI/ARDS. Strategies for preventing ALI/ARDS and for clinical management of the disease are necessary to reduce the associated risks.^


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INTRODUÇÃO: A restrição de crescimento fetal (RCF) representa uma das principais complicações da gravidez e está associada a elevadas taxas de morbimortalidade perinatal. A frequência de desfechos desfavoráveis neonatais está diretamente relacionada à gravidade da RCF, sendo que os casos de pior evolução estão relacionados com peso abaixo do percentil 3. O mecanismo do crescimento fetal não está totalmente esclarecido, mas resulta da interação entre potencial genético de crescimento e fatores placentários, maternos e ambientais. Dentre os fatores etiológicos, o desenvolvimento anormal da placenta e a diminuição da perfusão uteroplacentária são as principais causas de RCF. Este estudo teve por objetivo avaliar volume e índices de vascularização placentários, por meio da ultrassonografia tridimensional (US3D), em gestações com RCF grave, e as correlações dos parâmetros placentários com valores de normalidade e dopplervelocimetria materno-fetal. MÉTODOS: Foram avaliadas 27 gestantes cujos fetos apresentavam peso estimado abaixo do percentil 3 para a idade gestacional. Por meio da US3D, utilizando-se a técnica VOCAL, foram mensurados o volume placentário (VP) e os índices vasculares: índice de vascularização (IV), índice de fluxo (IF) e índice de vascularização e fluxo (IVF). Os dados foram comparados com a curva de normalidade para a idade gestacional e peso fetal descrita por De Paula e cols. (2008, 2009). Desde que os volumes placentários variam durante a gravidez, os valores observados foram comparados com os valores esperados para a idade gestacional e peso fetal. Foram criados os índices volume observado/ esperado para a idade gestacional (Vo/e IG) e volume placentário observado/ esperado para o peso fetal (Vo/e PF). Os parâmetros placentários foram correlacionados com índice de pulsatilidade (IP) médio de (AUt) e IP de artéria umbilical (AU), e avaliados segundo a presença de incisura protodiastólica bilateral em AUt. RESULTADOS: Quando comparadas à curva de normalidade, as placentas de gestação com RCF grave apresentaram VP, IV, IF e IVF significativamente menores (p < 0,0001 para todos os parâmetros). Houve correlação inversa estatisticamente significante da média do PI de AUt com o Vo/e IG (r= -0,461, p= 0,018), IV (r= -0,401, p= 0,042) e IVF (r= -0,421, p= 0,048). No grupo de gestantes que apresentavam incisura protodiastólica bilateral de artérias uterinas, Vo/e IG (p= 0,014), Vo/e PF (p= 0,02) e IV (p= 0,044) foram significativamente mais baixos. Nenhum dos parâmetros placentários apresentou correlação significativa com IP de AU. CONCLUSÕES: Observou-se que o volume e os índices de vascularização placentários apresentam-se diminuídos nos fetos com RCF grave. IP médio de AUT apresenta correlação negativa com Vo/e IG, IV e IVF, e Vo/e IG, Vo/e PF e IV apresentaram-se reduzidos nos casos de incisura bilateral. Não houve correlação significativa dos parâmetros placentários com IP de AU


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Urine output (UO) criterion may increase the sensitivity of the definition of acute kidney injury (AKI). We determined whether the empirically derived definition for oliguria(<0.5 ml/kg/h) is independently associated with adverse outcome. Data analysis included hourly recorded UO from the prospective, multicenter FINNAKI study conducted in 16 Finnish intensive care units. Confounder-adjusted association of oliguria of different severity and duration primarily with the development of AKI defined by creatinine criterion (Cr-AKI) or renal replacement therapy(RRT) was assessed. Secondarily, we determined the association of oliguria with 90-day mortality. Of the 1966 patients analyzed for the development of AKI, 454 (23.1%) reached this endpoint. Within this AKI cohort, 312 (68.7%)developed Cr-AKI, 21 (4.6%) commenced RRT without Cr-AKI, and 121 (26.7%) commenced RRT with Cr-AKI. Episodes of severe oliguria (<0.1 ml/kg/h) for more than 3 h were independently associated with the development of Cr-AKI or RRT. The shortest periods of consecutive oliguria independently associated with an increased risk for 90-day mortality were 6–12 h of oliguria from 0.3 to <0.5 ml/kg/h, over 6 h of oliguria from 0.1 to <0.3 ml/kg/h, and severe oliguria lasting over 3 h.Thus, our findings underlie the importance of hourly UO measurements.


