964 resultados para Actinobacteria, targed with HGC69a oligonucleotides FISH-probe


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Particulate pollution has been widely recognised as an important risk factor to human health. In addition to increases in respiratory and cardiovascular morbidity associated with exposure to particulate matter (PM), WHO estimates that urban PM causes 0.8 million premature deaths globally and that 1.5 million people die prematurely from exposure to indoor smoke generated from the combustion of solid fuels. Despite the availability of a huge body of research, the underlying toxicological mechanisms by which particles induce adverse health effects are not yet entirely understood. Oxidative stress caused by generation of free radicals and related reactive oxygen species (ROS) at the sites of deposition has been proposed as a mechanism for many of the adverse health outcomes associated with exposure to PM. In addition to particle-induced generation of ROS in lung tissue cells, several recent studies have shown that particles may also contain ROS. As such, they present a direct cause of oxidative stress and related adverse health effects. Cellular responses to oxidative stress have been widely investigated using various cell exposure assays. However, for a rapid screening of the oxidative potential of PM, less time-consuming and less expensive, cell-free assays are needed. The main aim of this research project was to investigate the application of a novel profluorescent nitroxide probe, synthesised at QUT, as a rapid screening assay in assessing the oxidative potential of PM. Considering that this was the first time that a profluorescent nitroxide probe was applied in investigating the oxidative stress potential of PM, the proof of concept regarding the detection of PM–derived ROS by using such probes needed to be demonstrated and a sampling methodology needed to be developed. Sampling through an impinger containing profluorescent nitroxide solution was chosen as a means of particle collection as it allowed particles to react with the profluorescent nitroxide probe during sampling, avoiding in that way any possible chemical changes resulting from delays between the sampling and the analysis of the PM. Among several profluorescent nitroxide probes available at QUT, bis(phenylethynyl)anthracene-nitroxide (BPEAnit) was found to be the most suitable probe, mainly due to relatively long excitation and emission wavelengths (λex= 430 nm; λem= 485 and 513 nm). These wavelengths are long enough to avoid overlap with the background fluorescence coming from light absorbing compounds which may be present in PM (e.g. polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons and their derivatives). Given that combustion, in general, is one of the major sources of ambient PM, this project aimed at getting an insight into the oxidative stress potential of combustion-generated PM, namely cigarette smoke, diesel exhaust and wood smoke PM. During the course of this research project, it was demonstrated that the BPEAnit probe based assay is sufficiently sensitive and robust enough to be applied as a rapid screening test for PM-derived ROS detection. Considering that for all three aerosol sources (i.e. cigarette smoke, diesel exhaust and wood smoke) the same assay was applied, the results presented in this thesis allow direct comparison of the oxidative potential measured for all three sources of PM. In summary, it was found that there was a substantial difference between the amounts of ROS per unit of PM mass (ROS concentration) for particles emitted by different combustion sources. For example, particles from cigarette smoke were found to have up to 80 times less ROS per unit of mass than particles produced during logwood combustion. For both diesel and wood combustion it has been demonstrated that the type of fuel significantly affects the oxidative potential of the particles emitted. Similarly, the operating conditions of the combustion source were also found to affect the oxidative potential of particulate emissions. Moreover, this project has demonstrated a strong link between semivolatile (i.e. organic) species and ROS and therefore, clearly highlights the importance of semivolatile species in particle-induced toxicity.


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The use of seafood ecolabels is expanding in the world marketplace, but so are labels indicating other product attributes, such as country of origin and wild vs. farmed. The interactive effects of these labels and attributes in evaluating consumers' preferences for ecolabeled seafood are relatively unexplored. In this paper we investigate (1) the direct and interactive effects of seafood ecolabels with other common fish labels, and (2) how consumers' perceptions about the state of marine stocks and the valuation of ecolabels may be affected by different information. We find moderate interactive effects between ecolabels and country of origin labels, whereas the valuation for seafood ecolabels is fairly high. In terms of information, we find that consumers' perceptions about fish stock levels changed (negatively) after receiving information on declining stock levels, and more sensationalized information led to increased change. However, valuation for a seafood ecolabel increases only when the information was perceived positively (credible/interesting); whereas exaggerated information (which was also perceived less credible) had insignificant effects on WTP.


