950 resultados para Adaptive intelligent system


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Due to the popularity of security cameras in public places, it is of interest to design an intelligent system that can efficiently detect events automatically. This paper proposes a novel algorithm for multi-person event detection. To ensure greater than real-time performance, features are extracted directly from compressed MPEG video. A novel histogram-based feature descriptor that captures the angles between extracted particle trajectories is proposed, which allows us to capture motion patterns of multi-person events in the video. To alleviate the need for fine-grained annotation, we propose the use of Labelled Latent Dirichlet Allocation, a “weakly supervised” method that allows the use of coarse temporal annotations which are much simpler to obtain. This novel system is able to run at approximately ten times real-time, while preserving state-of-theart detection performance for multi-person events on a 100-hour real-world surveillance dataset (TRECVid SED).


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A class of model reference adaptive control system which make use of an augmented error signal has been introduced by Monopoli. Convergence problems in this attractive class of systems have been investigated in this paper using concepts from hyperstability theory. It is shown that the condition on the linear part of the system has to be stronger than the one given earlier. A boundedness condition on the input to the linear part of the system has been taken into account in the analysis - this condition appears to have been missed in the previous applications of hyperstability theory. Sufficient conditions for the convergence of the adaptive gain to the desired value are also given.


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The focusing characteristics of long-distance flying optics were studied systemically for TEMmn Gaussian beams. The results show that the ABCD law of parameter q can be extended to Gaussian modes of any order when waist radius w in the imaginary part of parameter q is replaced by Rayleigh range Z(R) of a certain resonator in the equation. The difference between the real focal length and the geometric focal length, defined as Delta f, was calculated for laser applications. A novel self-adaptive optical system was demonstrated for precisely controlling the focusing characteristics of long-distance flying optics, Theoretical analyses and experimental results were consistent. (c) 2006 Optical Society of America.


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Esta Dissertação irá apresentar a utilização de técnicas de controle nãolinear, tais como o controle adaptativo e robusto, de modo a controlar um sistema de Eletroestimulação Funcional desenvolvido pelo laboratório de Engenharia Biomédica da COPPE/UFRJ. Basicamente um Eletroestimulador Funcional (Functional Electrical Stimulation FES) se baseia na estimulação dos nervos motores via eletrodos cutâneos de modo a movimentar (contrair ou distender) os músculos, visando o fortalecimento muscular, a ativação de vias nervosas (reinervação), manutenção da amplitude de movimento, controle de espasticidade muscular, retardo de atrofias e manutenção de tonicidade muscular. O sistema utilizado tem por objetivo movimentar os membros superiores através do estímulo elétrico de modo a atingir ângulos-alvo pré-determinados para a articulação do cotovelo. Devido ao fato de não termos conhecimento pleno do funcionamento neuro-motor humano e do mesmo ser variante no tempo, não-linear, com parâmetros incertos, sujeito a perturbações e completamente diferente para cada indivíduo, se faz necessário o uso de técnicas de controle avançadas na tentativa de se estabilizar e controlar esse tipo de sistema. O objetivo principal é verificar experimentalmente a eficácia dessas técnicas de controle não-linear e adaptativo em comparação às técnicas clássicas, de modo a alcançar um controle mais rápido, robusto e que tenha um desempenho satisfatório. Em face disso, espera-se ampliar o campo de utilização de técnicas de controle adaptativo e robusto, além de outras técnicas de sistemas inteligentes, tais como os algoritmos genéticos, provando que sua aplicação pode ser efetiva no campo de sistemas biológicos e biomédicos, auxiliando assim na melhoria do tratamento de pacientes envolvidos nas pesquisas desenvolvidas no Laboratório de Engenharia Biomédica da COPPE/UFRJ.


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Com o avanço no desenvolvimento e utilização de veículos e robôs autoequilibrantes, faz-se necessário a investigação de controladores capazes de atender os diversos desafios relacionados à utilização desses sistemas. Neste trabalho foi estudado o controle de equilíbrio e posição de um robô auto-equilibrante de duas rodas. O interesse particular nesta aplicação vem da sua estrutura e da riqueza de sua dinâmica física. Por ser um problema complexo e não trivial há grande interesse em avaliar os controladores inteligentes. A primeira parte da dissertação aborda o desenvolvimento de um controle clássico do tipo PID, para em seguida ser comparado com a implementação de dois tipos de controladores inteligentes: On-line Neuro Fuzzy Control (ONFC) e Proportional-Integral-Derivative Neural-Network (PIDNN). Também é apresentada a implementação dos controladores em uma plataforma de hardware, utilizando o kit LEGO Mindstorm, e numa plataforma de simulação utilizando o MATLAB-Simulink. Em seguida, dois estudos de casos são desenvolvidos visando comparar o desempenho dos controladores. O primeiro caso avalia o controle de equilíbrio e posição do robô auto-equilibrante de duas rodas sobre um terreno plano tendo como interesse observar o desempenho intrínseco do sistema sob ausência de fatores externos. O segundo caso estuda o controle de equilíbrio e posição do robô em terrenos irregulares visando investigar a resposta do sistema sob influência de condições adversas em seu ambiente. Finalmente, o desempenho de cada um dos controladores desenvolvidos é discutido, verificando-se resultados competitivos no controle do robô auto-equilibrante de duas rodas.


