893 resultados para AVR, ZigBee, microcontrollori, IEEE, 802, 15, 4, wireless, Arduino, XBee, sensori


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Wireless Body Area Network (WBAN) is the most convenient, cost-effective, accurate, and non-invasive technology for e-health monitoring. The performance of WBAN may be disturbed when coexisting with other wireless networks. Accordingly, this paper provides a comprehensive study and in-depth analysis of coexistence issues and interference mitigation solutions in WBAN technologies. A thorough survey of state-of-the art research in WBAN coexistence issues is conducted. The survey classified, discussed, and compared the studies according to the parameters used to analyze the coexistence problem. Solutions suggested by the studies are then classified according to the followed techniques and concomitant shortcomings are identified. Moreover, the coexistence problem in WBAN technologies is mathematically analyzed and formulas are derived for the probability of successful channel access for different wireless technologies with the coexistence of an interfering network. Finally, extensive simulations are conducted using OPNET with several real-life scenarios to evaluate the impact of coexistence interference on different WBAN technologies. In particular, three main WBAN wireless technologies are considered: IEEE 802.15.6, IEEE 802.15.4, and low-power WiFi. The mathematical analysis and the simulation results are discussed and the impact of interfering network on the different wireless technologies is compared and analyzed. The results show that an interfering network (e.g., standard WiFi) has an impact on the performance of WBAN and may disrupt its operation. In addition, using low-power WiFi for WBANs is investigated and proved to be a feasible option compared to other wireless technologies.


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I dag går utvecklingen av trådlösa nätverk snabbt framåt. Zigbee är en helt ny teknik som bygger på IEEE 802-15-4 standarden. Zigbee utvecklades av the Zigbee Alliance som består av en rad stora elektronikföretag. Zigbee är en teknik som inriktar sig på låg energiförbrukning och låg kostnad. Tekniken är tänkt att användas för att ställa in och läsa av sensorer av olika slag. Denna rapport är ett resultat av ett examensarbete som går ut på att utreda om Zigbee tekniken kan användas för lite längre avstånd. Arbetet resulterade i två demoapplikationer för ett enkel zigbee system, och färdigskriven kod för en möjlighet att använda Zigbee för länge avstånd.


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Service-oriented wireless sensor networks (WSNs) are being paid more and more attention because service computing can hide complexity of WSNs and enables simple and transparent access to individual sensor nodes. Existing WSNs mainly use IEEE 802.15.4 as their communication specification, however, this protocol suite cannot support IP-based routing and service-oriented access because it only specifies a set of physical- and MAC-layer protocols. For inosculating WSNs with IP networks, IEEE proposed a 6LoWPAN (IPv6 over LoW Power wireless Area Networks) as the adaptation layer between IP and MAC layers. However, it is still a challenging task how to discover and manage sensor resources, guarantee the security of WSNs and route messages over resource-restricted sensor nodes. This paper is set to address such three key issues. Firstly, we propose a service-oriented WSN architectural model based on 6LoWPAN and design a lightweight service middleware SOWAM (service-oriented WSN architecture middleware), where each sensor node provides a collection of services and is managed by our SOWAM. Secondly, we develop a security mechanism for the authentication and secure connection among users and sensor nodes. Finally, we propose an energyaware mesh routing protocol (EAMR) for message transmission in a WSN with multiple mobile sinks, aiming at prolonging the lifetime of WSNs as long as possible. In our EAMR, sensor nodes with the residual energy lower than a threshold do not forward messages for other nodes until the threshold is leveled down. As a result, the energy consumption is evened over sensor nodes significantly. The experimental results demonstrate the feasibility of our service-oriented approach and lightweight middleware SOWAM, as well as the effectiveness of our routing algorithm EAMR.


