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The synthesis of poly(pyrrole), poly(terthiophene), and poly(3,4-ethylenedioxythiophene) with unusual fibrillar morphologies has been achieved by chemical polymerization in a biphasic ionic liquid/water system. Use of aqueous gold chloride as the oxidant, with the monomers dissolved in a hydrophobic ionic liquid, allows the polymerization to occur at the ionic liquid/water interface. The resultant conducting polymer fibrils are, on average, 50−100 nm wide and can be thousands of nanometers long. The polymers produced in this ionic liquid system are compared to those synthesized in a biphasic chloroform/water system.


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In recent times, biotechnological applications of microbial lipases in synthesis of many organic molecules have rapidly increased in non-aqueous media. Microbial lipases are the working horses' in biocatalysis and have been extensively studied when their exceptionally high stability in non-aqueous media has been discovered. Stability of lipases in organic solvents makes them commercially feasibile in the enzymatic esterification reactions. Their stability is affected by temperature, reaction medium, water concentration and by the biocatalyst's preparation. An optimization process for ester synthesis from pilot scale to industrial scale in the reaction medium is discussed. The water released during the esterification process can be controlled over a wide range and has a profound effect on the activity of the lipases. Approaches to lipase catalysis like protein engineering, directed evolution and metagenome approach were studied. This review reports the recent development in the field of non-aqueous microbial lipase catalysis and factors controlling the esterification/transesterification processes in organic media.


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Boron nitride nanotubes were functionalized with microperoxidase-11 in aqueous media, showing improved catalytic performance due to a strong electron coupling between the active centre of microperoxidase-11 and boron nitride nanotubes.


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The one-electron reduction of [α2-FeIII(OH2)P2W17O61]7- at a glassy carbon electrode was investigated using cyclic and rotating-disk-electrode voltammetry in buffered and unbuffered aqueous solutions over the pH range 3.45−7.50 with an ionic strength of approximately 0.6 M maintained. The behavior is well-described by a square-scheme mechanism P + e- ↔ Q (E10/ = −0.275 V, k10/ = 0.008 cm s-1, and α1 = 1/2), PH+ + e- ↔ QH+ (E20/ = −0.036 V, k20/ = 0.014 cm s-1, and α2 = 1/2), PH+ ↔ P + H+ (KP = 3.02 × 10-6 M), and QH+ ↔ Q + H+ (KQ = 2.35 × 10-10 M), where P, Q, PH+, and QH+ correspond to [α2-FeIII(OH)P2W17O61]8-, [α2-FeII(OH)P2W17O61]9-, [α2-FeIII(OH2)P2W17O61]7-, and [α2-FeII(OH2)P2W17O61]8-, respectively; E10‘ and E20‘ are the formal potentials, k10‘ and k20‘ are the formal (standard) rate constants, and KP and KQ are the acid dissociation constants for the relevant reactions. The analysis for the buffered media is based on the approach of Laviron who demonstrated that a square scheme with fully reversible protonations, reversible or quasi reversible electron transfers with the assumption that α1 = α2, can be well-described by the behavior of a simple redox couple, ox + e- ↔ red, whose formal potential, Eapp0‘, and standard rate constant, kapp0‘, are straightforwardly derived functions of pH, as are the values of E10‘, k10‘, E20‘, k20‘, and KP (only three of the four thermodynamic parameters in a square scheme can be specified). It was assumed that αapp = 1/2, and the simulation program DigiSim was used to determine the values of Eapp0‘ and kapp0‘, which are required to describe the cyclic voltammograms obtained in buffered media in the pH range from 3.45 to 7.52 (buffer-related reactions which effect general acid−base catalysis are included in the simulations). DigiSim simulations of cyclic voltammograms obtained in unbuffered media yielded the values of E10‘ and k10‘; KQ was then directly computed from thermodynamic constraints. These simulations included additional reactions between the redox species and H2O. The value of the diffusion coefficient of the [α2-FeIII(OH2)P2W17O61]7-, 2.92 × 10-6 cm2 s-1, was determined using DigiSim simulations of voltammograms at a rotating disk electrode in buffered and unbuffered media at pH 3.45. The diffusion coefficients of all redox species were assumed to be identical. When the pH is greater than 6, instability of P (i.e., [α2-FeIII(OH)P2W17O61]8-) led to the loss of the reactant and precluded lengthy experimentation.


