998 resultados para Adult Worms


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The water-rat Nectomys squamipes is mostly important non-human host in schistosomiasis mansoni transmission in Brazil, due to its susceptibility, high abundance and water-contact pattern. During experimental infection of N. squamipes with Schistosoma mansoni, adult worms show phenotypic plasticity. This finding led us to investigate whether biological behavior is also affected. This was assessed comparing the biological characteristics of four S. mansoni strains: BE (State of Belém do Pará), CE (State of Pernambuco), CMO (State of Rio Grande do Norte) and SJ (State of São Paulo) using laboratory-bred N. squamipes. The infection was monitored by determination of the pre-patent period, fecal egg output, egg viability, intestinal egg count and, infectivity rate. No biological modification was observed in these parameters. Overall results highlight that N. squamipes was susceptible to several S. mansoni strains, suggesting that it might contribute to the maintenance of schistosomiasis mansoni in Brazil.


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A case report of a 31 year-old woman from Paraíba State (North-Eastern Brazil) that presented severe involvement of ocular globes, ears and meninges. Diagnosis was established after enucleation of her left eye, when adult worms were seen in the midst of a granulomatous inflammatory process. Her response to the initial treatment with levamisole and cambendazole was good, but there was a relapse after the fifth month of treatment even with maintenance doses of both medications. She later received ivermectin and albendazol and responded well.


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The gender of vertebrate hosts may affect the outcome of parasitic infections. An experimental murine infection with Angiostrongylus costaricensis was followed with determinations of body weight, fecal larval elimination, number and length of adult worms, number of macroscopic intestinal lesions, and mortality. Groups of male and female Swiss mice were infected with 10 3rd-stage A. costaricensis larvae per animal. The results indicate there are no significant differences related to gender of the host, except for higher length of worms developed in male mice.


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If Schistosoma mansoni infection could be detected in its early stages, especially before the egg deposition in the host tissues, the development of severe pathologic lesions could be efficiently prevented. We therefore developed an indirect enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay based on the detection of specific IgG against schistosomula antigens (ELISA-SmTeg). The assay was applied in sera samples from non-infected and infected mice collected seven and 15 days post-infection. The results were compared to the number of adult worms obtained by perfusion of the murine hepatic system 50 days post-infection. The sensitivity and specificity of the ELISA-SmTeg were 100% (p = 0.0032 and 0.0048 respectively for seven and 15 days of infection) with a cutoff value of 0.15 (p = 0.0002). Our findings show a novel low-cost serological assay using antigens which are easy to obtain, which was able to detect all the infected mice as early as seven days post-infection.


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The administration of viable Bifidobacterium animaliswas tested to induce resistance against Strongyloides venezuelensis infection in mice. Effects on parasite burden, worm length, egg output, and intestinal mucosal histology were evaluated. The oral administration of B. animalis, strain 04450B, starting 14 days before the inoculation of nematode larvae significantly decreased the worm burden and egg output. In probiotic treated animals, the percent reduction of adult worms in the intestine was of 33% and the reduction of egg production was of 21%, compared with those of the control group. The duodenum villous height and villous/crypt ratio were significantly higher in probiotic-treated mice, indicating that this group could be experiencing less intestinal damage. The present findings revealed that the administration of B. animalis for the amelioration of host response to nematode infections is biologically plausible and could have some potential for impacting public health. Meanwhile, further study is needed to delineate the nature and identity of the factor(s) involved in these beneficial effects.


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Introduction: Schistosomiasis is a chronic disease caused by trematode flatworms of the genus Schistosoma and its control is dependent on a single drug, praziquantel (PZQ), but concerns over PZQ resistance have renewed interest in evaluating the in vitro susceptibility of recent isolates of Schistosoma mansoni to PZQ in comparison with well-established strains in the laboratory. Material and methods: The in vitro activity of PZQ (6.5-0.003 µg/mL) was evaluated in terms of mortality, reduced motor activity and ultrastructural alterations against S. mansoni. Results: After 3 h of incubation, PZQ, at 6.5 µg/mL, caused 100% mortality of all adult worms in the three types of recent isolates, while PZQ was inactive at concentrations of 0.08-0.003 µg/mL after 3 h of incubation. The results show that the SLM and Sotave isolates basically presented the same pattern of susceptibility, differing only in the concentration of 6.5 µg/mL, where deaths occurred from the range of 1.5 h in Sotave and just in the 3 h range of SLM. Additionally, this article presents ultrastructural evidence of rapid severe PZQ-induced surface membrane damage in S. mansoni after treatment with the drug, such as disintegration, sloughing, and erosion of the surface. Conclusion: According to these results, PZQ is very effective to induce tegument destruction of recent isolates of S. mansoni.