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Hip fracture is the most adverse outcome of osteoporosis. Few surveillance sources exist to estimate the extent of the burden of illness of osteoporosis in Illinois. Because hip fractures are an important proxy measure for the existence of osteoporosis, the Illinois Health Care Cost Containment Council examined hospital use, treatment and outcome measures for hip fracture patients during the years 1995 through 2000. Osteoporosis, as the underlying cause of hip fracture hospitalizations, is investigated for results of treatment and disposition at discharge. In the year 1995, 12,637, discharges for hip fracture patients were reported by Illinois hospitals. In contrast, in the year 2000, 12,311, discharges for hip fracture patients were reported by Illinois hospitals. This study will provide a descriptive analysis of hospital reported discharges during this six-year period, focusing on patient age and gender, cause of injury, treatments, outcomes, billed charges and expected payment source. A significant percentage of hip fractures occurred in people aged 65 and above. Hip fracture rates per thousand persons in females exceeded males in every age group in the study. Females accounted for approximately 75% of all hip fracture discharges during the study period. Facility charges for hip fracture cases in 1995 were over $213.5 million. Comparable charges in 2000 exceeded $270 million. Over 80% of patients in 2000 were discharged to another health care facility for additional care. A review of pathological fractures and reported cases of diagnosed osteoporosis are included to round out the study.


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Chronic kidney disease (CKD) is an increasingly common condition with limited treatment options that is placing a major financial and emotional burden on the community. The use of complementary and alternative medicines (CAMS) has increased many-fold over the past decade. Although several compelling studies show renal toxicities and an adverse outcome from use of some CAMS, there is also emerging evidence in the literature that some may be renoprotective. Many nephrologists are unaware of these potential therapeutic benefits in treating CKD, or they are reluctant to consider them in research trials for fear of adverse effects (including nephrotoxicity) or deleterious interaction with co-prescribed, conventional medicines. The increased use of self-prescribed CAMS by their patients suggests that practitioners and researchers should keep abreast of the current information on these agents. A primary goal of this article was to review the available scientific evidence for the use of herbs or natural substances as a complementary treatment for patients with CKD. A further goal was to report the literature on herbs that have been reported to cause kidney failure.


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OBJECTIVE: The aim of this study was to devise a scoring system that could aid in predicting neurologic outcome at the onset of neonatal seizures. METHODS: A total of 106 newborns who had neonatal seizures and were consecutively admitted to the NICU of the University of Parma from January 1999 through December 2004 were prospectively followed-up, and neurologic outcome was assessed at 24 months’ postconceptional age. We conducted a retrospective analysis on this cohort to identify variables that were significantly related to adverse outcome and to develop a scoring system that could provide early prognostic indications. RESULTS: A total of 70 (66%) of 106 infants had an adverse neurologic outcome. Six variables were identified as the most important independent risk factors for adverse outcome and were used to construct a scoring system: birth weight, Apgar score at 1 minute, neurologic examination at seizure onset, cerebral ultrasound, efficacy of anticonvulsant therapy, and presence of neonatal status epilepticus. Each variable was scored from 0 to 3 to represent the range from “normal” to “severely abnormal.” A total composite score was computed by addition of the raw scores of the 6 variables. This score ranged from 0 to 12. A cutoff score of =4 provided the greatest sensitivity and specificity. CONCLUSIONS: This scoring system may offer an easy, rapid, and reliable prognostic indicator of neurologic outcome after the onset of neonatal seizures. A final assessment of the validity of this score in routine clinical practice will require independent validation in other centers.