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This work describes the efficiency of photoelectrocatalysis based on Ti/TiO2 nanotubes in the degradation of the azo dyes Disperse Red 1, Disperse Red 13 and Disperse Orange 1 and to remove their toxic properties, as an alternative method for the treatment of effluents and water. For this purpose, the discoloration rate, total organic carbon (TOC) removal, and genotoxic, cytotoxic and mutagenic responses were determined, using the comet, micronucleus and cytotoxicity assays in HepG2 cells and the Salmonella mutagenicity assay. In a previous study it was found that the surfactant Emulsogen could contribute to the low mineralization of the dyes (60% after 4h of treatment), which, in turn, seems to account for the mutagenicity of the products generated. Thus this surfactant was not added to the chloride medium in order to avoid this interference. The photoelectrocatalytic method presented rapid discoloration and the TOC reduction was ≥87% after 240min of treatment, showing that photoelectrocatalysis is able to mineralize the dyes tested. The method was also efficient in removing the mutagenic activity and cytotoxic effects of these three dyes. Thus it was concluded that photoelectrocatalysis was a promising method for the treatment of aqueous samples. © 2013 Elsevier Ltd.


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The electrooxidation of hydroxylamine, NH2OH, in 0.1 M phosphate buffer (PB, pH = 7) on Pt-, and Pd-modified Au electrodes prepared by galvanic displacement of underpotential deposited Cu, was investigated by electrochemical techniques and three and in situ vibrational probes, substrate-induced surface enhanced Raman scattering, SI-SERS, surface enhanced infrared absorption, SEIRAS, and Fourier transform infrared reflection-absorption, IRAS, spectroscopies. Analyses of the results obtained made it possible to identify at low overpotentials, solution phase (sol) and adsorbed (ads) nitric oxide, NO, as well as solution phase nitrous oxide, N2O. As the potential was increased, the peak(s) ascribed to NO(ads) gained in intensity and new features associated with NO2−(ads) and NO2−(sol) were clearly discerned. Further excursion toward higher potentials yielded an additional peak assigned to NO2(ads). This behavior is analogous to that found for bare Au electrodes in a potential region in which the metal is at least partially oxidized under otherwise the same experimental conditions.


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Wet impregnation of pre-synthesized surfactant-stabilized aqueous rhodium (0) colloidal suspension on silica was employed in order to prepare supported Rh-0 nanoparticles of well-defined composition, morphology and size. A magnetic core-shell support of silica (Fe(3)O4@SiO2) was used to increase the handling properties of the obtained nanoheterogeneous catalyst. The nanocomposite catalyst Fe3O4@SiO2-Rh-0 NPs was highly active in the solventless hydrogenation of model olefins and aromatic substrates under mild conditions with turnover frequencies up to 143,000 h(-1). The catalyst was characterized by various transmission electron microscopy techniques showing well-dispersed rhodium nanoparticles (similar to 3 nm) mainly located at the periphery of the silica coating. The heterogeneous magnetite-supported nanocatalyst was investigated in the hydrogenation of cyclohexene and compared to the previous surfactant-stabilized aqueous Rh-0 colloidal suspension and various silica-supported Rh-0 nanoparticles. Finally, the composite catalyst could be reused in several runs after magnetic separation. (C) 2011 Elsevier B. V. All rights reserved.