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Temporal structure in skilled, fluent action exists at several nested levels. At the largest scale considered here, short sequences of actions that are planned collectively in prefrontal cortex appear to be queued for performance by a cyclic competitive process that operates in concert with a parallel analog representation that implicitly specifies the relative priority of elements of the sequence. At an intermediate scale, single acts, like reaching to grasp, depend on coordinated scaling of the rates at which many muscles shorten or lengthen in parallel. To ensure success of acts such as catching an approaching ball, such parallel rate scaling, which appears to be one function of the basal ganglia, must be coupled to perceptual variables, such as time-to-contact. At a fine scale, within each act, desired rate scaling can be realized only if precisely timed muscle activations first accelerate and then decelerate the limbs, to ensure that muscle length changes do not under- or over-shoot the amounts needed for the precise acts. Each context of action may require a much different timed muscle activation pattern than similar contexts. Because context differences that require different treatment cannot be known in advance, a formidable adaptive engine-the cerebellum-is needed to amplify differences within, and continuosly search, a vast parallel signal flow, in order to discover contextual "leading indicators" of when to generate distinctive parallel patterns of analog signals. From some parts of the cerebellum, such signals controls muscles. But a recent model shows how the lateral cerebellum, such signals control muscles. But a recent model shows how the lateral cerebellum may serve the competitive queuing system (in frontal cortex) as a repository of quickly accessed long-term sequence memories. Thus different parts of the cerebellum may use the same adaptive engine system design to serve the lowest and the highest of the three levels of temporal structure treated. If so, no one-to-one mapping exists between levels of temporal structure and major parts of the brain. Finally, recent data cast doubt on network-delay models of cerebellar adaptive timing.


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We can recognize objects through receiving continuously huge temporal information including redundancy and noise, and can memorize them. This paper proposes a neural network model which extracts pre-recognized patterns from temporally sequential patterns which include redundancy, and memorizes the patterns temporarily. This model consists of an adaptive resonance system and a recurrent time-delay network. The extraction is executed by the matching mechanism of the adaptive resonance system, and the temporal information is processed and stored by the recurrent network. Simple simulations are examined to exemplify the property of extraction.


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A fully functioning immune system is essential in order to maintain good health. However, the immune system deteriorates with advancing age, and this contributes to increased susceptibility to infection, autoimmunity, and cancer in the older population. Progress has been made in identifying age-related defects in the adaptive immune system. In contrast, relatively little research has been carried out on the impact of ageing on the innate immune response. This area requires further research as the innate immune system plays a crucial role in protection against infection and represents a first line of defence. Macrophages are central effector cells of the innate immune system and have many diverse functions. As a result, age-related impairments in macrophage function are likely to have important consequences for the health of the older population. It has been reported that ageing in macrophages impacts on many processes including toll-like receptor signalling, polarisation, phagocytosis, and wound repair. A detailed understanding of the impact of ageing on macrophages is required in order to develop therapeutics that will boost immune responses in the older population.


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The construction industry has incurred a considerable amount of waste as a result of poor logistics supply chain network management. Therefore, managing logistics in the construction industry is critical. An effective logistic system ensures delivery of the right products and services to the right players at the right time while minimising costs and rewarding all sectors based on value added to the supply chain. This paper reports on an on-going research study on the concept of context-aware services delivery in the construction project supply chain logistics. As part of the emerging wireless technologies, an Intelligent Wireless Web (IWW) using context-aware computing capability represents the next generation ICT application to construction-logistics management. This intelligent system has the potential of serving and improving the construction logistics through access to context-specific data, information and services. Existing mobile communication deployments in the construction industry rely on static modes of information delivery and do not take into account the worker’s changing context and dynamic project conditions. The major problems in these applications are lack of context-specificity in the distribution of information, services and other project resources, and lack of cohesion with the existing desktop based ICT infrastructure. The research works focus on identifying the context dimension such as user context, environmental context and project context, selection of technologies to capture context-parameters such wireless sensors and RFID, selection of supporting technologies such as wireless communication, Semantic Web, Web Services, agents, etc. The process of integration of Context-Aware Computing and Web-Services to facilitate the creation of intelligent collaboration environment for managing construction logistics will take into account all the necessary critical parameters such as storage, transportation, distribution, assembly, etc. within off and on-site project.