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Background: The Ewing sarcoma family of tumors (ESFT) are rare but highly malignant neoplasms that occur mainly in bone or but also in soft tissue. ESFT affects patients typically in their second decade of life, whereby children and adolescents bear the heaviest incidence burden. Despite recent advances in the clinical management of ESFT patients, their prognosis and survival are still disappointingly poor, especially in cases with metastasis. No targeted therapy for ESFT patients is currently available. Moreover, based merely on current clinical and biological characteristics, accurate classification of ESFT patients often fails at the time of diagnosis. Therefore, there is a constant need for novel molecular biomarkers to be applied in tandem with conventional parameters to further intensify ESFT risk-stratification and treatment selection, and ultimately to develop novel targeted therapies. In this context, a greater understanding of the genetics and immune characteristics of ESFT is needed. Aims: This study sought to open novel insights into gene copy number changes and gene expression in ESFT and, further, to enlighten the role of inflammation in ESFT. For this purpose, microarrays were used to provide gene-level information on a genomewide scale. In addition, this study focused on screening of 9p21.3 deletion sizes and frequencies in ESFT and, in another pediatric cancer, acute lymphocytic leukemia (ALL), in order to define more exact criteria for highrisk patient selection and to provide data for developing a more reliable diagnostic method to detect CDKN2A deletions. Results: In study I, 20 novel ESFT-associated suppressor genes and oncogenes were pinpointed using combined array CGH and expression analysis. In addition, interesting chromosomal rearrangements were identified: (1) Duplication of derivative chromosome der(22)(11;22) was detected in three ESFT patients. This duplication included the EWSR1-FLI1 fusion gene leading to increase in its copy number; (2) Cryptic amplifications on chromosomes 20 and 22 were detected, suggesting a novel translocation between chromosomes 20 and 22, which most probably produces a fusion between EWSR1 and NFATC2. In study II, bioinformatic analysis of ESFT expression profiles showed that inflammatory gene activation is detectable in ESFT patient samples and that the activation is characterized by macrophage gene expression. Most interestingly, ESFT patient samples were shown to express certain inflammatory genes that were prognostically significant. High local expression of C5 and JAK1 at the tumor site was shown to associate with favorable clinical outcome, whereas high local expression of IL8 was shown to be detrimental. Studies III and IV showed that the smallest overlapping region of deletion in 9p21.3 includes CDKN2A in all cases and that the length of this region is 12.2 kb in both Ewing sarcoma and ALL. Furthermore, our results showed that the most widely used commercial CDKN2A FISH probe creates false negative results in the narrowest microdeletion cases (<190 kb). Therefore, more accurate methods should be developed for the detection of deletions in the CDKN2A locus. Conclusions: This study provides novel insights into the genetic changes involved in the biology of ESFT, in the interaction between ESFT cells and immune system, and in the inactivation of CDKN2A. Novel ESFT biomarker genes identified in this study serve as a useful resource for future studies and in developing novel therapeutic strategies to improve the survival of patients with ESFT.


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Over the past four decades, the state of Hawaii has developed a system of eleven Marine Life Conservation Districts (MLCDs) to conserve and replenish marine resources around the state. Initially established to provide opportunities for public interaction with the marine environment, these MLCDs vary in size, habitat quality, and management regimes, providing an excellent opportunity to test hypotheses concerning marine protected area (MPA) design and function using multiple discreet sampling units. NOAA/NOS/NCCOS/Center for Coastal Monitoring and Assessment’s Biogeography Team developed digital benthic habitat maps for all MLCD and adjacent habitats. These maps were used to evaluate the efficacy of existing MLCDs for biodiversity conservation and fisheries replenishment, using a spatially explicit stratified random sampling design. Coupling the distribution of habitats and species habitat affinities using GIS technology elucidates species habitat utilization patterns at scales that are commensurate with ecosystem processes and is useful in defining essential fish habitat and biologically relevant boundaries for MPAs. Analysis of benthic cover validated the a priori classification of habitat types and provided justification for using these habitat strata to conduct stratified random sampling and analyses of fish habitat utilization patterns. Results showed that the abundance and distribution of species and assemblages exhibited strong correlations with habitat types. Fish assemblages in the colonized and uncolonized hardbottom habitats were found to be most similar among all of the habitat types. Much of the macroalgae habitat sampled was macroalgae growing on hard substrate, and as a result showed similarities with the other hardbottom assemblages. The fish assemblages in the sand habitats were highly variable but distinct from the other habitat types. Management regime also played an important role in the abundance and distribution of fish assemblages. MLCDs had higher values for most fish assemblage characteristics (e.g. biomass, size, diversity) compared with adjacent fished areas and Fisheries Management Areas (FMAs) across all habitat types. In addition, apex predators and other targeted resources species were more abundant and larger in the MLCDs, illustrating the effectiveness of these closures in conserving fish populations. Habitat complexity, quality, size and level of protection from fishing were important determinates of MLCD effectiveness with respect to their associated fish assemblages. (PDF contains 217 pages)