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ZUSAMMENFASSUNG Die Tauglichkeit von Hybridmaterialien auf der Basis von Zinkphosphathydrat-Zementen zum Einsatz als korrosionshemmende anorganische Pigmente oder zur prothetischen und konservierenden Knochen- und Zahntherapie wird weltweit empirisch seit den neunziger Jahren intensiv erforscht. In der vorliegenden Arbeit wurden zuerst Referenzproben, d.h. alpha-und beta-Hopeite (Abk. a-,b-ZPT) dank eines hydrothermalen Kristallisationsverfahrens in wässerigem Milieu bei 20°C und 90°C hergestellt. Die Kristallstruktur beider Polymorphe des Zinkphosphattetrahydrats Zn3(PO4)2  4 H2O wurde komplett bestimmt. Einkristall-strukturanalyse zeigt, daß der Hauptunterschied zwischen der alpha-und beta-Form des Zinkphosphattetrahydrats in zwei verschiedenen Anordnungen der Wasserstoffbrücken liegt. Die entsprechenden drei- und zweidimensionalen Anordnungen der Wasserstoffbrücken der a-und b-ZPT induzieren jeweils unterschiedliches thermisches Verhalten beim Aufwärmen. Während die alpha-Form ihr Kristallwasser in zwei definierten Stufen verliert, erzeugt die beta-Form instabile Dehydratationsprodukt. Dieses entspricht zwei unabhängigen, aber nebeneinander ablaufenden Dehydratationsmechanismen: (i) bei niedrigen Heizraten einen zweidimensionalen Johnson-Mehl-Avrami (JMA) Mechanismus auf der (011) Ebene, der einerseits bevorzugt an Kristallkanten stattfindet und anderseits von existierenden Kristalldefekten auf Oberflächen gesteuert wird; (ii) bei hohen Heizraten einem zweidimensionalen Diffusionsmechanismus (D2), der zuerst auf der (101) Ebene und dann auf der (110) Ebene erfolgt. Durch die Betrachtung der ZPT Dehydratation als irreversibele heterogene Festkörperstufenreaktion wurde dank eines „ähnlichen Endprodukt“-Protokolls das Dehydratationsphasendiagramm aufgestellt. Es beschreibt die möglichen Zusammenhänge zwischen den verschiedenen Hydratationszuständen und weist auf die Existenz eines Übergangszustandes um 170°C (d.h. Reaktion b-ZPT  a-ZPT) hin. Daneben wurde auch ein gezieltes chemisches Ätzverfahren mit verdünnten H3PO4- und NH3 Lösungen angewendet, um die ersten Stufe des Herauslösens von Zinkphosphat genau zu untersuchen. Allerdings zeigen alpha- und beta-Hopeite charakteristische hexagonale und kubische Ätzgruben, die sich unter kristallographischer Kontrolle verbreitern. Eine zuverlässige Beschreibung der Oberfächenchemie und Topologie konnte nur durch AFM und FFM Experimente erfolgen. Gleichzeitig konnte in dieser Weise die Oberflächendefektdichte und-verteilung und die Volumenauflösungsrate von a-ZPT und b-ZPT bestimmt werden. Auf einem zweiten Weg wurde eine innovative Strategie zur Herstellung von basischen Zinkphosphatpigmenten erster und zweiter Generation (d.h. NaZnPO4  1H2O und Na2ZnPO4(OH)  2H2O) mit dem Einsatz von einerseits oberflächenmodifizierten Polystyrolatices (z.B. produziert durch ein Miniemulsionspolymerisationsverfahren) und anderseits von Dendrimeren auf der Basis von Polyamidoamid (PAMAM) beschritten. Die erhaltene Zeolithstruktur (ZPO) hat in Abhängigkeit von steigendem Natrium und Wassergehalt unterschiedliche kontrollierte Morphologie: hexagonal, würfelförmig, herzförmig, sechsarmige Sterne, lanzettenförmige Dendrite, usw. Zur quantitativen Evaluierung des Polymereinbaus in der Kristallstruktur wurden carboxylierte fluoreszenzmarkierte Latices eingesetzt. Es zeigt sich, daß Polymeradditive nicht nur das Wachstum bis zu 8 µm.min-1 reduzierten. Trotzdem scheint es auch als starker Nukleationsbeschleuniger zu wirken. Dank der Koordinationschemie (d.h. Bildung eines sechszentrigen Komplexes L-COO-Zn-PO4*H2O mit Ligandenaustausch) konnten zwei einfache Mechanismen zur Wirkung von Latexpartikeln bei der ZPO Kristallisation aufgezeigt werden: (i) ein Intrakorona- und (ii) ein Extrakorona-Keimbildungsmechanismus. Weiterhin wurde die Effizienz eines Kurzzeit- und Langzeitkorrosionschutzes durch maßgeschneiderte ZPO/ZPT Pigmente und kontrollierte Freisetzung von Phosphationen in zwei Näherungen des Auslösungsgleichgewichts abgeschätzt: (i) durch eine Auswaschungs-methode (thermodynamischer Prozess) und (ii) durch eine pH-Impulsmethode (kinetischer Prozess. Besonders deutlich wird der Ausflösungs-Fällungsmechanismus (d.h. der Metamorphismus). Die wesentliche Rolle den Natriumionen bei der Korrosionshemmung wird durch ein passendes zusammensetzungsabhängiges Auflösungsmodell (ZAAM) beschrieben, das mit dem Befund des Salzsprühteste und der Feuchtigkeitskammertests konsistent ist. Schließlich zeigt diese Arbeit das herausragende Potential funktionalisierter Latices (Polymer) bei der kontrollierten Mineralisation zur Herstellung maßgeschneiderter Zinkphosphat Materialien. Solche Hybridmaterialien werden dringend in der Entwicklung umweltfreundlicher Korrosionsschutzpigmente sowie in der Dentalmedizin benötigt.


