504 resultados para Acaulospora laevis


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2004~2006年,对武汉东湖的底栖藻类进行了生态学调查研究。在对底栖硅藻的定性和定量研究中,发现了一种中心纲种类为中国新记录,它具有一些海洋角盘藻科种类的特征,如眼纹斑(Ocellus)等。经鉴定为光滑侧链藻Pleurosira laevis(Ehrenberg) Compere。参考Compere 1982年的研究,我们同意他的看法,即以前在我国台湾发现的台湾多变筒藻Proteucylindrus taiwanensis Li et Chiang和广东发现的Cerataulus laevis var


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本文论述了使用常规试验方法研究5种水蛭:宽身舌蛭(Glossiphonia lata)、八目石蛭(Erpobdella octoculata)、光润金线蛭(Whitmania laevis)、尖细金线蛭(Whitmania acranulata)和日本医蛭(Hirudo nipponia)对12个pH值的24—96小时急性生物效应。结果表明:稻田3个种(尖细金线蛭,光润金线蛭和日本医蛭)均较湖泊近岸2个种(八目石蛭和宽身舌蛭)对pH值的变化要敏感,其中尖细金线蛭最敏感(pH6.0—7.2),八目石蛭的忍耐


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本文描述了采自四川等省的、我国首次发现的4个枝角类亚种,即美弧网纹溞Ceriodaphnia pulchella pseudohamata Bowkiewcz,1925,西方笔纹溞Graptoleberis testudinaria occidentalis Sars,1901,无常平直溞Pleuroxus laevis incertus Brehm,1934以及宽尾平直潘P.aduncus latic-audatus Brehm,1933。解剖观察描述了盘肠溞科枝角类的头孔,并首次将我国淡水枝角类的分类


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近来的研究表明,转录后调控对于调节脊椎动物发育过程中的细胞分化,细胞分裂及基因区域特异性表达都具有重要作用。转录后调控包括对mRNA稳定性、翻译效率、细胞内定位及poly(A)水平的调控等。Sox2基因是脊椎动物早期发育中最早表达的神经系统特异性基因之一,是脊椎动物早期神经系统发育的重要调节因子。通过生物信息学分析,我们发现,在脊椎动物Sox2 mRNA 3’非翻译区中存在4段非常保守的富含AU的区域,通过报告基因分析等手段研究发现Sox2 3’非翻译区中的部分元件可显著提高报告基因表达,提示我们Sox2的表达可能受到转录后调控。 我们通过对爪蟾Xfhl3基因序列分析时发现其3’非翻译区存在一段保守的只在两栖类具有的序列,我们克隆并检测了该基因的表达图式,并采用报告基因分析等手段研究了Xfhl3基因 3’非翻译区对报告基因表达的影响。结果发现其3’UTR可抑制报告基因表达水平。由于Xfhl3基因3’UTR中这段序列只在爪蟾基因中高度保守,而在在进化过程中两栖动物最独特的便是变态现象,这提示我们去探索这段爪蟾特有的保守序列是否与两栖类变态发育密切相关。由于甲状腺激素在两栖类的变态中的重要作用,因此我们设想Xfhl3基因的3’UTR中的保守序列可能与甲状腺激素相互作用共同调节爪蟾的变态过程。我们的初步结果表明,在爪蟾胚胎中,甲状腺激素对于正常报告基因表达没有明显的作用,但是在插入Xfhl3基因3’UTR中保守序列后,甲状腺激素处理可显著提高报告基因的表达,表明甲状腺素可能直接或间接通过与该段保守序列参与基因的表达调控。 脊椎动物的眼是一个功能非常特殊的器官,受到复杂的调控网络的调节,众多对神经发生重要的基因在眼中表达并参与了这一调节过程。我们克隆了非洲爪蟾的Sox1基因并研究了它在非洲爪蟾早期发育过程中的时空表达图式,比较了Sox1-3基因在发育的脑和眼中的表达图式,进一步阐明SoxB1基因家族在脊椎动物神经系统发生过程中的作用。此外,我们还克隆了非洲爪蟾MGC85160基因并利用RT-PCR和胚胎整体原位杂交技术探测它在不同胚胎阶段的时空表达图式。结果表明母源性表达的MGC85160基因早期主要在动物极表达;从神经板期开始在发育的中枢神经系统和眼中表达,石蜡切片显示它主要在视网膜和晶状体中表达,说明该基因在爪蟾早期外胚层的模式化以及中枢神经系统的发育过程中可能起到重要作用。 此外,我们还研究了鱇浪白鱼的早期发育分期和眼睛特异基因的表达图式。鱇浪白鱼(Anabarilius grahami )是云南抚仙湖的特有鱼种。我们首次完成了鱇浪白鱼早期发育的完整分期,主要包括合子期,卵裂期,囊胚期,原肠期,体节期和孵化期六个主要的时期。为了理解鱇浪白鱼眼睛的发育,我们克隆并检测了在眼发育早期起关键作用的基因Sox2, Pax6a, Six3a 和 Rx2的表达图式。结果表明这四个基因全部在尾芽期的前端神经板中表达,随后在视网膜原基细胞中表达明显。在晚期阶段,除Rx2外其它三个基因也在晶状体中表达。其表达模式与斑马鱼中同源基因的表达很相似,说明涉及眼发育的分子网络在鱇浪白鱼中也是高度保守的。


