182 resultados para ANAMNESIS


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A classificação do nível de atividade física (NAF) tem-se revelado aspecto controvertido em Ciência do Esporte. Nesta perspectiva, o objetivo da presente investigação foi verificar a utilização de instrumento adaptado para classificação do NAF. Para tanto, foi desenvolvido estudo transversal seriado, considerando NAF como variável independente e a aptidão física como dependente. Identificaram-se como população de estudo calouros do curso de Medicina, em total de 290 pessoas. Foram coletados durante três anos subseqüentes, através de anamnese dirigida, informações a respeito do NAF e testes de capacidade aeróbia e muscular, para conhecer as variáveis de aptidão física (AF). A análise estatística foi realizada através do modelo Linear, sendo aplicado o teste F para avaliar o efeito das variáveis independentes, bem como a prova de Tukey para comparar as respectivas médias e o modelo de Poisson para verificar o efeito das variáveis dependentes, segundo nível de atividade física e sexo. Como principal resultado, destaca-se o fato de as pessoas que referiram maior NAF também apresentaram os melhores escores de AF indicando que a utilização do instrumento revelou-se coerente e compatível.


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Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)


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O objetivo deste estudo foi descrever o percurso e os resultados da terapia fonoaudiológica na síndrome de Prader-Willi, por meio do estudo longitudinal do caso de uma criança de 8 anos de idade, do gênero masculino, ao longo de quatro anos de terapia fonoaudiológica em uma clínica-escola. Foram realizadas filmagens de sessões de terapia e análise documental de informações dos prontuários referentes à anamnese, avaliação e relatórios terapêuticos fonoaudiológicos e avaliações multidisciplinares. A criança apresentou características típicas da síndrome de Prader-Willi como obesidade, hiperfagia, ansiedade, problemas de comportamento e auto-agressões. em avaliação fonoaudiológica foram observados hipotonia orofacial, sialorréia, voz hipernasal, alterações cognitivas, dificuldades de compreensão oral, comunicação por meio de gestos e produção de palavras isoladas ininteligíveis. Inicialmente, a terapia fonoaudiológica teve o objetivo principal de promover o desenvolvimento da linguagem com ênfase na interação social por meio de atividades lúdicas. Com a evolução do caso o direcionamento principal passou a ser o desenvolvimento de habilidades conversacionais e narrativas. Foram observadas evoluções quanto à manutenção da atenção, brincadeira simbólica, contato social e comportamento. Além disso, houve aumento do vocabulário, evolução quanto à compreensão oral e desenvolvimento de habilidades narrativas. Dessa maneira, a intervenção fonoaudiológica em caso de síndrome de Prader-Willi foi eficaz em diferentes níveis, no que se refere às habilidades fonológicas, sintáticas, lexicais e pragmáticas da linguagem


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Na busca de compreender a dimensão dos efeitos da plumbemia (nível de chumbo no sangue), este estudo investigou as variáveis sócio-demográficas de crianças residentes em uma região contaminada por chumbo. Para isto, foi realizada uma anamnese junto às mães de 40 crianças entre 7 e 13 anos, sendo 20 com baixa plumbemia (<10 µ/dl) e 20 com alta plumbemia (>20 µ/dl). Os resultados foram categorizados e submetidos à análise estatística, que indicou diminuição da concentração de crianças na classe de alta plumbemia para baixa plumbemia no decorrer dos anos, sendo este declínio mais acentuado para os meninos do que para as meninas. Para as crianças com alta plumbemia, as mães relataram mais problemas de desenvolvimento, queixa escolar, problemas de saúde, de socialização e motricidade. Constatou-se ainda que as crianças filhas de mulheres cuja gestação ocorreu longe das fontes de contaminação apresentavam menor nível de plumbemia.