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The Wireless Sensor Networks (WSN) methods applied to the lifting of oil present as an area with growing demand technical and scientific in view of the optimizations that can be carried forward with existing processes. This dissertation has as main objective to present the development of embedded systems dedicated to a wireless sensor network based on IEEE 802.15.4, which applies the ZigBee protocol, between sensors, actuators and the PLC (Programmable Logic Controller), aiming to solve the present problems in the deployment and maintenance of the physical communication of current elevation oil units based on the method Plunger-Lift. Embedded systems developed for this application will be responsible for acquiring information from sensors and control actuators of the devices present at the well, and also, using the Modbus protocol to make this network becomes transparent to the PLC responsible for controlling the production and delivery information for supervisory SISAL


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Wireless sensor networks are reality nowadays. The growing necessity of connectivity between existing industrial plant equipments pushes the research and development of several technologies. The IEEE 802.15.4 LR-WPAN comes as a low-cost and powersaving viable solution, which are important concerns while making decisions on remote sensoring projects. This study intends to propose a wireless communication system which makes possible the monitoring of analogic and/or digital variables (i. e., the pressure studied) involved on the artificial methods for oil and gas lifting. The main issues are: To develop a software based on SMAC Standard in order to create a wireless network to monitoring analogic and/or digital variables; To evaluate the communication link based on the number of lost packets tested in different environments (indoor and outdoor) and To propose an instrumentation system consisting of wireless devices


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Wireless Sensor Networks (WSNs) can be used to monitor hazardous and inaccessible areas. In these situations, the power supply (e.g. battery) of each node cannot be easily replaced. One solution to deal with the limited capacity of current power supplies is to deploy a large number of sensor nodes, since the lifetime and dependability of the network will increase through cooperation among nodes. Applications on WSN may also have other concerns, such as meeting temporal deadlines on message transmissions and maximizing the quality of information. Data fusion is a well-known technique that can be useful for the enhancement of data quality and for the maximization of WSN lifetime. In this paper, we propose an approach that allows the implementation of parallel data fusion techniques in IEEE 802.15.4 networks. One of the main advantages of the proposed approach is that it enables a trade-off between different user-defined metrics through the use of a genetic machine learning algorithm. Simulations and field experiments performed in different communication scenarios highlight significant improvements when compared with, for instance, the Gur Game approach or the implementation of conventional periodic communication techniques over IEEE 802.15.4 networks. © 2013 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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Nos últimos de 20 anos, economia e tecnologia evoluíram em muitas direções e em novas áreas. Muitas dessas evoluções criaram oportunidades que estão sendo consideradas na concepção de futuras redes de comunicação. Estas novas possibilidades estão relacionadas à, sobretudo, utilização da internet para o acesso à serviços e englobam: mobilidade; tecnologias de baixo custo; crescimento e empregos (pela Internet participa-se de cada processo de negócios e produção); serviços; educação (oportunidade para as pessoas crescerem e se desenvolverem); entretenimento (mundos virtuais para o lazer, compras e jogos); volume de tráfego maior (texto, voz, imagens, vídeo). Como uma consequência, a Internet se tornou, semelhante a eletricidade ou água, um bem público. Com quase 2 bilhões de usuários (aproximadamente 28% da população mundial), a Internet está se tornando, cada vez mais, uma infraestrutura difusivo oferecendo em qualquer lugar, a qualquer momento conectividade e serviços. Este mundo da Internet atual é o resultado de sucessivas alterações que aconteceram desde o seu surgimento e que tornaram a infraestrutura de comunicação de importância crítica. Em termos de tecnologias de comunicação, os sistemas móveis sem fio têm um lugar especial devido a sua difusão excepcional na última década e que, junto com a Internet, tem permitido o aparecimento de dispositivos inteligentes, a introdução de novos serviços inovadores e exigindo, para tanto, um ambiente que suporte a inovação e criatividade. Porém, os vários padrões de redes para suporte, principalmente, ao acesso de última milha são desvantagens na perspectiva do usuário, pois este tem de se habilitar nessas redes (contratar os serviços) e, não raro, ter terminais específicos para o acesso. A idéia de um padrão único para estas redes não obteve resultados satisfatórios e uma solução aponta para a integração dessas redes para prover acesso único e transparente ao usuário. Esse trabalho, portanto, apresenta uma solução embarcada para integrar padrões de comunicações sem fio heterogênea do tipo IEEE 802.15.4 ZigBee, IEEE 802.20 GSM/GPRS e IEEE 802.2 Wi-Fi. Essa heterogeneidade de tecnologias sem fio permite a um usuário em movimento, através de seu terminal local ou remoto, acessar aplicativos e serviços de forma transparente. A avaliação de desempenho da solução foi realizada utilizando-se dois tipos de serviços: domótica e telemedicina. Os resultados indicaram que a solução proposta consegue integrar e prover os serviços com segurança e confiabilidade.


