The taxonomic positions of three streptomycetes isolated from a soil sample from a hay meadow were determined using a polyphasic approach. The isolates had chemical and morphological properties typical of the genus Streptomyces and, in phylogenetic analyses based on 16S rRNA gene sequences, formed a distinct subclade that was most closely related to the Streptomyces prasinus subclade. DNA-DNA relatedness studies showed that the novel strains belonged to three different genomic species. The novel strains could be distinguished from one another and from the type strains of the species classified in the S. prasinus subclade using a combination of genotypic and phenotypic properties. On the basis of these data, it is proposed that the novel strains be assigned to the genus Streptomyces as Streptomyces herbaceus sp. nov., Streptomyces incanus sp. nov. and Streptomyces pratens sp. nov., with BK119(T) (=KACC 21001(T) =CGMCC 4.5797(T)), BK128(T) (=KACC 21002(T) =CGMCC 4.5799(T)) and BK138(T) (=KACC 20904(T) =CGMCC 4.5800(T)) as the respective type strains.
Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior, CAPES, Brazil
The present study reports the spectroscopic characterization by UV-visible absorption spectroscopy, magnetic circular dichroism (MCD) and electron paramagnetic resonance (EPR) of the recombinant orf10-encoded P450-camphor like protein (P450CLA)of Streptomyces clavuligerus expressed in Escherichia coli Rosetta in the native form and associated to external ligands containing the β-lactam, oxazole and alkylamine-derived (alcohol) moieties of the clavulamic acid. Considering the diversity of potential applications for the enzyme, the reactivity with tert-butylhydroperoxide (tert-BuOOH) was also characterized. P450CLA presents a covalently bound heme group and exhibited the UV-visible, CD and MCD spectral features of P450CAM including the fingerprint Soret band at 450 nm generated by the ferrous CO-complex. P450CLA was converted to high valence species by tert-BuOOH and promoted homolytic scission of the O-O bond. The radical profile of the reaction was tert-butyloxyl as primary and methyl and butylperoxyl as secondary radicals. The secondary methyl and butylperoxyl radicals resulted respectively from the β-scission of the alkoxyl radical and from the reaction of methyl radical with molecular oxygen.
Für die Aufklärung der chemisch anspruchsvollen Monophenolase-Reaktion von Tyrosinasen wurde ein System entwickelt, um das Zielprotein aus dem Bakterium Streptomyces antibioticus in großen Mengen und mit hoher Reinheit zu isolieren. Zudem konnte ein hypothetischer Reaktionsmechanismus für die Monophenolase- und die Diphenolase-Aktivität der Tyrosinase formuliert werden. Die beiden Reaktionen der S. antibioticus-Tyrosinase wurden kinetisch analysiert und auf diesem Weg die Aktivität des Enzyms mit jener der sehr gut charakterisierten Tyrosinase aus dem Pilz Agaricus bisporus verglichen. Hierbei wurden signifikante Unterschiede festgestellt, die auf die verschiedenartigen Proteinstrukturen zurückgeführt wurden. Auch konnte gezeigt werden, dass einige sekundäre Pflanzenstoffe, die vor allem in Wein zu finden sind und in ihrer chemischen Struktur den Tyrosinasesubstraten ähnlich sind, die Aktivität dieses Enzyms maßgeblich beeinflussen. Das O2-Transportprotein Hämocyanin aus der Vogelspinne Eurypelma californicum, das wie die Tyrosinase zu der Familie der Typ-3-Kupferproteine gehört, ist nach chemischer Aktivierung zur Phenoloxidase zur enzymatischen Quervernetzung von Proteinen fähig. Die Tatsache, dass diese Quervernetzung auch das Hämocyanin selbst betrifft, sowie der erfolgreiche Nachweis von Hämocyanin in der Kutikula des genannten Organismus, legen die Vermutung nahe, dass die physiologische Funktion von Hämocyanin im Rahmen der Sklerotisierung des Exoskeletts in einer aktiven und passiven Beteiligung an Gerbungsprozessen im Integument besteht.