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BACKGROUND: Diabetes mellitus (DM) increases tuberculosis risk while tuberculosis, as an infectious disease, leads to hyperglycemia. We compared hyperglycemia screening strategies in controls and patients with tuberculosis in Dar es Salaam, Tanzania. METHODS: Consecutive adults with tuberculosis and sex- and age-matched volunteers were included in a case-control study between July 2012 and June 2014. All underwent DM screening tests (fasting capillary glucose [FCG] level, 2-hour CG [2-hCG] level, and glycated hemoglobin A1c [HbA1c] level) at enrollment, and cases were tested again after receipt of tuberculosis treatment. Association of tuberculosis and its outcome with hyperglycemia was assessed using logistic regression analysis adjusted for sex, age, body mass index, human immunodeficiency virus infection status, and socioeconomic status. Patients with tuberculosis and newly diagnosed DM were not treated for hyperglycemia. RESULTS: At enrollment, DM prevalence was significantly higher among patients with tuberculosis (n = 539; FCG level > 7 mmol/L, 4.5% of patients, 2-hCG level > 11 mmol/L, 6.8%; and HbA1c level > 6.5%, 9.3%), compared with controls (n = 496; 1.2%, 3.1%, and 2.2%, respectively). The association between hyperglycemia and tuberculosis disappeared after tuberculosis treatment (adjusted odds ratio [aOR] for the FCG level: 9.6 [95% confidence interval {CI}, 3.7-24.7] at enrollment vs 2.4 [95% CI, .7-8.7] at follow-up; aOR for the 2-hCG level: 6.6 [95% CI, 4.0-11.1] vs 1.6 [95% CI, .8-2.9]; and aOR for the HbA1c level, 4.2 [95% CI, 2.9-6.0] vs 1.4 [95% CI, .9-2.0]). Hyperglycemia, based on the FCG level, at enrollment was associated with tuberculosis treatment failure or death (aOR, 3.3; 95% CI, 1.2-9.3). CONCLUSIONS: Transient hyperglycemia is frequent during tuberculosis, and DM needs confirmation after tuberculosis treatment. Performance of DM screening at tuberculosis diagnosis gives the opportunity to detect patients at risk of adverse outcome.


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Predicting risk of adverse healthcare outcomes is important to enable targeted delivery of interventions. The Risk Instrument for Screening in the Community (RISC), designed for use by public health nurses (PHNs), measures the one-year risk of hospitalisation, institutionalisation and death in community-dwelling older adults according to a five-point global risk score: from low (score 1,2), medium (3) and high (4,5). We examined the inter-rater reliability (IRR) of the RISC between student PHNs (n=32) and expert raters using six cases (two low, medium and high-risk), scored before and after RISC training. Correlations increased for each adverse outcome, statistically significantly for institutionalisation (r=0.72 to 0.80,p=0.04) and hospitalisation, (r=0.51 to 0.71,p<0.01) but not death. Training improved accuracy for low-risk but not all high-risk cases. Overall, the RISC showed good IRR, which increased after RISC training. That reliability reduced for some high-risk cases suggests that the training programme requires adjustment to further improve IRR.


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La asfixia perinatal es la principal causa de muerte en la primera semana de vida la nivel mundial, los niños que sufren esta complicación y sobreviven pueden presentar trastornos neurológicos de diferente nivel de compromiso que inciden en su desarrollo personal y social. Las cifras de muerte por este problema de salud han disminuido de manera importante, sin embargo en el reporte de la Organización Mundial de Salud (OPS) del 2010, la asfixia perinatal es causa del 29% de muertes infantiles en los países de América Latina y el Caribe 2. Es necesario conocer además la extensión del daño neurológico que sufren estos niños, con este fin se desarrolló un estudio piloto en el Hospital Universitario Mayor Mederi de Bogotá, en el cual se determinó la concentración de un marcador metabólico de daño cerebral, la proteína S100B en suero de 60 recién nacidos sanos, con el objetivo de analizar la asociación del mismo con el peso al nacer, la edad gestacional y el diagnóstico. Los resultados no mostraron diferencias significativas entre este marcador y las variables analizadas que puede asociarse al pequeño número de pacientes, sin embargo han sentado las bases para el desarrollo de un estudio que incluya varios hospitales de Bogotá y sobre todo la determinación del mismo en recién nacidos con diagnóstico de hipoxia en el período perinatal, lo cual aportará información del grado de la alteración que puedan tener a nivel cerebral y contribuya al mejor manejo evolutivo con la aplicación de medidas de intervención en estadios tempranos de la vida.