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The Internet of Things is a new paradigm where smart embedded devices and systems are connected to the Internet. In this context, Wireless Sensor Networks (WSN) are becoming an important alternative for sensing and actuating critical applications like industrial automation, remote patient monitoring and domotics. The IEEE 802.15.4 protocol has been adopted as a standard for WSN and the 6LoWPAN protocol has been proposed to overcome the challenges of integrating WSN and Internet protocols. In this paper, the mechanisms of header compression and fragmentation of IPv6 datagrams proposed in the 6LoWPAN standard were evaluated through field experiments using a gateway prototype and IEEE 802.15.4 nodes.


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"I computer del nuovo millennio saranno sempre più invisibili, o meglio embedded, incorporati agli oggetti, ai mobili, anche al nostro corpo. L'intelligenza elettronica sviluppata su silicio diventerà sempre più diffusa e ubiqua. Sarà come un'orchestra di oggetti interattivi, non invasivi e dalla presenza discreta, ovunque". [Mark Weiser, 1991] La visione dell'ubiquitous computing, prevista da Weiser, è ormai molto vicina alla realtà e anticipa una rivoluzione tecnologica nella quale l'elaborazione di dati ha assunto un ruolo sempre più dominante nella nostra vita quotidiana. La rivoluzione porta non solo a vedere l'elaborazione di dati come un'operazione che si può compiere attraverso un computer desktop, legato quindi ad una postazione fissa, ma soprattutto a considerare l'uso della tecnologia come qualcosa di necessario in ogni occasione, in ogni luogo e la diffusione della miniaturizzazione dei dispositivi elettronici e delle tecnologie di comunicazione wireless ha contribuito notevolmente alla realizzazione di questo scenario. La possibilità di avere a disposizione nei luoghi più impensabili sistemi elettronici di piccole dimensioni e autoalimentati ha contribuito allo sviluppo di nuove applicazioni, tra le quali troviamo le WSN (Wireless Sensor Network), ovvero reti formate da dispositivi in grado di monitorare qualsiasi grandezza naturale misurabile e inviare i dati verso sistemi in grado di elaborare e immagazzinare le informazioni raccolte. La novità introdotta dalle reti WSN è rappresentata dalla possibilità di effettuare monitoraggi con continuità delle più diverse grandezze fisiche, il che ha consentito a questa nuova tecnologia l'accesso ad un mercato che prevede una vastità di scenari indefinita. Osservazioni estese sia nello spazio che nel tempo possono essere inoltre utili per poter ricavare informazioni sull'andamento di fenomeni naturali che, se monitorati saltuariamente, non fornirebbero alcuna informazione interessante. Tra i casi d'interesse più rilevanti si possono evidenziare: - segnalazione di emergenze (terremoti, inondazioni) - monitoraggio di parametri difficilmente accessibili all'uomo (frane, ghiacciai) - smart cities (analisi e controllo di illuminazione pubblica, traffico, inquinamento, contatori gas e luce) - monitoraggio di parametri utili al miglioramento di attività produttive (agricoltura intelligente, monitoraggio consumi) - sorveglianza (controllo accessi ad aree riservate, rilevamento della presenza dell'uomo) Il vantaggio rappresentato da un basso consumo energetico, e di conseguenza un tempo di vita della rete elevato, ha come controparte il non elevato range di copertura wireless, valutato nell'ordine delle decine di metri secondo lo standard IEEE 802.15.4. Il monitoraggio di un'area di grandi dimensioni richiede quindi la disposizione di nodi intermedi aventi le funzioni di un router, il cui compito sarà quello di inoltrare i dati ricevuti verso il coordinatore della rete. Il tempo di vita dei nodi intermedi è di notevole importanza perché, in caso di spegnimento, parte delle informazioni raccolte non raggiungerebbero il coordinatore e quindi non verrebbero immagazzinate e analizzate dall'uomo o dai sistemi di controllo. Lo scopo di questa trattazione è la creazione di un protocollo di comunicazione che preveda meccanismi di routing orientati alla ricerca del massimo tempo di vita della rete. Nel capitolo 1 vengono introdotte le WSN descrivendo caratteristiche generali, applicazioni, struttura della rete e architettura hardware richiesta. Nel capitolo 2 viene illustrato l'ambiente di sviluppo del progetto, analizzando le piattaforme hardware, firmware e software sulle quali ci appoggeremo per realizzare il progetto. Verranno descritti anche alcuni strumenti utili per effettuare la programmazione e il debug della rete. Nel capitolo 3 si descrivono i requisiti di progetto e si realizza una mappatura dell'architettura finale. Nel capitolo 4 si sviluppa il protocollo di routing, analizzando i consumi e motivando le scelte progettuali. Nel capitolo 5 vengono presentate le interfacce grafiche utilizzate utili per l'analisi dei dati. Nel capitolo 6 vengono esposti i risultati sperimentali dell'implementazione fissando come obiettivo il massimo lifetime della rete.