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BRUNOL 蛋白又称CELF(CUG-BP and ETR3 like factor)是一种典型的RNA 结合蛋白,它的N 端含有两个连续的RNA 识别结构域(RNA recognition motif,RRM), C 端有一个RRM 结构域。主要参与对可变剪切、翻译、降解和编辑等基因表达转录后水平的调节。迄今在人类中已发现6 个Brunol 基因家族成员,即Brunol1-6;在非洲爪蟾中已发现了5 个:Brunol1-5。近期,我们克隆了爪蟾的Brunol1-5 并研究了它们在非洲爪蟾早期胚胎发育过程中的时空表达图式。结果显示,与以往研究结果一致, Brunol1 基因高量、特异地在神经管中表达,提示Brunol1 基因可能对于爪蟾的神经系统的发生和发育发挥着重要的作用。本实验利用Morpholino 和过表达等手段研究了爪蟾Brunol1 基因对于爪蟾早期胚胎发育的影响。结果显示,在下调和过表达Brunol 1 基因的情况下都会导致胚胎出现体轴弯曲,眼睛和头部发育不全等表型。而将 Brunol1 基因特异的Morpholino 与它的mRNA 共注射时可以明显挽救这一表型。我们通过原位杂交实验,检测了一些爪蟾神经系统的标记基因在Brunol1 过表达胚胎中的表达情况,结果发现过表达Brunol1 基因能显著地下调Krox-20, N-tubulin, Lhx2, Pax6 等的表达,而Sox2 和Otx2 的表达却未受影响。这说明Brunol1 的异常表达确实影响到了神经系统发育过程的信号调控网络,导致胚胎发育的畸形。该结果将有助于阐述Brunol1 基因对于脊椎动物神经系统发生的意义。肌动蛋白是一种分布广泛而且在进化上十分保守的蛋白,它是构成细胞骨架的关键组分。通常人们将肌动蛋白分成肌肉型和胞质型两种类型,它们各自行使着不同的功能。在此,我们通过对古老的脊索动物文昌鱼的肌动蛋白基因家族进行系统的分析发现,文昌鱼中该基因家族成员多达30 多个,而且它们中很多都有连锁现象;进化分析的结果显示,文昌鱼的肌动蛋白基因家族通过串联重复序列的复制发生扩增;从结构上看,它们的基因结构多样化, 包含2-7 个外显子;同时,我们还克隆了两个不同的文昌鱼肌肉型的肌动蛋白基因,并进一步比较了它们在文昌鱼早期胚胎中的表达图式。结果显示,这两个基因在表达上有着细微的差别,这提示文昌鱼肌动蛋白基因家族成员在功能上的分化。该结论将有助于阐述肌动蛋白基因家族的进化以及它们在脊索动物发育的中所扮演的功能。