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OBJETIVO: comparar o desempenho de pacientes usuários e não usuários de AASI, por meio do teste SSW. MÉTODO: o estudo foi realizado em 13 sujeitos com idade entre 55 e 85 anos, com perda auditiva bilateral, sendo seis usuários de prótese auditiva bilateral e sete não usuários de prótese auditiva. O teste de processamento auditivo aplicado foi o teste de reconhecimento de dissílabos em tarefa dicótica SSW. Foi realizado um tratamento estatístico feito por meio da técnica Bootstrap e do Teste de Hipótese Kolmogorov-Smirnov. RESULTADOS: o grupo de usuários apresentou melhor desempenho nas condições estudadas do que o grupo de não usuários, principalmente nas condições competitivas. CONCLUSÃO: os resultados obtidos nessa pesquisa apontam para a eficácia do uso do AASI na melhora da compreensão de fala da população estudada, não somente pela compensação da perda auditiva periférica, mas também pela interferência no processo de envelhecimento do sistema nervoso auditivo central.


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Persistent cough leads individuals to seek for medical assistance. Clinical investigation, however, may not reveal any alteration within the clinic's sphere of action. Often enough, some professionals treat the symptom as a disease, introducing several medicines, unsuccessfully. The author's experience, as an otolaryngologist, allows to state that many of these professionals ignore the upper aerodigestive tract as a cough-generator site. The present work discusses the alterations on the mentioned tract, which may provoke the cough reflex, reviewing, initially, the cough mechanism and the localization of the specific receptors. Cough is produce by stimulus at the receptor level or far from it. In upper and lower parts of the aerodigestive tract secretions may run to several directions. Secretion from the paranasal sinus is a frequent cause of cough. Acute sinusitis may occur insidiously bringing about the chronification of the inflammation with cough being the only great apparent symptom. Nasal and dental alterations favor sinusal infection. Signs and symptoms, even if minimum, may be detected through an accurate anamnesis. Nasal allergy, laryngitis, post nasal dripping and septal deviation may also produce cough. The ORL examination is, therefore, imperative, and no radiologic examination can substitute for it. An inadequate treatment, particularly of the sinusitis, may bring about a worsening and extension of the initial condition.


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Craniofacial pain is a frequent challenge for the physician anamnesis with the goal to obtain specific and useful information about symptoms in craniofacial pain. It can be improved by identifying aching points. In the article, the authors present a practical and specific schedule for physical examination to be applied in patients with chronic pain. This specific schedule, which has proved useful in detecting the exact anatomic sites of pain, has a sequence ordered which includes palpation and inspection of muscles, nerves and arteries.


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The accurate investigation of the oropharyngeal dysphagia demands a systematic sequence of physical examinations. The aim of the present work is to propose a practical rule to facilitate the clinical investigation and the management of dysphagic patients. After a detailed anamnesis, an endoscopic examination is carried out and several manouvers to observe the oral, pharyngeal and laryngeal functions are performed by the patient. Following, a second endoscopy is performed during swallows of several consistencies of food, to verify the impairment of the laryngeal and or pharyngeal activities. The elevation of the laryngeal cartilage is also evaluated.


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Background - Paracoccidioidomycosis is the most frequent among the systemic mycoses in Brazil. Objective: To study the cases of paracoccidioidomycosis diagnosed from 1976 to 1996 at the Department of Dermatology of the School of Medicine of Botucatu. Methods - Descriptive study obtained from specific protocols comprising anamnesis, clinical- dermatological-laboratorial examination, treatment and follow-up of the patients. Results - Paracoccidioidomycosis was diagnosed in 1.04% of the dermatologic outpatients assisted from 1976 to 1996. In 315 cases, 89.8% were male, 61.9% were over forty and 53.7% were rural workers. The complaints were related more to oropharyngolaryngeal (53.6%) or cutaneous (23.8%) lesions or adenopathy (10.2%). Seventy patients had already been treated in other health services. The chronic multifocal clinical from was the most common: 80.6% of the cases, followed by the acute-subacute (juvenile type) 15.5%. The disease was pulmonary in 80.0%, oropharyngolaryngeal in 69.2% and cutaneous in 45.7%. Th treatment: Amphotericin B in 146 patients, Ketoconazole - 88, Itraconazole - 56, Sulfonamide derivatives - 146 and Terbinafine in 3. The lethality index resulting from the disease or its treatment was 2.0%. Conclusions - The high number of cases, showing the regional relevance of the disease and the high percentage of tegumentary complaints and the high number of relapsing are remarkable.