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Breast cancer, the most commonly diagnosed type of cancer in women, is a major cause of morbidity and mortality in the western world. Well-established risk factors of breast cancer are mostly related to women’s reproductive history, such as early menarche, late first pregnancy and late menopause. Survival rates have improved due to a combination of factors, including better health education, early detection with large-scale use of screening mammogram, improved surgical techniques, as well as widespread use of adjuvant therapy. At initial presentation, clinicopathological features of breast cancer such as age, nodal status, tumour size, tumour grade, and hormonal receptor status are considered to be the standard prognostic and predictive markers of patient survival, and are used to guide appropriate treatment strategies. Lymphovascular invasion (LBVI), including lymphatic (LVI) and blood (BVI) vessel invasion, has been reported to be prognostic and merit accurate evaluation, particularly in patients with node negative tumours who might benefit from adjuvant chemotherapy. There is a lack of standard assessment and agreement on distinguishing LVI from BVI despite the major challenges in the field. A systematic review of the literatures, examining methods of detection and the prognostic significance of LBVI, LVI and BVI, was carried out. The majority of studies used haematoxylin and eosin (H&E) and classical histochemistry to identify LVI and BVI. Only few recent studies used immunohistochemistry (IHC) staining of the endothelium lining lymphatic and blood vessels, and were able to show clear differences between LVI and BVI. The prognostic significance of LBVI and LVI was well-documented and strongly associated with aggressive features of breast tumours, while the prognostic value and the optimal detection method of BVI were unclear. Assessment and prognostic value of LBVI on H&E sections (LBVIH&E) was examined and compared to that of LVI and BVI detected using IHC with D2-40 for LVI (LVID2–40) and Factor VIII for BVI (BVIFVIII) in patients with breast cancer including node negative and triple negative patients (n=360). LBVIH&E, LVID2–40 and BVIFVIII were present in 102 (28%), 127 (35%) and 59 (16%) patients respectively. In node negative patients (206), LBVIH&E, LVID2–40 and BVIFVIII were present in 41 (20%), 53 (26%) and 21 (10%) respectively. In triple negative patients (102), LBVIH&E, LVID2–40 and BVIFVIII were present in 35 (29%), 36 (35%) and 14 (14%) respectively. LBVIH&E, LVID2–40 and BVIFVIII were all significantly associated with tumour recurrence in all cohorts. On multivariate survival analysis, only LVID2–40 and BVIFVIII were independent predictors of cancer specific survival (CSS) in the whole cohort (P=0.022 and P<0.001 respectively), node negative (P=0.008 and P=0.001 respectively) and triple negative patients (P=0.014 and P<0.001 respectively). Assessment of LVI and BVI by IHC, using D2-40 and Factor VIII, improves prediction of outcome in patients with node negative and triple negative breast cancer and was superior to the conventional detection method. Breast cancer is recognised as a complex molecular disease and histologically identical tumours may have highly variable outcomes, including different responses to therapy. Therefore, there is a compelling need for new prognostic and predictive markers helpful of selecting patients at risk and patients with aggressive diseases who might benefit from adjuvant and targeted therapy. It is increasingly recognised that the development and progression of human breast cancer is not only determined by genetically abnormal cells, but also dependent on complex interactions between malignant cells and the surrounding microenvironment. This has led to reconsider the features of tumour microenvironment as potential predictive and prognostic markers. Among these markers, tumour stroma percentage (TSP) and tumour budding, as well as local tumour inflammatory infiltrate have received recent attention. In particular, the local environment of cytokines, proteases, angiogenic and growth factors secreted by inflammatory cells and stromal fibroblasts has identified crucial roles in facilitating tumour growth, and metastasis of cancer cells through lymphatic and/or blood vessel invasion. This might help understand the underlying process promoting tumour