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Lagochilascariosis, a disease caused by Lagochilascaris minor, affects the neck, sinuses, tonsils, lungs, the sacral region, dental alveoli, eyeballs and the central nervous system of humans. A cycle of autoinfection may occur in human host tissues characterized by the presence of eggs, larvae and adult worms. This peculiarity of the cycle hinders therapy, since there are no drugs that exhibit ovicidal, larvicidal and vermicidal activity. Given these facts, we studied the action of levamisole hydrochloride on third-stage larvae in the migration phase (G1) and on encysted larvae (G3) of L. minor. To this end, 87 inbred mice of the C57BL/6 strain were divided into test groups comprising 67 animals (G1-37; G3-30) and a control group (G2-10; G4-10) with 20 animals. Each animal was inoculated orally with 2,000 infective eggs of the parasite. The animals of the test groups were treated individually with a single oral dose of levamisole hydrochloride at a concentration of 0.075 mg. The drug was administered either 30 minutes prior to the parasite inoculation (G1 animals) or 120 days after the inoculation (G3 animals). The mice in the control groups were not treated with the drug. After the time required for the migration and the encysting of L. minor larvae, all the animals were euthanized and their tissues examined. The data were analyzed using the Student's unpaired t-test and the Levene test. The groups showed no statistically significant difference. Levamisole hydrochloride was ineffective on third-stage larvae of L. minor. These findings explain the massive expulsion of live adult worms, as well as the use of long treatment schemes, owing to the persistence of larvae and eggs in human parasitic lesions.


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An antigenic fraction of Schistosoma mansoni, obtained from adult worms, has precipttated within 35 minutes with human sera from schistosomotic patients and became visible without staining, using the immunoeletroctroosmophoretic method (I.E.O.F.).


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In order to evaluate Callithrix jacchus as an animal model for mansoni schistosomiasis, a group of 10 male animals were once percutaneously exposed to 250 cercariae of the Schistosoma mansoni SLM (São Lourenço da Mata) strain. Animals were periodically bled for measuring serum level of enzymes and proteins and for blood cell counting. When comparing pre-infection to post-infection values, a significant increase was found for alkaline phosphatase at 15 to 120 days p.i., differential counts of eosinophil at 45 and 60 days, and total protein and global eosinophil counts at 120 days. No Schistosoma mansoni eggs were found in stools. Adult worms of small size were recovered from five animals. At day 120, the number of Schistosoma mansoni eggs/g of tissue was 0-289.7 (liver), 0-30.1 (large intestine) and 0-171.4 (small intestine). These findings lead us to classify Callithrix jacchus as a non-permissive host to the SLM strain of Schistosoma mansoni.


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We examined 87 Brazilian individuals of a group of 132 that, on July and November 1994, participated in a peace mission in Mozambique. They served in an endemic area for haematobic schistosomiasis, where they swum in Licungo river during leisure time. Their arithmetic mean age was 31 year and all of them were male. Their urine test showed that 30 (34.5%) eliminated S. haematobium eggs and 55 (63.2%) presented positive serology by the enzime-linked immunoelectrotransfer blot test with purified microsomal antigen of S. haematobium adult worms. Eosinophilia was found in 30 (34.5%), haematuria in 26 (29.9%), dysuria in 32 (36.8%) and lombar pain in 36 (41.4%). All of those that eliminated eggs through urine had positive serology. Among the 25 patients with positive serology and without S. haematobium eggs in the urine test, 13 were symptomatic and 12 assymptomatic. The treatment with praziquantel for the 30 patients, with urine positive to S. haematobium eggs, presented 70% of parasitological cure.