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The emergence and spread of infectious diseases reflects the interaction of ecological and economic factors within an adaptive complex system. We review studies that address the role of economic factors in the emergence and spread of infectious diseases and identify three broad themes. First, the process of macro-economic growth leads to environmental encroaching, which is related to the emergence of infectious diseases. Second, there are a number of mutually reinforcing processes associated with the emergence/spread of infectious diseases. For example, the emergence and spread of infectious diseases can cause significant economic damages, which in turn may create the conditions for further disease spread. Also, the existence of a mutually reinforcing relationship between global trade and macroeconomic growth amplifies the emergence/spread of infectious diseases. Third, microeconomic approaches to infectious disease point to the adaptivity of human behavior, which simultaneously shapes the course of epidemics and responds to it. Most of the applied research has been focused on the first two aspects, and to a lesser extent on the third aspect. With respect to the latter, there is a lack of empirical research aimed at characterizing the behavioral component following a disease outbreak. Future research should seek to fill this gap and develop hierarchical econometric models capable of integrating both macro and micro-economic processes into disease ecology.


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The aim of this thesis project is to develop the Traffic Sign Recognition algorithm for real time. Inreal time environment, vehicles move at high speed on roads. For the vehicle intelligent system itbecomes essential to detect, process and recognize the traffic sign which is coming in front ofvehicle with high relative velocity, at the right time, so that the driver would be able to pro-actsimultaneously on instructions given in the Traffic Sign. The system assists drivers about trafficsigns they did not recognize before passing them. With the Traffic Sign Recognition system, thevehicle becomes aware of the traffic environment and reacts according to the situation.The objective of the project is to develop a system which can recognize the traffic signs in real time.The three target parameters are the system’s response time in real-time video streaming, the trafficsign recognition speed in still images and the recognition accuracy. The system consists of threeprocesses; the traffic sign detection, the traffic sign recognition and the traffic sign tracking. Thedetection process uses physical properties of traffic signs based on a priori knowledge to detect roadsigns. It generates the road sign image as the input to the recognition process. The recognitionprocess is implemented using the Pattern Matching algorithm. The system was first tested onstationary images where it showed on average 97% accuracy with the average processing time of0.15 seconds for traffic sign recognition. This procedure was then applied to the real time videostreaming. Finally the tracking of traffic signs was developed using Blob tracking which showed theaverage recognition accuracy to 95% in real time and improved the system’s average response timeto 0.04 seconds. This project has been implemented in C-language using the Open Computer VisionLibrary.


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Pt. I. Fundamentals of hybrid intelligent systems and agents -- 1. Introduction -- 2. Basics of hybrid intelligent systems -- 3. Basics of agents and multi-agent systems -- Pt. II. Methodology and framework -- 4. Agent-oriented methodologies -- 5. Agent-based framework for hybrid intelligent systems --6. Matchmaking in middle agents -- Pt. III. Application systems -- 7. Agent-based hybrid intelligent system for financial investment
planning -- 8. Agent-based hybrid intelligent system for data mining -- Pt. IV. Concluding remarks -- 9. The less the more -- App. Sample source codes of the agent-based financial planning system


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Many complex problems (e.g., financial investment planning, foreign exchange trading, data mining from large/multiple databases) require hybrid intelligent systems that integrate many intelligent techniques (e.g., fuzzy logic, neural networks, and genetic algorithms). However, hybrid intelligent systems are difficult to develop because they have a large number of parts or components that have many interactions. On the other hand, agents offer a new and often more appropriate route to the development of complex systems, especially in open and dynamic environments. Thus, this paper discusses the development of an agent-based hybrid intelligent system for financial investment planning, in which a great number of heterogeneous computing techniques/packages are easily integrated into a unifying agent framework. This shows that agent technology can indeed facilitate the development of hybrid intelligent systems.


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The article tells about the development of an intelligent system that can improve early detection of lung tissue abnormalities.


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An intelligent system for text-dependent speaker recognition is proposed in this paper. The system consists of a wavelet-based module as the feature extractor of speech signals and a neural-network-based module as the signal classifier. The Daubechies wavelet is employed to filter and compress the speech signals. The fuzzy ARTMAP (FAM) neural network is used to classify the processed signals. A series of experiments on text-dependent gender and speaker recognition are conducted to assess the effectiveness of the proposed system using a collection of vowel signals from 100 speakers. A variety of operating strategies for improving the FAM performance are examined and compared. The experimental results are analyzed and discussed.