Die Tyrosinase aus Streptomyces castaneoglobisporus HUT6202 ist für biochemische und strukturelle Untersuchungen besonders gut geeignet, da sie als globuläres binäres Protein vorliegt. Als bakterielles Protein lässt sich die Tyrosinase aus Streptomyces in einen E.coli Expressionsstamm klonieren und exprimieren.rnIn dieser Arbeit wurde die Tyrosinase zusammen mit seinem Hilfsprotein (ORF378) polycistronisch in Escherichia coli BL21 (DE3)-Zellen heterolog exprimiert. Das Produkt der Expression ergab einen funktionellen binären Proteinkomplex, welcher mit einer Ausbeute von bis zu 0,8 mg/L über einen C-terminalen His-Tag sowie eine anschließende Größenausschlusschromatographie auf bis 95 % gereinigt werden konnte.rnDer gereinigte binäre Komplex aus Tyrosinase und Hilfsprotein wurde mit Hilfe isoelektrischer Fokussierung untersucht um die jeweiligen isoelektrischen Punkte der beiden Proteine zu bestimmen (pI 4,8 für die Tyrosinase sowie 4,9 für das Hilfsprotein), welche stark von den anhand der Aminosäuresequenz errechneten pIs abweichen (6,2 und 6,4). Des Weiteren wurde die Tyrosinase auf ihre Substratspezifität getestet, wobei sich ein bevorzugter Umsatz von Kaffeesäure (Km 1,4 mM; Vmax 21.5 µM min-1) und p-Cumarsäure zeigte. Es erfolgte keine Katalyse von Tyrosin und Tyramin sowie nur in geringem Maß von L-Dopa. Darüber hinaus konnte gezeigt werden, dass ein enzymatischer Umsatz nur stattfindet, nachdem die Tyrosinase mit CuSO4 aktiviert wurde. Eine Aktivierung mit SDS konnte nicht beobachtet werden.rnZur Untersuchung der Aktivierung des binären Komplexes lässt sich mit Hilfe dynamischer Lichtstreuung und analytischer Ultrazentrifugation eine Dissoziation des Komplexes in seine monomeren Komponenten nach Aktivierung mit CuSO4 vermuten. Dies würde den bislang hypothetisch angenommenen Mechanismus der Aktivierung der Tyrosinase aus S.castaneoglobisporus bestätigen.rnIn silico-Arbeiten wurden durchgeführt um ein tieferes Verständnis der Substratspezifität zu bekommen. Substrat-Docking-Experimente bestätigten die im Labor erhaltenen Ergebnisse. Eine Strukturanalyse deutet auf eine sterische Hinderung der Substrataufnahme für Substrate mit sekundären Aminogruppen hin. rnAnalysen des Protein-Interface von Tyrosinase und Hilfsprotein konnten kupferfixierende Faltungsmotive an der Oberfläche des Hilfsproteins aufzeigen. Bei diesen handelt es meist um 3-4 polare Aminosäuren, welche in der Lage sind, ein Kupferatom zu fixieren. Durch die Bindung der Kupferatome an die fixierenden Motive werden wahrscheinlich zahlreiche Wasserstoff-brückenbindungen getrennt, welche den Komplex in seiner inaktiven Form stabilisieren.rn
A recombinant metal-dependent phosphatidylinositol-specific phospholipase C (PI-PLC) from Streptomyces antibioticus has been crystallized by the hanging-drop method with and without heavy metals. The native crystals belonged to the orthorhombic space group P222, with unit-cell parameters a = 41.26, b = 51.86, c= 154.78 A. The X-ray diffraction results showed significant differences in the crystal quality of samples soaked with heavy atoms. Additionally, drop pinning, which increases the surface area of the drops, was also used to improve crystal growth and quality. The combination of heavy-metal soaks and drop pinning was found to be critical for producing high-quality crystals that diffracted to 1.23 A resolution.
In a survey of microbial systems capable of generating unusual metabolite structural variability, Streptomyces venezuelae ATCC 15439 is notable in its ability to produce two distinct groups of macrolide antibiotics. Methymycin and neomethymycin are derived from the 12-membered ring macrolactone 10-deoxymethynolide, whereas narbomycin and pikromycin are derived from the 14-membered ring macrolactone, narbonolide. This report describes the cloning and characterization of the biosynthetic gene cluster for these antibiotics. Central to the cluster is a polyketide synthase locus (pikA) that encodes a six-module system comprised of four multifunctional proteins, in addition to a type II thioesterase (TEII). Immediately downstream is a set of genes for desosamine biosynthesis (des) and macrolide ring hydroxylation. The study suggests that Pik TEII plays a role in forming a metabolic branch through which polyketides of different chain length are generated, and the glycosyl transferase (encoded by desVII) has the ability to catalyze glycosylation of both the 12- and 14-membered ring macrolactones. Moreover, the pikC-encoded P450 hydroxylase provides yet another layer of structural variability by introducing regiochemical diversity into the macrolide ring systems. The data support the notion that the architecture of the pik gene cluster as well as the unusual substrate specificity of particular enzymes contributes to its ability to generate four macrolide antibiotics.