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Wireless Sensor Networks (WSNs) are getting wide-spread attention since they became easily accessible with their low costs. One of the key elements of WSNs is distributed sensing. When the precise location of a signal of interest is unknown across the monitored region, distributing many sensors randomly/uniformly may yield with a better representation of the monitored random process than a traditional sensor deployment. In a typical WSN application the data sensed by nodes is usually sent to one (or more) central device, denoted as sink, which collects the information and can either act as a gateway towards other networks (e.g. Internet), where data can be stored, or be processed in order to command the actuators to perform special tasks. In such a scenario, a dense sensor deployment may create bottlenecks when many nodes competing to access the channel. Even though there are mitigation methods on the channel access, concurrent (parallel) transmissions may occur. In this study, always on the scope of monitoring applications, the involved development progress of two industrial projects with dense sensor deployments (eDIANA Project funded by European Commission and Centrale Adritica Project funded by Coop Italy) and the measurement results coming from several different test-beds evoked the necessity of a mathematical analysis on concurrent transmissions. To the best of our knowledge, in the literature there is no mathematical analysis of concurrent transmission in 2.4 GHz PHY of IEEE 802.15.4. In the thesis, experience stories of eDIANA and Centrale Adriatica Projects and a mathematical analysis of concurrent transmissions starting from O-QPSK chip demodulation to the packet reception rate with several different types of theoretical demodulators, are presented. There is a very good agreement between the measurements so far in the literature and the mathematical analysis.


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Wireless sensor networks (WSNs) consist of a large number of sensor nodes, characterized by low power constraint, limited transmission range and limited computational capabilities [1][2].The cost of these devices is constantly decreasing, making it possible to use a large number of sensor devices in a wide array of commercial, environmental, military, and healthcare fields. Some of these applications involve placing the sensors evenly spaced on a straight line for example in roads, bridges, tunnels, water catchments and water pipelines, city drainages, oil and gas pipelines etc., making a special class of these networks which we define as a Linear Wireless Network (LWN). In LWNs, data transmission happens hop by hop from the source to the destination, through a route composed of multiple relays. The peculiarity of the topology of LWNs, motivates the design of specialized protocols, taking advantage of the linearity of such networks, in order to increase reliability, communication efficiency, energy savings, network lifetime and to minimize the end-to-end delay [3]. In this thesis a novel contention based Medium Access Control (MAC) protocol called L-CSMA, specifically devised for LWNs is presented. The basic idea of L-CSMA is to assign different priorities to nodes based on their position along the line. The priority is assigned in terms of sensing duration, whereby nodes closer to the destination are assigned shorter sensing time compared to the rest of the nodes and hence higher priority. This mechanism speeds up the transmission of packets which are already in the path, making transmission flow more efficient. Using NS-3 simulator, the performance of L-CSMA in terms of packets success rate, that is, the percentage of packets that reach destination, and throughput are compared with that of IEEE 802.15.4 MAC protocol, de-facto standard for wireless sensor networks. In general, L-CSMA outperforms the IEEE 802.15.4 MAC protocol.