invasion into these vessels. An increase in the proportion of tumour stroma and an increase in the dissociation of tumour cells have been associated with poorer survival in a number of solid tumours, including breast cancer. However, the interrelationship between these variables and other features of the tumour microenvironment in different subgroups of breast cancer are not clear. Also, whether their prognostic values are independent of other components of the tumour microenvironment have yet to be identified. Therefore, the relationship between TSP, clinicopathological characteristics and outcome in patients with invasive ductal breast cancer, in particular node negative and triple negative disease was examined in patients with invasive ductal breast cancer (n=361). The TSP was assessed on the haematoxylin and eosin-stained tissue sections. With a cut-off value of 50% TSP, patients with ≤50% stroma were classified as the low-TSP group and those with >50% stroma were classified as the high-TSP group. A total of 109 (30%) patients had high TSP. Patients with high TSP were old age (P=0.035), had involved lymph node (P=0.049), Her-2 positive tumours (P=0.029), low-grade peri-tumoural inflammatory infiltrate (P=0.034), low CD68+ macrophage infiltrate (P<0.001), low CD4+ (P=0.023) and low CD8+ T-lymphocytes infiltrate (P=0.017), tumour recurrence (P=0.015) and shorter CSS (P<0.001). In node negative patients (n=207), high TSP was associated with low CD68+ macrophage infiltrate (P=0.001), low CD4+ (P=0.040) and low CD8+ T-lymphocytes infiltrate (P=0.016) and shorter CSS (P=0.005). In triple negative patients (n=103), high TSP was associated with increased tumour size (P=0.017) high tumour grade (P=0.014), low CD8+ T-lymphocytes infiltrate (P=0.048) and shorter CSS (P=0.041). The 15-year cancer specific survival rate was 79% vs 21% in the low-TSP group vs high-TSP group. On multivariate survival analysis, a high TSP was associated with reduced CSS in the whole cohort (P=0.007), node negative patients (P=0.005) and those who received systemic adjuvant therapy (P=0.016), independent of other pathological characteristics including local host inflammatory responses. Therefore, a high TSP in invasive ductal breast cancer was associated with recurrence and poorer long-term survival. The inverse relation with the tumour inflammatory infiltrate highlights the importance of the amount of tumour stroma on immunological response in patients with invasive ductal breast cancer. Implementing this simple and reproducible parameter in routine pathological examination may help optimise risk stratification in patients with breast cancer. Similarly, the relationship between tumour budding, clinicopathological characteristics and outcome was examined in patients with invasive ductal breast cancer (n=474), using routine pathological sections. Tumour budding was associated with several adverse pathological characteristics, including positive lymph node (P=0.009), presence of LVI (P<0.001), and high TSP (P=0.001) and low-grade general peri-tumural inflammatory infiltrative (P=0.002). In node negative patients, a high tumour budding was associated with presence of LVI (P<0.001) and low-grade general peri-tumural inflammatory infiltrative (P=0.038). On multivariate survival analysis, tumour budding was associated with reduced CSS (P=0.001), independent of nodal status, tumour necrosis, CD8+ and CD138+ inflammatory cells infiltrate, LVI, BVI and TSP. Furthermore, tumour budding was independently associated with reduced CSS in node negative patients (P=0.004) and in those who have low TSP (P=0.003) and high-grade peri-tumoural inflammatory infiltrative (P=0.012). A high tumour budding was significantly associated with shorter CSS in luminal B and triple negative breast cancer subtypes (all P<0.001). Therefore, tumour budding was a significant predictor of poor survival in patients with invasive ductal breast cancer, independent of adverse pathological characteristics and components of tumour microenvironment. These results suggest that tumour budding may promote disease progression through a direct effect on local and distant invasion into lymph nodes and lymphatic vessels. Therefore, detection of tumour buds at the stroma invasive front might therefore represent a morphologic link between tumour progression, lymphatic invasion, spread of tumour cells to regional lymph nodes, and