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Loss of function, muscle inflammation, and pain are some of the signs and symptoms of temporomandibular dysfunction (TMD). Pharmacological strategies to minimize the clinical manifestation of these disorders often focus on blocking or inhibiting the pain-causing symptom. Resources such as muscle-relaxants, anxiety-relief drugs, and splint therapy are often used to reduce muscular hyperactivity related to TMD muscle pain. This study compares the effect of a randomly ordered association of occlusal splint therapy (S), nonsteroid anti-inflammatory with a muscle-relaxant drug (orphenadrine citrate) (O), and an anxiety-relief drug (benzodiazepine) (B), to ease painful TMD muscle symptoms. Clinical and anamnestic analyses were recorded in accordance with the Helkimo TMD index and applied before and after treatments. Twenty-one group two Helkimo TMD adult female patients were treated, all of whom were subjected to the three random therapeutic associations proposed: SBO, BOS, and OSB. The same operator applied the three specific associations over a period of 21 days in the proposed sequence, seven days for each therapy. The results show that all the groups presented the best results in terms of relief from pain after the therapeutic association (28.5% showed a decrease and 47.6% showed an absence of symptoms). No significant difference was observed among association therapeutic protocols. Copyright © 2003 by CHROMA, Inc.


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The present report describes the management of a radicular cyst in a 5-year-old child. The treatment comprised extraction of the primary teeth involved followed by marsupialization. A removable appliance with a resin extension penetrating into the cystic cavity was used to help decompress the lesion. This treatment allowed rapid healing of the lesion and eruption of the permanent incisors without the need for orthodontic treatment.


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There are many tales describing ferocious schools of piranha attacking humans, but there are few scientific data supporting such behavior. The very few documented instances of humans attacked and eaten by piranha schools include 3 that occurred after death by other causes (eg, heart failure and drowning). These predaceous fishes, however, do occasionally injure bathers and swimmers in lakes and rivers. The characteristic profile of most injuries is a single bite per victim, generally related to the fish defending its brood. This paper describes an outbreak of piranha bites in a dammed river portion in southeast Brazil. The outbreak was caused by the speckled piranha, Serrasalmus spilopleura, a widespread species which benefits from the growing tendency of damming rivers all over Brazil. This article focuses on the epidemiological and clinical aspects of the injuries, as well as on piranha biology, to gain a better understanding of the natural history of bite outbreaks.


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The purpose of this study was to show anatomical variations in permanent maxillary molars. Two clinical cases of four-rooted maxillary molars and a macroscopic study of an extracted tooth, showing a five-rooted maxillary molar, are presented.


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Endometrial stromal sarcoma is a rare neoplasm of the uterus. Extrauterine locations of this neoplasm, excluding metastases or local extension, are even more unusual and are usually associated with the presence of endometriosis. The authors report a case of endometrial stromal sarcoma presenting as a vaginal wall nodule, without any sign of primary uterine tumor after extensive evaluation or presence of endometriosis. The morphology, immunohistochemical profile, differential diagnoses, and pathogenesis are discussed, as well as a review of the literature on this issue. © 2004 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.


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Takayasu's arteritis is a chronic inflammatory disease that affects large blood vessels, especially the aorta and/or its major branches. The condition presents with segmental lesions adjacent to normal, apparently unaffected, areas. The lesions include stenosis, occlusion, dilatations or aneurysm formations along the path of the affected artery. Because of the severity of the disease and the possibility of cardiovascular complications, patients with Takayasu's arteritis require medical treatment based on immunosuppressive and antihypertensive drugs, as well as regular follow up and surgical intervention in many instances. The aim of this paper was to describe the characteristics of Takayasu's arteritis, to report dental treatment carried out on an affected patient, and to discuss the main implications and care required during routine treatment for children in the dental office. © 2005 BSPD and IAPD.