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To interconnect a wireless sensor network (WSN) to the Internet, we propose to use TCP/IP as the standard protocol for all network entities. We present a cross layer designed communication architecture, which contains a MAC protocol, IP, a new protocol called Hop-to-Hop Reliability (H2HR) protocol, and the TCP Support for Sensor Nodes (TSS) protocol. The MAC protocol implements the MAC layer of beacon-less personal area networks (PANs) as defined in IEEE 802.15.4. H2HR implements hop-to-hop reliability mechanisms. Two acknowledgment mechanisms, explicit and implicit ACK are supported. TSS optimizes using TCP in WSNs by implementing local retransmission of TCP data packets, local TCP ACK regeneration, aggressive TCP ACK recovery, congestion and flow control algorithms. We show that H2HR increases the performance of UDP, TCP, and RMST in WSNs significantly. The throughput is increased and the packet loss ratio is decreased. As a result, WSNs can be operated and managed using TCP/IP.


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Este proyecto consiste en el diseño e implementación un sistema domótico que puede ser instalado en una vivienda para controlar distintas variables ambientales y conseguir así la máxima comodidad de los habitantes de manera automática o manual según los gustos y necesidades de los usuarios. La característica principal de este sistema, es que cuenta con un funcionamiento distribuido donde entran en juego un servidor, encargado de tomar las decisiones generales para el comportamiento de la casa, y una serie de controladores esclavo cuya función es mantener constantes las variables ambientales con los valores fijados por el servidor. Así se consigue mantener la vivienda en una situación de bienestar constante para cualquier persona que se encuentre dentro. El sistema ha sido pensado de manera que se intenta reducir al máximo el cableado para facilitar su instalación por lo que la comunicación entre los distintos dispositivos se hace de manera inalámbrica por medio de un protocolo descrito en la norma IEEE 802.15.4 llamado ZigBee. Para ello se ha utilizado un módulo de comunicación wireless llamado Xbee, el cual permite la comunicación entre dos dispositivos. Para el control de dicho sistema distribuido se cuenta con una aplicación web, que mediante una interfaz gráfica permite al usuario controlar los distintos dispositivos dentro de la vivienda consiguiendo así controlar las variables ambientales a gusto del usuario. Dicha interfaz gráfica no depende de un software específico, sino que sólo es necesario un cliente http como podría ser Internet Explorer, Mozilla Firefox, Google Chrome, etc. Para integrar dicho sistema se ha usado un mini ordenador de bajo coste llamado RaspBerryPi, en el que se encuentra alojado un servidor Apache con el fin de gestionar y automatizar las variables ambientales. El control de los dipositivos encargados de modificar y estabilizar las variables ambientales se realiza mediante unos controladores genéricos implementados mediante mcontroladores 80C51F410, pertenecientes a la familia 80C51, y una serie de componentes y circuitería que permiten el correcto funcionamiento de éstos. Existen dos tipos de controladores distintos, los cuales son: Controlador Sensor: Encargados de las tomas de valores ambientales como puede ser la luz y la temperatura. Controladores Actuadores: Encargados de actuar sobre los dispositivos que modifican y estabilizan las variables ambientales como pueden ser la calefacción, tiras de leds de iluminación, persianas, alarmas, etc. El conjunto de la RaspBerryPi y los diferentes controladores forman el prototipo diseñado para este proyecto fin de carrera, el cual puede ser ampliado sencillamente para abarcar una amplia gama de posibilidades y funcionalidades dentro de la comodidad de una vivienda. ABSTRACT. The project described in this report consisted designing and implementing a home automation system that could be installed in a house in order to control environmental variables and thus get the maximum comfort of the inhabitant automatically or manually according to their tastes and needs. The main feature of this system consists in a distributed system, formed by a server which is responsible for making the main decisions of the actions performed inside the house. In addition, there are a series of slave controlers whose function consists in keeping the environmental variables within the values established by the server. Thus gets to keep the home in a situation of constant wellbeing to anyone who is inside. The system has been designed in order to reduce the amount of wire needed for the inter-connection of the devices, by means of wireless communication. The devices chosen for the solution are Xbee modules, which use the Zigbee protocol in order to comunicate one between each other. The Zigbee protocol is fully described in the IEEE 802.15.4 standard. A web application has been used to control the distributed system. This application allows users to control various devices inside the house and subsequently the different environmental variables. This implementation allows obtaining the maximum comfort by means of a very simple graphical interface. In addition, the Graphical User Interface (GUI) does not depend on any specific software. This means that it would only be necessary a http client (such as Internet Explorer, Mozilla Firefox, Google Chrome, etc.) for handling the application. The system has been integrated using a low-cost mini computer called RaspBerryPi.This computer has an Apache server allocated which allows to manage and to automatize the different environmental variables. Furthermore, for changing and stabilizing those variables, some generic controllers have been developed, based on mcontrollers 80C51F410. There have been developed mainly two different types of controllers: Sensor Controllers, responsible for measuring the different environmental values, such as light and temperature; and Actuator Controllers, which purpose is to modify and stabilize those environmental variables by actuating on the heating, the led lamps, the blinders, the alarm, etc. The combination of the RaspBerryPi and the different controllers conform the prototype designed during this project. Additionally, this solution could be easily expanded in order to intake further functionalities adapted to new needs that could arise in the future.