The chi63 promoter directs glucose-sensitive, chitin-dependent transcription of a gene involved in the utilization of chitin as carbon source. Analysis of 5′ and 3′ deletions of the promoter region revealed that a 350-bp segment is sufficient for wild-type levels of expression and regulation. The analysis of single base changes throughout the promoter region, introduced by random and site-directed mutagenesis, identified several sequences to be important for activity and regulation. Single base changes at −10, −12, −32, −33, −35, and −37 upstream of the transcription start site resulted in loss of activity from the promoter, suggesting that bases in these positions are important for RNA polymerase interaction. The sequences centered around −10 (TATTCT) and −35 (TTGACC) in this promoter are, in fact, prototypical of eubacterial promoters. Overlapping the RNA polymerase binding site is a perfect 12-bp direct repeat sequence. Some base changes within this direct repeat resulted in constitutive expression, suggesting that this sequence is an operator for negative regulation. Other base changes resulted in loss of glucose repression while retaining the requirement for chitin induction, suggesting that this sequence is also involved in glucose repression. The fact that cis-acting mutations resulted in glucose resistance but not inducer independence rules out the possibility that glucose repression acts exclusively by inducer exclusion. The fact that mutations that affect glucose repression and chitin induction fall within the same direct repeat sequence module suggests that the direct repeat sequence facilitates both chitin induction and glucose repression.
The chromosomal DNA of the bacteria Streptomyces ambofaciens DSM40697 is an 8-Mb linear molecule that ends in terminal inverted repeats (TIRs) of 210 kb. The sequences of the TIRs are highly variable between the different linear replicons of Streptomyces (plasmids or chromosomes). Two spontaneous mutant strains harboring TIRs of 480 and 850 kb were isolated. The TIR polymorphism seen is a result of the deletion of one chromosomal end and its replacement by 480 or 850 kb of sequence identical to the end of the undeleted chromosomal arm. Analysis of the wild-type sequences involved in these rearrangements revealed that a recombination event took place between the two copies of a duplicated DNA sequence. Each copy was mapped to one chromosomal arm, outside of the TIR, and encoded a putative alternative sigma factor. The two ORFs, designated hasR and hasL, were found to be 99% similar at the nucleotide level. The sequence of the chimeric regions generated by the recombination showed that the chromosomal structure of the mutant strains resulted from homologous recombination events between the two copies. We suggest that this mechanism of chromosomal arm replacement contributes to the rapid evolutionary diversification of the sequences of the TIR in Streptomyces.
The structure of the tetrameric K+ channel from Streptomyces lividans in a lipid bilayer environment was studied by polarized attenuated total reflection Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy. The channel displays approximately 43% α-helical and 25% β-sheet content. In addition, H/D exchange experiments show that only 43% of the backbone amide protons are exchangeable with solvent. On average, the α-helices are tilted 33° normal to the membrane surface. The results are discussed in relationship to the lactose permease of Escherichia coli, a membrane transport protein.
We report the isolation of generalized transducing phages for Streptomyces species able to transduce chromosomal markers or plasmids between derivatives of Streptomyces coelicolor, the principal genetic model system for this important bacterial genus. We describe four apparently distinct phages (DAH2, DAH4, DAH5, and DAH6) that are capable of transducing multiple chromosomal markers at frequencies ranging from 10−5 to 10−9 per plaque-forming unit. The phages contain DNA ranging in size from 93 to 121 kb and mediate linked transfer of genetic loci at neighboring chromosomal sites sufficiently close to be packaged within the same phage particle. The key to our ability to demonstrate transduction by these phages was the establishment of conditions expected to severely reduce superinfection killing during the selection of transductants. The host range of these phages, as measured by the ability to form plaques, extends to species as distantly related as Streptomyces avermitilis and Streptomyces verticillus, which are among the most commercially important species of this genus. Transduction of plasmid DNA between S. coelicolor and S. verticillus was observed at frequencies of ≈10−4 transductants per colony-forming unit.
There is increasing evidence to support the notion that membrane proteins, instead of being isolated components floating in a fluid lipid environment, can be assembled into supramolecular complexes that take part in a variety of cooperative cellular functions. The interplay between lipid-protein and protein-protein interactions is expected to be a determinant factor in the assembly and dynamics of such membrane complexes. Here we report on a role of anionic phospholipids in determining the extent of clustering of KcsA, a model potassium channel. Assembly/disassembly of channel clusters occurs, at least partly, as a consequence of competing lipid-protein and protein-protein interactions at nonannular lipid binding sites on the channel surface and brings about profound changes in the gating properties of the channel. Our results suggest that these latter effects of anionic lipids are mediated via the Trp67–Glu71–Asp80 inactivation triad within the channel structure and its bearing on the selectivity filter.
Bibliography: p. 29-31.
Chemical analysis of an Australian Streptomyces species yielded a range of known anthracyclines and biosynthetically related metabolites, including daunomycin (1), E-rhodomycinone (2), 11-hydroxyauramycinone (3), 11-hydroxysulfurmycinone (4), aklavinone (5), bisanhydro-gamma-rhodomycinone (6), and the anthraquinone 7, as well as the hitherto unreported blanchaquinone (8). The structure assigned to 8 was secured by detailed spectroscopic analysis and correlation to known analogues, such as the anthraquinone 7. This account also represents the first natural occurrence of 3, 4, and 7 and the first spectroscopic characterization of 11-hydroxysulfurmycinone (4).