the establishment of metastatic dissemination. Given the potential importance of the tumour microenvironment, the characterisation of intracellular signalling pathways is important in the tumour microenvironment and is of considerable interest. One plausible signalling molecule that links tumour stroma, inflammatory cell infiltrate and tumour budding is the signal transducer and activator of transcription (STAT). The relationship between total and phosphorylated STAT1 (ph-STAT1), and total and ph-STAT3 tumour cell expression, components of tumour microenvironment and survival in patients with invasive ductal breast cancer was examined. IHC of total and ph-STAT1/STAT3 was performed on tissue microarray of 384 breast cancer specimens. Cellular STAT1 and cellular STAT3 expression at both cytoplasmic and nuclear locations were combined and identified as STAT1/STAT3 tumour cell expression. These results were then related to CSS and phenotypic features of the tumour and host. A high ph-STAT1 and a high ph-STAT3 tumour cell expression was associated with increased ER (P=0.001 and P<0.001 respectively) and PR (all P<0.05), reduced tumour grade (P=0.015 and P<0.001 respectively) and necrosis (all P=0.001). Ph-STAT1 was associated with increased general peri-tumoural inflammatory infiltrate (P=0.007) and ph-STAT3 was associated with lower CD4+ T-lymphocyte infiltrate (P=0.024). On multivariate survival analysis, including both ph-STAT1 and ph-STAT3 tumour cell expression, only high ph-STAT3 tumour cell expression was significantly associated with improved CSS (P=0.010) independent of other tumour and host-based factors. In patients with high necrosis grade, high ph-STAT3 tumour cell expression was independent predictor of improved CSS (P=0.021). Ph-STAT1 and ph-STAT3 were also significantly associated with improved cancer specific survival in luminal A and B subtypes. STAT1 and STAT3 tumour cell expression appeared to be an important determinant of favourable outcome in patients with invasive ductal breast cancer. The present results suggest that STATs may affect disease outcome through direct impact on tumour cells, and the surrounding microenvironment. The above observations of the present thesis point to the importance of the tumour microenvironment in promoting tumour budding, LVI and BVI. The observations from STATs work may suggest that an important driving mechanism for the above associations is the presence of tumour necrosis, probably secondary to hypoxia. Further work is needed to examine the interaction of other molecular pathways involved in the tumour microenvironment, such as HIF and NFkB in patients with invasive ductal breast cancer.


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Recent data suggests that cholesteryl ester transfer protein (CETP) activity may interact with acute stress conditions via inflammatory-oxidative response and thrombogenesis. We investigated this assumption in patients with ST-elevation myocardial infarction (STEMI). Consecutive patients with STEMI (n = 116) were enrolled <24-h of symptoms onset and were followed for 180 days. Plasma levels of C-reactive protein (CRP), interleukin-2 (IL-2), tumor necrosis factor (TNFα), 8-isoprostane, nitric oxide (NOx) and CETP activity were measured at enrollment (D1) and at fifth day (D5). Flow-mediated dilation (FMD) was assessed by ultrasound and coronary thrombus burden (CTB) was evaluated by angiography. Neither baseline nor the change of CETP activity from D1 to D5 was associated with CRP, IL-2, TNFα, 8-isoprostane levels or CTB. The rise in NOx from D1 to D5 was inferior [3.5(-1; 10) vs. 5.5(-1; 12); p < 0.001] and FMD was lower [5.9(5.5) vs. 9.6(6.6); p = 0.047] in patients with baseline CETP activity above the median value than in their counterparts. Oxidized HDL was measured by thiobarbituric acid reactive substances (TBARS) in isolated HDL particles and increased from D1 to D5, and remaining elevated at D30. The change in TBARS content in HDL was associated with CETP activity (r = 0.72; p = 0.014) and FMD (r = -0.61; p = 0.046). High CETP activity at admission was associated with the incidence of sudden death and recurrent MI at 30 days (OR 12.8; 95% CI 1.25-132; p = 0.032) and 180 days (OR 3.3; 95% CI 1.03-10.7; p = 0.044). An enhanced CETP activity during acute phase of STEMI is independently associated with endothelial dysfunction and adverse clinical outcome.