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A summary of the inventory survey of Nigeria inland waters is presented. The survey reveals that Kano State tops the list in reservoir development with an existing water surface area of about 42,773 ha, while Anambra State has the least with about 38 hectares. No reservoir was recorded for Lagos and Rivers States. However, in aspects of existing fish ponds, a total of about 471 ha was recorded for Plateau State and about 5 ha for Niger State. Preliminary estimates of Nigeria's fish yield potentials based on established production records of comparable water bodies in the tropics, at different levels of management, show that the available water mass in the country, estimated at about 12.5 million hectares, could yield a minimum of about 334,214 metric tonnes (m.t.) of fish per annum with little or no management and a maximum of about 511,703 metric tonnes per annum with adequate management. Comparison of the potential yields from inland sources with the projected fish production in Nigeria (1981-1985) based on supply and demand statistics shows that potential yield from inland sources even at a low level of management is relatively higher than the projected inland production and more than double the observed production. The variation between the potential and the observed fish yields in the country has been attributed to the absolute lack of management strategies for our various inland waters. The paper elaborates on possible management strategies for various categories of inland waters as a prelude towards increased fish production in the country


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The study examines the integration of cultural, economic and environmental requirements for fish production in Borno State, Nigeria. A reconnaissance survey was conducted transferring some selected Local Government Areas. 60 questionnaires were administered in the six Local Governments representing Southern Borno State with Biu and Shani, central Borno with Konduga & Jere and Northern Borno with Gubia and Kukawa respectively. There is no cultural constraint to fish production but about 63% prefers to invest in other farming activities than in fish farming. 33% are not aware that fish can be cultured apart from getting it from the wild. 35% have the impression that fish farming ventures can be handled by government only. The economic earnings for fish production are high especially in some parts of Northern Borno, but the Local market potentials throughout the state are great. Nigeria has suitable soil for ponds apart from few locations at the central and Northern Borno that are made by sandy soil. Numerous perennial and seasonal rivers, streams, lakes, pools and flood plains adequate for fish culture especially in Southern Borno exist. The mean annual rainfall can result in some water storage in ponds. In areas where the annual precipitation is less than 550mm, exist few flow boreholes with potentials for fish production. The temperature regime may support growth and survival of fish even during the hottest months of the year (March, April and May). With the understanding and manipulation of these requirements, fish production in Nigeria can be greatly enhanced


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For many years action has been taken to prevent the introduction and spread of serious fish diseases in Great Britain. In 1993 national rules were replaced by European Union wide rules designed to promote trade within the single market while safeguarding those parts of the Union with a high fish health status - such as this country. This booklet details the checks and controls which are applied to prevent the spread of disease outbreaks in this country. One can see that different rules apply to different diseases, generally reflecting the severity and other characteristics of the disease. The booklet also tries to explain the diseases and helps to recognise symptoms. This booklet is split into three parts: Part 1 gives an overview of the controls; Part 2 gives details for each of the diseases; and Part 3 gives advice on some of the precautions you can take to guard against the spread of disease.


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The condition of soft-textured flesh in commercially harvested sablefish, Anoplopoma fimbria, from southeastern Alaska was investigated by National Marine Fisheries Service (NMFS) scientists from the Alaska Fisheries Science Center’s Auke Bay Laboratories (ABL) in Alaska and the Northwest Fisheries Science Center in Seattle, Wash. Sablefish were sampled by longline, pot, and trawl at five sites around Chichagof Island at depths of 259–988 m in the summer of 1985 and at depths of 259–913 m in the winter of 1986. At the time of capture and data collection, sablefish were categorized as being “firm” or “soft” by visual and tactile examination, individually weighed, measured for length, and sexed. Subsamples of the fish were analyzed and linear regressions and analyses of variance were performed on both the summer (n = 242) and winter (n = 439) data for combinations of chemical and physical analyses, depth of capture, weight vs. length, flesh condition, gonad condition, and sex. We successfully identified and selected sablefish with firm- and soft-textured flesh by tactile and visual methods. Abundance of firm fish in catches varied by season: 67% in winter and 40% in summer. Winter catches may give a higher yield than summer catches. Abundance of firm fish catches also varied with depth. Firm fish were routinely found shallower than soft fish. The highest percentage of firm fish were found at depths less than 365 m in summer and at 365–730 m in winter, whereas soft fish were usually more abundant at depths greater than 731 m. Catches of firm fish declined with increasing depth. More than 80% of the fish caught during winter at depths between 365 and 730 m had firm flesh, but this declined to 48% at these depths in summer. Longlines and pots caught similar proportions of firm and soft fish with both gears catching more firm than soft fish. Trawls caught a higher proportion of soft fish compared to longlines and pots in winter. Chemical composition of “firm” and “soft” fish differed. On average “soft” fish had 14% less protein, 12% more lipid, and 3% less ash than firm fish. Cooked yields from sablefish with soft-textured flesh were 31% less than cooked yields from firm fish. Sablefish flesh quality (firmness) related significantly to the biochemistry of white muscle with respect to 11 variables. Summer fish of all flesh conditions averaged 6% heavier than winter fish. Regulating depth of fishing could increase the yield from catches, but the feasibility and benefits from this action will require further evaluation and study. Results of this study provide a basis for reducing the harvest of sablefish with soft flesh and may stimulate further research into the cause and effect relationship of the sablefish soft-flesh phenomenon.