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豆科和非豆科固氮植物不仅能够固定大气中氮素,增加土壤中的氮素营养,而且由于具有较强的抗逆性,是恢复和重建退化农林生态系统的优良先锋树种。但在逆境条件下对固氮植物的固氮能力最经常的限制因子就是磷素供应,而菌根的形成保证了固氮作用对磷素的需求。目前国内外针对固N植物菌根这样联合共生的研究多停留在现象的描述上,对其机理缺乏深入研究。本文针对典型的固氮树种进行联合共生体人工纯培养研究,试图探讨联合共生体之间相互关系及作用机理,为更好地利用固氮植物资源及菌根技术提供理论依据。通过对共生资源的收集、培养及刺槐联合共生体的纯培养研究,得出如下结论:(1)固N植物同时受菌根侵染不仅具有普遍性,更有其生态学意义。在半干旱地区刺槐林下的VA菌主要有摩西球囊霉(Glomus mosseae)、聚丛球囊霉(G. aggregatum)、细凹无梗囊霉(Acaulospora scrobiculata)三种,外生菌根真菌有尖顶地星(Geastrum triplex)、笼头菌(Clathrus sp.)两种,初步证实了刺槐除具根瘤外以同时受VA菌和外生菌根真菌的侵染;在沙棘林下优势种较明显只有一种,即聚丛球囊霉(G. aggregatum)。(2)对外生菌根菌进行了营养条件的选择实验,供试菌种对碳源的利用较为广泛,葡萄糖、果糖为其最适碳源,平均生长量比对照高出4.4倍;供试菌种对有机氮的利用利用机氮,平均生长量比无机氮源高出1.6倍。(3)在人工纯增减条件下,接种的VA菌、外生菌根菌和根瘤菌均成功侵染了刺槐无菌苗,并形成了内生、外生菌根和根瘤,更充分地证实了刺槐与VA菌、外生菌和固N菌之间的联合共生关系。(4)联合共生对刺槐生长、菌根侵染、根瘤菌的结瘤固N能力均有不同程度的促进作用。VA菌根菌中的苏格兰球囊霉(G. caledonium)和外生菌根菌中的毛边华狙伞(H. mesophaseum)是刺槐比较适合的菌根菌;VA菌和外生菌双接种对宿主植物生长有明显的促进作用,混合接种苏格兰球囊霉(G. caledonium) + 毛边华锈伞(H. mesophaseum) + 劣味乳菇(L. insulsus)及混合接种摩西球囊霉(G. mosseae) + 苏格兰球囊霉(G. caledonium) + 毛边华锈伞(H. mesophaseum)的组合效果最好;接种固N菌对菌根菌的影响不明显,而接种菌根菌对刺槐固N能力有明显的促进作用,尤以两种VA菌混接和两种外生菌混接对刺槐根际结瘤量和固N活性的促进作用最为明显;同时接种VA菌、外生菌和固N菌无论是对刺槐生长、结瘤固N还是菌根侵染都有显著的促进作用。其中最佳接种组合是苏格兰球囊霉(G. caledonium) + 毛边华锈伞(H. mesophaseum) + 劣味乳菇(L. insulsus) + 根瘤菌,宿主植物株高、地径、生物量、侧根数分别比对照增加46%、102%、213%、82%,结瘤量、固N活性分别比单接种固N菌增加500%、451%,菌根侵染率高达100%。(5)接种Frankia菌同时配合适度的P肥施用对沙棘的结瘤固N有明显的促进作用。由于沙棘的固N和供N作用,杨树-沙棘混交林中土壤有效态N、P的含量比杨树纯林分别增加36.7%、17.1%。综上所述,本文在刺槐联合共生体人工纯培养实验中得出具有重要意交的结论:从形态解剖上观测到了VA菌、外生菌根菌的侵染特征;定量研究了不同接种方式对刺槐生长、菌根菌的发育状况及结瘤固N能力的影响,选择出了最佳的接种组合。对宿主植物、菌根菌、固N菌之间相互作用及机理进行了初步的探讨。为固N植物联合共生体接种技术提供了理论依据。