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OBJECTIVES: The aim of this study was to evaluate the effects of non-surgical treatment of periodontal disease during the second trimester of gestation on adverse pregnancy outcomes. MATERIAL AND METHODS: Pregnant patients during the 1st and 2nd trimesters at antenatal care in a Public Health Center were divided into 2 groups: NIG - "no intervention" (n=17) or IG- "intervention" (n=16). IG patients were submitted to a non-surgical periodontal treatment performed by a single periodontist consisting of scaling and root planning (SRP), professional prophylaxis (PROPH) and oral hygiene instruction (OHI). NIG received PROPH and OHI during pregnancy and were referred for treatment after delivery. Periodontal evaluation was performed by a single trained examiner, blinded to periodontal treatment, according to probing depth (PD), clinical attachment level (CAL), plaque index (PI) and sulcular bleeding index (SBI) at baseline and 35 gestational weeks-28 days post-partum. Primary adverse pregnancy outcomes were preterm birth (<37 weeks), low birth weight (<2.5 kg), late abortion (14-24 weeks) or abortion (<14 weeks). The results obtained were statistically evaluated according to OR, unpaired t test and paired t test at 5% signifcance level. RESULTS: No signifcant differences were observed between groups at baseline examination. Periodontal treatment resulted in stabilization of CAL and PI (p>0.05) at IG and worsening of all periodontal parameters at NIG (p<0.0001), except for PI. Signifcant differences in periodontal conditions of IG and NIG were observed at 2nd examination (p<0.001). The rate of adverse pregnancy outcomes was 47.05% in NIG and 6.25% in IG. Periodontal treatment during pregnancy was associated to a decreased risk of developing adverse pregnancy outcomes [OR=13.50; CI: 1.47-123.45; p=0.02]. CONCLUSIONS: Periodontal treatment during the second trimester of gestation contributes to decrease adverse pregnancy outcomes.


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The root extract of Salacia reticulata Wight (family: Celastraceae) is used in Sri Lanka by traditional practitioners as a herbal therapy for glycemic control even during pregnancy. It is recognized that some clinically used antidiabetic drugs have harmful effects on pregnancy but the effects of the S. reticulata root extract on reproductive outcome is unknown and deserves examination. We determined the effects of the S. reticulata root extract on the reproductive outcome of Wistar rats (250-260 g) when administered orally (10 g/kg) during early (days 1-7) and mid- (days 7-14) pregnancy. The root extract significantly (P<0.05) enhanced post-implantation losses (control vs treatment: early pregnancy, 4.7 ± 2.4 vs 49.3 ± 13%; mid-pregnancy, 4.7 ± 2.4 vs 41.7 ± 16.1%). Gestational length was unaltered but the pups born had a low birth weight (P<0.05) (early pregnancy, 6.8 ± 0.1 vs 5.3 ± 0.1 g; mid-pregnancy, 6.8 ± 0.1 vs 5.0 ± 0.1 g) and low birth index (P<0.05) (early pregnancy, 95.2 ± 2.4 vs 50.7 ± 12.9%; mid-pregnancy, 95.2 ± 2.4 vs 58.3 ± 16.1%), fetal survival ratio (P<0.05) (early pregnancy, 95.2 ± 2.4 vs 50.7 ± 12.9; mid-pregnancy, 95.2 ± 2.4 vs 58.3 ± 16.1), and viability index (P<0.05) (early pregnancy, 94.9 ± 2.6 vs 49.5 ± 12.5%; mid-pregnancy, 94.9 ± 2.6 vs 57.1 ± 16.1%). However, the root extract was non-teratogenic. We conclude that the S. reticulata root extract can be hazardous to successful pregnancy in women and should not be used in pregnancy complicated by diabetes.