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The Wireless Sensor Networks (WSN) methods applied to the lifting of oil present as an area with growing demand technical and scientific in view of the optimizations that can be carried forward with existing processes. This dissertation has as main objective to present the development of embedded systems dedicated to a wireless sensor network based on IEEE 802.15.4, which applies the ZigBee protocol, between sensors, actuators and the PLC (Programmable Logic Controller), aiming to solve the present problems in the deployment and maintenance of the physical communication of current elevation oil units based on the method Plunger-Lift. Embedded systems developed for this application will be responsible for acquiring information from sensors and control actuators of the devices present at the well, and also, using the Modbus protocol to make this network becomes transparent to the PLC responsible for controlling the production and delivery information for supervisory SISAL


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Wireless network technologies, such as IEEE 802.11 based wireless local area networks (WLANs), have been adopted in wireless networked control systems (WNCS) for real-time applications. Distributed real-time control requires satisfaction of (soft) real-time performance from the underlying networks for delivery of real-time traffic. However, IEEE 802.11 networks are not designed for WNCS applications. They neither inherently provide quality-of-service (QoS) support, nor explicitly consider the characteristics of the real-time traffic on networked control systems (NCS), i.e., periodic round-trip traffic. Therefore, the adoption of 802.11 networks in real-time WNCSs causes challenging problems for network design and performance analysis. Theoretical methodologies are yet to be developed for computing the best achievable WNCS network performance under the constraints of real-time control requirements. Focusing on IEEE 802.11 distributed coordination function (DCF) based WNCSs, this paper analyses several important NCS network performance indices, such as throughput capacity, round trip time and packet loss ratio under the periodic round trip traffic pattern, a unique feature of typical NCSs. Considering periodic round trip traffic, an analytical model based on Markov chain theory is developed for deriving these performance indices under a critical real-time traffic condition, at which the real-time performance constraints are marginally satisfied. Case studies are also carried out to validate the theoretical development.