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A novel manganese superoxide dismutase (MnSOD) was cloned from bay scallop Argopecten irradians by 3' and 5' rapid amplification of cDNA ends (RACE) PCR. The full-length cDNA of MnSOD was of 1207 bp with a 678 bp open reading frame encoding 226 amino acids. The deduced amino acid sequence contained a putative signal peptide of 26 amino acids. Sequence comparison showed that the MnSOD of A. irradians shared high identity with MnSOD in invertebrates and vertebrates, such as MnSOD from abalone Haliotis discus discus (ABG88843) and frog Xenopus laevis (AAQ63483). Furthermore, the 3D structure of bay scallop MnSOD was predicted by SWISS-MODEL Protein Modelling Server and compared with those of other MnSODs. The overall structure of bay scallop MnSOD was similar to those of zebrafish Danio rerio, fruit fly Drosophila melanogaster, Chinese shrimp Fenneropenaeus chinensis, human Homo sapiens, and had the highest similarity to scallop Mizuhopecten yessoensis and abalone H. discus discus. A quantitative real-time PCR (qRT-PCR) assay was developed to detect the mRNA expression of MnSOD in different tissues and the temporal expression in haemocytes following challenge with the bacterium Vibrio anguillarum. A higher-level of mRNA expression of MnSOD was detected in gill and mantle. The expression of MnSOD reached the highest level at 3 h post-injection with V. anguillarum and then slightly recovered from 6 to 48 h. The results indicated that bay scallop MnSOD was a constitutive and inducible protein and thus could play an important role in the immune responses against V anguillarum infection. (c) 2008 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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A diversidade genética de fungos micorrízicos arbusculares (FMA) presentes na rizosfera de genótipos de milho tropicais, selecionados como contrastantes para eficiência no uso de fósforo (P), foi avaliada pela técnica de eletroforese em gel de gradiente desnaturante (DGGE). Fragmentos de DNA ribossômico (rDNA) foram amplificados por PCR, utilizando primers específicos para as famílias Acaulosporaceae e Glomaceae de fungos micorrízicos. Na análise por DGGE, os primers para as famílias Acaulosporaceae e Glomaceae foram eficientes na diferenciação das populações micorrízicas. Os genótipos de milho tiveram uma maior influência na comunidade de FMA da rizosfera do que o nível de P no solo. Os perfis de DGGE revelaram bandas que estavam presentes somente nos genótipos eficientes no uso de P (L3 e HT3060), sugerindo que alguns grupos de FMA foram estimulados por estes genótipos. As espécies Acaulospora longula, A. rugosa, A. scrobiculata, A. morrowiae e Glomus caledonium foram encontradas somente na rizosfera dos genótipos de milho eficientes no uso de P cultivados em solos com baixo teor de fósforo. Uma maior diversidade micorrízica foi encontrada nas amostras coletadas em solos de plantio direto, comparados com solos de plantio convencional. A efetiva colonização das raízes por FMA pode aumentar a eficiência de uso de P de cultivares em solos sob baixo P, influenciando a produção de milho em solos ácidos do Cerrado.


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Photoreceptors are among the most metabolically active cells in the body, relying on both oxidative phosphorylation and glycolysis to satisfy their high energy needs. Local glycolysis is thought to be particularly crucial in supporting the function of the photoreceptor's light-sensitive outer segment compartment, which is devoid of mitochondria. Accordingly, it has been commonly accepted that the facilitative glucose transporter Glut1 responsible for glucose entry into photoreceptors is localized in part to the outer segment plasma membrane. However, we now demonstrate that Glut1 is entirely absent from the rod outer segment and is actively excluded from this compartment by targeting information present in its cytosolic C-terminal tail. Our data indicate that glucose metabolized in the outer segment must first enter through other parts of the photoreceptor cell. Consequently, the entire energy supply of the outer segment is dependent on diffusion of energy-rich substrates through the thin connecting cilium that links this compartment to the rest of the cell.


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The beta 1- and beta 2-adrenergic receptors are two structurally related, but pharmacologically distinguishable, receptor subtypes, both of which activate adenylyl cyclase in a catecholamine-dependent manner through the guanine nucleotide-binding regulatory protein Gs. The receptors are approximately 50% identical in amino acid sequence and each is characterized by the presence of seven putative transmembrane domains. To elucidate the structural basis for the pharmacological distinctions between these two receptor subtypes, we constructed a series of chimeric beta 1/beta 2-adrenergic receptor genes and expressed them by injection of RNA into Xenopus laevis oocytes. The pharmacological properties of the expressed chimeric receptor proteins were assessed by radioligand binding and adenylyl cyclase assays utilizing subtype-selective agonists and antagonists. Our data indicate that transmembrane region IV is largely responsible for determining beta 1 vs. beta 2 properties with respect to agonist binding (relative affinities for epinephrine and norepinephrine). Transmembrane regions VI and VII play an important role in determining binding of beta 1 vs. beta 2 selective antagonists. However, a number of the other transmembrane regions also contribute, to a lesser extent, to the determination of beta-adrenergic receptor subtype specificity for agonists and antagonists. Thus, several of the membrane-spanning regions appear to be involved in the determination of receptor subtype specificity, presumably by formation of a ligand-binding pocket, with determinants for agonist and antagonist binding being distinguishable.