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Supported Cu(II) polymer catalysts were used for the catalytic oxidation of phenol at 30 degrees C and atmospheric pressure using air and H(2)O(2) as oxidants. Heterogenisation of homogeneous Cu(II) catalysts was achieved by adsorption of Cu(II) salts onto polymeric matrices (poly(4-vinylpyridine), Chitosan). The catalytic active sites were represented by Cu(II) ions and showed to conserve their oxidative activity in heterogeneous catalysis as well as in homogeneous systems. The catalytic deactivation was evaluated by quantifying released Cu(II) ions in solution during oxidation, from where Cu-PVP(25) showed the best leaching levels no more than 5 mg L(-1). Results also indicated that Cu-PVP(25) had a catalytic activity (56% of phenol conversion when initial Cu(II) catalytic content was 200 mg L(Reaction)(-1)) comparable to that of commercial catalysts (59% of phenol conversion). Finally, the balance between activity and copper leaching was better represented by Cu-PVP(25) due to the heterogeneous catalytic activity had 86% performance in the heterogeneous phase, and the rest on the homogeneous phase, while Cu-PVP(2) had 59% and CuO/gamma-Al(2)O(3) 68%.


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The nucleophilic reaction of NaCN with the acetyl derivative of Baylis-Hillman adducts in the presence of a phase-transfer catalyst in aqueous medium stereoselectively affords the corresponding allyl cyanides in a short period and excellent yields.


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The equilibrium for formation of the intramolecular hydrogen bond (KHB) in a series of substituted salicylate monoanions was investigated as a function of ΔpKa, the difference between the pKa values of the hydrogen bond donor and acceptor, in both water and dimethyl sulfoxide. The dependence of log KHB upon ΔpKa is linear in both solvents, but is steeper in dimethyl sulfoxide (slope = 0.73) than in water (slope = 0.05). Thus, hydrogen bond strength can undergo substantially larger increases in nonaqueous media than aqueous solutions as the charge density on the donor or acceptor atom increases. These results support a general mechanism for enzymatic catalysis, in which hydrogen bonding to a substrate is strengthened as charge rearranges in going from the ground state to the transition state; the strengthening of the hydrogen bond would be greater in a nonaqueous enzymatic active site than in water, thus providing a rate enhancement for an enzymatic reaction relative to the solution reaction. We suggest that binding energy of an enzyme is used to fix the substrate in the low-dielectric active site, where the strengthening of the hydrogen bond in the course of a reaction is increased.


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In this study, we examine the performance of Cu2O and Cu2O/ZnO surfaces in a filter-press electrochemical cell for the continuous electroreduction of CO2 into methanol. The electrodes are prepared by airbrushing the metal particles onto a porous carbon paper and then are electrochemically characterized by cyclic voltammetry analyses. Particular emphasis is placed on evaluating and comparing the methanol production and Faradaic efficiencies at different loadings of Cu2O particles (0.5, 1 and 1.8 mg cm−2), Cu2O/ZnO weight ratios (1:0.5, 1:1 and 1:2) and electrolyte flow rates (1, 2 and 3 ml min−1 cm−2). The electrodes including ZnO in their catalytic surface were stable after 5 h, in contrast with Cu2O-deposited carbon papers that present strong deactivation with time. The maximum methanol formation rate and Faradaic efficiency for Cu2O/ZnO (1:1)-based electrodes, at an applied potential of −1.3 V vs. Ag/AgCl, were r = 3.17 × 10−5 mol m−2 s−1 and FE = 17.7 %, respectively. Consequently, the use of Cu2O–ZnO mixtures may be of application for the continuous electrochemical formation of methanol, although further research is still required in order to develop highly active, selective and stable catalysts the electroreduction of CO2 to methanol.


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We report a simple but efficient method to prepare stable homogeneous suspensions containing monodispersed MgAl layered double hydroxide (LDH) nanoparticles that have wide promising applications in cellular drug ( gene) delivery, polymer/LDH nanocomposites, and LDH thin films for catalysis, gas separation, sensing, and electrochemical materials. This new method involves a fast coprecipitation followed by controlled hydrothermal treatment under different conditions and produces stable homogeneous LDH suspensions under variable hydrothermal treatment conditions. Moreover, the relationship between the LDH particle size and the hydrothermal treatment conditions ( time, temperature, and concentration) has been systematically investigated, which indicates that the LDH particle size can be precisely controlled between 40 and 300 nm by adjusting these conditions. The reproducibility of making the identical suspensions under identical conditions has been confirmed with a number of experiments. The dispersion of agglomerated LDH aggregates into individual LDH crystallites during the hydrothermal treatment has been further discussed. This method has also been successfully applied to preparing stable homogeneous LDH suspensions containing various other metal ions such as Ni2+, Fe2+, Fe3+, Co2+, Cd2+, and Gd3+ in the hydroxide layers and many inorganic anions such as Cl-, CO32-, NO3-, and SO42-.