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The author describes a case of liver ascaridiasis in a girl, 1 year old, who also presented intestinal parasitism by 54 adult specimens pf Ascaris lumbricoides. The hepatic lesions consisted in several abscesses containing living adult worms along with dead specimens and in the formation of an inflammatory condition with pronounced production of fibrous connective tissue and lymphocytic infiltration. Special attention is attracted by the fact of the existence of numerous eggs of Ascaris lumbricoides in the innermost of the inflammatory tissue. The inflammatory foci met with are closely connected with the biliary ducts; the presence of eggs of Ascaris lumbricoides is found even within the epithelium. Apart from the zones affected by the process of ascaridiasis, the hepatic tissue is seen to be well preserved.


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Solubilization of Schistosoma mansoni antigens was obtained by agitation of adult worms in a 3M KCl solution. The protein contents of the KCl extrats varied from 0.35 to 0.96 mg/ml. Sera from 97 patients with hepatointestinal shistosomiasis and viable eggs in stools from a Brazilian endemic area were studied by immunoelectroomophoresis and Ouchterlony immunodiffusion methods with the KCl extract and with another antigen, obtained by homogenization of adult schistosomes in saline. The rate of positiveness of immunoprecipitation deterctions by immunoelectroomophoresis with the KCl extract was 53.5%. A correlation was verified between methods of detection and extration procedures, resulting in a better association of the extract obtained by agitation in 3M KCl and immunoelectroomophoresis.


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A comparative study of the BH strain of Schistosoma mansoni from Belo Horizonte, Minas Gerais state, infective to Biomphalaria glabrata from the same locality, and the SJ strain from São José dos Campos, São Paulo state, infective to B. tenagophila from the latter locality, showed the following differences: 1. Length of adult worms and size of eggs significantly larger in the BH strain. 2. Higher infection rates in the B. glabrata-BH strain association than in the B. tenagophila-SJ strain association, following exposure of each snail to 1 or 10 miracidia. 3.Longer prepatent period (from penetration of miracidium to first shedding of cercariae) in the B. tenagophila-SJ strain association. 4. Infection of both Biomphalaria species when exposed to hybrid miracidia from crosses between the two strains, at lower levels than those resulting from exposure of each snail species to miracidia of the pure sympatric strain. (Both Biomphalaria populations are practically refractory to infection with the allopatric strain). These results are interpreted as pointing to a better host-parasite adjustment in the B. glabrata-BH strain association than in the B. tenagophila-SJ association. The interfertility between the two strains, which produced viable hybrids infective to both Biomphalaria species, supports the conclusion that the observed differences are merely intraspecific, and that the two strains may be considered distinct biological races of Schistosoma mansoni.


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The immunogenic and protective activity of an extract of S. mansoni, obtained by incubation of viable adult worms in buffered saline, was evaluated in rabbits and mice. Animal immunization with this extract resulted in the development of both humoral and cellular immune response. All immunized rabbits developed high levels (91 to 100%) of cytotoxic antibodies as determined by in vitro assays of cytotoxic activity of their sera against viable schistosomules. Immunized animals challenged with S. mansoni cercariae showed a lower parasite load than that of normal controls. Protective activity was 88.6% and 54.0% in immunized rabbits and mice, respectively.


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During the schistosomiasis infection there is a [quot ]dance of the cells[quot ], varying from site to site and related to the time of infection. 1 - Eosinophil levels exhibit a bimodal pattern, with the first peak related to the egg deposition and maturation and increased Kupfferian hyperplasia; the second peak precedes the death of some adult worms; 2 - The peritoneal eosinophilic levels are inversely proportional to the blood eosinophilic levels; 3 - Eosinopoiesis in the bone marrow begins at day 40, reaching the highest levels at day 50 and coincides with hepatic eosinophilic and neutrophilic metaplasia; 4 - Peritoneal mast cell levels present a bimodal pattern similar to the blood eosinophils, and inverse to the peritoneal eosinophils. They also show a cyclic behaviour within the hepatic and intestinal granulomas. Integral analysis of the events related to the eosinophils in the blood, bone marrow, peritoneal cavity and hepatic and intestinal granulomas allows the detection of two important eosinophilic phases: the first is due to mobilization and redistribution of the marginal pool and the second originates from eosinophilic production in the bone marrow and liver. The productive phase is characterized by an increase in the number of eosinophils and monocyte/macrophages, and a decrease in neutrophils and stabilization of megakariocytes and erithroid lineages.