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Screening of a human placenta lambda gt11 library has led to the isolation of the cDNA for the human beta 1-adrenergic receptor (beta 1AR). Used as the probe was the human genomic clone termed G-21. This clone, which contains an intronless gene for a putative receptor, was previously isolated by virtue of its cross hybridization with the human beta 2-adrenergic receptor (beta 2AR). The 2.4-kilobase cDNA for the human beta 1AR encodes a protein of 477 amino acid residues that is 69% homologous with the avian beta AR but only 54% homologous with the human beta 2AR. This suggests that the avian gene encoding beta AR and the human gene encoding beta 1AR evolved from a common ancestral gene. RNA blot analysis indicates a message of 2.5 kilobases in rat tissues, with a pattern of tissue distribution consistent with beta 1AR binding. This pattern is quite distinct from the pattern obtained when the beta 2AR cDNA is used as a probe. Expression of receptor protein in Xenopus laevis oocytes conveys adenylate cyclase responsiveness to catecholamines with a typical beta 1AR specificity. This contrasts with the typical beta 2 subtype specificity observed when the human beta 2AR cDNA is expressed in this system. Mammalian beta 1AR and beta 2AR are thus products of distinct genes, both of which are apparently related to the putative G-21 receptor.


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Many of the biochemical reactions of apoptotic cell death, including mitochondrial cytochrome c release and caspase activation, can be reconstituted in cell-free extracts derived from Xenopus eggs. In addition, because caspase activation does not occur until the egg extract has been incubated for several hours on the bench, upstream signaling processes occurring before full apoptosis are rendered accessible to biochemical manipulation. We reported previously that the adaptor protein Crk is required for apoptotic signaling in egg extracts (Evans, E.K., W. Lu, S.L. Strum, B.J. Mayer, and S. Kornbluth. 1997. EMBO (Eur. Mol. Biol. Organ.) J. 16:230-241). Moreover, we demonstrated that removal of Crk Src homology (SH)2 or SH3 interactors from the extracts prevented apoptosis. We now report the finding that the relevant Crk SH2-interacting protein, important for apoptotic signaling in the extract, is the well-known cell cycle regulator, Wee1. We have demonstrated a specific interaction between tyrosine-phosphorylated Wee1 and the Crk SH2 domain and have shown that recombinant Wee1 can restore apoptosis to an extract depleted of SH2 interactors. Moreover, exogenous Wee1 accelerated apoptosis in egg extracts, and this acceleration was largely dependent on the presence of endogenous Crk protein. As other Cdk inhibitors, such as roscovitine and Myt1, did not act like Wee1 to accelerate apoptosis, we propose that Wee1-Crk complexes signal in a novel apoptotic pathway, which may be unrelated to Wee1's role as a cell cycle regulator.


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Degradation of specific protein substrates by the anaphase-promoting complex/cyclosome (APC) is critical for mitotic exit. We have identified the protein Xenopus nuclear factor 7 (Xnf7) as a novel APC inhibitor able to regulate the timing of exit from mitosis. Immunodepletion of Xnf7 from Xenopus laevis egg extracts accelerated the degradation of APC substrates cyclin B1, cyclin B2, and securin upon release from cytostatic factor arrest, whereas excess Xnf7 inhibited APC activity. Interestingly, Xnf7 exhibited intrinsic ubiquitin ligase activity, and this activity was required for APC inhibition. Unlike other reported APC inhibitors, Xnf7 did not associate with Cdc20, but rather bound directly to core subunits of the APC. Furthermore, Xnf7 was required for spindle assembly checkpoint function in egg extracts. These data suggest that Xnf7 is an APC inhibitor able to link spindle status to the APC through direct association with APC core components.


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Factors influencing apoptosis of vertebrate eggs and early embryos have been studied in cell-free systems and in intact embryos by analyzing individual apoptotic regulators or caspase activation in static samples. A novel method for monitoring caspase activity in living Xenopus oocytes and early embryos is described here. The approach, using microinjection of a near-infrared caspase substrate that emits fluorescence only after its proteolytic cleavage by active effector caspases, has enabled the elucidation of otherwise cryptic aspects of apoptotic regulation. In particular, we show that brief caspase activity (10 min) is sufficient to cause apoptotic death in this system. We illustrate a cytochrome c dose threshold in the oocyte, which is lowered by Smac, a protein that binds thereby neutralizing the inhibitor of apoptosis proteins. We show that meiotic oocytes develop resistance to cytochrome c, and that the eventual death of oocytes arrested in meiosis is caspase-independent. Finally, data acquired through imaging caspase activity in the Xenopus embryo suggest that apoptosis in very early development is not cell-autonomous. These studies both validate this assay as a useful tool for apoptosis research and reveal subtleties in the cell death program during early development. Moreover, this method offers a potentially valuable screening modality for identifying novel apoptotic regulators.