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This is the River Teign Fisheries Survey from 1990 by the Environment Agency Archives South West (unpublished). The aim of the survey was to assess the distribution and relative abundance of salmonid fish in the River Teign. Thirty six sites were examined; twenty one of them had been examined in previous quantitative fish surveys. At each site, all fish species encountered were caught and measured, however, only data for salmonid fishes has been examined. The results are compared with those of the 1963 and 1972 surveys carried out by the Devon River Authority and the 1975 and 1979 surveys carried out by South West Water Authority. A full list of sites together with their location, fish densities, lengths, weights and ages is attached.


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The scope of increasing production through rice-fish integration, suitable for coastal districts of Kerala, Karnataka, Goa and Maharashtra, is reviewed. The method of adopting the lowlying freshwater rice fields to raise 2 rice crops along with 4-species fish culture, followed by a third non-cereal summer crop in a year, is discussed. A calendar of operation and economics of the system are presented.


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Silver belly (Leiognathus Spp.) forms a major fishery in recent years in the Rameswaram island but fetches for the fishermen very low prices ranging from Rs. 0.03 to 0.12/Kg only, there being practically no demand for the fish. The possibilities of utilizing this cheap fish are discussed and the processing method described. During the glut season the cost of production of Silver belly fish meal works out to competitive prices of Rs. 500 to 700/ton. The silver belly fish meal is of high quality with good protein content averaging 57.71% in commercial samples and 61.90% in laboratory samples and with a high pepsin digestibility of 90.0% to 92.5%. The essential amino acid composition of the Silver belly fish meal compares very favorably with other round fish meals, with high contents of lysine, leucine, arginine, isoleucine, methionine, phenyl alanine, threonine and valine. Since there is good demand for fish meal as poultry and cattle food both in the internal and external markets, there is good scope for large scale production and sale of fish meal.


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In the present study, fish cutlets were prepared from bleached and unbleached mackerel mincemeat. Fish cutlets prepared from bleached meat had scored higher values for taste, flavour and overall acceptability as compared to those from unbleached mincemeat. Fish cutlets prepared with corn flour at the rate of 15% of fish mincemeat had scored higher values for all attributes as compared to other levels. Between the bleached and unbleached mincemeat, the scores for cutlet prepared with bleached mincemeat had higher score than that for the latter. There were no cracks in cutlets prepared with 15% and above corn flour levels as compared to those with lower levels. Fish cutlets prepared from bleached and unbleached mincemeat with spice mixture at 20 and 30% of the fish mince, respectively, had higher scores for taste, flavour, texture and overall acceptability as compared to those with other levels. Organoleptic quality of cutlet prepared from bleached and unbleached mackerel mince did not show changes in the appearance, colour and texture during storage. Changes were more prominent in flavour, taste and overall acceptability. Fish cutlets prepared from bleached mincemeat were acceptable for two months and those from unbleached mincemeat were acceptable up to one month from the point of view of organoleptic and biochemical qualities.


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The triglyceride fatty acid components from the heart lipid of Puntius sarana of different sizes have been characterized by thin-layer and gas liquid chromatography. Csub(10) to Csub(24) acids including both odd-numbered and branched chain acids were detected. The major constituents were ante-iso Csub(10), Csub(10), Csub(12:2), Csub(14), Csub(16), Csub(16:1),Csub(17), Csub(18) , Csub(18:1), Csub(18:2), Csub(18:3) and Csub(20:4) while twenty other acids were detected in lower proportion. The composition of these acids and their variation with size of fish have been investigated and discussed.


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The brochure explains the types of feeds needed by fish and how to detail with over feeding. Fish need to be provided enough nutritious food in order to attain big sizes in a short period of time under culture conditions.